>guys who play female characters
>little girl characters even
What's their problem?
Guys who play female characters
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the ones ive known to genderbend are typically closeted homosexuals or gay dudes, or bi and not secure in their masculinity. I've met around 8-10 dudes like this. three of them gave me very, very strong pedo vibes
why is it a problem?
Perverts and autists who think they’re funny
do you have a problem with perverts and autists?
Veeky Forums is the only place I've ever seen complain about playing characters of other genders. I'm beginning to think the people who bitch about this kind of thing are the kind of people who don't get invited back to gaming groups very often.
They make for very poor players.
Really depends on the individual. For me I basically don't enjoy the reality of women irl, so I like to pretend that somewhere in some world there are badass women who don't suck at everything
Your face is a very poor player.
this guy gets it.
Everyone agreed to play Magical Burst, Josh. You're the one who showed up with a Spess Muhreen.
I do this. I'm a heterosexual married man >hurr closeted fag.
No, ive made my experiences. I'm hetero.
I like to play Non-combat oriented characters. I think its a nice experience to get around fights diplomatic. So most of my characters reflect this. Some are charming han-solo esque talkers. And well, some were teenage girls too. No one likes to attack girls.
Variety, mostly. For the first like five years of roleplaying I would play an adult male of some kind or another in every game. Eventually you just want to branch out and try new perspectives.
Most people who play little girls are pedos though. Keep your eye on those fags.
It's a very small minority user. These are the guys who play Earl Son of Earl in every damn game and whenever a GM asks them to try something different, they sperg out and come here to vent.
Sounds like you're constructing a fantasty to avoid cognitive dissonance.
Even worse is the guy who makes stronk wymn half orc barbarian so he can roleplay his oppression.
There are, it's just that competent women also happen to be some of the most antisocial people on the planet, so you rarely see them
He's a /pol/fag who always speaks like he's in debate club
Look under the bed! It's /pol/!
Hi /pol/, thanks for confirming my suspicions
Competitive debate may well be the worst thing to ever happen to discourse.
>someone said something I don't like
>gotta be /pol/
Sounds like something /pol/ would say.
WHAT? It was to obvious! He's the /pol/ poster!
Watch, he will turn in a nazi any second now.
Aaaaaaany second now.
To play Charlie from Firestarter, duh.
If it fits your group, game, and system, it's not a problem. I mean, if I play a Shin Megami Tensei character in a Precure game, then I'm the one who's going against the grain.
I mean, I guess Josh could play a Sister of Battle? There's probably a way to make this work.
We've got a Dobson over here.
Generally I play a female character if the majority of the party is male. However as a rule of thumb, I never sexualise any character I create, male or female. Whether I play male or female doesn't really change how I roleplay the character either, and it really shouldn't.
In other words, be wary of anyone who is just building a "fetish" character (again male or female). Most of the time, you'll know straight away from their attitude by the way the initially describe their characters visual appearance...
you got a smile from me well done user.
being a man is hard. some guys just check out
A fatass who has an inflation fetish and has somehow managed to be universally hated by every board due to his furrysona webcomic that exposes him as a simple-minded hack. He does not deserve your pity nor your attention. He's not even Chris-chan amusing, just cringe-inducing and unpleasant. Laugh and post Venice / masquerade masks whenever he is mentioned.
Some of us never got a chance to be waif-cute and endearingly retarded.
No, no, I know WHO Dobson is from lurking /co/. I just don't see how my experiences with males roleplaying as female characters makes me anything like him
Nobody would chose to be a man if we were given the choice and a preview of what life is before we were born.
hell fucking yeah id still want to be a man
stop projecting
One time I played Promethean (shocking, I know) and I made a Galatean with a transmutation that let me reassign physical stats. My character was pretty androgynous to begin with, so I just said that when I rearranged towards strength or endurance my character looked more masculine (and dressed as such), and when I statted more towards agility or charisma they looked more feminine (and dressed as such). They are one of my favorite characters to date. Pic related.
Also, cute girls make good spies. Everybody trusts a cute girl.
I would 100% still be a dude. I've had a pretty solid run at things so far.
This. I have no clue why he's such a popular lolcow. He's just an asshole that's mediocre at art.
Are they playing MAID, user?
If everyone was given a choice dickgirls would be like 90% of the population.
Think about it, get to keep your penis and play with tits whenever you want.
Well I’d want to be a girl. But then again I’ve always wanted to be a qt3.14 gril. Mostly because it would be so much easier to get men to plow me and I’d get to wear much cuter clothes. Unless you want dick or are a tranny there is so reason to want to be girl.
See, nobody cares.
In a setting where playing loli girl characters is part of the actual system, this works, so long as the players don't sperg the fuck out. Good example of this kind of setting is human dolls in Nechronica (even though you don't have to play female)
There must be something with you if you can't understand why someone would want to be a girl, especially a little girl.
Playing opposite sex for variety is one thing. Always playing opposite sex is suspicious.
If I'm playing a women I don't play it any differently than playing a man. That being said, I play as a man most of the time.
>You can only play pretend as people who look and act as you
You really should play them differently if subtly.
I'm a female GM that balances men and women and the only PCs I've ever played were male.
What difference does it make if the characters are played well? There's obvious differences between genders, but that shouldn't inhibit a good player from getting into character. If anything, I'm always more excited when a player tries to take on a character that's obviously different from their usual attitude and demeanor.
>your competent 3D waifu is more antisocial than you
Yes, and unicorns exist, but only virginal women can see them.
Ignore him, he doesn't know how to roleplay. Hell I bet he barely knows how to rollpay, probably has to keep getting reminded what dice to use.
>Not wanting to be the little girl
Found the plebbitors.
My DM is a total fucking weirdo, he keeps inserting female NPCs into the setting. Like, fuck, they nearly make up half the cast of characters. I think he might be getting off on it.
Hair is out of regs
>very, very strong pedo vibes
I know this is a colloquial phrase but still, what does this even mean?
I don't create female character but I have no problem picking up female pregen characters if its the most interesting choice
As a DM though I really hate having female npc's talking, especially if they are supposed to be seductive/femme fatale type; it feels really awkward and I can't pull off this kind of voice/roleplaying without feeling awkward
Fuck off Dobson
You can describe it in third person like 'The barmaid winks at you and whispers some kinky shit into your ear. Her words make your pants drop and something raises in the same area."
Or replace them with flirting gay men. Like spaghetti, we are all straight until we get wet
It means user’s assessment of likely pedophilia was reached cumulatively and intuitively, something he arrived at through the gestalt of their affect, presentation, personality, etc, rather than one or two definitive indicators.
You see? Nazi!
I have a reputation for playing only female characters, mostly because the rest of the players are usually playing guys.
We have a format we usually fall into, called "two guys in suits and a chick", or when we're feeling adventurous, "two guys and a chick in a suit".
I take care of the last one, because parties tend to be the most fun when there are contrasts, both in appearance (it simply makes it more evocative) and personality.
I have never played a scantily dressed character, nor one I personally am sexually interested in or have some kind of weird Tumblrite complex with.
Nor have I ever played a female character hitting on a male character, or involved my character in a sexual situation.
I just think that a lot of character concepts that can be tired and seen-before get a new breath of life when you change the gender.
Because a lot of common character concepts are often male, it's easy when playing a male character to fall into clichés of appearance, history and personality. If you flip the gender, then all of a sudden you have a different viewpoint on the concept, and it feels a lot fresher even where it isn't.
I normally just imagine the character and act them out. Gender might have some influence, but I don't directly go for "acting female" - I think of the kind of person I want to play and I act them out.
Most of the time, people's personalities aren't impacted by their gender as much as you'd think - just draw on a female relative or acquaintance of yours if you're really insecure about it.
I could usually make my characters male, sure. I just find it a lot more interesting to work with female characters because a lot of common character archetypes are usually written as male, and by making them female, you have a natural opportunity to see them from a different viewpoint and set them apart from other characters as well as needing to establish their personality and backstory from thinking rather than cliché.
This, but not in such a harsh way. Guess I just like to imagine some sort of female so-called-protagonist with a burning look and unquenchable thirst for life.
There’s one guy who only plays attractive bisexual women in my group. I am starting to be a bit worried.
This one gets it.
No different than people making orcs or elves when they're human IRL, is it?
From my experience, the only people who care about this topic enough to complain about it are the people who try to ERP all the time. I'm just going to assume they use it as a substitute for the real thing, inserting themselves as their own character and wanting to insert their 'target' as that player too. Obviously they hope it's a girl so they can pretend they're scoring and, if it's not, I guess to them it feels like taking a girl home only to find out it's not.
How do you make a good little girl character? Is it possible?
this triggers the incel
That's the one where children are made from corpses, right?
By making them a child. Seriously, the biggest problem is people playing an adult in a child's body, or an adult's idea of a child, especially if said idea comes from anime.
Make them scared, make them weak, make them dumb, make them kids.
For the love of Christ don't sexualize them. I once ran a one-shot where some kids were kidnapped (originality is my forte) there were three, a 2-year-old girl, 7-year-old boy, and 11-year-old girl. The girl was the oldest in the group, so she took on a big-sister role, but once she was rescued, she broke down and hugged a PC, because she knew the adults were here.
I should iterate though the above works best for NPCs, nine times out of ten if you're anything but a little girl in real life, you shouldn't play a little girl.
The post you replied to really gives the impression of being written by a socially akward woman who incorrectly believes she's more competent or intelligent than "the other girls". It's like those antisocial guys who think they're geniuses just because they have problems relating to regular people.
I have a little girl who is basically the memories I have of my younger self: she is super naive, optimistic and petty as hell. The players think its realistic and all that jazz, but little they know is that I'm reviving my childhood with this NPC.
Why do we GMs play as kids? Becouse the adult world sucks. Everything's edgy, depressing and colorless. For once, we feel like we deserve to see the world in rose-tinted glasses.
there is NOTHING WRONG with playing a cute girl ok
I play women because it makes it easier to play a character without self-inserting.
Does it really bother people? My group seems fine with it. I think of role playing like telling a story or play, I enjoy the opportunity to bring a character who's nothing like me to life, not to be myself but as a wizard. And of course I'll play dudes sometimes, if that's what feels right for the character I'm going for, but I've found female characters easier to seperate myself from.
Yeah I often uses third person to avoid doing difficult voices, I don't have a big voice range
>Like spaghetti, we are all straight until we get wet
*until it get steamy
They just want to be the cute shortstack?
Wait no, that's just communism
Childhood is objectively the second worst part of life (I suppose dying alone in sterile hospital is worse). Children don’t know shit adn thus are insecure as fuck and constantly walk among savage bullies.
Easily the best part about playing with people who don't go to Veeky Forums: nobody thinks anyone would want to fuck their halfling woman character. They suspect nothing, because I'm not autistic enough to fuck it up.
I pity you user. Tell me who bullied you.
>every good roleplayer i've seen plays both male and females PC's
Ahh~ sure feels good being superior and assured in my sexuality
Playing little girls is weird tho. Playing little boys is weird too. Unless the campaign is all about that like Best Friends or Pokemon or something, I can KINDA see it, but it still weirds me out.
>This entire thread
I'm gonna play a female character. Mostly because we joked about it, and then I just thought it'd actually be cool to play Arnold Schwarzenegger with tits forcibly snu snuing my female friends' gay elf impression.
Really working on my shitty german accent too.
Friend's* g'damn typo.
Is it OK for a male author to write female characters? Of course it is. You've probably never read a book without a woman in it. So what's the problem role playing one?
Note that I've played with a few guys who played girls and it was fine, but:
The reason is a combination of internet horror stories and stereotyping. The idea is why would a guy play a girl if he wasn't going to have her be super sexy? Bonus points if she's a lesbian.
Basically, it's a "never personally bitten but don't want to deal with the possibility therefore I'm twice shy" situation. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and all that.
And it helps in figuring out how ridiculous that assumption is to stretch it a bit.
It's the same thing as assuming that every male character played by a male, ever, must be Lockjaw Brickeater the swivel-eyed fuck-monster who can only eat, sleep, fuck and kill. It's using half-grounded stereotypes taken to their extreme to assume that a whole gender thinks one specific way that only results in one specific conclusion ever.
A lot of guys (not all) can see positive points in playing a sexy female character because they're healthy young men.
But assuming that this urge will automatically shatter all care for roleplaying, character design and narrative this player has is denying their nature as a thinking human being who can decide their own priorities.
It's treating a person like a monkey with no real control over their own actions and no grasp of the consequences.
And sure, there are these kinds of people out there.
They key is just to not forbid great swathes of characters based on the assumption that players are chest-beating slaves to their instincts, but instead to learn when to spot someone with the impulse control of a drag racer.
Because a good player, or even a normal person, creating a female character will play them at least passably - only a spaghetti-spurting sperg who thinks men can never understand women or an immature man-baby who's still under the control of his dick will make bad ones.
And for some reason, people are scared of the responsibility that it is to find these people and kick them out on their asses.
Because, I fucking swear to you, the difference is completely fundamental and you'll regret it if you target everything the retards ruin instead of the retards themselves.
Because those retards ruin everything eventually.
It's typical to assume the worst of strangers when RPing. Everything you said is true, however, but usually comes after a solid vetting.
I think that one of the things I hate about the hobby these days is how everything has become a fetish.
Decades ago I played a young girl in a Star Wars game. No fetish at all involved. In fact, I described her as being bland young wearing a baseball cap - that you couldn't even tell what sex she was. Heck, I told the GM I wasn't even sure and didn't care.
I think I was gong for a bad news bears sort of thing. Fun character.
Today, I'd not even consider playing such a character because of the culture change.
Female characters are fine, and sometimes the idea you have is just awkward if played by a guy.
>Shadowrun french jewel thief with a fox motif
>Known for being able to pilfer anything, no matter how well it was bolted down
>Part face, part stealth expert
>Able to contort her limbs in unnatutal ways to weave her way through security
>Is a exaggerated materialist, loves to show off her wealth
>Avoids killing whenever possible, way too messy
>Uses seduction to ensnare her targets before shooting them repeatedly with stick-n-shocks
As a guy, my character would come off as hillariously gay, which would be fun to play in of itself, but gay characters are apperently a stigma.
Random generation can be a bitch sometimes.
Great answer user. For most questions on /tg. Blame the player not the behavior.
Vibes is the general feel you get from a person. Usually cultivated from watching their actions for a while, but can become obvious at first glance. For example: man with thick rim glasses, short shitty mustache, wispy hair. Could be a pedo or maybe he just has bad hair taste. But if you learn he is on a list or see he acts weird around kids then he gives off 'the vibes'
He bites easily, is a constantly courting the SJW crowd for approval, has an inflated opinion of himself and has temper tantrums.
>the gestalt of their affect, presentation, personality, etc
This new learning amazes me, is there a diagnostic chart for this kinda stuff
>man with thick rim glasses, short shitty mustache, wispy hair.
Before now I'd just assume he had poor eyesight, weak facial-hair and male-pattern baldness. Maybe from difficult circumstances that make fashion/grooming a low priority.
>he acts weird around kids
I'm not even sure how to act around kids. Aren't most unexperienced men awkward around children?
Liberalism has created a stigma against masculinity. Men are oppressive, toxic, fragile, cowardly, rapey, ugly. Women are pure, sweet, clever, brave, beautiful, powerful, heroic, mysterious, goddesses. Men who buy into that (or want to fuck their character) play women by preference because they feel unworthy of being loved as men.