The CryptoCrash.
You've been warned.
The CryptoCrash.
You've been warned.
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Citation needed.
They got wmds?
I don't honestly give a shit if you decide that this engineered bubble is sustainable or whether the powers that have engineered it did so for a reason. All I'm telling you Veeky Forumsfags is that you have until 7JAN18 to take your neetbux out of crypto, lest you feel the weight of the implosion.
>OPs portfoilo in red cuz retarded investor
>wishes chaos on entire cryptosphere
it would literally take a nuclear attack for a crypto crash to occur. as if that would happen.. heh..... uh....
Jews will end crypto?
faggot larper
No im curious as how you would think Iran could do better than Best Korea in doing something devastating
>calls it a bubble
>normie detected
care to elaborate?
Why post this without details... you know no one is going to believe you, o why post without deatils
what does KTOS have to do with crypto
Nice just bought 100k crashes
It's not about Iran doing something "devastating." It's about putting together a bankroll for a project.
How would a bankroll devastate the entire market of crypto in 4 days. Like I get that your post is bait, but try harder.
>give me attention please
Sage, shitalian memer
As you please. Enjoy your decimation.