Would it be too edgy to have a character who suffers from cancer or other terminal illness and is bitter as fuck...

Would it be too edgy to have a character who suffers from cancer or other terminal illness and is bitter as fuck because no matter how the quest goes there will be no happy end for him anyway?

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I'd think you've just seen Breaking Bad before I'd think you're being edgy there.

>not getting a happy ending
I'd say getting rich before you die is a much better fate than just dying in shit, he had his 5 minutes

>So this campaign takes place in a post-apocalyptic setti-
>"Oh, just like Fallout New Vegas!"

Yes because it prevents him from having the motivation to go on.
Do the opposite instead, no matter what happens he rejoices, because it's better to die for a noble cause than a slithering sickness.

He needs to have some underlying reason for adventuring to round him out. Maybe he's raising money for an orphanage back home, or wants to ensure he's remembered by taking out a tryant or terrible beast. Just being a miserable git is less edgy than it is depressing for the other players.

not really as long as you flesh out the character a bit more

No, it does not rule out a motivation. He could work to earn money for family, fight for a cause he believes is worthy, or even be looking to earn his way into a divine intervention.

Alternatively the quest offers some hope of a cure in some way shape or form or is a method of redemption.

I've done something similar, ironically with leprosy instead of cancer.

Sadly my DM was shit at the time and never seemed to craft any situation where it would be relevant after the first few sessions.

I thought about cure being his motivation altough a cure for others as his state is too advanced to save him.

I've got a character with such a problem... however it's a red herring and their class feature will cure them fairly early on. Rather than playing a depressive fuck whose life is going to be cut short, I thought it'd be fun to play someone who had actually been given their life back.
... Unfortunately, I have to actually get to that class feature first. Thankfully they're good at hiding the edge / in denial that they've accepted their fate... so I'm still enjoying it. Having the occasional edgy moment is fine.

Depends on how you take it. If he is all that, then acts like a faget at any opportunity because of it it would be bad. If he was all that and took it in stride and struggled along with dignity while occasionally having a justified gripe or something, thats good.

It can be edgy or cheesy, depending on the way the character acts.
A warrior that wants to do good deeds before the end of his journey could make for some good cheese and ham.

Evil versions are easier to go edgy.
A thief who wants to just get some money to be able to die in debauchery or die trying.
A swordsmen that wants to go on a suicide mission since he is dying anyway in an attempt to kill a local dictator and kill anyone on it's way.
In a future setting you can have a replicant that is almost at the expiring date and has nothing to lose anymore and wants to go out in a blast.

At least they didn’t say 3 or 4.

Yes it would be too edgy.

So what is his motivation for going on adventures then?

Personally, I would play a character with terminal illness as a thrill junky. The PC would have nothing to lose.

Go in first to see if there is a trap? Sure! Bait the dragon? Count on me! Mooning dark elves in the Underdark? No fucking way. I'm suicidal, not stupid.

>his entire family hates him
>his brother-in-law is dead because of him
>his only friend, Jesse, is now mentally damaged and hates him as well
>the money to fight cancer and take care of his family was on the table from the very beginning if he hadn't been too prideful to accept charity
Yeah, I'd say he had a pretty shitty ending

Best 3d fallout

Our boy the Leper here is based off of some real life leper king. he wanders into a hamlet suffering from eldritch horrors and dedicates his remaining days to pushing back the endless monsters coming from the dungeon of a mansion some guy left behind after a portal to lovecraft hell opens by 'accident'.

the Lepers lore and lines in-game are great.

>"Spare the others, I am ready."

Why is Leper so damn based?

The Ancestor knew what he was getting into, he kept going because he was bored

He's truly to good for this dark world.
Also why is the leper so good at making the heart of darkness his bitch

Depends on the system and the setting.

> DnD anything
The cleric cast Restoration and your character theme goes to waste.

Why make him bitter? Make him a fearless warrior who does not care about dying in battle because he knows he is dying anyways.

Personally I avoid making depressed, bitter, or 24/7 angry characters because it's just not fun to roleplay with.

>was pretty clearly taken alive and will stand trial for what he did
Can't forget that part.

>Cleric casts Cure Disease

The .pdf of the original script says something along the lines of, "the police officers close in around him, but they are too late. Walt has already escaped."
He dies without ever being caught.

I feel like your pic is one of the only good ways to play such a character.
>ailment contributes to his character (ostracized by society due to his aspect)
>loved as a man and as a king, according to the comic
>some ritual states that he must adventure
>"Spare the others; I am ready."

I've got a better idea

I thought of Thomas Covenant Books when you mentioned this.

I'll let you in on a secret, user: There is no happy end for any of us. In the end, everyone dies.

Try not to kill yourself before your time.

"edgy" is a buzzword anyway, don't think too hard about it

>Taking leprosy because it means you don't feel as much pain in combat

>Anything else than min-maxing piece of shit player.