Which famed GM does Veeky Forums think is the best?
Easy mode: none of these fucks
Which famed GM does Veeky Forums think is the best?
Easy mode: none of these fucks
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Me. I do it the best.
Steven Lumpkin
the shitposters are on their A game today
I unironically like Chris Perkins.
Perkins is probably the most talented person on WotC's payroll right now. Well, at least in the D&D department.
Wil Wheaton
Robin Williams
Matt Mercer. His narration is god-tier, his players besides Marisha are great, his presentation is generally on point, and he seems like a really nice guy in real life.
The only real answer.
I like the upper-right guy. Been watching his videos.
I dont know any of these fagoots.
>scripted youtube show
>real gming
>best GM
Once upon a time I wished I could have played with him. I guess you really can't go back home again.
>counting mercer
you know they fudge everything on that show right?
Who the fuck is top left, and why does the user that keeps posting these 4 panel pictures keep posting him?
I've never seen him anywhere else.
>Steven Lumpkin
Ha, yes this.
I want to fuck Matt Mercer. No homo.
Uh...I think he's that dawnforged or dawncast guy?
This guy
I would have wholeheartedly agreed after season one, but the beginning of season 2 is boring the tits off me. I love Jerry's narrative style, but sometimes it's ok to just say 'you kill the goblin with your sword' rather than try and paint a word picture of the event based on an experience the pc had when they were a child. It just gets fucking tiresome after a while man. The dwarves were pretty gold though.
I would kill to have this guy dm me
I look up to Chris Perkins, just watching him play and reading his old 2011 articles made me a better DM by A LOT
I'm still working my way thru season 1 but I fell in love from the Dark Sun podcast ages ago. I expected him to be unnecessarily descriptive at times; Mike said he has done that shit since high school. I'll temper my expectations for S2.
Of the four I've only listened/watched Campaign 2 of Mercer's show so
It's clearly savin
I want this man to DM my Shadowrun games.
Say what you will, it will be an epic experience.
This sexy motherfucker watch the Bill and Ted episodes, they're 10/10
>Party member uses flamethrower
Okay team its time to head on down to Ares Corp to find out why they're turning all the freaking frogs gay!
Honestly it might just be fatigue. I might just take a break, listen to some other groups and then come back to teh C teems. Totally agree about Dark Sun.
Wayne june
His name's Matt Collville. He does youtube videos about dming. Seems like kind of a pseud imo, but people like him.
>2 hours
What the fuck, kill yourself. Summarize that shit.
Do you really not know left from right?
Isn't that the guy that went around harassing other D&D youtubers and using bot scripts to push his videos? Something stupid like that.
I don't understand why more youtubers don't edit their shit. I suspect however it's all got to do with ad revenue.
If you shoot a 3 hour battle report that would neatly edit down into 15 minutes there's a lot of work in condensing it and a lot of missed ads shown in that time. It suits you and it suits other youtubers if the paradigm is to leave videos fairly raw.
Is it still possible to get copies of those dungeons he made, Tomb of Whores and that other one?
Someone finally posted Hankrin. Hands down the GOAT, I'd love to game with him
>e-celeb nu males
This guy. Too bad he doesn't write a blog on how his unofficial campaigns go. Reading about Iomandra progress was interesting.
Apparently not. Fuck me
That third one scares me. If he had an entirely different body and face he could have had been a cool guy, from what I saw.
Literally who are these neckbeards
>It's shitposting to not like e-celebs.
Fuck you all, I was here from the start of Veeky Forums, there is a decline in quality.
No Jim Davis?
DFCDM being in this image is a pretty significant insult to the other three gents.
Although none of them are the best. That's unequivocally Spencer Crittenden.
Alex Jones plays D&D. He's as ridiculous as you think he is.
I think he meant that this thread was probably intended as low-key bait to attract posters like
Gonna need a sauce for that user
A lot of people listen to youtube videos while working (myself included)
In a lot of ways, youtube is more like radio than it is television, with much of the content being very audio based
I like Jim
Faggot detected.
It was the original Ad a Inc podcasts that got me from playing computer adaptations to an actual table so he also just had a special place in my heart. it's nice listening to one of two episodes a week on my commu re so I don't think I'm burned out yet.
It's shitposting to make an entire post to tell everyone that you don't like e-celebs
>___ detected
Newfag detected
Griffin Mcelroy
The scary thing is I legitimately can't tell if this is fake or real
Sure, if you like riding on trains
Out of the "famous" dms? Colville.
>Which famed GM does Veeky Forums think is the best?
There isn't. Some of the ones I put on in the background while doing something else are The Curmudgeon in the Cellar, chirine ba kal, & Gronan of Simmerya
Shitcal role fan detected.
Please leave.
Poor spoony. Dude went nuts.
I came here to post this but I didn't even think needed to specify I thought it unironically
I haven't watched any Dale as DM, is he actually good?
I unironically like griffin as a DM
Fuck yeah Hankerin'. You see the live stream where he downed a whole bottle of mead and talked about his fucked up life?
He's got a fucking eyepatch. What do you think?
Spencer's dumb jokes are so effective on me it's ridiculous.
Also his fursona is a blue dragon, so I can relate.
I know literally nothing about critical roll outside of the fact that it's on vrv because I just got vrv last month
Gary Gygax
I'm honestly surprised by how much I enjoy Critical Role so I guess Mercer.
No, which one was that?
What are you talking about? This board is better than it's ever been now that Quests are gone!
Mercer. Who doesn't want a DM who is a voiceactor and cares enough about the game to homebrew some creative stuff?
Yeah, he is kind of the textbook example of what untreated bipolar disorder looks like. Dude really needs to see a therapist and get his head screwed back on straight.
>plugs, glasses style to look like 70's sunglasses, tryhard beard and tats, buttons/patches vest, and a mook haircut
I don't know about any of those people, but that guy in particular screams, "I am overly concerned with topical aesthetics, and participating in them in a hollow fashion," so that guy is probably the worst.
I have no problem with trying to look like a biker or a rockstar even if you're only particularly into biker or rock subculture, and not actually a biker or a rockstar. When you're an (apparent) e-celeb who plays board games for a living, or really anyone else who isn't from a group associated with that imagery, it just screams wanna-be. His stories are probably trite, and his games are probably more often rule-of-cool than anything else.
Objectively, Perkins
Stop. Telling me. How to shitpost.
James D’Amato
Get lost, old man! It's our shithole now!
I like him just because he takes an original approach to running a game with the timers, room DCs and the episodic nature of his games.
Mark Hulmes
That's Adam Koebel, you've hit the nail on the head desu.
This guy
A lot of people don't like them because of their inside stories. But I like them.
Best DM
Best Campaign
Best Player (Ryan/Hobgoblin)
>tfw georg is dead
not really famed but I personally enjoy watching URealms hosted by Robert Moran.
Adam Koebel is a tumor masquerading as a faggot.
Left and Right nerds are a great source of advice and inspiration, honestly. Their streamed games are not really entertaining, but god do their advice and explain videos are.