Weeb TCG Thread

With the spoilers for the next Force of Will set slowly leaking out, I figured it was time for another one of these. What weeb TCG/CCGs are you playing right now? How is the scene for it where you live? Come and share stories about your play experiences.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the new Scheherazade from Time Spinning Witch, but I'm worried about availability looking at the prices of the new rulers from Advent of the Demon King. If it ends up being a problem with TSW, I'll probably just play Kirik.

>what weeb TCG/CCGs are you playing right now
Would be Force of Will or Vanguard
>How is the scene for it where you live?
About as dead as this thread.

To be honest I just want to collect playmats but UP seemed to stop doing FoW playmats for whatever reason and Vanguard mats are for babies except for like 3.

>What weeb TCG/CCGs are you playing right now?
Mostly Force of Will because it is the only non Pokemon non Yugioh one played near me.
>How is the scene for it where you live?
There are about a dozen regular attendees. Not huge, but more than enough for me. The crowd is actually pretty nice which is why I still stick to the game.

I am pretty excited about Time Spinning Witch myself.

I honestly think that what stunted the growth of FoW as bad as it is currently is how they handled the last two sets. They shifted over to more draft-based set design and the ruler printing and starter deck reprint fiasco really burned people looking to get into the game. All of the cancels they've been printing haven't helped either.

I honestly think that the Lapis and Reiya clusters have been fine, though getting some extra rulers would have been nice. What really sucked was what was done in earlier sets with R/R and Regalia.

R/R and Regalia (well mostly Laevateinn) were definitely mistakes. I still think that their current policy of how they handled the reprint rulers drove out some people who had bought starter decks only to find that their packs ended up having the same ruler they already had. The amount of the new rulers available from Advent in comparison to the reprints is appalling. I think Lapis was mostly fine, but Severing Winds being a 4-of in most decks kinda sucks. The amount cancels from Reiya cluster have been annoying too. This mostly comes back to FoW Co. making Wind a lot stronger than its competition.

>Force of Will at its peak with the Grimm cluster
>Bahamut Summer rolls around
>every retard playing Baha blast
>LGS play is absolutely miserable
>tell people the game is going to shit
>wtf man, stop being salty, the mirror match is skill testing!
>Baha Blast annihilates every meta in existence
>LGS attendance halved forever
>Deathscythe and Blazer come around
>there's some semblance of peace
>R/R comes out
>Alice's World netdeckers everywhere
>point out they're just going to drive away people who play the game
>wtf man, getting tired of your salty attitude
>the mirror match is super skill testing!!!
>LGS stops hosting FoW nights
>low attendance

I am glad that crap rotated out at least. I personally think that cards that can be used in every single deck should be avoided as they flatten the meta.

I'm glad too, but it had seemingly irreparable damage on the game. They should've done something about it sooner. The game feels a lot better now for the most part, but they're not doing much to draw people back in. The sealed item thing on the starter deck rulers was neat idea that could've drummed up some hype, but they handled it really poorly. Splitting their attention between Force of Will and Caster Chronicles is a bad move as well.

Yo vanguard players, what would you say is a reasonable amount to spend on a casual deck?

How did they handle sealed items poorly? I haven't been following the game.

The recent starter deck rulers all had a sealed item ability that was to be revealed at a later date. The cards just had wingdings on them and would later receive an errata to show what they do. The old copies with the wingdings would still functionally have the new effect once revealed. Well to get copies of them out there with the sealed item text revealed they decided to put them in the regular set. The problem is that they can occupy the guaranteed ruler slots in the boxes you can buy. Advent of the Demon King had 3 of the 5 with only 2 new rulers. Most people who opened boxes got copies of the Wind and Light starter deck rulers with revealed text and different art instead of either of the new rulers. They could also occupy the possible Uber slot and the secret slot with their original art. The Dark starter deck ruler only had one of its sealed item effects revealed (they all had one on each side, but the Dark one had a different one on each side). This means that not only did they waste a slot on a card that people could already get, but it didn't even have all of its text revealed. They also included a lot of cards from the starter decks in the set proper, so people looking to pimp out their starter deck with cards from packs or possibly get a new ruler get screwed by pulling cards they could've already gotten with just slight differences.

I forgot to mention, but because the starter deck rulers were so common in Advent of the Demon King, the two new rulers, Ayu and Welser, are in very small supply on the market and are massively more expensive than they would be normally. Anyone looking to play with either pretty much has to shell out $40 for the ruler alone when one of the upsides to playing FoW before was that the price barrier was relatively low. I can count the number of Welsers and Ayus I've seen pulled on just my hands, and I've seen a good amount of box openings.

>starter deck reprint fiasco really burned people looking to get into the game.
Is this the "sealed effects" bullshit that was on my two starter decks?
I used to play FoW but ded locals and it's so hard to keep up with the game.
Sites like mtggoldfish are really underrated, after playing games that have no resources like that it's such a giant pain in the ass to try and find shit.

>Splitting their attention between Force of Will and Caster Chronicles is a bad move as well.

As an "outsider" looking in, that is quite baffling considering how FoW the company shot itself over how it handled FoW the game. You'd think the company should prioritize on ensure the game don't wither and die instead of making another MtG "clone" of sorts

$100~150 should be able to build you a Chronofang deck, while not T1 but it is probably the least memetic of the budget deck lot

I haven't seen them take anything away from FoW as a result of making CC. From what I can tell they have a different team working on the game.

They seem to have figured that out, they've said they're gonna put the vast majority of their focus on FOW and Casters isn't gonna be taking much of their attention for now

Thinking of building claret sword cuz the art is good, without any of the expensive shit, it's about $100
I barely play tho so idk if I can justify the expense

>What weeb TCG/CCGs are you playing right now?
YGO, previously/eventually Vanguard and Buddyfight
> How is the scene for it where you live?
Mediocre. I somehow live in Weiss nation.
>tfw I was the guy who spammed Buddyfight images on the old general but ended up dropping the game

Still dicking about with CFV. Wish Wixoss was either in english or the browser version had Carnival stuff.
Scene is just my group of friends and has been since the game came out. Any attempts to draw people into it were always met with "Why not just play MtG?"

Currently building up my Bigbelly deck. Slowly buying Balaurls because fuck $30 price tag and I feel the next set is going to push GN down hard enough to maybe see prices dip some.

>vanguard's secondary market
Shit's obscene. There's like no reason this game should cost as much as it does.

Vanguard's secondary market is the result of everyone being retarded.
You can say "X deck is getting support", make a fake card, and just watch as buyouts happen

Which weeb games Cube best?

Yeah, I remember before Set 13 came out just a blurry picture of the two Shirayuki cards caused the previous Shirayuki stride to skyrocket in price. Typically saw it around $3-4, and overnight it got to $20.

Doesn't help she suffers waifu tax.

Oh yeah you didn't hear it from me but you might want to buy all the Rescue support you can.
There's going to be a bunch of retards buying it to use with Gyze.

I can also see people trying to cheese Gyze with Battle Sisters since they can stack triggers hard.

In general Gyze is bad design since it either fizzles due to lack of triggers on time or sacks a win without the player having done much more than check triggers often.

Though it makes me wonder if double sided cards will be a thing or having starters change to do bigger things later in the game. Would fit since starters these days tend to die before being useful.

I can definitely see double sided cards being the new gimmick.
Frankly, unless it's something completely minor like Breakrides/LB there's not much else to do outside of another "Extra Deck" card.

And then they never drop because lol, price memory.

Yeah, since the market doesn't move fast for cards a few months old or older it causes sellers to think they can just sit on the hype price since they still will sell one every now and again.

I'm just happy I got Crayon Tigers back when they came out and got them for less than $2. Can't imagine someone these days starting GN and having to fork over $120 just for four G2s.

As a Reiya player that new Grimm looks fucking great. Inquisition of Kozilek is pretty nice too, but now I want a Thoughtsieze.

I definitely plan on picking up Thought Control as some anti-cancel shit. It turns most cancels outside of Severing Winds into use-it-or-lose-it situations. It can also pick off a lot of the prevalent low-cost problem cards people run. I just wonder what the fuck they'll do about Reiya's other sealed item. You can't tell me they'll print her again. She may end up as a promo, which sounds pretty bad too.

A $40 ruler and another, what, $20 for a playset of their stones is actually still going to be cheaper than Magic, isn't it?

That said it really does suck, and this comes from somebody who got super lucky and pulled Ayu at prerelease.

The game is going to be cheaper than MTG regardless, but Ayu is still going to be above the curve for a FoW card.

Yeah, it's still way cheaper than most Magic formats. A lot of the core cards are pennies on the dollar. Outside of a few expensive rulers and some stones and staples, FoW is still pretty cheap (as long as you don't run Severing Winds like everyone and their grandma does). It still really sucks that they'd flub the new rulers like this. It's odd to think that Welser and Ayu became two of the most expensive cards in FoW history immediately just because of short supply. I think the previous most expensive card (not counting the rare printings of some cards) was Lumia.

Is drafting possible with Caster Chronicles?

They're definitely going to print her again, but probably in a less shitty way than they did with Advent. Kirik and Shaela look like they're coming out in Time Spinning Witch alongside nega-Lumia and Schez, and probably Nyarly. Chances are Reiya 4 will have Reiya again as the only reprint among its rulers. Maybe, MAYBE with the new Gill from Lost Tomes if they give him a Sealed Item too, but hopefully they're smart enough to have scrapped that idea if they were going to go for it.

I wonder how far ahead they do their design. I hope Time Spinning Witch doesn't suffer the same ratio problem that Advent did, because I'm actually pretty hype for all of the ones revealed so far. At least I like Kirik so that's something even if the ratios end up as bad as Advent.

They did ban Regalia before it rotated out which counts as sooner. I like how they are much more proactive about that now.

I think Regalia could've been done much better. Some of them were pretty neat, but the really good ones were way too good. But yeah, I'm glad they're getting better about it.

What card game would you all say has the best feeling cards? Not in terms of gameplay, but the actual quality of the card stock.

It'll probably be slightly less bad because we're only going to get two reprints this set instead of three. Even if there are only two new Rulers for some reason the odds will be 50/50 instead of 60/40 in favor of a reprint, plus a guaranteed reprint.

Even with the reprints in Advent being 3 of the 5, the pull rate for the 2 new ones seemed much worse than 2/5. It seemed like there were overall more of each reprint than there were of each new ruler.

>It seemed like there were overall more of each reprint than there were of each new ruler.
Well there were, at least for Gill and Taegrus, because they were also in the secret slot.

Probably FoW. The cardstock itself is nice and thick, and the backing is really good. I would say that a lot of modern card games do a great job at having nicer looking cards, though sometimes the cardstock is floppier.

Hoo boy that's a big fish.

I love it already. This is some nice shit.

Big splashy Blue finishers are pretty fun, yeah. I still don't know if rain and Thunderstorm stack, but if they don't you won't be able to get the most out of fetching Mega Thunderfish with Giga's ETB effect.

Have some more weather.

Huh, now that you mention it they really haven't said anything about that, have they? I hope it does, but the way it's worded makes it sound like it doesn't.

I'd say he's still pretty good even if they don't stack. Thunderfish and Mega Thunderfish only care about the weather being rain when they die, so unless they die on the spot it shouldn't be an issue.

It's been a while since I played, but I really like Wixoss. A new set is dropping soon, and it's introducing a new card type that looks cool. Importing singles is expensive, and there's almost no physical scene anywhere because there's no English equivalent.

Other Japanese TCGs don't interest me as much. All the ones with a bunch of different anime shoved together reuse art and I don't like that. Everyone I know plays Magic for FoW is a hard sell, and I'm not sure I want to try Caster Chronicles, though it looks notMagic enough.

Vanguard and CC deviate well away from MTG, and probably would be worth giving a shot if you don't like MTG's mechanics. If you can deal with licensed games there is the Final Fantasy CCG and the Dragon Ball Super one as well, neither of which are based off of MTG.

I completely agree with you about the ones that reuse anime art though. The Weiss Schwarz cards just look lazy as hell. It doesn't help that the gameplay is really samey too.

Would be FoW if the community didn't kill itself here.
Otherwise might get into FFTCG when the XIV deck is out.

Fuck off, there should definitely be another Duel Masters based game. FoW might keep stagnating or grow, but I'm really worried about the growth of TCC outside of Japan.

Are there any jap card games that aren't wall to wall titties and waifus? I like some of their game design sensibilities, but I just don't care for all the uguu horny sluts

If you really didn't care you'd ignore the art.

I don't think you understand the phrase "I don't care for".

>wow this game design is nice
>but ew anime tits, i can't play an interesting game without having my eyes glued on the art 24/7
Most of the revealing artwork is on promo cards anyways.

I just find it cringey and offputting. Why are you being so hostile/defensive?

>Being this angry

As much as I'd like to see Duel Masters derived games to actually not wither and die outside of Asia, but for some reason any games that are based on it are cursed to fail in English

Duel Masters: Managed to die twice
Luck and Logic: Dead after an year in English

Right now Dragonborne and TCC's futures are uncertain, and I'd hope those two don't flop lest BSR and FoW become Mini-WotCs and erode consumer confidence since BSR technically already fucked up once with Luck and Logic in English

Because most cards that have "uguu horny sluts" as the art are not the most prominent cards in the first place, along with not being the standard for making card art, or commonplace at all. If you looked into the games more you'd see that.

Whatever, nigga. I just want some cool looking monsters or whatever but apparently I should just accept that Jfags can't live without their lolis and waifus or whatever and I should just accept that

You're right bro, look at these tasty titties.

man these japs and their loli affliciton

That's literally the sort of thing I was asking for before you/that other shithead jumped down my throat for not liking bug eyed waifs

If you actually looked at some of the card games more then you'd find the information yourself instead of going off an assumption.
I wanna fuck that fish.

My only real exposure to J-cardgames is from my weeb friends who pretty much only run decks of anime titty women. They're really into caster chronicles and wiess schwarts, which seem to be literal waifu trading card games, so I was looking for something I could play with them that I could also enjoy.

Don't forget Kaijudo being axed. I like CC, but I don't think that there is a real audience for it here.

Okay, that explains some more stuff. If they play CC then they might have played FoW beforehand, or still play it possibly. You could also check for LGSs that have support for FoW with tournaments and such, even FFTCG can do well, because artwork from that is always different and not the usual moe kind of stuff.
CfV is a mixed bag because of Bushiroad being Bushiroad, but there's a lot of neat mecha art in there, and the game itself is kinda fine. Weiss Schwarz has basically any anime series, along with video games that can't support more than one TCG expac afaik, even Persona 5 is getting it's own WS deck.

Alright cool, thanks. I might try to get them into force of will again. We actually all tried to get into it when it first came out in english but the factions/colors seemed really unbalaced, or at least the starter decks did. The dude running green/wind absolutely wiped the floor with the guy running blue and myself, who had white knights.

If a buddy and I wanted to try FOW in real life, whats the best way to try it? Some sort of starter decks? Singles? What ones?

In the current rotation of FoW, Green is still pretty good, but the guys at top did notice how the game was doing in the US, and wanted to try to get better at understanding the community in more than just Japan.
Also, even if your ruler is one color, you can still run multiple colors in them, just so you know. Like I know when Necronomicon and Abdul Alhazred were legal, there were either WRB or RBG variants.
They do understand that Green is too good and are planning on fixing it and the Wanderer format. I hope they do it quickly, since even though they're a relatively new company, they shouldn't have allowed some of these interactions through. I know it's kinda stagnant now, it has pockets of communities and not a wide spread, so hopefully it grows this year. I really hope so.

Starters are fine from what I've seen and experienced. Could try the new starters that are coming out with TSW.

How long would I have to wait for that? Do any of the starter decks come with commanders that are actually top tier?

TSW comes out on March 9th, so the starters should as well.
I know Gill is used, and I've seen some lists for Kirik, as for the rulers in the TSW starters, no idea how they'll be, I don't think they were spoiled yet.

A friend of mine just returned from worlds for Buddyfight, so I thought I would give the game another shot. I stopped playing nearly 2 years ago, but the new Plague archetype caught my eye.

I know powercreep got a little out of hand thanks to Thunder Emperor's Fangs and theChaos. Anyone know what I'm in for?

You're in for some decent fun and trolling with Plague.
The game's fun as long as you avoid facing Thunder Empire, Chaos(Main Chaos, mini geargods and ADA are fun) and Athora

It's hard to keep a general going for FoW because no one seems to be playing it. The best I can do is just talk about it in catch-all card game threads like this one. I really wish the game had more resources. As it stands, the only somewhat active community I've seen for the game is on reddit, but fuck that noise.

Gill and Kirik are pretty good, like said. Reiya is also good for a midrangey control deck and she's been getting more and more good support. FoW is actually pretty decently balanced outside of the problem with Wind and all of the counters and efficient utility they get. You can take just about any of the newer rulers and do decently with it. Some rulers are clearly better than others because they support certain themes or have more support for their theme, but the game has good variety below the top competitive level where everything has been Faerur, Mikage (who came in a starter deck), and Lumia lately. The meta has slowly started to get more diverse toward the top though.

Sounds good to me. Before I stopped playing (at the end of the Buddyfight 100 era) I ran Wizard Control/Burn, Skull Warrior Rush, and for a short time earlier Ladis The Tyrant. If I had still been playing at the time, I definitely would have picked up Shadow Shades.

I love Magic World, but it seems to seldom get quality support outside of the occasional Asmodai variant. At least now I can ethnically cleanse dragons.

I think my friends primarily play Toilet, Water, and Death Rulers, so everyone is running troll builds.

>Could try the new starters that are coming out with TSW.
I didn't realize that they were putting out new ones. I am going to be looking forward to those.

Here's the poster for them.

Oh I know, I more or less meant my city. That whiny pro who fucked up was from here.

>vampire tits
>witch tits
>brown dancer tits

Not much of the art from these ones catch my eye. I kind like the Gill-looking guy because he looks like a posh asshold though.

Grimm is in the set iirc, and he looks good, and seems like a good card. Same with Scheherazade.

I'm prtty sure from the appearance but clothes and the teaser of the precon that the "Gill-looking guy" is both Gill and Alhama'at. OK, technically the fur-coat-and-bangle ensemble was Lapis, but he's light-dark with some ability for any color, just like Alhama'at so presumably he wore the 'family' fashion before taking to the old guy sorcerer robes.

I want to update my Legend World Wydar Sarkal deck with the new Toilet stuff, how many of which cards should I run?

Have you had a chance to actually play Wixoss, even on webxoss?

It's not that I don't like Magic-like mechanics, but I already play Magic. I'm looking for something mechanically sound and different. And CC did interest me quite a bit actually, if only because it's not costly and I could pick it up and play it with friends.

Does anyone else here use cards from Japanese games as tokens in Magic?

I use my many copies of Blue Eyes White Dragon as 4/4 dragon tokens in EDH.

CC is another attempt as a Duel Masters type of game, which itself is pretty interesting.
I'd use them as tokens if I didn't have the actual tokens available. Usually FoW ones because damn that back is sex.

I'm more looking forward to Scherry and maybe Nyarly depending on how she plays.

I pretty much consider Kaijudo as "Duel Masters' Second Death", which is why I don't have much confidence on any Duel Master-esque game to survive in the English market

>Future Card Buddyfight
Jesus nips are bad at names. Game itself looks interesting but that is an atrocious name.

Big part of why it died as soon as it came out where I'm at.

Personally I dislike a lot of the art, and feel if you're already playing one Bushiroad game there's no reason to pick up another.

The game and the show are very much targeted at kids, even compared to other merchandise-driven anime.

Unless we're talking toddlers or really really young kids, then I think that name is going to be a major turnoff. I certainly wouldn't have wanted to play something with such a stupid, goofy sounding name when I was like 10-11.

You're also looking at the name as someone fluent in English. In Japan, the name is still in English, and that gives it a sort of inherent coolness factor.

You'd think they'd do the opposite and market it as Shōrai Kādo no nakama or something in anglophone countries

Man, I love the art of FoW, but as far as I'm aware no one near me plays. Is there something like Cockatrice or YGOpro for it?

LackeyCCG I think.

So what's the cheapest TCG to pick up atm? playing Force of will but feel like something on the side could be fun. (need a break from green's bullshit every now and then)