>charisma-based intimidation checks
Charisma-based intimidation checks
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Yeah, what.
>Intimidation is ONLY charisma based
First thing my group houseruled out of 5E
Are you sure about that?
>he’s never been Chadtimidated
I find that very unlikely
>he don't know charismatic people know how to scare people
They can manipulate people in so many different ways.
It has in-built variant rules for that. There's a section on using other stats as a base for skills.
One example was a character swimming for long periods of time, and it was deemed to be a CON (Athletics) check, and the other example was a STR (Intimidate)
>CHA can't be used to intimidate
It's almost like you need empathy to understand others fears.
Overly detailed attempts at intimidation are cringey. Something like this is fare more intimidating that someone going on and on and on about all the ways they will torture you.
>He can't use Charisma to Intimidate these doubles into existence.
I'm intimidated by a comic where there's more text than images.
This is an unedited panel from a recent Marvel Comic.
Marvel is the best
That’s still more detailed than “I will shit in you.”
no..no thats not true, thats some tumblr artist
Correction: That is some tumblr artist that got paid by Marvel to write and illustrate a published issue for them.
>this changes the fact that it's shit
answer me this, Veeky Forums
When your sorry NEET ass goes to a job interview and you feel intimidated, what stat did they use?
Indeed, user. Indeed.
Ressources or contacts.
Gunboat diplomacy does nor require much skill.
It requires even less STR or CON scores.
intimidation is Manipulation + Intimidation when entirely verbal or Dexterity/Strength + Intimidation when Physical...
Thats so bad.
It should be STR, and just give players bonuses for other things.
This is what it looks like when someone is using cha to intimidate.
This. I'd say you could have a Intimidation (Str) check. Have them flex their muscles or lift some heavy shit.
But you don't just have to be strong to be intimidating. You could intimidate someone with social power you have. Like threatening to tell their boss or something
>what stat did they use
Authority, also known as Power. Same stat drill sergeants you when they scream at your ass.
I believe thats called diplomacy/bluff.
Not in 5e me old matey
Man, it's been a long time since I saw anyone indirectly reference the "I award you one internets" meme.
Okay, now what do I roll to start cutting my self deeply in the face as look him dead in the eyes? What do you roll for putting a gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger and gazing into his very soul. What stat is that?
Performance (Con) obviously. Constitution to see whether you cry like a bitch
Okay.. Thats the first one, but what does con have to do with russian rouletteing in front of them.
Also what would smearing shit on your weapon be?
>When you make a pilot episode so good there's nothing more to tell.
That's to see if you fall like an ancient oak or if your corpse does something embarrassing like twitch like a fish or shit yourself or fall in a funny position.
Depends, is it actually loaded? if not Deception or Performance. If it is then just an ordinary Charisma Intimidation check. I dont see why Russian Rouletting in front of someone to intimidate them would not be associated with Charisma in some way
We run it as a hidden dice roll to see what chamber the bullets in.
Because your not talking, or anything really.
>Intimidated by text
Shouldn't you be at your normal board of vidya then, brainlet?
So? I wouldn't be intimidated by some sperg putting a gun in his mouth trying to convince me he's crazy, you need some force of personality to pull it off
t. Rich Burlew
Comic book is a visual medium.
>be ugly ass giant monster with low charisma
>cant intimidate for shit because of this idiocy
>there's no difference between scaring someone and coercing them
The intimidate skill is the mugger convincing you to hand over your money instead of running, not whether or not he has a weapon.
>When Intimidation is a skill unto itself
It's like they're intentionally invoking one of the hypotheses for Liefeld's early success, where selling something anyone in your audience could make appeals to them on the idea that they are also artists.
If a game has a skill list it is pure garbage and not worth playing.
It sure as hell wasn't Charisma. And fuck you for suggesting it.
I had spent 8 months job hunting, completed the Seetec program, and this was the first ever interview I had gotten. I was new blood out of college and no one wanted to hire anyone without 8 years of employment under their belt. This was during the recession. A lot was riding on me getting this job because we were having trouble affording the bills. I was intimidated because this fucking idiot of an employer (he was dumb) was the one who decided whether I became homeless. I got the job. I don't remember those 2 years very fondly.
So take your failed attempt at an argument and shove it up your ass.
>Not using silent Charisma and three or four more levels to intimidate your opponents
I guess you shouldn't have gotten that job because the post you referred made it clear that ANY stat as the basis for intimidation is just wrong.
For correct answers see:
What would you base the entirety of Clint Eastwood's spaghetti western career off of, if not Charisma? The man could scowl a deputy into accepting his leadership after the last sheriff got shot to death by a band of bandits.
...yeah? You're talking when you intimidate, that's gonna be one of the social stats
>This is an unedited panel from a recent Marvel Comic.
Bitch please. I should track down that 90s Image comic where the baddie delivers five full paragraphs of exposition WHILE LEAPING TOWARD HIS OPPONENT.
Sounds like he just had a really high situational bonus. Imagine if he was -trying- to intimidate applicants, would he do better or just as well if he was charismatic?
Why the fuck /co/ decided to throw their garbage here? Its not enough to never complain about SJWs in that board, but have to bring this shit here too?
That makes no sense.
at the very least i feel barbs should get intimidation as a str skill
We're already a cesspit for /pol/, /v/, /a/, and /r9k/, we might as well let /co/ shit in as well. Maybe we'll start to bring in some drawfags again like the good ol' days.
Liek most of the roll modifier came from circumstances, but a clown could have still botched the intimidation roll. You know?