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Stormcast are A-okay.


First for Tzeentzch

Stormcast are shit but I'm glad people enjoy them.

They make for easy opponant. Nothing more satisfying then blasting gold Bois off the table with spells.

I'm happy that there's something for everyone even if the progress has been slow.


Fellow Soup-players, what are you 1000 pt lists looking like? I keep seeing lists for 2k games, but I never play anything that big, 1k-1.5k is most comfy

I'd actually be interested in playing Vanguards, but I have just had my Death love resparked a nice deal by the LoN book (as lacking in many aspects as it is) so I'm already too busy working on 6 different units of Hexwraith built on the concept of them being Arkhan's experiments on the different winds of magic to have the funds to start a new army

Hey, I'm not in a rush to start my Stormcast army now either. I got way too many zombies and ghouls to paint right now.

I might make a Stormcast army inns year or two.

Daughters of Khaine fucking when ?

I like the idea of a regenerating horde.

My army options are Tzeentch Daemons with a bunch of horrors and Flesh Eater Courts.

Which do I pick? Which is more competitive? Which one absolutely sucks?

Orcs? Any news about orcs?

Tzeentzch is gonna be competitive, death is just trash

What does soup even mean anyway?

A forced meme refering to people playing mixed great alliance armies.

Not soon enough.

Stormcast & Order Ultimate Priority

It’s GWs current design template when it comes to army and lore support

>*blocks your desired release schedule*

Not death, just ghoulios

Good God that actually LOOKS like the no-luck stormcuck/ virgin stormcast meme with the slouch and the blocky construction of the armor pieces.

He reminds me of 10 year old videogames.

Needs a "Please be patient I have autism" hat.


Too obvious. Just put a Sonichu medallion on him. It will be more fun when someone eventually spots it.


Even fairly buff people have trouble fitting the huge dimensions of the armor.

so what is it anons?

So i figured i'd give AoS a go. Haven't touched the game at all, as a long time fantasyfag the transition hurt a bit, but with the new release of LoN I feel like dusting off my Skelepope and giving it a go on the tabletop.
I want to try running Nagash and a small force of Morghasts as bodyguards, but as I have no experience with the game I have no idea if it can work at all, let alone being viable. I got the pdf from the mega, but it's all a bit confusing for me atm. Any advice would be nice.

looks like a clock

We already know - admech terrain

Bravery question - when getting attacked by abilities that do damage based on my bravery, do I use my base bravery score on my warscroll, or bravery +1 per ten models in my unit (like inthe battelschock phase)?

Death are going to wreck Destruction so bad...

Likely AdMech or AdMech terrain


>I want to try running Nagash and a small force of Morghasts as bodyguards, but as I have no experience with the game I have no idea if it can work at all, let alone being viable.

Generally speaking, killing things is pretty easy in AoS. Big centerpiece models like Nagash will go down quickly if the opponent gets the chance to focus on them, especially if they have a way of spitting out lots of Mortal Wounds. No-one in my area plays Death let alone Nagash so I can't really give you much advice beyond that, but you'll probably need a decent amount of chaff to pull attention away from Skellypope.



If you want to play the game with points (aka the easiest way to have semi-balanced match), you will need at least 2x Battleline unit to begin with.
It's almost the same clock as was on the promethium refinery kit released last year.

As a flesh eaters player, did anything of mine change in the new book? Can I take different Allies now?

Directly from your warscrolls, as the attacks usually don't occur in the battleshock phase.

Grots get bravery 2 against flesheater ranged attacks, its just awful. Even the general has 6 at best (4 debuffed). Against the new tome it'll be just as bad. What do?

>you will need at least 2x Battleline unit to begin with.
Not that user, but if Nagash is your general in a GHoN army, the Morghasts count as battleline

Has magic been changed in any way? Is it easier to cast? More wizards? Or do I still have to wait for that RPG that got announced to release a year after my descendents death?

Shoot at them til they die.

Definitely nothing to do with this

Just that you take a whole mess of factions, mash them together, and force players to make a list that involves multiple different factions in the form of soup. You aren't allowed to just eat your carrots or just eat your beef, instead you have to eat a big bowl of carrots and potatoes and celery -- which you hate -- and beef.

It creeps in various ways, like requiring the Soulblight players to pick up some skeletons or dire wolves to satisfy their Battleline requirements since they lost Varghulfs and Blood Knights are expensive as fuck for three units of. Or incentivizing those Deathrattle players to pick up some Morghasts since they get a buff in the BoneZone. Or telling Nighthaunt players to choke on GW's cock and buy some battleline since they currently have none.

Kill Them
Raise Then

It's the best way to play Death because GW axed the entire Tomb Kings line.

this is an other time...

Couldn't it possibly be Necromunda terrain, though?

Like a new scatter terrain box to coincide with Delaque or something?

Does anyone knows the rules in the Skeleton Horde SC box?

Actually, axing the Tomb King line makes it a bit worse. At least back then you had the choice between two types of Undead soup, now it's just all in one pot.

Likewise, a lot of the people that picked up Death in the run of AoS had a desire to see their factions get turned into factions of their own right. And GW supporting several of these with fluff and mechanics in the GA and GHB books seemed to indicate they might. Yet now, those players are basically being told to shut up and buy new shit. We have a Nighthaunt player at our store that's just not even buying LoN since it actually hinders his army to run it. He doesn't want to play Death Soup. He wants to play A Bunch of Asshole Ghosts.

I hope so

If you mean the Battalion, it's no longer legal.

So, what if your favourite Wind of Magic?

For me, even though is hard to tell, is Ulgu, the grey wind of shadow magic

I always really liked sneaky powers such as creating ilusions, messing with other people's minds, concealing myself and/or others, and secrets overall.

I would have a pretty good time being a grey mage.

Since the army profile at the end of the book says you can still play a mono-Nighthaunt army, shouldn't he just gain the extra mortal wounds rule for the Hexwraith?

Why isn't it? Since the box is still being sold with the battalion inside it, what would make it illegal?

It's obviously going to be something new, or it wouldnt be in the rumor engine, but it's for 40k/Necro for sure.

im guessing he means illegal in matched play. some of the boxes come with formations that dont have points costs, and thus are legal only in Open Play

Ah, ok. Got it

I'd be a fire wizard and have a magnificent flaming beard.

We have to make what we can with the things GW give us in their shitty way. Is a fact that LoN improves death and allows the whole GA to be better like a VC 2.0 but is a fact too that factions are in this moment an inferior choice until they have more options and can be properly fleshed out (some day)

I dont see LoN as a bad book i like the options in it and more shit for every faction specifically is a matter of time (long time sadly)

No they are an awful adaption of a good idea, and will forever be a shit stain on an otherwise interesting enjoyable setting. Unless they ramp down the mary sueness, stupid writing, and release an entirely different looking range for them at some new edition point in the far future.

Do normal people ever play armies like Hosts of Slaanesh or is it all just horny neckbeards and degenerates?

Both. Like every other army.

Slaanesh exclusively appeals to horny neckbeards and degenerates

>asking about normal people on Veeky Forums

>normal people on Veeky Forums
The Slaanesh player at my shop looks like a white version of the girl from The Ring.

My only wish for Death is that someday we get a Medium infantry unit, like something on a 32mm or 40mm base, that way I can convert other models into them.

Were pic related hints that the Squats have returned?



Squats were never gone in the first place

>hollow out some Stormcast armor
>put a rat in there surrounded by levers
>run it as a Rat Ogre
Could be cool

See, I wish we had shit like that, but it goes from Grave Guard on 24mm to Spirit hosts and Crypt Horrors. No inbetween.

Maybe like some bigass feral vampires or monster ghouls or something, that'd be cool. Or go less conventional, corpse amalgamations like the Abominations from Warcraft. Nurgle shit would be good for conversions, just change the color palette.

>patrician tier
azyr > hysh > chamon
>school tricks tier
shysh > aqshy > uglu
>primitive trash tier
ghyran > ghur

I just want Tomb Kings and Bretonnia back
why did they bretcon them and half of the units of elves and men

because shut up, buy stormcasts

I feel it really is forced. It's kinda dumb.

>bigass feral vampires or monster ghouls
Funny you say that, but thats exactly what Vargheists and Crypt Horrors are. I could see some neat stuff done with GUO or a few other Nurgle kits, but they'd need a lot of work. Maybe even some Skaven stuff, once we knick off the weapons.

Why the fuck do autists want these two specific factions back SO much? They're some of the least inspired WH armies of all time with MUH NOT-FRENCHMEN and MUH NOT-EGYPTIANS

>I heard you like Skeletons like Tomb Kings and medieval like Brets
>So we’re going to give you an army of undead grail knights!

A shitload of the elf units were redundant since they had three different flavors of elf who all shared a lot of the same basic units, Not only that but elves still have a shitload of stuff

Dogs of War when?

I really do wish they had at least rolled bits of the Bretonnian line into Free Peoples, so that there'd be some variety to the human models.

Also just like the medieval look of Bretonnia's stuff.

It's your fault fantasycucks. They never sold well so GW killed them

>trash tier


Because I liked them you faggot


Why would I buy an army that's made up of dated looking skeletons and below mediocre rules, faggot?

What the fuck is preference, you filthy sperg baron?

>don't support the factions
>wow why isn't anyone buying them
Kirby was the biggest mistake GW ever made

How well do Wanderers work at 1000 and 1500 points? They seem like they'd be solid enough at 2000, but it just seems like the cost of Glade Guard ends up fucking them up at low point values. Drafted one up, but it just feels incredibly uncomfortable to only have 28 bodies on the table as something as Fragile as Wanderers. You're basically just relying entirely on your ability to effectively wipe something with the alpha strike from the Glade Guard, machine gun shit down with your Waywatchers, and hope your Eternal Guard can hold solid with Sister support.

Allegiance: Wanderers
Nomad Prince (80)
- General
- Trait: Myst Walker
Waywatcher (100)
- Artefact: Starcaster Longbow
Waywatcher (100)
Waywatcher (100)
20 x Eternal Guard (160)
20 x Glade Guard (240)
5 x Sisters of the Thorn (220)

Total: 1000 / 1000

I would be okay with Bonezone Cavalry Funland and/or Abhorash coming back with his friend, Gilles the Green Ghost..

Then why are you bitching about dated looking skeletons and below mediocre rules, faggot?
Seraphon literally got only an alpha-battletome since the launch and yet they are one of the most popular factions in AoS. Fuck, I just have buy into legacy-shit faction with no chance for a real support and I'm not bitching about them

Where's my fellow Dispossessed players at?

I want constructs. Some factions from Death could be great with some of them.

Sorry, kiddo. Eat your Soup. If there is a Death Construct faction, it'll ironically end up as Settra's Golden Host in Order.

I would like to see a new version of Ushabtis.