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Big troll hag boobs right in my face

So, How does everyone feel about the new Malign Portents and Prophesy Points? Has anyone tried them yet? I am very curious how loathed/loved they end up being

very much doubt they will be used outside of narrative events. would have used them if they introduced new allegiance abilities though. the book seems pretty lame unless you're a narrative player.


how do you mean?


Anyone want to listen to my army's fluff in audio format?

There he is! my favorite user on the entire board
Keep on Keepin on Settra-user

the firestorm campaign book had 6 new allegiance abilities for mixed grand alliance armies. those can be used in matched play.

this new book seems to just be scenarios and objective stuff for matched play, not allegiances.

What are you working on /aosg/?
I finished my first Irondrake of my Red Embers unit.

My new Second favorite-user

Having finished my 2000pt army I've ended up with loads of half-finished models, including a mangler squig(s), skarsnik, and squig gobba. (and trolls)

last thing I finished was my Spirit of Durthu for the painting contest. Kind of sad that I think I may have won by default since it didn't seem like anyone else showed up to the shop for it... I know that if anyone else showed up I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have stood a chance.

I mean, sure, but he still looks a beast, be happy.
unless you're just fishing for compliments. In that case, fuck off, you're right

Many Dispossessed units seem to be able to happily take a shield along with their two-handed weapons. Is there any precedent for this ability going away once GW get round to updating the legacy armies? Don't particularly want to have to rip shields off dudes in the future

not yet... ?

I'm actually really impressed someone would make an audio drama and it makes me embarrassed that my own writing for my dudes is so poor. Some of the snippets I heard sounded like you weren't totally comfortable speaking into a mic since your were reading through your script really really fast with few or no pauses between sentences. You start out at a reasonable pace and then speed up over time.

I wasn't trying to fish for anything. I've seen some of the other AoS players' armies that go to my local GW. There's a Skryer player there with a fucking great looking army, though I guess I'd be pretty safe from him joining in what with Skaven not really having a start collecting, I don't think.

Convince me not to run a Dispossessed/Dwarf Nordic themed Order Soup army

A couple of questions for you guys; First, Prince Vhordrai's Breath of Shyish, when do you use it? It doesn't say if you use it during the Shooting phase, or Hero, or whenever. Secondly, the Ring of Dominion, if you use it on a weapon that has had it's attacks boosted by an Allegiance or an ability do you use the base number of attacks, or the increased number?

You've asked this before and honestly I don't see why not, if that model is yours, you paint good enough to pull it off

If it's not, just practise with it as example and you'll make it

I can't believe Soulblight got their first named character.

FEC named character fucking when? Just give us Ushoran already.

You should say Sooner.

Big Morathi tits right in my face

Grave Guard are the only unit I can think of that might have been affected by a similar thing. Check out their history.

This is teally neat. But isn't the existance of a female fimir complete heresy to their legacy and beliefs?

The second one: I don't know about RAI but RAW definitly increased.

Why would it be? They were lead by their females in the Old World.

That's what I thought too.

I'm sticking with just double-handed as having shields with 'em just feels wrong.

Anyone got the image with the Lizard tits?

Base after assembly or base before assembly?

Mearghs were their leaders. Though they were exceedingly rare and 100% sterile

the artefacts of LoB are really a crux

there is nothing I -really- would like to take
the ring of dominion is nice, but 5+? that's every 3rd fight phase...

the armor is the most solid choice but its effects...

god, i don't know

Depends on a model.

Will this year be /our year/ or will it be majority 40k releases?

if you read the warscroll carefully it will say whether or not they can have a shield and a two handed weapon together, albeit in a weird way. Chaos Marauder have no reason to ever not take shields, except that the flails are modeled as two handed. They can still take flails and shields together rules-wise.

I know the FAQs have clearly stated that musicians and banner bearers still retain their normal equipment and that you may also have as many musicians and banner bearers as you want in a unit, but those things aren't quite the same


The Hobbit

it's the year of the elves

also stormcasts and marines

40k as always but we'll have at least Daughters of Khaine, probably another aelves and I hope for one or two more armies. Hopefully Slaanesh and maybe some other Death release (FEC 2.0 with Ushoran and maybe one more kit would be enough) or Grots or maybe something for Skaven.

Nearly all of the tomes in phase one AoS need looked at. Fyreslayers, FEC, and probably Seraphon too.

a lot of factions still miss their transition into the actual age of sigmar and you think of updating the ones that did?

Sup, /aosg/. Tell me the narrative your battles have forged.

>Knife to the Heart match
>StD vs Wanderers
>used Warqueen, thought her damage boost sign from Malign Portents was cool
>never make it to other side of board, loses her eye to Nomad Prince’s bird sniper thing
>Major victory for Wanderers, Warqueen now on a quest to get her eye back

if they can release two 40k codexes per month, they can at least online pdf facelift the first wave of shitty battletomes while working on the next big release imo

>tfw you have no store to play Malign Portents at.

So is there any reason to not put a vampire on a horse?

You really want to have a flying lord, and you didn’t take that new Vampire spell to fly

Why not this year GHB?

- Hiding him in infantry or behind terrain.
- You like the fly move.
- The non-mounted model looks better.
- It fits your fluff.

this would be a fine compromise

it could be worse, after WFB died the closest thing to any fantasy setting I can get is warmahordes.
I wish spire was more accesible to people, but the fact that anyone who wants to start it has to buy the starter set, just killed the game in its infancy here. Same with necro too. All that is left is w40k, arms race style. I sit on a large Oger and High elf collection and I can neither use it, nor sell it . So chin up m8.

the garment plus mystic shield seems like a neat thing to put on a VPLoZ, I don't recall seeing any other 2+ reroll 1s in AoS so far.

What's the concensus on Walking Death? Seems good but it's only the riders weapons right? Or is the mount affected? (Phone posting and don't have the rules right here)

you should remodel her with one eye and a patch. when i was playing regularly i would modify my wood elf armies with any significant victories and defeats. my treemen collected many chaos warrior helmets over the four or so years i played, and my long-suffering wizard general was basically greenstuff by the end of it (she blew herself up a lot trying to cast spells, thx 8th ed).

it's a fun way to personalize your army, at the very least!

>watching Duncan's 'how to paint Spiteclaw's Swarm' video
>recommends undercoating the miniatures with Stormvermin Fur spray
>according to GW's webstore they don't even sell that any more

Literally what did Duncan mean by this?

Depends on what country you're in. I can't order retributor armor spray for example.

I'm honestly anyone can enjoy this dogshit of retardation that you guys call "setting". FUCK, its origins are poor stupidity:

>Siggy gets godhood with help of some random starbeing thanks to giving him glassbeads. Lolwut!
>Siggy goes: hey, gonna create some places that look high on acid and bring back orcs and undead and chaos, that's going to go so well and I have so many reasons to do so!

>Hey gorkamorka, let's go make an armwrestling competition.
Like fucking wut, you bunch of shills.

Looks like someone didn’t get the memo Sigmar is the big bad in the setting...

>>Hey gorkamorka, let's go make an armwrestling competition.
Not that different from what the Emperor did with Russ and definitely better than what he did with other primarchs like Angron

More like someone just looked that last video made by the norweggian rat

I live in Bongland which is why I'm particularly confused. Can't think of any reason why GW wouldn't sell these sprays in the country they manufacture the damn things in. It's the same thing with Mournfang Brown spray as well; it exists, I want it, it appeared in a painting video in September, but apparently they only sell it in the US for some bizarre reason.

Still seething about the Gotrik AoS novel, Fantasycuck?

It's bait, he's literally just repeating Arch's poorly informed statements from his latest AoS video.

Could I mix and match a destruction and chaos if I choose to use the TROGGOTH keyword?


But you can always play Open Play where the rules don't matter.

Sigmar didn't create the realms, you fucking retard. Nor did he bring back Chaos, Undead or the Orcs. This is the second guy recently to think this shit, where is it coming from?

No, the GA must be the same no matter what. Unless you play Open games.

Hm, but nevermind. I forgot the Troggoth hag existed.
Her plus some fellwater troggoth plus the merwyrm would make a neat deep water army.

and you're right, thank you. I am, honestly, pretty darn happy with how my sylvaneth are looking on the table top, and most of them are painted which is, really, an accomplishment for me. I've never been much of a painter prior to starting them, and have been trying to do better and not subject people to facing grey tides.
Sorry, I've just been in a really terrible, self loathing, kind of mindset lately

why is the fireslayers grimwrath berserker so much better than the disposesseds unforged, while being 20% cheaper?
i mean, >disposessed etc so i guess i answered my own question.

New Story, lads

>blood-loving, sadistic dark elves
>order faction
Wait what?

Command Abilities are only the general and his weapons. It's still the best choice. With the +1 attack and a sword.
Someone should compare the output between the sword and the lance on charge with walking death in mind. I'm not sure what's better. But the lance without the retreat and charge of mistform wouldn't be my first choice for a vlozd.

Sigmar DID actually awaken from their own kinds of slumber/prison both nagash and gorkamorka though.

The misconception that the realms and the whole age of sigmar is his handcraft runs since the first half-read news of the game.

So I'm basically decided to fully get into aos
Any competitive tips for nurgle and really in general
Dunno much about what things do in aos while I know most of 40k so a general overview of the current scene would be nice

Pretty much. Unforged in particular is prob most in danger of being dropped as a concept due to slayers being reimagined. Not a coincidence that they rebranded him as the White Dwarf

order just means you're not dead, anarchist or satanist and formally ally of greatest azyrsrael.

I mean, he helped them out, sure, but he didn't actually bring the magic of death/undead or orcs back, they were basically already there. He just helped their gods.

I'm honestly torn, I'm a big fan of tanky centerpieces, and WD is competing in my mind with the -1 to be hit ability.

Again, I don't have the rules at hand and are frankly very new to AoS, but can you elect to use artifacts from your GA instead of your sub faction? -2 to be hit seems deliously evil.

Where else would they go? They aren't undead, don't worship Chaos or Gorkamorka, so Order it is.

Beastclaws and ironguts don't worship gorkamorka

If you're into civilization and progress you are Order. Simple as that.

Of course they do.

They actually do, read fluff.

Yes they do.

I would've put them in Destruction for sure or even maybe Chaos since it is tangentially Khorne whorshipping by a different name.
Dark elves working with fucking dwarves and stormcasts makes absolutely no sense.

No you pick either your ga or a sub

But they're not orky
Wot da zog iz dis

Source on the model?

Look at the community post lvo article

Elves need to make their own grand alliance altogether: Order, Chaos, Death, Destruction and faggotry balancists.

So? What is your point here?

That actually makes the most sense. I mean who the fuck wants these long-eared faggots on their team anyway?

Gorkamorka is the essence of the greenskins
Why are pale gits worshiping them

It's not like even the good elves don't have a history of being backstabbers.

The issue is elves don't agree enough to ally
Even allariel is only doing it because nurgle won't stop trying to fuck her

Malekith did nothing wrong

Nice, but sence when did GW start pouring out such fiesty models?

nurgle's real strong with several different builds and strategies for your army. I'd get a little more comfortable with the rules so you really get whats going on with warscrolls and army composition and abilities and junk or the stuff I tell you won't matter much.

Very broadly:
the cycle of contagion army allegiance ability is very good, and you can manipulate it easily.
Nurgle is very resilient with great spells.
Great Unclean Ones and Rotigus are very strong.
Putrid Blightkings are rock solid.
plaguebearers can't die in big units but do no damage.
half of your heroes are amazing, the other half suck.
glotkin is a beast but more fragile than he seems.
when building a list, keep in mind you want it balanced with different units with different jobs (unless you're going for a spoiler combo). one massive regiment for defense, fast guys to go after a point, wizards, a monster or two, etc.

Since they realised kipds actually surprise surprise don't have lots of money