Post good cards that are underrated
>hurr but muh Deathrite Shaman or whatever is better than those cards
Yes, that's exactly why it's an underestimated cards thread
>pic related, Blistercoil Weird

Other urls found in this thread:


you can do a really fun storm-esque combo with this guy

Modern I assume? Cause I like Disrupt in my more casual legacy brews, great card for catching people off - guard

Scute Mob

I'm building a Modern deck that's exactly like that
The core of the deck is pretty close to Storm, but with a shitload of cantrips, 1 mana spells, Blistercoil Weird and Monastery Swiftspear
I'm thinking of building a casual deck using Blistercoil Weird and Paradise Mantle
Turn 1: land, blistercoil, paradise mantle
Turn 2: land, pay 1: equip. Tap Blistercoil, cast cantrip, untap, keep casting cantrips, buffing Blistercoil, cast the last one with the untapped land, untap blistercoil, attack
Well, whatever you want to post
I assume most people here play Modern, but I play mainly Pauper, Legacy and EDH
I'm building a Modern deck because that's what most people play


i'm conviced this cardu have some potential

Leaves turn 5, comes right back turn 6

This card is bonkers in cube

Just read the goddamn thread
Underrated cards, not overpowered cards
It could be built around, sure, but maybe the restrictions (both the Arcane one, and the creature aura one) get in the way of playing it consistently and with good cards
Have you ever tried a deck built around it?
It'd be nice to see it work
I don't quite get the turn 5/turn 6 thing
Care to explain?

Hard to count Mantle as its a core part of paladin.

The Embalm ability. You can play it from the gy turn 6.

Oh, right
Sounded like getting it to the graveyard was part of some strategy
Yeah, a bit hard to find


Can't call it underrated when it had a deck based around it.


Play this with delaying shield = no damage
Play this with phyrexian unlife = you can't lose
Play this with Dark Depths = instantly resolves

- Tasigur, rare played in different decks, not gonna get reprinted anytime soon, still less than 2 bucks

- Whir of Invention, rare necessary for Lantern Control, not gonna get reprinted anytime soon, still 1 buck

- Kitesail Freebooter, uncommon necessary for Humans, not gonna get reprinted anytime soon, still less than 1 buck

- Thespian's Stage, rare necessary for Dark Depths decks, not gonna get reprinted anytime soon, under 3 bucks

These are the ones I would invest in. And yeah, these are underestimated, price-wise.

First three without a doubt, but so long as Depths remains banned in Modern Stage shouldn't go much higher.

you can add in the under 2 buck list who is way underpriced for the moment :
- Solemnity
- Ramunap Excavator
- Avatar of the Resolute
- Eldrazi Displacer
- Hissing Quagmire
- Goblin Dark-Dwellers
- Lotleth Troll
- Matter Reshaper
- Mayor of Avabruck
- Mindbreak Trap
- Herald of Anguish
- Prized Amalgam
- Proclamation of Rebirth
- Quicksilver Fountain
- Rally the Ancestors
- Return to the Ranks
- Samut, Voice of Dissent
- Shaman of the Great Hunt
- Strangleroot Geist
- Thalia, Heretic Cathar
- Thalia's Lieutenant

and special guest (bcuz he is a lil bit over the price tag) :
- Tireless Tracker

Looking at Blackcleave Cliffs I would say that buying all the Kaladesh fastlands now would be a VERY wise investment.

To add, it might be too late to wait until Kaladesh rotates out.

i love your list bud

>kills a creature on ETB
>5/6 flying for 5
>The sac isn't even a downside with grave recursion
>His head is made of fire

Then why is Depths still 25 bucks even if it's only playable in Legacy?
Care to expand and explain why those are good investments? What are the ones that will spike the most for you?

>Then why is Depths still 25 bucks even if it's only playable in Legacy?

Price memory.

Blistercoil has decks based around it too.

This card is my favorite for weird underestimated shenanigans. I run an entire modern deck off of this, Myr Landshaper, Oxidize, and the occasional Viridian Corrupter and Fog to keep things rolling.

Excellent taste. I wish Shadowborn Apostle wasn't as expensive as it is, I'd love to run a deck that's just nothing but that, those, and swamps.

Turbo Depths has 6% and Lands has 4% of the meta in Legacy on MTGgoldfish. I would buy Thespian's Stage now that's still 3 bucks, it's really the only thing in the deck that can spike.

An actual list run by a pro in a big tournament?

>Shadowborn Apostle
I'm honestly surprised it's like 2bux average nonFoil, but that's not too expensive.

yeah, it's not, but it's still just enough that I can't casually buy a hundred of them and play janky, janky commander like I want.

>play UW Spirits
>struggle against CoCo, Humans, and E-Tron
>realize all my creatures happen to have a base power 2 or less
>sideboard in two
>now I have a practically one-sided sweeper that can get all of my dead spirits back into hand one-turn later if needed

I wish creatures now had interesting mechanics like this and not be all etb value based

Basically being able to dig through your entire library 5 cards at a time is pretty great desu

Flashback? No
Delirium? No
Spellheart Chimera/Enigma Drake? No

>when shadowborn demon enters the battlefield...

>its own win con, with constant value mill
>feeds 3 of my shenanigan decks
>looks baller

mesmeric orb ftw

It's like a clone, except you can sometimes get a guy to quit because you wanted two Craterhoofs (Craterhooves?) and he apparently has no backup plan

Steal someone else's cards right off the top of their deck, cast it with ease, block their biggest attacker with deathtouch because they're annoyed you can now play with their toys, what's not to like?

Storm players HATE her!

And this shit is why I play Tempest of Light and Patrician's Scorn

5 sacs 2 win

if this was 4 mana i would like it
even without the fabricate i would like it
but 6 is just prohibitive jesus

What about permeating mass? Makes creatures it touches worthless without putting them in the graveyard, under $2

Hi Brandon.

oh look, it's a bad thornweald archer

Damn that's spicy.

This card was only reallyundervalued in standard, but boy did it do work. Grisly Salvage at the end of your opponent's turn and then windmill slamming this bad boy turn 3 was satisfying. Curved perfectly into Whip or Jarrad that way too.

Doesn't work often, but it's one of those cards that can win the game on the spot depending on what you get.

I ran a pretty great mono-g stompy list in THS-KTK standard. Pic related would consistently pump by at least 5 because of all the GG in the CMCs like Avatar of the Resolute, Surrak the hunt caller, boon satyr, courser of cruphix, and others.

mah niggu
+ the artwork is gorgeous

computer aided art is so bland dude
if they got Rebecca Guay to paint it it would be gorgeous

>cycles for "free"
>see threats coming
>pitch to force
This card should be banned in legacy. I play it as a 4-of in monoblack reanimator just because it's a damn fine filter/check.

Big dumb ramp in general. I always thought of it as a newbie trap until I played omnidoor thragfire in standard. What a deck.

>with ease
What if it's expensive?

This is not underrated at all.

Gets a lot of decks, at worst a 3/1 flyer on someones endstep.

It's nice how it's a triggered ability and not a spell.

>you don't control

what the hell
this is already so limited why would they need to limit it any more?

If you have a card with an ability that triggers when you cycle, and there was no other target, you would have to counter your own ability.

A "you may" in there would accomplish the same effect in terms of avoiding that outcome, wouldn't it?

Artifact Tutor for 2U and a 2/2 body. If Tron wasn't 'locked' into G/R due to meta cards they'd use this.

I mean shit I've played momo-U tron. It's pretty fun.

Then you could use it to counter "you lose" triggers.

Yeah, I do think that kind of thing is the actual reason it's worded that way.

And the flavor text. Great card.

Same with this guy.

>He's riding on a Steel Hellkite

It's the small details.

I used to play this guy as a 2-of in my BG "Dredge" deck back in RTR/THS standard. Dude was so fucking good it was insane. Since in the course of the game, by the time you casted this guy you would have 10+ creatures in the yard, so it had no real drawback.

Tbh that was one of my favorite decks to play of all time.

How do I improve this


Isn't basically a better Counterspell or am I just wrong about the rules?

Wait, I forgot it can't target permanent spells, sorry

how many non state based "you lose" triggers are there? and why would being able to counter your own non state based triggers be a bad thing? even the card itself?

thats like saying pic related needs those specifics

Red extra turn cards.

thats not an explanation, just a noun

It's an answer to your first question.

sure, but the actual question is why does card need the "you don't control" specific

all those are the questions that point out it doesn't need it, i already know there are non state based triggers, the question is why does that card need to be restricted that way

You're in black.

I think they just do their best to avoid bullshit combos slipping by them.

What format does black have lots of ramp in where Gonti is also viable?

No they don't

I had a landfall deck that featured Ranger of Eos and Scute Mob back when Zendikar first came out. It was pretty good.

They do, they just aren't very good at it.

they don't do thier best ever
they know which %90 of cards will be banned before printing
its intentional

>what is commander

So you can block all my slivers? Well ok lol.
This guy has given me more games than any of my other meathooks/squidheads. I hope they reprint it with classic sliver art in the next Dominaria expansion.

>deadly recluse is harder to kill
>attack power makes no difference when using deathtouch

You okay, user?


Looks to me like you're trying a little too hard to get the splinter without a valid wincon in case they're running multiple colors or you can't draw it. Cut the acidic slimes for some Tel Jilaid Justice's, and throw in a couple Trepannation Blades to cut them down once you start blowing up stuff. You don't even really need Mycosynth Lattice too since you can use the liquimetals to spot-transform anything, and I would cut Copper Myr for some more traditional cheap elves for ramp like Elvish Mystic or Llanowar Elves.

Viridian Revel might also be good to keep your card draw up, and I would sideboard something nice and stompy like a Rust Scarab or a Molder Beast in the even you really need some punch.

Very little removal or flying creatures care about the difference in toughness, but Thorn can do offense if need be while the spider is stuck purely defensive.


storm crow

Imma noob player so I dont understand why this isnt played everywhere to thin out any deck?

>5 mana
>last top 8 had a total of 4 cards that cost more than 3 cmc

it is. It's banned in modern, too old for standard, legacy loves it. The 2 life is a bit problematic but not that big a deal in legacy because people rarely kill you by exact damage (usually combo kill, lock you out of the game and swing with creatures, storm mill out your library, etc.)

Not sure if vintage loves it or not but I wouldn't be surprised

what about pauper? why dont elves run in in place of some of the mana elves for example?

How often are you going to use thorn to attack? The whole point to have a two cost creature with deathtouch and reach is for defense.

This guy is the epitome of "looks pretty meh in a vacuum but wins games" for me. I have him in my Edgar EDH deck and every time I've summoned him a player is eliminated that turn. Being able to knock out two blockers is really huge, especially if someone is turtling behind a couple really nasty monsters and fuck all else.

I think I ran two in Mentor. I definitely Mental Misstepped at least one turn one Probe.

Also this guy.
I know galerider is better but being able to play a copy of it + 4 galeriders makes your guys virtually unblockable.


Splinter is super good. I dont understand why it's so cheap.

Splinter + anything that turns permanets into artifacts = god tier