what are some stupid things your character did "just because" or out of curiosity?
What are some stupid things your character did "just because" or out of curiosity?
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Awhile back I spent an entire day's resources including divinations and luck dice trying to haggle a shopkeeper down on an item in every possible way I could think of, including magical realm.
The item was worth like 40 gold and I had 7,000.
Not I, but one of my players threw a bundle of fireworks into a lit stove on a ship they were on.
Surprise surprise, it fucking exploded the ship.
I wanted to create some sort of pseudoelemental out of destruction magic (which was my main magic path) and then assimilate it to see what happened.
This is from a couple sessions ago.
>early level dungeon
>players find puzzle room
>room is set up like a chessboard, on the other side there are some pieces
>room detects as magical
>two players start carefully moving in the room
>studying the room they reach the conclusion that they should move like the pieces whose square they entered on
>seems to be working
>they tell the other players
>wizard player goes "yeah nah, I charge straight into the room"
In doing so, he triggered a lot of bad stuff, and the statues on the other side animated, turning an halfway solved puzzle into a grueling fight.
Jesus, i know they are a PC but what kind of fireworks did they have to blow up a fucking ship?
Chinese import :)
>DM makes my character have a strange dream that's possibly the work of a god
>Have cleric on the party with revivify
>"Hey, someone kill me for about 30 seconds so I can pop on over the next life and ask."
Needless to say, the DM ruled that I didn't remember any of the experience.
Hey to be fair it was a pretty original idea.
Well, it was an old ship that had run aground (the stove was lit by a cannibal who was living there whom the PCs had just killed), so it wasn't in very good condition as it was, and the fireworks were a bundle of like 30-some skyrockets.
Bought a wookiee pelt from some trandoshans to keep warm on an ice planet. The wookiee brothers in the party didn't much care for that.
I got a sweet robotic arm replacement though so it all worked out in the end.
I hope you knocked his fragile ass into the negatives.
I don't get it, what's so bad about climbing stairs?
Too many to count
But as a player I will always try and find a reason to go investigate something or bite on a plot hook. Because games are boring if you always play smart and avoid every possible complication you might come across.
This only really works given the playstyle of game I'm in, we aren't the super gritty hardcore types, but I honestly just find it a lot more fun to be able to approach things in the world and, even if they go badly, enjoy resolving the tricky situation rather than it being a game over or some super severe loss we can never recover from.
You know how divers can get the bends? That girl comes from a series with a magical version of it, and this is a parody of a scene that happened at the far end of what humans can tolerate.
I kinda just walk into most traps because i wanna see what insane traps are made and placed
In setting, there is a giant superdungeon esq hole in the ground where magical curses fuck you up when you try to ascend back out of it. Anything that takes you vertical more than a few feet risks triggering it.
There is even a hard cuttoff of '???' on all the maps because no one who goes below that point could ever survive the trip back up to tell anyone whats down there.
My party was 'invited' on a shit which turned out to contain all of the people we had made enemies with, and they wanted to enter negotiations.
I used a new artefact I just built to murder one of the leaders while a few dozen crossbows were pointed at us.
One of my PCs spent literally all of his gold buying an entire tavern the most expensive drink on the menu.
He really loves the tavern and its NPCs.
Holy shit, why nobody thought of this? That sounds like a fun dungeon!
Watch or read Made In Abyss for more on the concept. Its pretty cool, so long as you can power through children being put in uncomfortable situations, violent or otherwise.
>Character is blessed with what amounts to respawns
>Party is fighting a roc on top of a bridge
>Decide to try to jump on the roc to stab it
>Didn't think to ask how high the bridge was
>Fall 200 feet to my death
I had a player who did something similar, wanting to create an improved sentient water / storm elemental. I told him the effort would damage his soul, he persisted.
When the session came for him to conduct his ritual I penalized him by making him lose 2 character levels. He was furious. Then I handed him the Elementals character sheet, and the custom class I had created for it, and he was delighted.
My character has sued for ownership of a terrorist space station and won just because he wanted to own a space station. at the time he had literally no use for it or intentions other than his own motherfucking space station.
he also set up a defeated foe with mind-control powers to be drugged to just the edge of consciousness and then had every one of his victims available form an orderly line to kick him in the nuts.
Married a lizardwoman because there was a 25 gold piece dowry.
Not stop a weaponized digital copy of his consciousness from spreading uncontrollably.
I seduce the table. I hump it anyways.
dont know if it counts, but I often have to take bad decisions because doing otherwise would be meta as fuck
For example, in a world of darkness game I'm playing a violent diabolist vampire with low knowledge. We defeat a kue jin and my character has absolutely no fucking idea of what a kue jin is except that she has been told "just chinese vampires", so naturally, despite ooc knowing that it is suicidal, my character tries to do diablerie to the creature.
Another example was in another game where my character suffered from a personality disorder (more like a demonic possesion rather than the real disorder), to simplify they had found the character's knife as incriminatory evidence in a crime scene and I miracoulously passed some bluff rolls to claim that the knife wasn't hers, however the persona change triggered and, because she had no way of knowing what was going on and of the crime, it would have been meta as hell not to say "yeah that's my knife, can I have it back?" Or similar
It must be said that the GM in both cases understood the situation and rewarded staying in character by not killing it
>Going upstairs
Dumb potato
Became a lich
>what is a basecamp
Fucking chinese comic books, man.
They have a forward operating base at the bottom of the fifth layer, but from that point only white whistles (the highest ranked delvers) can unlock the path to descend deeper. It's also considered a final suicide dive because the sixth layer's curse is loss of humanity (including your human mind) or death, so only messages can come back.
There's two of them actually, there's even an elevator going straight to the 5th layer that sometimes get attacked by monsters but at some point even going up for a few meters is enough to trigger the curse.
OP's pic happen in the 5th layer and she almost died from it.
I mean, how do you climb stairs without any of your senses.
Funnily enough the stairs are located in a basecamp. The bottom of the staircase is marked off with a chain and a sign after some dumbass fucked themselves up trying to climb it.
The elevator is from 5th to 6th
Please don't bully Prushka she didn't know any better.
I'm talking about the elevator papa Bondrewd used to bring children to the 5th layer.
To illustrate:
Does ascending one meter, resting a while, ascending another, resting, and so on prevent the curse from triggering, like IRL bends? Because otherwise how the fuck could a society operate on the 5th level where you can't move 3 meters vertically.
>Does ascending one meter, resting a while, ascending another, resting, and so on prevent the curse from triggering
Depend on the layer but the curse will still trigger.
It can be done on the uppers layers since the effect are "negligible" but as soon as you are deep enough, it's not something you can do anymore.
>Because otherwise how the fuck could a society operate on the 5th level where you can't move 3 meters vertically.
There's no society there, It's basically one dude and his servitors (servitors in the 40k sense) and his test subjects
But that "only" happened in the 4th layer, not the 5th.
>Level 4
it's ok. Just suck the poison ou-
Yeah, I goofed
The only society is in the 6th layer, a village of mutants.
>same artist that did the artwork for the two Elebits games made this
Whoa. Talk about tone shift
There is no elevator that takes people straight to the 5th layer.
>how the fuck could a society operate on the 5th level
It doesn't, normal people don't go that deep. "Society" pretty much ends after layer 1 or 2, going deeper is counted as suicide unless you're a veteran delver or in an organized expedition led by one.
Only people who semi-permanently operate on 5th layer are Bonedrewd and co. He has curse countermeasures made from orphans, his crew are semi-disposable.
But mostly it's just watching where you go. The field that causes the curse is not uniform, it's thinner in some places. The Idofront base is built like a giant flat disk, most of the facilities in active use are probably located on the same level vertically.
Their village has a field that blocks the curse from getting in, so they don't count.
But there is.
There's no way Papa Bondrewd could have brought so many children to the 5th layer without it.
Did you forget Nanachi's flashback?
Why even put stairs there?
Down there, it's a security measure.
Nanachi a cute
Rescued a bear cub.
That's why we need those damn Jovians around, to counter balance this sort of happenstance.
Have you only watched the anime?
I started a circus
It looks like a train here but since they are travelling vertically it's basically an elevator.
Bondrewd does call it a vessel but it could be a mistranslation or just him talking in a grand way.
It's an idiot filter, and it works!
Current theory is that the Abyss gets deeper every 2000 years, swallowing whatever's on the surface and making it into a new layer, hence all the ancient ruins. Building a megastructure the size of Idofront 13km deep into a hell pit is impossible with their current tech level, and completely overkill for its purpose. The stairs probably made sense when it was originally constructed several cycles ago.
New chapter WHEN
It was worth trying, at least.
As a fellow anime-only I thought the implication was that they were being carried down there by the delver crew Bonedrewd was heading.
I can't even imagine the logistical nightmare of creating an elevator from the surface down to the 5th layer, especially since every elevator trip apparently needs to be guarded from the outside by an entire team led by a White Whistle. Not to mention if it needs to be guarded, it would most certainly be destroyed when nobody's around to guard it.
My character was a singularity seeker, he'd disagree. And so would I.
Go Godlike or go home, where the remnant of a godlike machine will assimilate your consciousness.
Pathfinder, used one of the cleric's positive energy touch ability things on a sinister looking wall. the GM described the effect as "the material the wall was made of seems to ripple like water, before returning to it's original solid appearance". this was really cool, until he told me he made it up, and it wasn't actually in the adventure path's booklet.
>what are some stupid things your character did "just because" or out of curiosity?
It wasn't my character specifically, but I remember several questionable decisions made by another guy I play with. Said decisions include leaping out of a third story window to escape an assassin, and then (and I'm not entirely sure what his thought process was leading up to this) attempted to set fire to the building to kill the assassin. Despite the fact that half the party and several unrelated bystanders were still in the building. Neither of these things turned out particularly well as you can probably imagine.
Well, there's a reason only Bondrewd and his crew are using it.
Convincing a tribe of kobolds that their worship of a local adult blue was putting them on the path to ruin and that following bahamut with me was their only shot at salvation
I don't think there's a single elevator going all the way down to the fifth, but rather a series of smaller elevator shafts and paths (as evidenced by the tracks) that Bondrewd has set up for hauling heavy cargo down to Idofront.
My druid almost turned into a bear and jumped off a cliff to have the bear form absorb the damage just so I could get to the bottom of a cliff faster. Sadly, my party reminded me I could had just u locked flying animals so I had yo be reasonable and turn into a bird instead.
I challenged the General of the invading force that was destroying our fort in exchange for him calling off the assault.
My character was half his level and was running low on HP so it was basically suicide. I still won thanks to some rediculous dice.
I also had a PC that tried to steal money from a Dragon's horde while in the middle of combat against it. Needless to say he was one-shotted by poison breath.
So basically if you go down you don't get back up? Why go down in the first place?
Also, didn't the anime end with them starting the climb back up? Won't that be lethal?
While exploring abandoned ruins, my character pushed a button and promptly started the self-destruct procedure.
>Why go down in the first place?
For most people, shekels and/or power.
There's literally artifact allowing you to stop time down there.
>Also, didn't the anime end with them starting the climb back up?
Nope, rewatch the scene, they are sending messages back up but they are themselves going down.
>Woke up on an altar inna woods
>Ground covered in glowing dust laid out in an intricate "spiky vines" patterns
>"What do you do?"
>It tastes salty and numbs the tongue
>Character is slowly getting covered in the same patterns
>The patterns fill entire space, turning into a solid glowing color
>The last thing character feels is a horrifying crunch
I learned nothing from my experience, by the way, my characters still tend to give taste tests to everything. Maybe in a less lolsorandumb manner, but still.
Actually there are plenty of force fields on each layer. Crossing them while going down is fine, but crossing them when going up will trigger curse. Not sure if triggering curse few times have any effect or not.
Take an evil looking black orb with green misty things talking to him to feed them with him.
Shit cost me my Bag of Holding, nearly ate a hole into our ship over night and turned out to be a demon egg absorbing any biological matter it was around for too long, then burst into hundreds of baby demon snakes when our Cleric stabbed it.
What can I say, I'm a Necromancer with too much curiosity and thrill for experiments.
there's a wizard in my current game that misty steps into/onto/above anything that's even moderately interesting (especially mid combat)
he nearly died when he tried mounting a giant crocodile
The anime ended with them sending a message to the surface and preparing to go deeper
Does “fuck this and fuck” you count?
>it’s almost 4am because we usually just decide that sleep can go fuck itself until we’re done on game night
>that said this is still pushing it
>make it to the end of the fortress where the big scary wizard has held himself up after losing the war he waged against the capital
>backed into a corner, he reveals that he’s actually the kings brother and placed a curse on his bloodline. If he dies, so does this and every future king, as well as anyone related to him to a ridiculous degree
>AND anyone completely unrelated who would claim the title somehow.
>If we kill him right then and there we’d never be able to undo it and the entire continent would fall into chaos trying to fill the
>party spends- i shit you not- an hour and a half arguing about what to do. Half arguing we make him prove it somehow before dragging him out in chains. The other half says we’ll deal with the fallout once the fucker’s dead because he already pulled this shit and got away last time, dooming half the country.
>Party is split down the middle.
>my character is old and as tired of this bullshit as I am at this point. While the party has literally formed a civil business meeting at the big dining table in the room, I PM the GM that I’m casually unbundling my javelins while they’re talking
>no one notices apparently and I quietly stand up, as casually as if going to take a piss, and nail him between the eyes with one
>everyone’s dead silent for a minute until the party golden boy asks OOC if it’s possible to roll that back
>My character, still saying nothing, proudly raises his middle finger behind him as he leaves the room and I do the same and close the discord.
He wasn’t bluffing, turns out, and the GM straight up told us he had to take a break to figure out what was actually going to happen next. Because apparently he hadn’t predicted that his foolproof contingency plan wouldn’t be thwarted by cynical exhaustion. Go figure.
Some stupid things my character did "just because"?
>playing L5R, all PCs are ronin
>have to get into a town to hitch a boat ride
>there is a line of half-people and ronin before the entrance of the town
>great clan samurai are interrogating everyone coming through and searching their belongings
>have to wait in line
>be the "leader"-ish figure of the group, but tired as heck, decide to just hang back and chillax
>ronin-pal #1 decides "let's try to save some time. There are peasants in front of us, let's bully them into letting us go first."
>nod: as long as I don't have to do it, don't care
>she goes ahead and proceeds to slav the everloving heck out of the half-people
>slav squat and everything, getting uncomfortabily close, talking high and mighty, putting her hand close to her weapon...
>the peasants let us skip further ahead in line but slav-ronin can't intimidate the ronin woman we reached
>shugenja (the wizard/priest) character ronin tries to persuade the NPC to let us pass because...
>"Well, you see, we are very important people with very pressing matters." (It's true, except we are not important at all. It's just an important task)
>"Therefore, you have to let us pass, it would be most honorable."
>NPC is annoyed at this point and tells him to stuff it, she won't let us pass
>wizard-ronin starts ignoring her and heads forward. The ronin woman yells at him because he's cutting in line
>the yells attract the attention of the guards doing the inspection and they tell him to stop and go back to where he was
>he doesn't, he approaches the guards to talk
>"We're in a hurry, we have to-"
>gets punched in the gut by a samurai who's had enough about the filthy ronin making a fuss and ignoring his command
>at this point wizard is already at half HP
>still tries to talk with the guard and convince them to let us pass
>gets punched again for his troubles
>peasants faces when we have to go back at the end of the line
I tried to make a grappling hook out of knife and duct tape to get over bottomless pit. which went as well as could be expected
I also rolled a barrel of fuel at advancing robots and shot it with my laser pistol, even though we could just run away almost immolating entire party, if not for DM fiat
but since it was Paranoia, it was all pretty sane, in comparison
We freed a lich which proceeded to rape the surrounding landscape
you're just describing Order of the Stick episode, aren't you?
Good dm
And this is why L5R is boring.
I don't see it.
My fucking sides, that was a great one. I like you, user.
''We are golden gods''
If you manage to land your weapon on their head, you don't take any fall damage, though!
As a new player, a friend invited me to play a " fun campaign". Since then I have punched him in the face.
It was doom frost of death.
My elf ranger once nearly died because he was curious why people in the village close windows and doors at night and don't let anyone out. He decided to go out and see why. Faced a few OP blink dogs or some other apparitions of this sort.
>background:I'm playing warlock and have absurdly high stats compared to rest of party
>Paladin charges through door
>Door was trapped and he takes massive damage
>I attack the door
>Paladin thinks this is hilarious and attacks the door as well
>Other party members think this is stupid and demand we press on
>I try to persuade everyone to stay and join in on the fight against the "evil portal"
>roll a 25
>Everyone has to fight the door for a while until the DM tells us to knock it off
>Persuade party to never leave a door unfought so long as we shall live
>roll a 20
>From that point on we each have to stop and attack every single door we find in the game for the rest of the campaign
>Even I was sick of it by the end but the DM insisted we follow through with it since as he put it "next time you'll think twice about doing stupid shit like this".
>At another point in same campaign
>tried to question a inanimate chalk board for directions through the dungeon
>Every instance of silence was met with an increasingly violent interrogation
>Roped the rouge into playing good cop to my bad cop
>repeatedly fought enemy pcs with specifically "non lethal means"
>Fought only to knock out enemies rather than kill them
>My character would then hogtie them, wake them up and try to persuade/intimidate them into joining our party only executing them once it was clear they would not yield.
>By the end of the campaign we were rolling with a small army of npcs.
I thought that a tree might have been brought to life. So I shot it with an arrow. It turns out the tree was alive, and it also turned out it didn't like being shot with arrows.
>And this is why L5R is boring.
Border checkpoints of any sort are like DMVs: Inherently boring as a set-piece and hard to add any real tension to aside from outright trying to circumvent the damn thing, rather than just mild annoyance both in and out of character due to just fucking waiting. L5R encourages you to add such tedious scenes in order to bust the PC's balls socially and keep them in a powerless state. Contrast this with Shadowrun, which also often features such boring ass set-pieces, but gives you the tools and motivation to wreck them hilariously and permanently.
Basically, I don't seek tedium in my leisure activities, nor do I want to think about a boring and overly stiff world. I have a job that earns me money to satisfy that part of me.
Oooh, so you're an Ass, I see. Wanna know why? Are you curious how I know you are an ass?
Nah, you seem boring. Why would I care about your bullshit?
Then we're done: we can clearly see just how superior and smart you are by your very intelligent remarks.
Indeed. Thanks for playing.
Your DM lets you do persuasion checks on player characters? Why?
You have to be 18 or older to post here.
I once grappled a boss as a Half-Orc and threw us both off a cliff—punching him the whole way down.
Not sure if you know, but Half-Orcs have a racial where they remain at 1 health if they would be reduced to 0, so I was totally fine falling several stories