Where does your character in your current game belong on this chart?
Where does your character in your current game belong on this chart?
Do players suffering under bad GMs count too?
non-ant sized chart
I would probably say 60-90 in how much they deserve it and 20-40 in suffering. He's a chaos follower of Slaanesh who enjoys all forms of excess drugs, sex, casual torture, the thrill of battle, gluttony. Nothing says excess like eating liver from a fattened, force fed human.
>Slaanesh follower
>20-40 suffering
feel like it should probably be a bit higher but i suppose it all varies really
Then would way a 30 for me to play Shadowrun with a German GM who is new an I knew the risk.
I would put the suffering at 65 because the German autism is no joke.
It it's RAW it is LAW and Shadowrun 5e doesn't work.
He personally hasn't suffered much. Former son of an Imperial aristocrat, spent most of his time before joining the party fucking over poor people and former allies for personal gain.
My warlock Paladin, suffering is probably 65-70. Deserved it is a solid 45.
>Currently playing in a Vampire the Masquerade game.
>Malkavian Grunge/Metal Rocker (former drummer in a metal band and moved to Seattle to do Grunge music when her band fell apart) from the early 90s turned when she was 19.
>Camarilla takes over Seattle in the 90s, talks of killing vampires not created in the traditions starts flowing around, along with killing thinbloods.
>When being introduced to the Prince, is asked if they have any concerns.
>She tells the Prince to knock off the killing thinbloods and those not made in the traditions. Gets sire held hostage while she's forced to do ten deeds to free her.
>Deeds made to make those who might have seen her as a martyr or hero instead see her as a lapdog of the Prince. Except she still turns it around and gains support from Anarchs and even a few of the Cam Clans.
>Finishes 9 deeds, then told her 10th deed is to kill her sire.
>Instead, with the help of the Anarchs and Clans, kills the Prince instead.
>Civil War then between the Anarchs and the now Princeless Camarilla.
>She becomes the Poster Child of the Anarchs.
>War ends with Anarch defeat, she's banned from Seattle by new Prince.
>20 years later, her sire is missing since the war, she's now in NYC, where Nosferatu Prince and Clan go missing due to beast hunting them.
>New Prince forces her and a mixed crew to find them.
>Nearly dies when the Beast attacks the crew.
>Currently is trying to get out of the crew and the politics but keeps being dragged in by outside forces.
>Might be helping a Venture acting as a Harpy to take the role of Prince from the current one.
So I would say Suffering is a solid 50, not as bad as it has been, but not even close to good. Deserved It... 40? She made mistakes (Seattle took place less than a year after her Embrace) but can't seem to keep them from coming back at her.
Me the player/my Eldrin cleric (Christian god btw) because him/I got teleported to and are trapped in a generic fantasy world based off an anime that has nothing but humans and anime waifu bullshit. Full of dark souls references and "oh no i frill on u" jokes. Fighting le edgey re-skinned anime trope monsters/ original character do not steal, along side a retarded dragonborn, a fellow eladrin but is a heathen. an ugly teifling, and 2 humans. A 6 man mistake of a game where combat turns take hours and the paladin is a power gamer and does nearly 100 damage if he sets up right. SOMEONE SAVE ME FOR FUCKS SAKE AAAAAHHH
Currently, about 20/50.
If the game continues how I think it will? Then about 100/100.
Probably about (10, 20)
>>War ends with Anarch defeat, she's banned from Seattle by new Prince
That seems a bit out of nowhere, how the fuck did the Cammies manage to turn it around?
25, 80.
Diplomat spacer. Shot his mind controlled father to save himself and two other people. Was forced to leave his lover on a death world, couldn't get clearance to return to it because of him killing his father. Returns 20 years later to find his lover dead and a 19 year old kid in her place. Never tell the kid he's his father because of deep seated self loathing and depression.
Got shot in the face, now have no depth perception.
Son eventually leaves on suicide mission, saves tens of thousands. Still never told him.
Go home, discover hitherto unknown half sister is destroying my reputation and company due to a perceived slight when I informed her at the very beginning of the campaign about her husband's death. Clear things up, gave her half the family company.
Get sucked into wormhole, lose fancy-smancy ship in the process. Entire crew packed into shuttle craft, almost zero spare space, not enough food.
Sacrifice himself to appease evil space vampire to let the rest of the party leave.
shit nigga
so im guessing its like a uuuuuh 10, 100?
>randomly rolled character traits from a book the DM gave me
>one-armed archer that lost his genitals in combat during a bloody conflict
>gets abandoned by the mercenary troop and left to die over a frame-up
>manages to barely make it back home where his family had run into hard times and had to run the inn while he recovered from his injuries
>secretly trains in the way of sword as a pasttime
>illness gets to his parents leaving just him overwhelmed
>sells the inn
>uses the money to take a pilgrimage for the deity of man, runs out by the start of the campaign
>makes his name in a tournament
>travels the rest of the way with a shiny new sword
>nearly dies a few times, but the violence is cathartic
When we played the game it wasn't out of nowhere, but that description does make it seem that way.
Basically, the Anarchs were doing well but the issue came from not having a leader. Like, my character was loved and people looked up to her, but anyone that wasn't newly turned like her (which was a large majority) basically didn't want some kid who didn't know jack shit about being a vampire leading them. That and some bad social rolls basically caused the Anarchs to act as individuals instead of a team. Meanwhile, the new Prince, a Tremere, was able to get the ball rolling fast since she was basically my character's biggest supporter up until the night the Prince died, was able to change the narrative that the Cam shouldn't have put their faith so much in me and that I must have being working for the Anarchs the whole time, blah blah blah, gained the title and crushed the rebellion hard. The last fight before I was banned from Seattle basically got 4 of the 6 players killed within three or four rounds of combat. I only survived due to Obfuscate letting me get out of dodge when it go super sour and the other guy was captured. I turned myself in to save him (my sire was missing at this point and losing him would have meant I was alone, a feeling my character hadn't grown accustom to as my sire was very much coddling person) and the new Prince sent us away instead of killing us because she didn't want martyr blood on her hands. The game ended there and now nearly two years one of the other players whose character died has taken up the role of GM and I brought my broken soul character into that game. Now she's looking for her sire while trying not to be someone's pet again, but basically got dragged into this mess because she wasn't introduced to the old Nos Prince (he was more hands off than most Princes) and the new Tremere Prince (not the same one from Seattle) is trying to micromanage the vampires in the city.
(0,0), I guess, but the campaign isn't some hamfisted dark/gritty=realistic, victim complex manifest tripe, so there's really no such thing as "deserving suffering". If there's any of that, it's just happens because sometimes that's life; the characters do their best to deal with the hardship, and move on.
50/35. Just regular existential dread, but not the best way of going about handling it.
She's an adventurer entirely because she hasn't found anything in life worth living, fighting, and dying for. Originally it was banditry she turned to, but she quickly stopped after she woke up muttering "kill loot return" one too many times. She's taking dangerous odd jobs as an obtuse form of committing suicide, or as a way of finding something worth the trouble, if she's feeling rather optimistic that day.
Like 10/75
My character has been relatively brutal, but still hasn't suffered any real consequences from it. But the storm is on the horizon for sure
why does he have that level of deserving.
sounds more like 10/70-80 to me, mate
>a campaign where one person isn't suffering
that's oddly rare to see
yeah i deserve it for showing up every week.
He's pretty violent, that didn't really come across.
A joke in my TTRPG groups is that I love to inflict suffering on my characters. I almost always work with the GM to give them some sort of horrible thing in their backstory as well as setting up future difficulties for them to go through, often giving the GM a blank cheque to come up with something nasty that even the character doesn't know that will eventually come back to bite them.
The thing about suffering, though, is that it's only satisfying when it eventually ends. I enjoy inflicting it on my characters for the depth of roleplay I get out of them struggling and fighting and desperately clawing to get out of it, to what awaits them on the other side.
Most of my characters, in games that don't die early, end up a lot happier and better off than before, and the happy endings really feel earned because of how much bullshit they went through.
70 suffering, 15 deserved. Twilight cast solar with an ugly childhood, been taken for a real ride of mindfuckery over the course of the chronicle, including being kidnapped by an Abyssal, having her intellectual philosophy basically being refuted in slow-motion, and recently a brush with the Not!Necronomicon. But it could be a lot worse.
She deserves a hard shake for being a total coward, but not all the bullshit Solars go through.
Nurgle Chosen
He’s having the time of his life! So many loyalists around to gas and he’s been able to sample his favourite snack, progenoid.
He’s met fun folks with similiar interests, good “not dying” skills, and singular talent for mayhem and bloodshed.
Plus they appreciate him! Papa Nurgle says you should stick by your friends so long as they stick by you and the Human rammed a dark angel with a trukk.
It was hilarious!
Extreme lower right.
Daughter eaten by a dragon, her soul imprisoned by asmodeus while he was plane stuck in Blackmoore. Asmodeus sends imps and other devils to pass messages detailing the horrors he is subjecting his daughter to. All likely false, but horrible to a parent no less.
He was partially responsible for the shattering of his plane. It was to defeat the Maw, a reality devouring entity who threatened creation but he was unaware of the price his people would have to pay.
He is also stuck being the stick in the mud for a group of rowdy and insane individuals of awesome ability. Might be losing his grip on things after recent revelations. May begin a madness spiral, we’ll see how it comes out in the rp.
He's an idiot who having fun and getting into lots of cool fights, but god forbid his luck runs out and he's going to hit a wall really fucking hard. A lot of the stupid shit he pulls really shouldn't work out as well as they usually do.
Level of Suffering:
We are Scale Bearers, enforcers of the Overlord's laws. Of the original party, my character is the last survivor. I am all that's left of generation 1.
One of my best friends, who I fought alongside in the war to unite the land, died in front of my eyes in what could only be described as assisted suicide by my other best friend.
As for that other best friend, I was pretty much forced to lop his head off in a public execution. The Gen 2's and I were kidnapped by criminals and he went so far as to murder children during interrogations to find us, which led to a riot, and his execution. Which I carried out.
I found one of the Gen 3's in jail and sentenced them to years in prison for many, many crimes.
Everything I have tried to do has ended in failure, and if I don't succeed with my current investigation then I will be thrown in jail or executed. And literally every one of my partners has died along the way.
How much I deserved it:
I may or may not be a war criminal depending on who you ask. Despite being a Paladin and upholder of the law, I steal at every chance I get and worship any god that is appropriate in the situation. I have carried out executions for petty crimes, and thrown the bodies to the sewer rats to feast. The only thing I can say I haven't done is murder children, since that's what I executed my best friend for.
He’s a paladin on a quest to save the world from the luck goddess’ dickery and gets to slay dragons, aberrations, undead, and demons.
He said happy as a pig in shit to be honest.
He does have to work with a morally reprehensible warlock but Iran mostly conjecture at this point and tic be honest he isn’t that bad. Sold his soul to three pitfiends and bahaumut.
Mostly seems misguided.
I remember when we filled out this chart with Veeky Forums characters
Well... mostly, I remember simple green being at 5,5
Something like this.
Does anyone have the rest of the charts? I only bothered to save /a/'s chart.
Searching the axes got me /v/'s...
And /co/'s.
That's all I'm afraid.
freeza and Vegeta on the same suffering level? what is this, wrongness hour?
>When the Wind Blows at top left
God dammit I was not ready to feel things this early in the morning
Both suffered almost identical ego deaths under similar circumstamces against goku and vegeta has since experienced roughly as much anti-suffering as he has suffering for a neutral gain. As such they sit roughly equivalent on the suffering scales.
Honestly speaking goku should be somewhere in the Low Suffering/High Deserving rankings simply due to all the shit he's caused directly or indirectly regardless of the fact he fixed most of it after the fact.
Did anyone ever finish it btw?
>The Swede at (100, 100)
All is as it should be
He literally killed the only person he loved.
>He literally killed the only person he loved
Was it for a good reason, like saving an entire city population or something????
No, I'm playing an evil campaign.
C’mon man what did Fry’s dog do to deserve anything?!
>Good chart though
Did I tell you that the only person he ever loved was also his best friend's wife? And then his best friend went insane and died.
2B should be higher. 9S and Papa Nier should be swapped. Emil should be one slot back and a few dozen slots up at the top of another list for advanced suffering.
He sounds pretty dann evil
>clarissa's dad
The comic never got to the part where he got thrown in prison and violated every minute of every day with all the other pederasts?
True but he did it all for "muh duty"
Would you like to know more?
Its perfect
Things just keep getting worse for the bastard.
Terribly abused as a child by his cruel, corrupt nobleman father and the clergy his mother belongs to. Tried desperately to save himself and his mother and was powerless to do anything- until he killed his father. Left home to not witness what his actions did to his mother and the community (despite its extreme corruption). Couldn't stay away, caring too much for her wellbeing. Upon discovering that his mother was still being exploited, he began killing anyone that he knew to have harmed her. Eventually became so obsessed with protecting her and the city that he's utterly convinced that his actions will lead to revolutionary change. He's convinced he has noble ambitions, and did everything he could to avoid being caught. Two PCs deduced he was the serial killer in the city. When they apprehended him, one mutilated his right hand, ensuring he'd never be able to play his instruments again. Beaten and tortured within an inch of his life on arrest. Currently imprisoned in solitary confinement until the ruler of the city decides how to make a further example of him. After murdering 7 men in cold blood, he definitely deserves punishment, but is suffering on an indescribable level as he is utterly convinced that he did the right thing.
Yeah actually
Interesting story. Think he'll be able to escape? Maybe have a redemption arc?
Well, he started out as an NPC, but my players liked him so much that they want to break him out. The one who played the character who mutilated him is going to DM, and I'm going to play as him. The other PC went on a quest to get an incredibly powerful homebrew potion of healing that will heal his tendons, and is breaking into the prison to rescue him. This Friday we're going to play the escape.
If it goes really well and the players are okay with my DMPC, he'll get a redemption arc for sure. I'd love to see him discover that the world isn't so cruel and that there are ways to make change without hurting anyone.
On the other hand, if they're put off by the character, I'll have him betray the PC the second they're out of the prison and break away. He'll escape into the city and come back to bite them in the ass- and give them the choice to become accomplices, kill him, turn him back in.
Keep in mind all characters in this story have long lifespan so the story take place in several centuries.
My character had a crush on a woman, and she kind of liked him as a friend, but because of political arrangements, she was married to another man. He tried to stop that, and got BTFO, badly. Because of bitterness and tfw no gf, he emigrated to another country, the evil empire. Once in the evil empire, he studied hard and worked his way up among the politicians of the country. As the young emperor entered the political scene and was met by grognards that weren't having his shit, he needed a shadow figure to smooth things up for him. Thus, my character befriended the emperor. He paved the way for all his decisions, took control of a network of spies across the empire, imprisoned political opponents left and right. He became the emperor's right hand man, advisor, and executioner. (1/)
This is retarded unmatched justice is a part of life. Sometimes the bad guys get off without any punishment and sometimes the good guys suffer endlessly. Building the whole game around ensuring characters only suffer appropriately is retarded and pointless.
Cont (/2)
Then one day the emperor was gone and came back with a woman he wanted to marry. It was the gal from earlier, recently widowed. At this point, my character had kind of forgot about her, but keeping himself celibate the entire time. He did not really mind the emperor marrying her, or so he kept telling himself. Flash forward a few years. The emperor and the gal were having their first baby. Perhaps because of that, she confessed to my character, perhaps the only person she could trust in the entire court because she knew him, that she would not let her child grow up an emperor of death and violence. She, in fact, planned to send her baby away to another kingdom, and asked him for his help. My character had spent so many years at this point, building up his power and influence over the country, that all he could think of was "it's treason, then". But he kept it on low, and kind of reassured her he would help.
Cont (/3)
He had a long, long internal discourse about that. But finally... The nurse that was to help the empress give birth had a son, and that son was sick with something that could be only cured with rare exotic plants. He told the nurse he would get what she needed to heal her son... but she had to kill the queen, and disguise it as a childbirth death. That happened. The baby survived. The emperor, who sincerely loved the queen, was devastated, running wild in the palace and screaming. It was an utter shitshow. Years later, the emperor went to a war that my character would have advised against, and died in battle. All that was left was his son, who was basically raised by my character. Nowadays, the advisor is still the shadow of the empire, a sad loyal husk, having killed both his only love and his only friend.
Just world fallacy
Alright, 80/80 does seem fair when I look at it that way
>What is storytelling
>What is the hero's journey
>What is escapism
>Missed the very simple FATAL joke that is the point of the post
Yeah, though you could argue it's more like 80/100 or 100/100. And the irony is that the reason why he orchestrated the murder of the queen instead of just telling the emperor his wife was a traitor is because he was afraid the emperor would be more hurt by the revelation that his wife didn't really love him.
sounds like an interesting story. wait so whos the emperor now? is it your char? is that how the story ends?
The emperor is the former emperor's son, who is now grown up. But my char is more or less running the country.
That was the backstory.
>that sausage-flinging faggot deserving 0 suffering
I want to speak with the manager.
My character is currently burning forever in the core of the sun, a self-imposed fate taken as an alternative to suffering on earth. The worst thing he's ever done was maybe overindulge in a bit of pipeweed. I'd put him at a (Suffering 90, Deserved 10).
>Ridley takes up four boxes
I wonder why the nameless one it 100,100
85 x 55, give or take.
Stomping around a jungle in full kit with a heavy repeater and a full backpack of other kit, laughing at one of the other guys getting assaulted, possible in that way, by a tree octopus, but he was the only one smart enough to fork over for a proper survival tent and A/C unit for his armor.
what did hanekawa ever do to deserve suffering? She was abused as a kid and got cucked. Worst stuff she did was while she was under the control of black
>My V:tR Malocusian
20-40, she's surprisingly benign and happy for a spider.
>My Shadowrun character
60-90, typical edgelord criminal with no sense of right or wrong but a lot of woe is me the poor opressed superhuman rogue bullshitting
>My ERP character
90-90, and she loves it
>90-90, and she loves it
what the
>Distant but optimistic Elf Spellsword from a small noble family
80% suffering, 10% deserved. She's been on death's door like once a session (we've done about 5), the Reaper must think she's playing ding-dong-ditch. Most of these have been caused and/or made worse by the party ranger. Dude must have almost killed her by accident on THREE different occasions, it's just silly.
Noble guy killed his lover's fiancé and ran into the night. Only suffering he's had is leaving his waifu and losing an eye in the battle.
>Noble guy killed his lovers fiance
He's a nobleman and someone killed his fiance?
Or he's a noble, and a man killed his lovers (affair) fiance and he had to run away?
Or he's a regular class guy and a nobleman killed his...
can you rephrase that, im lost
Why the hell is Shinji at a 45 for deserved suffering?
>Or he's a noble, and a man killed his lovers (affair) fiance and he had to run away?
Close to this one. He is a noble that killed a guy who his lover was betrothed to. I added in 'noble guy' after writing the sentence cause I think it adds to the deserving of suffering. Derp.
accidentally killed his brother and is now on the run out of guilt and paranoia even though nobody even thinks he did it or is even looking for him. Was an honest accident too
Half-elf raised by her great-uncle, she lived a moderately hard life with a couple of sweet spots. She's sort of a bitch with her heart in the right place.
You're right. Considering shit went cockwise because of his selfish childish as fuck attitude and constant menstruation level of pathetic bitching and moaning he should be higher in Deserved.
If he deliberately killed his waifus planned fiance out of jealousy, I feel like his "deserved" rating is 50-60
>Invulnerable masochist raptophile in a pulpy River City Ransom/golden age comic book setting.
Lots of ryona and guilty orgasms.
>Considering shit went cockwise because of his selfish childish as fuck attitude and constant menstruation level of pathetic bitching and moaning he should be higher in Deserved
How exactly? As far as I could tell from the show, he was the only one of the pilots who actually did anything worthwhile.
It probably would have been a lot easier for him if they'd bothered TELLING HIM WHAT THE FUCK WAS GOING ON!
Current character fireballed a bunch of innocents who were trying to do their job but got in their way, realized what she had done, ran away because they couldn't deal with it, and unintentionally caused a PC to die. Verdict is out on how she's going to get punished, so I'll put suffering on 0-20, with deserved it in the 70-80s.
40, 75
Cleric of the god of life/death who needed money and joined on with the first person who was hiring. Ended up with a pirate crew and didn't leave because he's completely apathetic towards morality or models of society so long as nobody violates the laws of life/death and he can keep doing his duty. Feels extremely guilty, but can't let go of a memento from the time that he didn't help his kinsmen because he was too busy researching in the temple library. He hasn't suffered one bit aside from a nasty bout of sea sickness because he never does anything outrageously good or evil, unlike his companions who have recently revived an elder god, summoned Godzilla, killed a woman just as she got her pre-wedding gift from the king and was about to marry a prince, and caused our favorite NPC to commit suicide. None of this was directly his fault, he just let it happen and then cleaned up the mess afterward.