Am I just lucky?

I'm a poor fag. I started out with $220 on December 12th, but now my portfolio is worth around $730. Is this portfolio good or did I just get lucky with moon trips?

over diversified. those gains are pretty standard when everything is mooning

my moms doing better than you and she put money in on the 3rd of dec. u autistic user?

Looks good user but if you're poor you should probably only invenst in 2-3 coins max, you might lose but you'll gain a lot more if you win.

did good cut it to four though

What do you think I should cut out? I think maybe LINK or BAT, the other three seem okay to me. Do you guys agree?
>tripled my money in a month

Also as a side note, how long do you guys think it would take me to get to $5,000?

all depends on you making the right moves. No doubt it will be harder than it would have been last year though

lol you tripled 200 dollars, relax.

>what luck looks like



started in early december with 1kish

What app is that? Its even uglier than blockfolio


You didnt even get lucky.

Those gains are so small for crypto investments. I started with $800 a month ago now its $5.5k and i honestly think it should be more.

Thanks for using my app OP. Love you xoxo

find more money to put in immediately

I started with 600$ in november, now onlu 1000$ wtf am i doing wrong? I have it split between 12ish coins, and 300eth and 200ltc

Started with 1k very end of November. You are either lucky or genius like me.

: OP is a part of a pump and dump discord. This is a pump and dump scheme from the get go. DO NOT FALL FOR IT

discord = NBFeXKF

Check that discord for yourself...

Your portfolio is way too diverse. Go all in on 1-2 coins to see 10x profit. Invest some of that profit in safe holds, then continue to use the rest in short term coins to get 10x. Easy $.

Had like 50/50 in OMG and XRB

Bought OMG at $8.50 and XRB at $3

Can we also start banning these discord fags

What was your original investment?
Bitrift, it's really nice honestly. Blockfolio is a bit too ugly for me to use.
Your app is beautiful friend. I got a few suggestions if you have an email or something I can contact you with?
I don't even have a discord...
Please... I mean I understand why they do it. Some servers have like monthly competitions where the most invites gets something like 0.1 BTC, but jfc it's annoying.

Honestly I feel like you people should pay me just to see my investments. This took 1000 hours

What app is this user?

Bitrift. A lil clunky since it's new but probably the best portfolio app out right now. The dev lurks on Veeky Forums, he's a cool guy. He posted in the thread actually which is pretty neat.

Not sure if you guys are retarded but I started with 400usd December 15th. You literally just have to follow Veeky Forums shills, but ignore the shills that spam over and over because they're PnD groups.

Great app user. Just downloaded, digg is UX

scrolling through the graph is b l i s s

I wish the graph was a bit more user friendly. Everything else nice.

I didn't even know there was a pie graph... I meant the price graphs when you click a coin or the graph of your portfolio.

>Am I just lucky?

No. You'd have to try extremely or be extremely retarded in order to not double your money in this insane bullmarket. Close to 90% of shitcoins have 2-10x'd in the last month.

BAT is the only one you should keep.

Fucking hell I started the same time with 1.4k and I'm sitting at only 5k now good job

2 bitcoins,


I started with 400 around the same time and I'm at 1500 now

Call me a shill but POE, XLM, and ADA


what do you mean by that you little faggot?
Lets see yours!

>market cap doubles since dec 12
>user gains 220%
It's not bad, but really nothing to brag about

Tfw used to hold POE at 45 sats but sold for ICX