How well would Amazons translate into a modern setting? Assuming you took an ancient Amazonian society...

How well would Amazons translate into a modern setting? Assuming you took an ancient Amazonian society, fast forwarded to modern times, and then tried to integrate them into the rest of society, how well would they fit in? What problems would they have to deal with? How would the laws and governments react?

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They'd fit in about as well as Middle Easterners and Africans are fitting into European society, only with the genders involved reversed.

>Thinly veiled fetish thread



>or Zentraedi fitting into Macross society

>Obvious half-porn in the OP

I mean OP is probably in denial about it but still.

Are they really that culturally incompatible?

Depends on the specific interpretation of them but some commonalities can probably be drawn, baring large scale cultural shift I could see them respecting military service and athletic competition, prone to seeing the female as the breadwinner/leader in a relationship, and might view men a bit patronizingly and/OR might view nonamazon women as less than a woman should be. Laws probably wouldn't be much different though safety standards may have to be tweaked if they skew the average height in humans and they might be punished more harshly if they're quite a bit stronger than most humans, also I could see them being stereotyped somewhat as big and dumb but without a more specific culture/setting you can't really say more.

An all female cult using ancient super steroids that physically alter their bodies to become larger and more muscular than what is normal even for a regular human let alone a regular human woman.

They only take in young women before puberty hits and once they start taking these super steroids they are essentially on it for life which is fine because they are a religious cult anyways.

I mean they murdered or disposed of male babies and carried out mutilation on young girls so yeah.

They're Greek, so in a modern setting they would be in crippling debt.

>>or Zentraedi fitting into Macross society
That could actually be kinda cute the more I think about it

Even in Greek mythology they weren't Greek, they lived on the black sea coast, can't remember if it was the north coast or south coast but it would make them (politically if not ethnically) either Turks, Russians, or Ukrainians.


This. Remove.

I think historians believe the Greeks had meant somewhere in Assyria when the described the location of the Amazons.

I kind of like this, maybe the steroid is derived from plants or even animals native to the region and a special medical process that's only been honed better with time and modern science?

usually, when I imagine a race of peak-physical abilities in a modern setting, I usually imagine they take advantage of their abilities to do things like wield weapons normally meant for vehicles or wear heavier and tougher bodyarmor.

In my specific case, I had imagined the fir bolg of Celtic myth in a modern setting being twelve-foot tall giants who, while lacking magic like the Tuatha, possessed martial skill and physical ability without peer and thus did shit like used GAU-8 Avenger Gatling guns as their heavy machine guns.

Yes. The Amazon cult makes full use of modern science to refine their technique and processes. As they are a warrior religion they make their money as bodyguards and PMC for hire. In spite of their own excetrinc existence they don't tend to be in the lime light by any means and are pratically sovergin on their own land.

if you wanna go full cyberpunk, they could even start using nano-augs and power armor.

Warning: shitposty comment
"Minus four STR don't matter much when base STR is in the triple digits, does it?

Your trip.
Then remove self.

>, I usually imagine they take advantage of their abilities to do things like wield weapons normally meant for vehicles or wear heavier and tougher bodyarmor.
Hadn't thought about that but yeah, and come to think of it most amazon sized weapons would probably be more heavily controlled

REMOVE CRACKAS To Restore Britain To Its Oroginal State. Do not Fuck With Me White Boy I Will Motor Boat Your Hony Gf While You Watch. You Cravkas Habe Controlled Britsin Long rnough. This is a Black Man Land's. We are Not Able To Coexist With Whites At All And Therefore They Must Leave Oir Country. All Muslims as well, Islam Is A Cancer On Black Bodies And Spirits Which Were Intended To Be The Object Of Worship Not Be Worshippers. Do You See

Please do not shit post, if you don't like a thread just let it die

Don't reply to trolls.

I Really dont aee what you mean? It's truem just ad amazons would move into a counry & naturslly removr the invaders with their naturall powers, so an analogy would be with african / afroid peoples such as the negritos and other indigenous types wouldnmove and remove invader. This is a fact. It is established by sociological prove.

This is not well worded. I mean that we ARE amazons. See? You dont need to hypothesise, you just look at examples from NATURE

I thought they met up with an all male tribe, had sex, and then handed the male babies to that tribe and kept the female babies for themselves?

Might be one of those things that vary by tribe?
Would probably lead to a culture of amazon mothers showing favoritism towards their daughters

This is kind of fetishy but maybe they get into fights with guys and the one who puts up the most resistance they rape (they are from a rapist culture after all). That would probably cause a few problems I imagine.

Sisters of Battle, maybe?


>Should go back to /pol/

It's a serious question, heck, the picture ain't even porn.

>It's a serious question, heck, the picture ain't even porn.
I get the feeling that there's either a core group of shitposters or really, REALLY deluded people that make a habit of hanging around Veeky Forums looking for anything that could even vaguely seem fetishistic and make it their goal to fling shit for ....some bizarre reason

But yeah, onto OP's question, I hate to say it depends but amazons are rather nebulous all things considered, at the very least though you'd probably soon see fashion and furnishings geared towards them assuming they're bigger than human women, I could see a lot of them in careers that allow them to take advantage of greater than normal strength too, like construction or loading/unloading, that sort of thing

This is pretty good.

Respectfully, they're freaks, so they'd have a hard time fitting in if they appeared out of nowhere, or it was suddenly that some infant girls grew freakishly large as they matured.

Either way there would be pushback, one of the defining characteristics of amazons is their competitiveness and unwillingness to back down, which coupled with the fact they have the size to back it up would likely lead quickly to stereotypes that they're all violent, imbecilic brutes.

The same as any old culture that doesn't understand modern society. What makes them special? Why do they need special consideration?

>What makes them special?
Well your pic provides one answer
If nothing else ergonomics will have to be rethought somewhat

But those women in the picture are already here.

Desert Amazon is here

>What problems would they have to deal with?
Door frames.

Cry harder, kiddo.

>a race of peak-physical abilities
. . . Why do you think they would STAY in peak physical abilities?

It's called a "peak" for a reason.

>Assuming you took an ancient Amazonian society, fast forwarded to modern times, and then tried to integrate them into the rest of society, how well would they fit in?
They'd have to learn to poop indoors. It's an honestly disgusting idea if you're not familiar with plumbing.

As for integration, you can essentially look at how actual tribes from the amazon have dealt with being introduced to semi-modern society. IE, shittily.

Amazonposters should be expunged

Amazons were based on the Sarmatians, who were Eastern Iranic steppe nomads, favoring horsemanship and archery. The stereotypical scythian garb of the Amazons in greek art, as well as their weapons (the bow and "sagaris" - a scythian axe), shows this clearly.

Its correct that the greeks thought they lived north of the Black Sea - but that area was at the time inhabited by Scythians and Sarmatians; not Slavs or Turks. Later on, tons of additions and modifications were made to the myths, however.

That said, the story of the Sarmatians partially descending from Amazons having kids with other tribes was probably the way Greeks rationalized the Sarmatians having a sizable number of women as warriors (around 20%), and a large number of their nobility as women - something totally alien to the Greco-Roman world, and worthy fuel for art and fantasy of that time. They were also noted for being tall and well-built - but that's just a consequence of not being agricultural people - steppe nomads from the Cumans to the Manchus have always been healthy compared to their settled neighbors.

>They were also noted for being tall and well-built - but that's just a consequence of not being agricultural people - steppe nomads from the Cumans to the Manchus have always been healthy compared to their settled neighbors.
Someone make a meme about the virgin farmer and the chad nomad.

There's already plenty of those on Veeky Forums

Best amazons

In Scion, Amazons are a recognized ethnic group that is just sort of around. You can meet one walking down the street. They're not exactly common, but they're regular-ass people.

So my question is, would a height/muscle fetish be considered a race fetish in that universe? It's not like you only jerk it to Amazons, they just happen to have the traits you like.

I'd say thy're doing well for themselves. The CEO is worth $105.1 billion, so, I don't really understand the question here OP...

>Giants using Aircraft cannons as machine guns

That's like half the reason I love the idea of modern amazons
Other half is admittedly musclegirls

When I said 'armored like a tank' I think you misheard me.
I did not say 'they are armored in the manner that a tank would be armored if it was human'.
I said 'they are wearing literal tank armor'.
Great recycling of the old Shermans. Still got some trouble with converting the cannons to Amazon-portability though. They still need two people to set-up and fire the damned things.

Just how big are your amazons anyways?

Welp, I looked up the sauce on OP’s pic...

That was a mistake.

Considering that there's a relatively fine line between the limit of man-portable firearms and where military light machineguns start, they wouldn't need to be all that big.

go back to /b/ retard

They're quite submissive if you can beat them.

I only got some sort of music video, didn't bother watching it, if it was what you found.
Around that big I'd guess, and also that picture is very cute. Cuddly giants best giants.

were amazons were always 10 feet tall?

So their "conservatives" and everyone else's will spend a couple hundred years squabbling while everyone else just prays they'll shut the fuck up. Got it.

Nah, probably closer to 6. Greeks and Romans were just manlets.

I think it varied a bit between killing male babies and just dumping them on their fathers, but giving away their sons is still disposing of them.

5'11" vs 6'

>but that area was at the time inhabited by Scythians and Sarmatians
So Iranians.

Those are outliers though, its different when an entire group is like that.

They run the gambit from 8 feet to 12 feet tall. The shorter ones are usually found on the front lines, providing fire support for other, smaller units. The larger ones operate in more logistical roles, transporting supplies and battlefield engineering.

I imagine it would be a role reversal. Hundreds of thousands of amazonion moving to countries and muscling in on normal womens competition. Then suddenly all these #'noborders women will find they're conservative and that immigration is bad.

Imagine how an assault rifle custom-made for a 12 foot human would be. Like a 50 cal gun + grenade and rocket launcher with large magazines. Giant soldiers would be able to carry heavy guns and probably have full plate armor that would make them invulnerable to most weapons and they could also cover huge distances.
But they would be huge targets that would be more difficult to hide than regular soldiers and wouldn't be able to get inside most buildings.

I would also imagine that some of the men would be on board too since some guys do get frightened at the aspect of a sexually aggressive female. Also train molestation become role reversed.

They'd have to travel with escorts, protecting them from AGGMs, and snipers.

Wait so do the amazons have male children or are they born all female?

There are technically amazons around, just not warriors. Women born with a XXX cromosome retain fertility but are noticeably taller, more muscular and have larger legs than their more average counterparts.

Of course, historical amazons were warrior women that were able horseriders, but you can bet your ass there must be some population in the world where the XXX anomaly is more common for some reason (plus stronger, because fantasy amazons ought to have a denser muscular structure).

So, they'd integrate just as well as normal women would IF they were not crazy isolationists (every culture that has been at some point is integrated except for those island natives that spear you if you get close). Supose an hybrid between greek, low sumerian and everything in between culturally, most likely they would be small pockets of stronger women very much into sports, with a cosmopolitan point of view. Why so open? Because a lot of males from other cultures would want them as wives, either people that hope to have stronger descendants or just niggas that like to be womanhandled.

I would love to be molested by an 8-foot tall, sexually aggressive woman.

>Symptoms may include tall stature, vertical skin folds that may cover the inner corners of the eyes (epicanthal folds), poor muscle tone, and a curve in the 5th finger towards the 4th.[2] There may also be a small head (microcephaly).[5]
I dunno, doesn't sound like my femdom fantasies

Some would interbreed. Others wouldn't. Human pop back to normal within a couple generations

this is basically my life with my BF, He's short for a guy and I'm tall for a woman so he ended up about half a foot shorter than I am. In public, I'm usually the one making decisions and controlling things, but in the bedroom, I'm super submissive.

What is your opinion on men shorter than you out of curiosity?
>be me
>could have had a tall nerdy grill in high school
>shared the same interests. She got me into wargaming practically
>be an absolute cunt to her bc I fancied her friend and thought she was overly attached to me
>they all hate me now, and after 4 years they still glare at me when run into them
>TFW when all I want to do is make it up to them and apologize
>TFW I'm now confessing this on a covert fetish thread in a supposed tg forum

You seem to be confusing Amazons with Half-giants.

Six of one, half dozen of the other.

We're amazons ever described as being larger than men in antiquity or that just a modern trope?

I'm 5'10", so there's a lot of guys that are my height and shorter so I got used to it pretty quickly. My first BF was about 5'4" too. I like short nerdy guys, I guess. My older sister hates me and says I stole all the tall genes because she's 4'11"

No. They were tall for women and very warlike, but not taller than average men. They were not giantesses. Sorry, fethishfags.

Jokes on you, that's still my fetish

In prefer 8ft, 10ft is about my limit.

>tfw from a family of goliaths, all 5'10 to 6'4"
>tfw we have that one sister who's a foot shorter than everyone else
>tfw she's so funny when she gets mad

it's the opposite in my family, I'm actually taller than my dad.

Wouldn't sex with such tall women be akward?

Depends on the position

Autists don't let reality interfere with their fetish material.

In contrast to healthy individuals, who carefully construct fantasies only to the highest standards of realism and probability.

Also, we've read enough shota to have a pretty good idea of how this is gonna go.

Not if you get creative.

>those island natives that spear you if you get close
The "Sentinelese", for those who haven't heard of them.

Why do you think their so aggressive to outsiders?

Men don't really think the same way user, if women molested men on trains most of the guys would love it. It's kind of like how a male teacher banging a female student is molestation and scarring to the child, but a female teacher banging a male student makes him one lucky boy.

>if women molested men on trains most of the guys would love it

As someone who was molested.

No, they would not. Real life is not porn.

I kind of doubt men would, especially ones who happened to be married. You do realize there has been cases of women sexually harassing and assaulting men before, it's just rarely reported out of two factors.

1. The victim believes that when it comes to she said/ he said, her word would be trusted more.

2. Getting sexually harassed or assaulted is already embarrassing especially considering that it's a guy getting raped by a girl, which causes him to feel emasculated.

Pic related is my dad. Plz no bully
He was also in the military for most of his life
His mother comes from a place which translates to "place of little people"

>muscling in