How do you pick names for your towns and cities, Veeky Forums?
How do you pick names for your towns and cities, Veeky Forums?
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Look at the etymology of real world cities and work it from there.
Make a descriptive name for the location and translate it to another language.
I take random vowels, consonants and an occasional apostrophe and blend them together until something pleasant is generated.
sometimes its just putting syllables together or it can be checking maps irl and stealing or merging names
I just string letter combinations I like together until it sounds good.
Or I rip one from Spice and Wolf.
Take a thematically appropriate word and translate it into a different language. With a few exceptions.
This. Take a look at the Atlas of True Names, which translates real world locations to their original meanings. We're terrible at naming things.
>look up atlas of true names
>Seattle is just Seattle
I don't know what I expected desu
Road Map indices and a hefty portion of mispronunciation.
>not a single Alexandria
Such a bumfuck nowhere
They're all named after alcoholic drinks.
Map of eastern europe and a dart whenever I need a new name. None of my players have caught on yet.
There is literally nothing wrong with naming your city something simple.
Now THIS is good taste.
I usually just add suffixes from Swedish towns after a verb or an object that is related to my fantasy town. It makes it all feel very comfy.
Sometimes I add German words or the names of Nazis for the not-HRE parts of the world. Burg is the usual suffix for larger cities. It'll probably look and sound like an abomination to a German though.
>tfw you'll never go to the land of freinds
I just run my games in medieval England, since I renamed York and London none of my (American) players have caught on.
Should probably be Si'ahl, since that's how his name is usually spelled now.
>Stereotypical fantasy names
Just name them shit like brightwater bay or sea of storms
>Thematic linguistic names
Just use random words or cities in the appropriate sounding language.
Rate my fantasy setting map
>Virgin's Land
>Sibling Love
>Men Defender's Town
Get your magical realm out of here!
>those jagged weird-shaped coasts and rivers
shit/10 gb2reddit
>premise of this land is built off powerful beings singing the world into existence
>MI Azul
None of us caught on until someone asked what a tido was and he spilled the beans.
I'm lazy and these work like a charm
>It'll probably look and sound like an abomination to a German though
it does look awful and really obvious
just hit random page on german wiki if you can't come up with some random word to put before the burg/hof/furt/berg/stadt/dorf/etc.
Yeah, gets a bit weird once I run out of the less obvious ones and I have to start running some of the names through Google translate to not make it as obvious.
Now I've got a place called Gnéas ar an Trá.