Jace and Bloodbraid Elf unbanned in Modern format. Discuss
I'm happy for BBE as a Jund player; JTMS feels like he's just here to sell packs and will go back onto the banlist next time there's an announcement.
Jace and Bloodbraid Elf unbanned in Modern format. Discuss
I'm happy for BBE as a Jund player; JTMS feels like he's just here to sell packs and will go back onto the banlist next time there's an announcement.
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Jace won't have nearly as much of an impact on the format as some people here think. Modern is far too diverse for a control deck to properly prepare for the meta.
>Thread Theme: youtube.com
The thing about JTMS is that unlike Architect or big Gideon if you slam it on an empty board and your opponent is not sitting on removal right then you win the game instantly, even if the motions take a few turns. The answers to a resolved Jace are pure diarrhea, unlike in Legacy where you have everything from Council's Judgment, playable decks Mishra's Factory and Creeping Tar Pit in them and Pyroblast. Sure the turn 3 solitaire decks don't care, but anything resembling a fair mirror will be won by the guy who slams and protects a JTMS first. For example Abzan cards and every CoCo deck that aims to gain incremental value instead of just comboing off is basically dead for as long as Jace is in the format.
is that what you think? hold my beer.
>tfw to poor for red splash
Well, time to vindicate
>...but anything resembling a fair mirror will be won by the guy who slams and protects a JTMS first.
Protecting a 4 drop can win you the game, you heard it here first.
DUDE NO WAY. playing control against someone who does nothing for 4 turns wins you the game? and even then not really since he gets countered or dreadbored
Protecting ur mum wins you the game
How to offload a single Jace before A25?
I like how people have been saying Jace should be unbanned for a long fucking time but when Wizards actually do it, they turn around and claim it's a cash grab.
>A for profit company wants to make money
Colour me impressed
I like how people oversimplify an ongoing discourse to try and make themselves sound clever.
Provide evidence that both of these positions were held by the same people.
>3 solitaire decks
>37% of the meta doesn't care about a 4 mana brainstorm
Wew lad
Fuck off JIDF, you should always call kikes out for kike tricks
yea everybody is making fun of you for some reason but they just don't really understand the card which makes sense since a lot of people aren't that familiar with how he plays and also not that many modern players really understand legacy
he's not a card that really makes modern better, but I understand why they would unban him. I think it's going to end up doing a lot of damage to the format but if it's what the players want anyways then who cares
Advantage of JTMS in legacy
>FoW can stop removal when you tap out for it.
>Can be pitched to FoW
>Can actually -1 because the meta is creature light.
>+0 is not really a disadvantage because decks don't go as wide as in modern.
>+0 generates instant advantage of they find FoW or daze.
And you see, neither delver nor Czech pile, nor leovold run it. Only uw control decks and as 1/2. Format wrapping huh?
But in modern there aren't free counterspells, tapping turn4 without an immediate impact is a shit move and generally a wrath of god would have been better to clean the field than actually just slamming JTMS
>without an immediate impact
you are retarded or something like this ?
>Czech pile, nor leovold run it
Not even close, Czech pile has pretty much settled on running JTMS as a 2x. Same goes for "Leovold", which I assume you mean BUG Midrange/Noble BUG, which generally runs JTMS as a 2x. Basic rule of thumb is that non-tempo, non-combo blue decks run JTMS as a 1-2x (usually 2x).
>Only uw control decks and as 1/2.
Not really. In addition to Pile and Noble BUG you also forgot a bunch of other decks that run Jace: UWX Stoneblade, Grixis Control, UX Standstill decks, BUG Nicfit, and lots of weird brews like UW Parfait.
>4 mana brainstorm
>4 Mana unsummon
>Immediate impact
The fact that you can't even prove me wrong but just call me a retard speaks at my favor
We wuz mind sculptors n shit once nigguh
>But in modern there aren't free counterspells
Pact of Negation, get fucked
>company based on hamburgerland, craddle of capitalism
>sole objetive is to make money
>makes a move to make more money
>it's not even hiding it, it's on the announcement
>this somehow triggers other fat americans who spend their KKK coins in cards
>this somehow even triggers reddit and /pol/ fags
>somehow it'll kill the format, since there are 492 competitive decks
never change Veeky Forums.
I'd be more concerned about Jace ruining the format if blue could actually support him in Modern. Wizards has made it perfectly clear that's not something they want.
I think they're planning to ride the hype to push product, then re-ban later if the card finds a powerful home. Which is scummier than your average chase mythic: the banlist is supposed to be there for gameplay, not so you can take stuff off it and push sales.
Actually it costs 5 if you read the card.
So does FOW :^)
Force of will can be exile blue, 1 life.
Pact of Negation is always 5. Just a turn later.
Unless you like losing to your own cards.
He is just "pretending" user
There is no difference between pretending to be a faggot and actually being a faggot.
Lol it appears I've triggers some fags, Y'all need to learn to take a joke.
She just went up on value
but.. why ?
Play her on T3, 4 mana, destroy target Jace.
jeez the speculations make less and less sense
>opponent plays JTMS
>tapped out
>fateseals me
>my turn
>bbe into blightning
i can't wait for these feels again
um jacekeks?
Nice discussion. I feel a little better about JTMS being modern legal now. Still happier about muh BBE.
Jace would bounce her the moment he enters play. Come on son.
Fuck Jace.
user gets it
>cast Jace on an empty board since I removed all my opponent's threats
>Brainstorm into a good hand
>opponent crambles to spend their whole turn to remove Jace or else he takes over the match with protection mana
oh no all I did was make him spend his whole turn desperately trying to kill my planeswalker (of which I have other three in the deck, one of which is probably in my hand by now), instead of advancing his game plan
i am so fucking going to lose, ain't i
4 Tarmogoyf
4 Dark Confidant
2 Scavenging Ooze
2 Goblin Rabblemaster
3 Bloodbraid Elf
3 Fatal Push
2 Lightning Bolt
3 Terminate
1 Abrupt Decay
2 Kolaghan's Command
4 Liliana of the Veil
3 Inquisition of Kozilek
3 Thoughtseize
1 Maelstrom Pulse
4 Verdant Catacombs
3 Bloodstained Mire
1 Wooded Foothills
4 Blackcleave Cliffs
3 Raging Ravine
2 Overgrown Tomb
1 Blood Crypt
1 Stomping Ground
2 Swamp
1 Forest
1 Blooming Marsh
1 Grafdigger's Cage
2 Nihil Spellbomb
1 Engineered Explosives
3 Fulminator Mage
1 Thrun, the Last Troll
2 Ancient Grudge
1 Liliana, the Last Hope
1 Damnation
2 Collective Brutality
1 Maelstrom Pulse
nice try wizards
Rabblemaster seems off.
You'd think so, but he closes out games incredibly quickly, is good value and works in well multiples. Back when Death Shadow became the best deck I felt Jund had to go wide to stand a chance. So far he's been amazing in practice.
Jund is trash right now with CoCo and other “cheat out a bunch of dudes” decks being prevalent and Jund being too slow/unable to 1-for-1 that much value
I don't give a shit.
I'm just happy for the alternate art on Azusa, i've been wanting this one for years.
This wasn't the case before, and the protecting part only takes a one turn cycle. After that window of opportunity to remove it is closed, you've won.
When is Kaladesh roating out? With Dominaria or afterwards?
Is BBE just worse than collected company at 4 now?
No? If you hit Lili or K-command you're so far ahead in a fair matchup you can't even remember what your opponent looked like.
CoCo will be phased out because Jace shit on them completely. Jund is the best option to UWx midrange outside of ultra aggro decks.
>4mana brainstorm at sorcery speed
>Good play
>And I can do it 3 more times!
>ctrl-f "fateseal"
>exactly 1 result about some guy being happy he's able to be lucky against Jace again.
Are you guys just bad at games or what
>a control deck
Jace is at his best in a midrange shell
>look at 12 cards
>pick the best 4
I heard about a planewalker that is cheaper than Jace and his fateseal actually kills your creature
ban when
>do nothing for 4 turns
>Opponent plays jtms
>look at my hand
>it's 4 copies of one with nothing and 3 copies of scrambleverse
>opponent eventually wins
I'm going to play RUG with both jace and bloobraid to trigger all the shitters.
Just watch out for your local Ponza player.
But muh JTMS!
Wow, so now BUG midrange will exist alongside Jund and Junk. We should probably start calling it Jug.
Consider classes in reading comprehension, he can do it forever if he wants to bub.
He's assuming that Jace gets removed the turn after he's played. The three more times part was about how he can cast a four mana brainstorm three more times since the guy said he had three more in his deck.
For someone so keen on criticizing other's reading comprehension you really don't come across as particularly bright.
>3 copies of scrambleverse
>Opponents fateseals me to draw lands only
>Play scrambleverse with my based whoshelters all
>Opponents screams and starts to shit himself as I chad steal his jayce and incredible board while I give him all mountains
>I ult jace as he screams and yells in impotent cuckolded rage
>le 4 mana sorcery speed brainstorm meme
sure, worst case scenario the FIRST jace is a 4 mana brainstorm
but outside of lightning bolt you probably had to commit your whole turn to get rid of it, which didn't advance your gameplan, while it did advance mine (as I now have a better hand)
and I also have other three Jaces waiting, at least one of which will probably stick, protected by counterspells, and be significantly worth more than a 4 mana sorcery speed brainstorm
it is like i'm at worldwake preview season again
So literally like every other walker in the game right now?
What other walker if left alone has the same impact as a Brainstorm each turn (if on parity or behind) or a Fateseal (if ahead)? LotV is the only one that comes close.
It's a 4 mana brainstorm that sticks around and keeps winning you the game until your opponent spends cards to kill it. The people who call Jace a "4 mana brainstorm" are fucking retarded and have no idea how the card works.
Jace is for control decks. Those decks are packed with counterspells and removal to stop your opponent from doing things. Jace is a card advantage engine, removal, and a wincon all in one card. There has never been a card in modern control that is nearly as good as Jace, to say he won't have an impact shows that you are a brainlet who has never played with or against it.
>There has never been a card in modern control that is nearly as good as Jace
>many, many channels, pros, and casuals ask Wizards to unban cards to improve modern
>Many of those have said that JTMS could return as SFM would still be hit and killing planeswalkers has become easier since Worldwake
>After 2 years of this argument, Wizards finally unbans JTMS and even unbans the thing that stopped JTMS in standard before it rotated.
I fucking swear. Babies always want something until they get it because bitching and complaining is more fun than being happy.
With the fall set, alongside Amonkhet.
Can I slam BBE in ponza?
>Modern finally hits the sweet spot of fun, balance and diversity
>WotC risks the health of the format by unbanning the most powerful planeswalker ever
>not only that, but said planeswalker is $150 a pop, so if you want to run blue you need to pay some $600 (or slightly less after the reprint)
>and if said walker ends up having to be banned again, loss of confidence will be massive
>all to sell masters 25 boxes
Maybe those people doomsaying about the game's health have a point if they have to be desperate like this...
>4 mana bomb that can be played in a shell with other efficiently costed value cards and removal.
>7 mana bomb that has to be played in a shell with 12 colorless lands and fucking expedition map to be viable.
>A 4 mana brainstorm that tapped me out and Drew me a lot of answers
>In it's turn, opponent storms to 20, cast the 2 final lightning bolts that he needed to win, just cast Karn and exile it, dreadbore and cast tarmogoyf, casts bloodbraid elf and get a free spell, or just cast collected company and makes infinite Mana to combo off. Maybe with the right hand, he can even cast scapeshift and win
>He somehow was put far behind by my super broken jace!
This is true! But think of the utter joy of exiling somebodys Jace with Karn.
Yes, I wonder how tron always beat any control/midrange deck
>most powerful planeswalker ever
That's not Urza.
those are great goldfishes your hypothetical decks are playing against, user.
For the guy in the previous Modern General thread who was asking about UR Foretold Turns, it's usually a variant on tappedout.net
>buy Weeb Jace for €39 +20 in store credit on Friday
>it's worth €200 on Monday
Is this what an orgasm feels like?
Yeah because those decks never are tunned to do that consistently on t3+.
Honestly i would just sell it and be 150 euros better off unless you actually play it in a modern deck.
I like how one of your answers was just to cast dreadbore and tarmogoyf in the same turn. Like it's just that easy lol. Ignoring the fact that your opponent is playing control and still is ahead in that exchange. Just cast coco in your main phase onto an empty board, i mean if your opponent untaps it will never resolve so why not? Of course Tron, Storm, and Scapeshift will be good against Jace. That's the fucking problem, it will be Jace vs. all of the combo decks.
I can't believe people are so shit at this game they are not only arguing that Jace isn't absolutely broken, but that he is a bad card in modern.
I don't even play lol
I think I'll keep it in my collection, like the foil Goyf. Unless I get a couple of Jaces from MM25 boxes.
Sell now because this ATH will not sustain itself.
>MTG players are one person
>a lot of people actually changed their minds when they saw play-punter Seth, prooooobably better known as SaffronOlive, play against DRS+BBE Jund and won a 3/5 game.
>deck diversity is still fucked even if BBE is a hard answer to JtMS
>Modern has been at an immensely healthy spot for the past year; it would be better to start unbanning when Modern is merely "ok"
>implying wizards hasn't had a track record of fucking up due to incompetence or Hasbro's greed
Also see
its honestly funny to see all these I assume new players underestimate the effect of jace on modern
wish we could see the same users posts a year from now
>DRS and SFM were in the vids
Completely fucking dissgarded. Also him playing two hypothetical decks against each other, and not testing them against proven current Modern decks, was fucking retarded.
>standurd is the same as modurn hurhur