>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Lets hope it doesn't die within 20 minutes edition.
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Lets hope it doesn't die within 20 minutes edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
>System Preferred
Literally anything
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Whenever, I will quit my job to play
You tell me
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
I'll show up at your house if you want
>Contact Info
I'll give you my social security # if I have to
>Additional Notes
Game must make it past first session
upper dupper
Dragon Ball games when?
dragon ball sucks
Okay. Post Discord.
Social Security number required to proceed. Please post in full now.
Someone GM Traveller.
Only TNE, T4, or T5 or T20.
>seriously considers doing this
Thats..like your opinion man..
>System Preferred
Only have proper experience with D&D4, but I'm not set on playing just that, if we play a game I'm unfamiliar with I'll study beforehand.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
GMT+2 (or EST+7 I suppose)
For now, any time from the evening to the night that isn't Sunday or Wednesday .
Either is fine
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord or Skype would work, I have never used roll20 but it doesn't look awfully complicated.
>Contact Info
Discord: GasWizard#0506
>Additional Notes
I've been having an itch to play tabletop RPGs again, I've played 4e as a player when I was a teenager for quite a while and DM'd the same system for two guys who have never played D&D or any tabletop roleplaying game in their life a couple of years ago.
I'm looking for either a one-shot or a very short campaign (no more than 3-4 sessions), I'm open to the idea of playing more in the future but since my schedule is uncertain for the next month or two I'd rather not commit too much.
I don't have much experience but I'm absolutely willing to learn, I would study the system before the game but I would probably need some help from the more knowledgeable people in the group for specific technicalities.
I'm fine with any style of play that isn't a fullblown magical realm ERP or a so random game just for laughs you guys, that's not to say I don't like humor in the campaign, but it has to stay somewhat coherent and sensible.
Is it just me, or are the game finder threads dying way quicker than usual?
they are, last one didn't even last a couple of hours, I guess everybody lost hope to find anything here, players almost never get a response, GMs are few, timezones make shit harder, asking directly in discord has more chance to get something, at least you'll get an instant response.
Am I imagining things or wasn't there some sort of google doc dedicated to finding players?
Maybe if we had something more permanent than a thread more people would find each other?
>Game must make it past first session
Sorry bud you're out of luck
>as a teenager
What said, except the Game Finder Discord is also shit.
I think it's just that, when you get right down to it, Veeky Forums doesn't produce very good players or GMs for the most part, so there's no point in searching here really.
That's a good idea, having a permanent thing to add players and GMs to will at least make the death of threads irrelevant, a longer list makes it more likely for people to check.
At this point I'd honestly try just about anything, though Mongoose 1e is the one that I'm most familiar with.
I'll suck your dick.
Where else would I go look?
The general/discord/reddit of your favorite system, roll20 sucks since all the games that worth something are actually hidden.
I slapped together a quick google sheet we can use to find games, feel free to add yourself.
Maybe we could add it in the OP of the next thread.
it came out 10 years ago bro
meb youre just old as fuck now
Wasn't it released around 2008? it makes perfect sense.
Unless you weren't implying he's underage and instead implying he's a pleb.
There's always going to be people looking for games, but only rarely will there be people actually willing and able to run them. The reason these threads die within the day is because there aren't any GMs looking for players right now.
Can someone post the link to the discord? Someone in a thread mentioned a guy was looking for 5e players on there.
GM but will play shit
>System Preferred
I mostly run the following games:
Call of Cthulhu
Delta Green
Classified / James Bond 007
and more upon request name a game odds are I have at least read it
>Times Available (with timezone!)
EST / UTC−05:00
Friday & Saturday evenings between 8 PM & Midnight are my primetime but I'm currently running a game that's breaking down after like 7 sessions on Saturday. So assume Fridays
Both are options!
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 & Discord
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
I've started doing player interviews though they are far from intensive, so don't worry about that. Once I have a couple players for something we can discuss games but the games I have listed show my strong points.
> 8 PM to Midnight
I'm an idiot
But will you run Traveller?
Which one?
MGT1e? Do you have a preference?
I've only ever run classic little Black book Traveller honestly so my preference is blind nostalgia.
All I know to be good is MGT1e, and I have everything for it. Hell, I'd even volunteer to help GM and get shit set up.
I have nothing for it and no knowledge of that edition but I suppose I can buy some pdfs, my Discord information is above. Contact me and we'll talk about it. Do you have any other people interested already?
wait you offered the guy above a dick sucking! I feel jipped
I do, yeah.
>Call of Cthulhu
>Delta Green
Those games are my jam, and Fridays at that time I'm free, but I'll have to pass and say best of luck with finding a group.
Awww okay, have a good time mate.
Fuck, our timezones are basically inverted.
Talk to me about alternatives. My life leads me to be pretty flexible.
How do you handle combat in CoC/DG?
I was hoping to play from around 9PM up until a maximum of 4AM maybe?
So in EST times it's around 2am - 9am.
I'm also open to playing at noon I guess.
Varies by Situation, what do you mean specifically?
In the vaguest of terms, I usually do Theater of the mind for minor stuff while I pull out blueprints of maps for big raids or preplanned combats. I really like tactical firefights and the like for my games.
But I'm flexible.
What games are you interested in playing?
Basically, I'm open to anything.
I have experience mostly with 4e and a bit of 5e, but there are some games that caught my eye I'd be excited to try out, exalted, world of darkness or even something 40k (i'm a secondary, I have a vague understanding of the lore but I've never actually played a game of it.).
though keep in mind the further it is from D&D the less I'd know about it, I need at least a day or two to wrap my head around the system so I don't spend every turn going 'uhh what how do I do thing?'.
I am (hopefully) your next Dungeon Master.
I am using 5e as my baseline for everything with some items & the like from the 5th Age sprinkled about.
I am available only on certain days but I run on the EST zone. (We have played with MT/CST)
We are slowly learning roll20 and mainly use discord for talking/gathering.
I run a few games.
How willing would you be to play with someone who plays GMT evenings?
4906#026 is not a discord username (?)
Is it text or voice?
on principle it's fine, but you might have to stay up pretty late, since I'm on EST.
mostly voice
>Veeky Forums doesn't produce very good players or GMs for the most part, so there's no point in searching here really.
All the good players and GMs have groups already and don't have to rely on constantly posting here to play with randoms. I just lurk this thread to look for interesting one shots every now and then.
How late are we talking? I could do 12/1 on weekdays easily, but nothing suuuuper late like 3/4 AM
i've had the same group of players, all of them from Veeky Forums for more than a year. one of them i married after several years.
ive played with a lot of people from Veeky Forums, chris chan, horse fucker, brazilians... i've seen the absolute worst Veeky Forums has to offer and i've also seen some of the best. one of the best GMs ive ever seen came from here, shout out to you DM blackheart!
its just that a log of us have found a stable group and arent interested in the kind of people Veeky Forums has to offer. honestly there is so much /pol/ here these days that i recruited my last three online players from people i played with IRL
You can go ahead and jump into the discord and ask around
That. is definitely not a discord username.
I corrected myself, missed a number.
the number before the # IS the nickname
sent a req via discord, since there's no links
GM looking for 1 maybe 2
Ops and Tactics
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Sunday starting at 7 or 8 pm est
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
Leave yours and I will get back to you later
>Additional Notes
I'm running a game that is resident evil:outbreak with some other things mixed in. The level of seriousness I'm looking for is closer to RE4.
Interested to observe. What's the discord?
>Ops and Tactics
alright, I want in. I was told its good and for operating operationally, Here's my discord
Jeff Belinger#6987
ohai there
Sup. Where the discord at?
>System Preferred
A simple homebrew 2d6 resolution system, with aspects drawn from Pendragon
Heavy resource management
Looking for 1-6 players
>Times Set (with timezone!)
Saturdays or Sundays, time and start date tbd
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Voice or text
>Contact Info
DM me the pitch for your House idea, approval is all that matters. STR#6958
>Additional Notes
Well schucks, the King is dead and the heir is young and lacks the power to secure the throne, guess it's time for a Civil War. What a shame, it was a nice 500 years of unification in a low fantasy setting too.
You will play as the patriarch or matriarch of a House of Nobility, navigating various factions in a civil war. Maybe you want to see the rightful heir sit on the throne. Maybe you want the best ruler to sit on the throne, and you think they look kind of like you. Maybe you and your people are a sizeable minority or region that has been waiting for the chance to break off, and this is your best shot. Maybe it's time for that good old fashioned religion to be spread by the sword. Whatever the case may be, you're here now, try to survive. You do you baby. Raise armies, spend taxes, mortgage for debt, balance your budget, sabotage your rivals, make deals, expand your territory, send knights after monsters, and try to prevent the peasants from storming the castle and lopping your head off. Combat will be in the form of personal duels and battles, but you may choose to opt for non-violent(or at least, not any you're technically committing) progression to your goal.
PVP and coorperation are both optional.
PRANKED(Bullied) players will reroll a House subservient to their annihilator(if only temporarily) whether they be NPC or Player. If only your leader died, but your House lives on, the player will reroll as a relative to take their place/holdings. War is an unforgiving mistress.
Sounds pretty interesting. By low fantasy do you mean "no magic, just monsters and a few supernatural creatures or whatever" or Conan-esque?