Because I'm bored.
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Someone else's turn now.
Oh shit, is that the character from the "how to draw a touhou character" tutorial
Skillcheck passed!
passed my check
Am I a cleric now?
As soon as it posted, I realized a better name would have been 'Warforged with Sailor background'.
Needs a name
> Brotherhood of Nod architecture
>that comic
My fucking ass, reality is the exact opposite.
Barbarian spellcaster's backstory
A common name for that one is 'Scroll of Summon Janitor'.
Is that actually real? I know its from ching chong land but its still hard to imagine the level of indifference displayed by both the crusher and the chrushee
Gotta love how the whole family is utterly fucking horrified and the little kid's smiling
>The court decided in favor of the plaintiff and held Peng liable for damages, reasoning that despite the lack of concrete evidence, "no one would in good conscience help someone unless they felt guilty".
>It is regarded as a landmark case because of its implication that the Chinese public is vulnerable to civil liability for lending help in emergency situations due to the lack of any Good Samaritan laws.
>"no one would in good conscience help someone unless they felt guilty".
So? From that reason the dude who crushed the other should not have "helped" him get out. I know how fucked o Ching Chong land is, still asking a question aupout that specific video.
Once you are chaining 16 hour shifts for couple days in a row your general awareness dumbs down to nothing as your brain struggles to shut every non-vital function to keep you awake.
Obviously people in such condition shouldn't be driving vehicles or operating machinery, but that's another story.
How is the Cap always right?
He got his body out of the way so he could continue working.
Okay yeah, that unfortunately sounds about right.
I mean, the dead chinkman will forever be grateful that his dead body did not cause much of a decrease in efficiency. That co worker is a hero.
But Texas is full of fat retards.
How so?
Fuck, you know he was replaced before lunch. Probably within 15 minutes with a guy standing outside the place.
Where you from?
I live near the border of tits and harem.
Can't say that I'd ever think to say that at any point ever
Seattle is the de facto city for Shadowrun games. Like, the Space Needle has been on the core book covers.
I'm not exactly sure why, as the company that made Shadowrun was based in Chicago, but it's probably just that Seattle was "exotic" enough and 'techy' enough to go "Yeah, let's do that."
And, I mean, nowadays, it's where Amazon and Microsoft are headquartered, and something like the 3rd most arts-invested city in America.
Because no one remembers Eastern Washington exists, and no one cares about any part of Western Washington that isn't with 20 miles of the coast
>no one would in good conscience help someone unless they felt guilty
I know you China defenders always cite this case, but you realize that this logic actually argues AGAINST you, right?
>staying hydrated isn't the one with the water
one fucking job.
They ALL have water. A Healthy Diet is not even the only one with a bucket of it.
>water gun
you are blind. they have the optimal hydration device
He has a super soaker
It's the only modern city with the right weather. I'm pretty sure it was raining for 90% of the bladerunner movies.
>no one would in good conscience help someone unless they felt guilty
Which is where the panic about "white guilt" comes from.
Well, you see; the ninja would expect me to shoot at him and prepare a substitute jutsu.
You gotta always be one step ahead, lad.
>ding dongs can't even copy an outdated drone properly
>no one would in good conscience help someone unless they felt guilty
How fast do you think Mencius is spinning in his grave?
god i wish that were me
I have a distinct feeling that this won't actually open a portal.
It seems rather harmfull.
Maan, there is no enough alternative history with Bismarck.
Isn't this the recipe for mustard gas?
Unknown Armies
fuck wasn't there one of these where is was supposed to make crystals and some idiot tried it and made mustard gas and woke up in the hospital and then posted about it?
A Prank Time
Something like that. It is deadly, do not do it.
What is that, mustard gas?