What's the weirdest weapon you've ever seen someone use in a game?
Why aren't you the one always using the weirdest weapon?
What's the weirdest weapon you've ever seen someone use in a game?
Why aren't you the one always using the weirdest weapon?
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A fucking harpoon gun.
I don't wanna be that kind of weird.
My warlock, out of options in a prison, had to turn an allied elf female's hair pin into a magic focus. He bickered with The Undying for about half an hour before The Undying gave in and let him use it.
Devici the half-elf warlock, using a hair pin as a focus.
A boat anchor as a melee weapon.
Part of me is sad that they didn't try to incorporate the chain somehow.
That's not weird, that's fucking radical.
I have a fondness for flails
Flails are basically standard fair.
>one of the players was an amazon
>tested one of her suitors by using him as a bludgeon in a duel.
>most of his bones were shattered by the end, but she won.... .and he was still alive.
>Lots of magic later, he's fixed up. Amazon-player wanted to marry him because he 'took blows from two of the toughest bitches she could find and still breathed'.
Does using your groom as a quarterstaff count?
A cart-mounted Gatling gun as a bludgeon.
His clutch-brother as a throwing spear.
He was a twelve-foot tall, eighteen-foot long croc-man, and I was his player.
Fun times.
Not that uncommon, seen anchors in vidya a lot, and in the same RP as I just mentioned, we had a croc-woman using the anchor and chain combo to great effect.
It feels like cheating, but fucking pic related.
And of course it was I, the bard!
I got to do a check off of my bucketlist. I activated a folding boat while flying 200' above a dragon. I literally got to use an entire ship as a weapon.
I know how this sounds, but I once kept around a severed goblin penis just in case. I assure you the decision was a completely tactical one as (In my mind at least) nothing can truly prepare someone for having a penis thrown at them in the midst of their threatening monologue.
You are a pickpocket's nightmare.
I've never actually thought about that, now that you mention it. Would've been amazing had someone tried it desu.
Another player on a stick. We were fighting harpies, he was out of arrows, I had 24 strength. It seemed like the logical thing to do.
I too have once used a motherfucker to beat another motherfucker. it was in a song of ice and fire game and i swung a guy by his foot and beat someone to death with him.
Love my weird Asian weapons.
Motochika Chosokabe?!
What the fuck is with Veeky Forums and it's weird obsession with femdom? Seriously this entire site is full of degenerate crap like this but /tg is even worse with its infatuation with "musclegirls." First off, it's not attractive. No, I will not speak for myself, I will speak for 95% of men when I say that, who actually have a pair of testicles and aren't a faggy twink in denial about being gay. You are a man, you're supposed to be dominant in the sex, enough of your weird female rape fantasies, they are just another sign of something in the water degrading the masculinity of the modern American male. Also when you faggots sperg out over - 4 Str threads and spend 450 posts whiteknighting because you are unable to cope with science, then start spamming pictures of Amazon bitches as a virtual method of plugging your ears and going "LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU." The sad thing is that most of you probably were never hugged enough as a child or something so now you have this weird fetish about being violently dominated by women, because your dad never taught you how to be a man, and you finally ended up with some dyke who actually takes sexual initiative with you and as a result it just reinforces your idea that this is good and natural. Goddamn, grow a set of testicles. This is just embarrassing. Enough with the fuckin Amazon babes shit, it makes it so obvious that you want to take the female role and are a huge fucking gay.
Hey look, copypasta. If it wasn't already, it is now.
A Gnome, not the garden kind the living breathing kind.
I know this is pasta but
>He doesn't want to dominate the Amazon
What are you fucking gay?
I once threw a poisoned soup on someone because they didn't eat said soup. It didn't exactly poison them, but I felt better before I started beating them to death.
I loved hook swords ever since this scene.
for me it was Zuko in Avatar tee bee aich
You mean Jet. Zuko used twin Dao sabers.
wow, I don't know how I messed that up
I really need to rewatch it, haven't seen Avatar since I was 17.
I never actually stopped to consider the level of weirdness of the weapon my character uses.
I guess it varies. One of them uses crabs exclusively. Another is a quite traditional arm behind the back fencing man. It really depends on the kind of character I'm making.
Hell, the witch I plan on making is going to fight almost exclusively by either tricking enemies into eating poisoned apples, or attacking foes with many animated brooms.
Also curses. Weirdness IS something to look for here. You want weird curses.
The DVD set kinda blows, it's in 480i.
Best hooksword user coming through
Also did you know you can order a pair of hookswords off Amazon for like thirty bucks?
Weirdness with curses depends on where you want to aim between "Inconvenient" and "Crippling".
I kinde wanna make a character using a ring blade. Crazy hoolahoop shit like Tira.
Still, you want to shoot for something strange, even if you're going for crippling. Though, it's usually less of a concern when you're in combat and just want to give someone a -2 or whatever.
The corpse of his future self after a quick dip in some molten metal.
Heh, I did that once as a character. The character also roamed the streets at night hunting down petty criminals and pasting them while screaming "I'm batman". DM thought it was a hoot, we were kids.
Nothing wrong with that. You haven't truly lived until you managed to use the manliest part of another living being to beat someone's head in. Now using a severed dragon dick, that would be the thing of real legends.
I thought that story was about how a woman was impressed with the masculinity of somebody who could 1)beat the living crap out of other people for her, 2)could withstand full-frontal blows from stone/iron/steel weapons without dying like 99% of beta-males and their water-balloon bodies, and 3)could handle her grip strength. Sure, he's got some broken bones or whatever, but that Amazon's gonna dommed the crap out of her because she knows he take everything she could throw at him when he wasn't even doing anything but letting it happen.
Imagine how terrified she'd be if he actually fought back with more than just a Balkan Stone-Face Stare.
And she's into that shit.
Your argument is defeated with logic, boyo.
I've done this before.
It was underappreciated.
A javelin with a long chain bolted to the shaft.
It wasn't even meant as a munchkin scorpion GETOVERHERE ripoff kind of thing rather than a way for that player to justify throwing the same javelin and pulling it back over and over again, because we ruled that thrown weapons and ammunition were effectively infinite since that shit gets tedious otherwise and nooobody ever really keeps track of it anyway and for some bewildering fucking reason that was the only way he could reconcile that idea with reality in his mind.
A knight shot out of a railgun
a portable dwarven beer brewing system that used the excess Co2 produced to power a short range bolt slinger, the range was like 5ft and it had limited uses but it was more of holdout weapon
I played a gladiator in 3.5 whose whole schtick was to be proficient in everything, he went around with a harpoon, lasso, shotput, minotaur greathammer several sizes larger then him, various gold throwing weapons with power throw, and a bunch of gnomish razors for his quick draw iajutsu feats.
A fucking bladed circle, like pic related.
Goblin grabba gloves.
Leather gloves covered on the palm side in fish hooks and jagged blades so they could grapple check better.
no user, you are the faggot.
You're a faggot
Artifact umbrella and artifact tiara in the exalted book as weapons are as out there as I've seen
I can watch this all day.
In one jail breakout the wizard used a Tenser's floating disk fully loaded with arrows and shuriken. Meanwhile my dragonborn paladin was wielding a rafter studded with swords.
>A knight shot out of a railgun
What the huh?!?
>A fucking bladed circle, like pic related.
Damn that's a badass looking circle-blade-thing...
>Leather gloves covered on the palm side in fish hooks and jagged blades so they could grapple check better.
Jesus Christ the horror!
I am playing in a game that was sort of bloodborne inspired, so I decided I needed a trick weapon. It is short spear that can collapse into a dagger, and then with magic bullshit pneumatics can extend back out. I use that along side a collapsible shield.
We were doing some kinda weird homebrew superheroes using nWoD and mostly Vampire powers to depict superpowers. I was playing a superstrong archer who had a two-stage compound bow. Stage 1 could be drawn by a normal person. Stage 2 required something like 8 effective strength or more to draw.
My paladin dual-wielded mercurial greatswords. I dunno if that qualifies as weird weaponry, or if it's just munchkin fare.
The paladin thiefling used the dwarven barbarian as a weapon and while he swung the dwarf around, the dwarf was swinging around a chair as well.
>the dwarf was swinging around a chair as well.
> Not using the paladin thiefling
> thiefling hit with dwarf then dwarf attack with thiefling and so on
>wants to fuck fantasy female body builders
u wot m8
Sugliin aka the Antler Stick.
I built a character and was active in my group from lvl1 to lvl14 in 4th ED as a Paladin who specialized in working around thrown weapons. In this case I chose my thrown weapon to be lit torches, I probably threw 2-3k of them before the character died.
I had a barbarian use of some weird giant stone horse as a club while the top of its skull became a shield for our fighter.
Off the top of my head-
A Shortsword made for a Storm Giant.
The character is a Goliath, but it's still ridiculously huge to scale and more like a giant shield/battering ram than a weapon.
A harp, used as a magic focus for a Bard/Warlock
A Revenant who used the shackles/chain he was shacked with as a flail to beat niggas to death
Fighting an Amazon, musclegirl, or some other badass babe and winning a hard fought match, or at least to a draw would be the best thing. Mutual respect, both of you can take care of yourselves, and fighting as foreplay is top tier.
Pic related
>and fighting as foreplay is top tier.
t. Klingons
How muscled do you want your women anyways?
About this muscular. Nothing too obscene.
Wait, was my pic too obscene?
I've also got a less "big" woman in the quest who's a specialist in experimental-tech.
Our weirdest kill included gravity, a flying orc, a spiked pit, and the slain’s own massive Fellforged minion
Why was the hairpin eligible to be used as a focus? Did he need bone or a gem or something?
Didn't mean that your picture was too obscene. I meant I'm not into that hyper muscle. That would be obscene.
Tell me more about this big woman into bleeding edge tech.
Hollow prosthetic filled with trained killer BEES
Seen: assorted body parts (up to and including ones own), ice sickle, improvised crossbow made mostly of condoms, Vespa
Did: Chainshield - think customized 40k Combat Shield with Chainsword teeth at the rim.
> this big woman into bleeding edge tech.
You've misunderstood.
The specialist is the woman in the two-piece.
But before I get into explaining you have to answer one simple question Are you familiar with RWBY?
I've seen the first season, no real desire to see the second.
I'd still like to know more about the big woman into bleeding edge tech.
You've misunderstood again!
The big woman isn't into bleeding edge tech!
The quest setting is placed in its world called Remnant so it might get a bit tasteless.
To be fair, the show gets better with each season.
You don't have sex very often, do you, user?
>The big woman isn't into bleeding edge tech!
Aww... my own foolishness has dashed my hopes.
Quest link?
I might look into the later seasons then, but it was pretty cringy the first.
Do you guys play a lot of dynasty warriors?
It's cancelled due to lack of player interest overtime. Only made it as far as the final acts in the trilogy
I gave up watching after Vol. 3 due to me realizing that I was just staying for the /co/ and /trash/ general.
And soon left entirely about last year since "The Split" eventually killed off the /trash/ thread (where I usually would go) instead of /co/.
You're full of shit. The closest results were for shit before Season 5 was started that are clearly fake.
>You're full of shit. The closest results were for shit before Season 5 was started that are clearly fake.
You're claiming RWBY is cancelled? Or were you talking about your game?
You confused me by replying to my post with that.
Oh shit!
I mean to reply Dang.
>playing a game where wizards were allowed to make objects into gates to various planes as well as making planes at insane cost and time
>highly useful highly expensive and usually requires some planning for effective use
>creation requires obnoxious amounts of whatever the plane is in one spot to be created
>dickass wizard played by a buddy I knew would scheme this to hell and back wanted to make a Plane of Nothing
>claims anything that enters it becomes Nothing
>wanted to make 4 portals to this plane as well
>I honestly figured he was going to entropy the planet's spin or drain the oceans or something
>he wants the objects for the portals locations to be his fists and his feet
>whole plan is he'll do his damnedest afterwards to train into Monk once he's properly kitted
>only issue was a sufficient source of Nothing and the experience needed to fund 4 portals
>dickass makes a convaluted enough argument that the barbs brain was chock full of Nothing and would also be the experience pool
>these asshats were planning this the entire time
>barb loses enough Nothing that he now actually has his "full and unhindered intelligence back"
>read that as he gets to roll for his new Int stat and it's confirmed the DM is not only sanctioning this shit he's helping
>gets 15 int
>loses enough levels he now is level 1 barb and eventually picks up the wizard mantle as our new wizard
>end result is a half monk half wizard who disintegrates whatever he hits wielding fist and foot shaped holes in reality and whatever he couldn't reach he magiced to him or him to it
at least in universe they call it a glaive, but glaives are already a thing..
3pl8 squat minimum
So, monk < bard, fighter < bard, but married couple beat them all?
One of my characters is working up to what is essentially Guts' sword, but double wide and with a grip handle on one side closer to the crossguard.
It's two handed, sure, but it's intended to be swung with one hand and thrust with two, using the sword's weight and momentum as a crutch against a lack of strength.
It's mainly just a very cumbersome tower shield, though.
>essentially Guts' sword, but double wide
Has science gone too far?
Why'd y'all niggas stop posting sticks with pointy bits on them?
My barbarian used a giant battle-spoon that he also cooked in. I had to fight the DM to let me use it because it "isn't very realistic."
The story revolved around a young soldier fresh off the academy named Jasper Greene. (He was made by the players as the MC of the quest)
A sunkissed boy with intense golden eyes and a stoic attitude, he has a peculiar amount of focus in the things he commits which lends to his poor social skills. He's excelled in all grounds that merits a good soldier since that is all he has ever put his eyes on but mostly excels in close quarter combat and long distance running.
Keep in mind in the setting of RWBY, there are people called hunters that train to be animu fighters that zip and slice around the battlefield with ease.
Jasper Greene does not have those abilities.
His first assignment is to lead a team stationed at an outpost (Outpost 13) deep within the forests of the continent to monitor Grimm (creatures in the setting that roam and ravage the lands. Hunters can usually dispatch weaker versions with ease) activity in the area.
Thus, JasperQuest begins.