What's the far north like in your setting?
What's the far north like in your setting?
Owned by an assortment of Elven Kingdoms who are the ancestors of soldiers stranded on the planet after the interdimensional gates at the poles collapsed.
Scandinavian Wood Elves on the mainland, Celtic High Elves on the misty magic island.
No one knows. Presumably cold.
Finnish Halflings
Imperial Russian Human tsars
Dwarven cossacks.
Orc Vikings and killer whales.
Witch Amazons. Viking Elves, Frost Giants, Necromancer Dwarves. Polar Fremen, and Ice Toad civilizations built on ancient reptillian slumber temples.
Not sure. It's some crazy layered aurora star ocean apparently so north could mean straight up, or down, or horizontal north.
As for what's out there voyaging outside of the light of the one single city is pretty perilous or so we've been led to believe by these astral sailors guys.
Ancient walking machines frozen in ice
Dark pine forests, where the Northlings live. These slowly give away to cold tundra leading to glacial canyons and valleys. Trolls and darker things dwell in those quiet rocks.
Go past that, you reach the ice fields, where the Angel is.
Any mysterious predators that eat anything they can catch?
>aurora star ocean
At this time of day? At this time of year? Located entirely within your setting?
Permafrost, the surface is uninhabitable. In caverns deep beneath the caves, "sun orbs" allow for subterranean farming and settlement. Nearly the entire culture of the people who live there is centered around the orbs, though the nature of their construction is a mystery.
No, it's a desolate place now. Those things are agricultural golems from the time it was fertile farmlands.
Desert. Some "Kingdoms of the North" (and some trade posts of the "Empire of the setting") share the rich and beautiful coast but the desertification push one of them to plot against the "Empire of the setting" to gain some fertile lands in the main continent.
In the far south, beyond the mountains of the end of the world, there is only marsh, cold and death as far as the people know.
The setting is in the southern hemisphere, basically.
China, basically. The north is dominated by enormous mountain ranges, not too dissimilar to the Himalayas.
A hellhole filled with Tarrasque level enemies, twisted landscapes, and a lot of ice and magma.
A mix-mash of Vikings and Slavs.
It's some golden compass alternate dimension city in the clouds type thing.
Depends on the setting.
Fantasy: Frozen. Only the undead can roam there for any amount of time, and even they tend to freeze solid after a while.
Current planet the players are on in SciFi: A small ocean surrounding the north pole, with the human settlements around it. 80% of the planet's surface is unbearably hot, rocky desert and the south pole has very little surface water in comparison and got wrecked by orbital bombardment a few centuries prior.
Makes me want to run a game where northerners venture from their icy homeland deep into the barbaric south, and have to deal with unfamiliar stuff such as bugs, abundant plant life, etc.
If you keep going north, you will meet the fabled Large Mouth That Eats The World slowly swallowing the entire setting.
>the DM's dog is chewing on the maps again
That where it was inspired from, except it's a hamster
It's rather polarized
Hardy human communities along the main empire's northern border. Further north, tribes of firbolgs on horseback and giants that will invade when the players are ready. Also the not!Korean peninsula is dwarves b/c mountains.
As you move north from the France analogue:
>ash-skinned men known for robust constitution and skilled musicianship
>sentient, nomadic bears that commune with the wind spirits, and sentient, nomadic orca whales that commune with the water spirits
Cool temperate forests giving way to unforgiving tundra, populated by a waning race of hardy Nordic men alongside blossoming communities of entrepreneurial half-elves.
Ocean and then eventually frozen ocean.
The farthest known north is where the mountain Mitsattu is. It is the mountain which connects the two worlds, the world and the fey world (or as the fey call it: the other world and the world, respectively). At it's peak is Pachimake, where peoples from the fey world live. Only fey of the fey world are allowed to live there. No elf or other world tainted fey can live there, let alone men, dwarves or orcs. It is grandiose, strange and unwelcoming.
far away
Full of dour bearded fishermen who trade with dour bearded merfolk.