What are your homebrew Pantheons going to be? Give as much detail as you can.
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What are your homebrew Pantheons going to be? Give as much detail as you can.
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We're going to get muh silmarils from Morgoth if we have to retroactively create the music of the Ainur and all of Arda from ex nihilo via a bunch of nerd Scions creating a new creation myth in the forging of a pantheon. By Eru Illuvatar, it will be so!
Remember, hero soon(tm)
Say, could I have the preview pdf´s? I assume we already got the big versions.
Here's origin. Hero isn't out yet but it should be either sometime today or tomorrow
I think I'd like to wait an see what Pantheons come out in later releases. I think there is definitely room for more than just the Algonquin pantheon in North America/Canada. Pacific Northwest, Plains, Southwest...
Doing sub pantheon's of existing pantheon's is something they've talked about doing already. Hell the loa is gonna be just that
Abrahamic Pantheon
Asset Skills: Integrity and Leadership
Virtues: Love vs Lawfulness
Yahweh, Monotheistic God:
Callings: Creator, Leader, Judge
Purviews: Fire, Fortune, Health, Order, Passion (Agape Love), Prosperity, Stars, Sun
Satan would be a Created Scion who turned into a Titan, while Yahweh is one of those beings that blurs the line between Primordial Exemplars and Gods (in his case, of the Passion (Agape Love) purview).
I feel like they're disparate enough cultures to have their own pantheon.
Where are the stats of Kek?
Someone posted the Egyptian Pantheon document preview. Kek's a member of the Ogdoad, who are Primordials, so he doesn't have a stat write-up, since he'd probably be making Titanspawn rather than Scions.
Not here, m80
>Some of the Netjer claim that eight Primordials
-- or maybe Titans -- called the Ogdoad arose from the primeval and chaotic waters of
Kek is one of those. I'd say the Trickster, Sage, and Creator Callings, and the Beast (Frogs), Chaos, and Darkness Purviews.
First order of business is getting the Yankees back online, mostly so that our scion of John Henry can rebuild in 2e. After that, it's writing a new pantheon for the characters from our old game, since "campaign following the scions of our characters from the last game" was put on indefinite hiatus when 2e was first announced
Whats this?
Scion is a WW/OPP game based on the idea of your characters being modern-world children of the Gods of Antiquity.
Despite having many mechanical flaws, the first edition was quite popular, and the 2nd edition, which was kickstarted just over a year and a half ago, is nearing printing. As such, the backers have recently received the complete rules text of the Origin book, which covers the basic system and setting details, as well as how to make a basic character, and people are eagerly awaiting what is presumed to be a very near release of the text for Hero, where your character will learn of their divine bloodline, and acquire more obvious supernatural powers.
Thoughts, anons?
Vampire (Villain)
Qualities: Natural Weapons (Fangs), Super Soldier, Shroud, Institutional Disbelief, Unnatural Hunger (Drinks Blood), Miasmic Presence (Holy symbols burst into flame), Vulnerability (Sunlight)
Flairs: Dread Gaze, Here I Come, Shapeshifter (Wolves, Bats), I Have Friends, Hypnotic Charm
Drive: To feed upon the human cattle
Primary Pool (9): Close Combat (+1 Enhancement), Seduction
Secondary Pool (7): Athletics, Stealth, Wealth
Desperation Pool: 5
Health: 6
Defense: 3
Initiative: 7
Armor: 1
It feels like vampires should be more a gradient, with younger ones being Professionals and older ones being Villains.
A lot of these NPCs are just 'this is a good villain for you'. Obviously not every vampire is going to be the Villain of a plot, but its a good roll to have one in. If that makes sense?
I think this is meant as a fairly generic villain tier vampire, given the number of abilities involved.
I mean, having all those flairs, as well as the potency of the miasmic presence (which I know is an example given, but still) implies this is a Dracula-tier elder.
I think at professional tier, you'd break it up into Social vamps and Combat vamps, neither of whom would have Shapeshifter or I Have Friends.
Social vamps drop Super Soldier and Here I Come, while Combat Vamps would drop Hypnotic Charm, Shroud, and maybe Dread Gaze.
Is this fanmade or is hero already out?
In 1e, Vampires were Demigod-tier, weren't they? I'd say a Mortal Villain-tier vampire would probably be one of the weaker ones. A stronger one would probably be a Monster, or be whatever the Hero- and Demigod-tier equivalents are.
Hero is not out yet, still just Origins.
I made it with the Antagonist rules in Origin.
NEW YORK—Commending his healthy frame, impeccable lineage, and ability to form light and order from the primordial chaos, judges announced Thursday that Egyptian deity Ra has taken top honors at the 141st annual Westminster God Show.
The purebred Egyptian sun god, who competed against divinities from more than 290 recognized pantheons—including Roman gods of war, trickster deities, and the Mesopotamian Anunnaki—reportedly overcame stiff competition to impress judges with high marks in gait, ear shape, and all-around omnipotence, ultimately winning best in show.
“Since 1877, the Westminster God Show has conferred its highest award upon only the most distinguished of deities, and Ra is without question one of the finest specimens we’ve ever seen,” said judge Allison Brand, citing the distinguished pedigree of the 26,000-year-old creator of all life, who sired himself from the endless void and infinite night. “His victory is especially impressive when you consider this year’s incredibly competitive field. [Japanese storm god] Susanoo-no-Mikoto, for instance, really thrilled us when he rode the crest of a tsunami across the show floor and summoned the power of lightning to defeat the evil spirits of the world.”
“But at the end of the day, Ra is just a tremendously pretty god,” she continued as she patted the deity’s falcon head and presented his handler with a purple-and-gold ribbon.
The thing itself isn't even out yet. There's nothing to leak
I'm not sure that I could custom make it, but I'd like to see the Slavic gods. Perun, Czernobog, etc. Honestly I only know those two and honestly only because Marvel comics has Perun as Russia's !Thor and Czernobog shows up in American Gods.
I'll honestly post the damned thing here in these threads for you guys the instant I have it. It just isn't out yet.
user you are truly better than we deserve.
The Slavic gods were actually used as an example of creating your own Pantheon in the 1e Companion, though they weren't fully statted out. The real problem with them is that there's actually not a whole lot of information about them that isn't filtered through Christian texts about how bad they are. And the fact that Chernobog is the "black god" and was described as evil meant that some scholars assumed there must be a good, white god named Belobog...even though that name comes up nowhere in historical texts.
Yeah but odds are I won't catch it till I'm at work for the day. Hopefully someone else will beat me to it, but I'll do my best if not
My own brief knowledge of the Slavic Gods (mostly similar to what has) isn't much to add, but a perusal of Wikipedia does speak to an interesting pattern of deities. Something like
Slavic Pantheon
Asset Skills: Integrity and Persuasion
Virtues: Unity versus Freedom
With an exploration of the idea that many Slavic gods are dual-, tri-, or even quad-natured. There's an ongoing theme of trinities and unities in Slavic myth.
Triglav, the living Axis Mundi is a god formed when Perun, Svatoid, and Svarog combine. Svatoid himself has 4 faces, two of each sex.
Dazhbog, the God of Night has his daughters Zorya Utrennyaya and Zorya Vertennyaya.
Veles is described as being both male and female, and parts of like, six other gods.
Baba Yaga is served by three horsemen, dubbed Bright Day, Red Sun, and Black Night.
You can have Rod serve as their Primordial, and something akin to Theion from Exalted: he is the first bloodline, the progenitor and father of existence.
Their enemies can be Baba Yaga and Simargl, who's basically Fenris/Apep anyway,
So, rolling Might at close range makes sense for firearms. Why can you roll Might at short range? Anyone have an explanation, because me and my group are stumped.
Would Baba Yaga even be a goddess? She's just a powerful sorceress.
I put her as an enemy of the gods partly for that reason.
I'd argue that (and while I know it's not actually how it works) Baba Yaga's relative fame and belief clearly mark her as a force of not-inconsiderable power. I mean, her name is used in John Wick, she was used to frighten children for centuries, and she's like "Slavic mythology 101".
Further, she serves as a fierce iconoclast for a counter-point to the Unity of the pantheon: she lives deep in the forests, far away from most people, and is often alone except for the magical tools she has made for herself, and the servants she sometimes commands.
She represents the extreme of Freedom's pull: Isolation. She has removed herself from the hierarchy of creation/divinity. She answers to no one, but has no one who loves her, or would help her without incentive.
She could also serve as a potentially ironic twist: given that a lot of the Slavic mythos is lost/colored by the Christian and other sources that have tampered with them, the Slavic gods might have a stance of global isolationism: while they are unified as a pantheon, they strive to interact with the other Gods as little as possible. Baba Yaga, on the other hand, has received wide-spread adoption, and notoriety, her isolation making her easy to transplant and recognize.
Nah that's just dumb. I'd excise it
You're telling me that Heavy Weapons Guy isn't rolling Might + Firearms to hit people with his minigun?
overwhelming speed!
I'd have assumed it would be the resistance trait to hold steady but your point is sound
Quick! You've been invited to play a Valentine's Day one-shot in which your group has to put a stop to Eros who's been overstepping his bounds and is in danger of putting an entire city into an erotically charged mess of fate-bound lovers. Before you've got a few hundred thousand stars of a real-life soap-opera, you've got to discover Eros' plans, figure out why they're going wrong, and stop them.
The hero-level one-shot will be mainly mental/social with at least one scene of physical fighting - though you'll probably want to bring non-lethal attacks for that. What sort of Scion do you make?
Son of Ares who frankly doesn't want to see what weird sexual nightmare that could turn out to be and intends to solve that crisis with the power of knives.
What I was planning in making anyway, scion of Hephaestus. In this case it works as it can play off his botched marriage to Aphrodite.
Saint of Parvati.
Eros's plan will dissolve many marriages, or at least poison the wellsprings of love that they drink from, and such a wide-spread perversion of love-in-duty is inimical to my Mother.
Bonus points if this is the result of an argument between Eros and Parvati, or a similar deity.
Scion of Ezrulie. Everyone should learn the benefits of polygamy! With Eye of the Storm, so she can walk through the street orgy without getting humped.
Look at that, our first non-Theoi.
Why is it UKIP colors?
If you just gonna use your best attribute for everything anyway, why dont they just made Physical, Social and Mental attribute. The game is so dumbed down on those aspects, that it would be better just cut it out then.
Even so, her power level is more demigod or even hero than god.
Nine attributes is too many anyway, if they're all supposed to be of equivalent importance to each other. It just doesn't work.
I mostly intend to follow the range table chart. Melee I'll accept a certain bit of leeway in attack shit to a certain extent but fuck all am I going to let someone use reason in a knife to gun brawl up close.
It worked for literally every other WW/OPP game well enough
>even Hero
I'mma call bullshit on that one right there.
Baba Yaga was the fucking tutor of Koschei the Deathless, the Great Lich of Russia. She is the Queen of Witches and Mother of Misery. She's at LEAST Demigod tier.
This is a being who gives children family-incinerating magic skulls for helping with her laundry, who was listed in a summary of the Slavic Gods and their Roman counterparts as "equal not found."
She commands Day, Night, and the Sun, and has secret servants she will bear fewer questions of. She can make herself into threefold sisters, like three-faced Hecate, and her gifts and servants are the REASON heroes survive and succeed in Slavic myth.
She is not counted among the Gods simply because she does not bow to the ultimate authority of Rod.
She is "only a sorceress". Pah, and your vaunted Satan is tricked by farmers, and loses music contests to boys! And yet he is the enemy of your great God, is he not?
partly making the argument simply to bump the thread.
She's a really powerful witch but I bet Heracles could take her.
Appearance was always the odd man out. They tried hard in Scion 1e, but it still didn't quite work, because they used Presence as an Ability.
Heracles, the epitome of Demigod power who became a God himself?
It's kind of a moot point, since Baba Yaga was already statted up in the 1e Scion companion as a God.
Fine, then Cu Chulainn
Galahad or Percival might also be able to beat Baba Yaga. The Grail is a hell of a Relic
He was also a Demigod; at least Legend 5, to have the Ríastrad War Boon.
I mean a running theme of heroes is that they can defeat the divine via trickery, their own gifts, and sometimes covert aid. Like Heracles beat Atlas in a sense by tricking him into taking the World back on his shoulders, but I doubt even he could take him in a straight fight.
On the other hand yeah I bet he could punch Baba Yaga out.
>"Foolish child of Zeus. Until you've learned humility, my magic will never let you escape this realm."
On the other hand, is that a defeat when she still has you where she wanted you (trapped forever in a cage you can't smash out of)?
I mean, well, if she wants to stop getting punched in the face, she'll have to let Herc go eventually because he's not going to let her go.
What sorts of things would a non-human origin band of scion do?
Presumably the same thing human origin scions do, but with more tails between them on average.
>who was listed in a summary of the Slavic Gods and their Roman counterparts as "equal not found."
That's not about her power level, mate.
I think the devs have had something to say about this, but I forget if she's planned on being demigod or low god tier
Demigods are where you get beyond culture hero, but aren't quite into 'living embodiment of a concept' like a god of War or the Sun or Wisdom. She could be a demigod, or could be a goddess of magic and other tricksy wisdom. I could see it go either way
Non-human Scions are in a totally different ballpark than human ones. They're not going to have the same connections (Fateful and otherwise) to mortals that regular Scions have all the time, and don't go through the same 'regular life to world of Legend to being literal gods and allies of beings that you read about in storybooks' arc.
>Veles is described as being both male and female, and parts of like, six other gods.
What. No. No he isn't. What wikipedia are you even reading? en.wikipedia.org
He does have a lot of domains/possible purviews.
I want my cute kitsune girl merlin
>Scion 2e
You have no idea how disgusted by this
You miss a couple words on the end of that sentence there?
I liked it a lot more than 1e, but it isn't perfect
Must we duel now?
My bad
Lad the last time was a compelete fuck up, I reckon Nu-Scion will be just as shit in another way.
Also why no Christianity or Islam? I would find it much more interesting than LARPagans.
I have no idea. How digusted by this even go want to do look more like?
The Host. Because of, you know, that guy, you don't call yourself a Scion of Adam or Michael or I don't know any saints, you're a Scion of the Host and anyone that counts as a god in this pantheon can boss you around like they're your mom or dad. Their Titan is Yahweh, who is fatebound by all the rules and bullshit surrounding them, and as a side effect anything that goes near their mythology gets appropriated into it. I need to incorporate demons into it somehow because the only player going for this is gonna want their mom to be Lilith, so that was all bullshit.
The Annunaki, I don't know anything about them but one of my players is obsessed with Inanna so I should come up with something for them.
Veles is part of Chernobog (which is, technically, more the IDEA that to every light God, there is a dark, rather than an independent entity.)
He is potentially the same god as Flins, and the male form of Lada
I was incorrect about the female gender thing, though, that was me misreading the section: "Chernobog incarnates as Veles and female deities" as having an "other" before female. Mea Culpa.
If you're gonna go that route, at least make it cool and say Scion of the Empyrean instead of the Host
That's way better. Thanks!
>Also why no Christianity or Islam?
Because they don't want to get their game protested or bombed.
>Because they don't want to get their game protested or bombed.
>Not thinking about the publicity
Does OPP have a physical office for that shit to take place? I kind of assumed it was a bunch of freelancers who worked out of their parents basement and one dude who organized kickstarters in a van he lived in down by the river.
Nah, it's all freelancers, like you said.
They can still bomb the van, dude.
Or worse, slash its tires. A bomb gives an insurance payout,vandalism might not with shit tier insurance
>getting blown up for offending Muslims
>being anything more than 30 seconds on CNN before they move on to the next school shooting
It's like being the kid who eats bugs in the hopes that it will make people like him
So, do we want to talk about just how quickly the rules of Scion did a 180 on Enhancements?
Rule 70 of Origins: Try not to give enhancements over 3, as it can swiftly make rolling at all pointless.
Heroes: Alright, this attack is enhancement 4; this one is 3; if you get this purview, 3 enhancement for these checks; this other purview imposes complication 3 on enemies...
I can't tell whether it's a a hiccup in reasoning, or a kind of beautiful hint that "these abilities are essentially auto-wins."
2e is following in the proud tradition of recognizing a flaw in balance, and immediately doubling down and breaking the game in half.
Probably an editing thing. Theres a thing mentioned somewhere, can't remember where, that enhancements don't stack past 5 unless otherwise stated. Probably gonna be big and front and center in the final draft
is the hero text out?
Not that I know of. I think he might just be talking about what various previews we have in general
My guess is Neall is taking a bit longer with his personal run over of the text before putting it out because of how many mistakes were pointed out in the origins text, he just doesn't want that same sort of reaction
No, but two threads(?) ago, a playtest user dropped a bunch of innate powers for the various purviews, and in the previews you can see it.
Fire lets you attack with Enhancement 3 blasts, Water slams an entire range band with Enhancement 4 bashing damage, Passion gets Enhancement 3 on reading people, Deception imposes 3 Complication on attempts to read them, etc.
That's likely a continuation of the very line I'm quoting on page 70. "...be extremely cautious in allowing the combined enhancement to exceed 3."
It's framed as a discussion on limiting stacking teamwork benefits...and then in Hero boom, some rolls just START at Enhancement 3. So are we to assume you shouldn't be able to help those guys, or is the note simply for Origins Scions, and Heroic ones don't have such a restriction due to the higher power level?
It might just be a power level thing. The warning was to be cautious about handing out too many levels of enhancement since it can make things too easy/trivialize certain opponents, and aren't Heroes supposed to be able to do that to mortal mooks?
That's basically my earlier point: do we think this is a mistake, or do we think that it's a (currently) subtle indicator for the difference in scale (not Scale) between origins characters and Herose?
The Water one eats a whole point of legend, rather than being imbued, so is a pretty costly one. That being said, Hero might just have a higher level of Complications and Difficulty to overcome as well, and the casual use of Enhancements basically exists to let you rape face with mooks using similar dice pools to what you were using last week before your Visitation.
I'm the guy who is going to make the Arthurian Pantheon. Virtues are going to be Obligation vs Passion, and I'm still thinking of the specific purview, but I'm thinking it'll be Relic related at the moment. Everybody and their grandma had magic swords, armor, spears, whatever. Have a mega relic, on us