I'm excited for more people to share their painted Dawneagles I wanna see the schemes people come up with
Kevin Walker
Mine is going to be gold.
Anthony Wood
Cooper Ross
5th for Cuckstodes!
Nicholas Scott
I still have to finish assembling another 8 before I can start painting but I should have them done, based, and on a nice board by the end of the month if all goes according to play.
Evan Martinez
Yeah i was thinking about doing them up like the solar watch. So gold and white and then silver metal.
Kinda like a deathwatch paintjob with gold trim.
Mason Cook
Cusstoadfag cant even make a general properly. Enjoy your containment thread, autist.
Blake Peterson
deathwing deathwatch
Liam Lopez
I'm trying to do some black and white into the scheme. Still nostly gold but white cloth and black highlights like a less edgy version of the shadow watchers/keepers/whatever.
Jose Kelly
you fugd it
Nathaniel Scott
Q'Orl codex when?!
Luis Price
Yeah looks like somebody can't title.
I have a hard time doing black that looks good. It always looks glopy or just bad.
I think it comes down to just not having good skills.
Alexander Ramirez
is it you?
Jayden Brooks
No idea am I me?
Gabriel Morgan
Aiden Smith
Fucking retard OP. Let this shit die.
Jack Mitchell
Some light grey could go well too
Cooper Bennett
Non fail
Jonathan Roberts
Yes, this is my highlight color. Black is never just straight chaos black, you need to layer it to get that nice velvet darkness.
Josiah Jenkins
new bread
Michael Bell
stick a plasticard tube into the end of the barrel and maybe some kind of gunsight and bipod and it'll look fine. A easy non-ghetto alternative would be buying the "Negotiator Anti-Materiel Rifle" from Anvil Industry, it comes with a bunch 3 different gun barrels and a scope and a bipod for £1.75 (plus shipping) so you could make several of them from one kit.
Thanks anons! I found some heavy stubber barrels that were left over from building Obliterator kits that I'm going to use. Appreciate the website link since it has lots of nice bits.
Henry Green
Raise guardsman price to 5ppm. Lower missile launcher cost to 15 points. Lower Chimera cost by 20 points. Raise cost of company commander to 40ppm. Lower commisar cost to 25ppm. Allow Wyrdvane psykers to cast on 2d6 at 5+ models. Lower Vanquisher cost by 15 points and re-roll failed wound rolls vs .