>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Wild
>5e Trove
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Grid or theater of the mind? Squares or hexes?
>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Wild
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
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Grid or theater of the mind? Squares or hexes?
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So what's the point of the price requirement for Steel Wind Strike?
The only weapon that I can find that doesn't qualify is the dart, which is a ranged weapon so wouldn't count anyway.
Is it intended for improvised weapons? To avoid you soap wind striking?
First for the ghost warlock memebuild
A mix of both (hex grid when using them). Not every fight needs a battle map, but encounters in lairs and larger dungeons will get a grid drawn out for them.
Squares, and we use a combination of grid and theater of the mind depending on the circumstances/how lazy I am.
Also, a new scientific poll for you fa/tg/uys:
>Just finished second session with a bunch of new players
>All are really getting into character, have a bunch of in jokes
>Deep main plotline where they're slowly being framed for the King's assassination bubbling in the background
>They're tasked with tracking down a local rogue mercenary group, end session
>As they leave the house they're planning how they'll get in, if they'd be able to disguise themselves, what sort of strategies they can use and if it would be better to attack during the night
>Genuinely having fun with the game and excited
>Feels like a collaborative effort in storytelling rather than me vs. them
How are your games going lads?
I'll bite. What is this?
I would prefer theater of the mind, but my players lose their fucking minds when I don't get out the battle mat and draw their surroundings. For every. single. encounter.
Manouver ranger or spellcaster ranger?
user from last thread is trying to find ways a warlock can abuse the gaseous form spell.
I just finished DMing a sort of lackluster CoS campaign two weeks ago with my friends, and we're all talking what to do next.
I also just started playing in a new campaign doing ToA on Roll20 with a friend and 3 randos, and it's fun.
Overall, things are going pretty good.
I really want my friends to decide to roll new characters so I can stretch my creative muscles, since I've yet to run my own campaign, but I don't want to force it on them
Next time, differentiate between session day and adventuring day. They're both very different.
I am that user! Casting armor of agathys before hand and relying on hexblade's curse and the loads of invocations that don't count as spells or attacks while in gaseous form turns you into a tanky cloud of doom!
>Grid or theater of the mind? Squares or hexes?
If there were no price requirement it would be assumed to be a part of your component pouch.
it's totally fine to create your own background within the rules, right? you don't need to use one of the prewritten ones?
Can we post spore druid art if you guys have any?
Yeah, but make sure to ask your DM, especially if you're giving your custom background a feature. I've run into some DMs that consider it homebrew even though it's technically RAW to make your own background.
>A month of waiting
>For fucking "travel" rules
yes, it's intended. work with your DM to come up with a background feature that will be useful for your campaign (but not too good)
Why are druids okay with using (presumably metal) scimitars and sickles but won't use metal shields or armor?
Running my first session of my first OC setting campaign tonight.
Can't wait to fall flat on my face.
Does having my tiefling paladin to multiclass into warlock come off as a weeaboo edgelord? I thought it would be interesting if he consulted his infernal heritage for answers regarding his missing deity.
also theater of mind but I'm using this right now to introduce my vidya friends to D&D before I pull the rug out from under them.
Same reason Clerics in the past were supposed to stick to blunt weapons. Weird holdover traditions.
Give us some details. What's the scope? How much stuff do you have planned out? You aren't planning on railroading are you?
>come off as a weeaboo edgelord
maybe a little bit? depends how you play it. does make you come off as a powergaming munchkin though, like most multiclass-into-warlock shenanigans. especially if you go hexblade
They take oaths to their gods not to use other weapons and armor. That's why if they chose to do so they lose their power, and if forced to do so they do not.
All of them are kind of a mess.
>table 1
I had 4 players. One of them chose to left after I suggested, since she had a lot of restrictions to show up. Then another girl joined in, she has no idea about the game and hadn't thought of anything, nor has read the book - yet she chose to play the hardest class to build in the game (druid). Our first session with her was just me putting her to creater her sheet since she was too lazy/confused to do ir for herself, and none of the players bothered to lend me a hand. Two of the other players are in a relationship, but they are both very unstable and constantly ""break up"", so the guy always takes a break from the game when that happens or when he needs to study (because he spent all of the days before the day of the game being a lazy piece of shit).
My only decent player on that table doesn't take the game so seriously, but that's fine I guess. She's invested in the game even if she's not good at roleplaying.
I have no idea when the next session is going to take place.
>table 2
Six dudes. One is "that guy", other two have the "video-gamey" mindset, other one doesn't give a shit about anything besides the wizard spell list and imagine shit for his character's background that never comes up in the game. The other two dudes are fine I guess. They are all my friends, but not close enough like in table 1 where I get dragged into their personal drama, so everything works smoothly. Also it's in one of the player's aparment, so food and beer is free.
My monk is in jail after out drinking h every other party member and then defending them form being robbed
The scope is pretty much just urban city adventure, the city itself being a kind of Shadowrun meets Eberron meets FF14 version of Hong Kong.
I'm planning out a lot less stuff than I normally would after reading the Lazy DM pdf and trying to refine my approach.
>You aren't planning on railroading are you?
The adventure starts on a train, so technically yes.
Why should mother nature give a shit that you're using weapons made from natural minerals instead of natural plants/animals?
>table 3
Three veteran players, and the other one is a very creative mind. I'm eager to play with them, but their schedules are very, very busy. It might end up being my favorite table.
>table 4
A bunch of (5) stoners thought it would be a good idea to play D&D. They knew I was a DM and called me to teach them. They seem to have lost interest, so I'm glad, they're all a bunch of political extremists and I'm sure the game would be a disaster. The first session is yet to come, and I hope it doesn't.
I swear, all of my players are so lazy. I put two players at table 2 to DM one-shots and they got way better as players after that. Other than them, everyone else just shows up, some don't even update their sheets. I'm kinda tired of it. When I wrap up all of these campaigns, I'm gonna gather 4 to 6 of the best and most available players and that's it.
also didn't want to become THAT GUY for it. If I did it would just be the infernal pact since that's the theme I'm going for. I saw that pal/sorc is also bonkers.
I'd rather he revise and update some of the current UA Sorcerer options that didn't make it, but a new sorcerous origin might be fun too. What is this one based on?
oops, forgot to quote. you get the idea
I envy you a lot my man
I was joking, but okay sure. Good to clarify that for any newfags in the thread that might get ideas I suppose.
he's been meandering thus far talking about why sorcerer is designed the way it is, and kind of unofficially confirming that he has no idea why it's bad.
My DM revealed to me that he actually stats out some of the humanoids we fight as if they were PCs with no archetype. What're the odds that one of us will be action surged to death?
Wow, it's almost like without any clear indication, sarcasm doesn't translate well to text.
>sick joke bruh
Of note: these rules can be ignored by low level driuds and rangers. So, there is not even a point to them.
>You aren't planning on railroading are you?
Railroading is only bad if your players can spot the rails though.
about as good as the odds that one additional enemy that only exists for a single turn is just enough to push an encounter from manageable to deadly
they don't call greentext "muh sarcasm arrow" for nothing.
new player here, what skills should I focus on
also what should I do for tools
expound on this. What invocations and spells function while in gaseous form? You can't EB right?
Giants. It's based on giants.
He did a kraken Warlock, and acrobat thief in previous ones, this one is Giant Sorcerer.
Depends on your race and class.
Mearl's comments about how they probably would have done dragon sorcerer differently if they made it now sort of make me want 5.5 because I'm a huge shill.
human fighter
For tools, check if your DM uses XGE tool use rules. If they do, Alchemist's Tools, Herbalism Kit and Smith's Tools are all very reliable choices.
Cartographer and Disguise Kit and Cartographer's Tools are both very useful situationally (in urban/exploration-heavy games).
I don't know why they didn't just finish playtesting before publishing.
like he's talking about "playtests gave us this feedback" but then they clearly didn't get to act on it.
It's not like they're Ubisoft or something, they knew they couldn't patch it once published.
Imagine you're in a game with your close friends that you know will go completely to shit. The DM is RAW by the book, but has some issues and is just not up to the task. If you try to PVP, blame will shift to you. What would you do?
Oh boy! Just what I needed to compare to my brew!
>mearls doesn't want to make an obvious 1-level dip for this sorcerer archetype
>immediately proposes some sort of of con AC bonus at level 1
PVP the DM.
>giving Sorcerer's Barbarian's AC.
Old lore. Druids used to worship gods back in the early editions.
Your brew is shit and has been shit every time you've posted it.
Should compare pretty favorably, I'll probably use it over whatever Mearls designs.
ERP the DM
relax and drink a beer or whatever. Whenever my games look bad I just tell myself "these dudes are friends, I'm hanging with my buddies" and then I relax.
Whats the worst that can happen? Answer: Someone over-reacting.
>you know will go completely to shit.
>If you try to PVP, blame will shift to you.
Rightfully so, being a piece of shit gets you called a piece of shit. Do other players feel the same way? If not, you should probably just quit and let other people enjoy their game instead of shit it up like an asshole because it's not to your liking. If the other players also take issue with things about the game, consider talking about it like an adult and bringing some constructive feedback to the DM's attention.
we have all repeatedly told you it is bad.
stop asking, our answer will not change, nor will we ever start using it no matter how much you shill it.
I dunno I like it.
>tfw nigh on impossible to find a group in my city
>tfw just spend my time thinking of characters I'd like to play eventually
Maybe one day I'll get to be the Death Cleric fascinated by decay sent on a quest to take down a Necromancer who is preventing the creation of new life by undoing death.
Be a DM.
(You), also, are a fag.
Never really been sold on the flavor around this. I realize the need to keep it generic, but campaign specific lore would really help it a long. Also not a fan of it requiring XGE stuff like Steel Wind Strike.
What's wrong with it?
I wouldn't be able to find players.
Easier to find players than to find available tables. Stop making excuses.
Play online. It's easier to get in games, and you're bound to eventually find a decent group.
Have you considered: The Internet
>healing on a casting a cantrip
Free heals, no resources spent. Major no-no.
What if the person over-reacting is the DM? He had a OCD collapse last time and there was nothing we could do for him.
>Never really been sold on the flavor around this.
I always thought keeping it open was a good thing, do you have any specific examples as to what I could list for the empires or locations that performed these experiments?
> Also not a fan of it requiring XGE stuff like Steel Wind Strike.
There is a footnote that removes the expanded spell list.
temp hp
warlock can basically already do this by casting false life at will
Players not existing isn't an excuse you imbecile. It's a reality. Not everyone lives in America where being a nerd has become normalised.
Warlock doesn't have damage reduction, barbarian AC and doesn't do it passively in combat while they still dish out damage.
Let sorcs have something nice for once.
There's no suggested replacement though. You should never just NOT give an archetype class features at levels where others do...
He probably keeps his body at least looking presentable with his magic.
How is this class not just PF bloodrager with a huge tankiness buff?
Everything together is probably too much. I doubt the damage reduction thing would ever see the light of day since that's not really a mechanic anymore.
1 point for a cantrip.
Oh god the horror.
What's right with it? It's another lame attempt to gish, an archetype that's already bullshit. Play an Eldritch Knight, or a Bladesinger or Valor Bard or even a fucking Stone Sorcerer if your casterfag almonds really just need to be activated by being able to do everything martials can do while also being a caster. The point of homebrew is to fill a gap in the existing game. This neither does that nor does it well.
Bloodrager was pretty neat. I wouldn't mind seeing something like that.
I also don't live in America, retard. Just invite new people to the game. I pretty much popularized it around my social circles.
Yes, there is no replacement because that removal is for those who do not want the subclass to have the extra spells. They still get the armor proficiencies & bonded weapon at that level, which is nice for a sorcerer.
People have expressed to me that they did not like the extra spells as it made the class a better spellcaster than the ones in the PHB so I added the footnote for those who would prefer not having those spells and just stick to the weapon bonuses and Strike features.
Pretty unsubstantial complaint desu.
Right? Like ever type of elemental giant he's trying to represent already has a sorcerer subtype except frost.
Stone Sorcerer.
Pheonix Sorcerer
Tempest Sorcerer
Pretty unsubstantial brew desu.
This is why I can't stand the "dexign for flavor, not to fill a role" mindset mearls has when designing.
RAW characters have disadvantage firing a crossbow while prone. This seems dumb to me, is there any reason I shouldn't change it?