How does he describe the villains of your campaign Veeky Forums?
In time
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>He sees you with eyes he wasn't born with, the trader of future terror
>tfw we get no villains, still only oddjobs and a political background development at level 8
You look upon his office, opulent and imperial, noting the sanguine and azure colorations, and the fat, slothenly thing being attended to within.
>His inhuman teeth sneer at you, claws pointing and eyes judging you for what you have made him become.
>If power was all he wanted, he'd have stopped years ago.
>No mirror large enough exists to reflect her ego in all of it's hideous glory.
>Almost pitiful, his fate. But no tears need to be shed on his grave when his own lunacy final delivers onto him his rightful judgement.
>Behold the infinite malignity of the stars!
More info on your games villain?
> Confidence, arrogance, a pretty mask to hide the seething abomination nestled within.
>Whatever humanity he had left was eaten long ago by the bugs.
>Behold! An abomination of procrastination of the slayers and their prey! It does not comprehend mortality! It does not feel fear and it has come to finish what it was meant to do.
>This one wishes for more, ever more. Pity then, he has been so indebted to his own foils - the world is cruel, life is cheap.
He used to be something, once. Now all that remains is misery and sin
In shadow, they toil relentlessly. Soon the heavy price of their ambitions will be paid, in the lifeblood of the naive and blind. For you only need to fire one arrow to topple the world.
>Last of the sixteen, he languishes in ruin and muck, trying to forget what is locked away inside his vaults.
>he perceives himself as a puppeteer, but the strings he holds have torn being repair
>a queen of a distant past. Her hands must be wrought from the wheel, lest she turn it irrevocably back
Guys, can you tell us a little about your villains? I get all curious reading the ancestor text you come up with.
This ugly, golden fiend is her own graven image. Vanity at its disgusting epitome.
Honestly, the brief script paints a better picture I imagine.
We had a friendly NPC that one of our party members had conflicting goals with, and while we went behind his back in a dungeon, we unintentionally locked him in an ancient tomb. When we got to higher levels, this demon was pursuing and attacking us, and we eventually figured out it was the NPC from before. We felt pretty shitty, but it was a good campaign and fight.
"What a shit cunt"
"and suddenly, she grows a big wood between her legs"
>How quick is the wise sage to turn to madness when stripped of his craft.
>Backa backa, backa backa, backa backa
user, you know I can't unhear this
why did you do this to me
Through his light and fixtures comes a darkness, monumental and terrible to behold.
Fallen into despair, lost without his guiding mentor, he conquered the catacombs like a grim custodian.
> Her dreams a tangle of metal and inhumanity, a pitiless engine with misbegotten dreams of godhood.
Fucking dwemer.
Its actually the main villain from the Pathfinder Iron Gods AP, who is a sentient AI who thinks she's a god.
>Scale and claw pair well with rage and fury, but the true danger lay in what she had to say.
>she wears the terrible voice of god upon her brow, his violence in her heart, and his will in her soul
>yet she lacks his wisdom, a flaw that will be her downfall
>He hates what he has become, and he sees himself in you.
>He strikes from the shadow once. It's all he needs!
I'll do this for the four sub-villains and then the main one in my Jojo campaign.
>She stands atop a tower of broken bodies, clambering ever upwards in a haze of blind panic and piteous self-hatred.
>His death has blinded him like his namesake, turning purpose to delusion and survival to maddened dreams of apotheosis.
>Each time she removes the mask her smile takes longer to return, like a beaten dog shying from a heavy hand.
>He clings to his oaths like a drowning man to a ships line, unseeing of the ropes coiling around his throat with every passing moment.
>He is the dawn, birthing the new world in searing light and rapturous agony. His word is gospel, his law absolute, and his goal remains all the more monstrous because of it.
Isn't Unity and Hellion both masculine though?
My villain is a transhuman arms dealer who sells the newest illegal enhancements to various criminal or rogue groups.
>Fear of a certain, terrible doom could drive even the most righteous mind to desperation. And madness
>Unfortunately, this one was never a good man.
Fucking criminally underrated
In her ancient age the Vampire`s beauty remains unaffected by Time... Though Time does not seem to work unimpeded by Her.
Darth Vader?
>once a bloodthirsty man fueled by dreams of conquest, now a mass of black roots, metal and ghastly fire that takes a vaguely humanoid form
>Not!Carthage is crowded, too many rules. Fuck it, I’ll build my own empire
>Scouts find a bunch of ley-lines at the base of the mountains, west of the swamps, south of the tundra, with the not!mongolian plains to the south. Perfect
>have to find the perfect combination of capability and stupidity to get people to travel 1000 miles of cold lizardfolk filled nothing
>find a horrible rogues gallery: a light elf, a spider, two dwarves, a cat, and a lizardfolk general with his hobgoblin lieutenant
>Smith dwarf keeps to himself, makes tools
>Mason/Mining dwarf is an insane teenager, had to blackmail him to get him to come here
>light elf is just Kim K, set up some brothels, made some fancy drinks
>cat is rich, farms and gets fed all day
>general won’t stop killing, keeps bringing in hordelings
>city grows, real resources found
>mason dwarf survives coup attempt, starts his own city and declares himself duke, backed by the local death cult which has made a huge cathedral
>move underground, better loot
>have spies everywhere by now, manipulating council votes, laws
>apophis dragon demanding tribute, pay up for about 5 years
>giant region meeting to deal with this fucker starts, dragon sends in demons to break it up
>finally establish plan of dealing with it and it says it has enough money and will leave
>town is out for blood
>death cult sends in a 40ft iron giant to fight this thing, dragon escapes
>starts razing
>mystery silver dragon fucking ambushes apophis. Aura is familiar, matches dukes new hoe but way stronger. He has no fucking clue
>original city is fucking toast, everyone moves under
>weird deer lady starts making political moves, notice she’s pregnant with apophis aura
>becomes more popular than light elf, rumor spreads that the duke is also fucking her
>duke is generally just going nuts, economy is wrecked, race riots
>find out a baron is a warlock, apophis survived. Kill them both and make superpowerful stuff.
>A thousand bloodshut eyes stare at you with imperious hatred. His is the judgement of the Heavens. Humanity has been found wanting.
Our villain is literally eldritch horror Michael the Archangel trying to prevent us from reaching the stars and bomb humanity back to the iron age
>sick of this shit
>poison the duke and murderlizard. Lizard doesn’t even notice. Duke drops, barely revived by death cult surgeon
>murderlizard starts murdering my waiters, everyone knows I did it, cult interrogating ghosts wtf
>duke resigns into exile, leaves with silver dragon who cosplays as a dwarf to go be a full time death cultist
>stability actually happens for about 10 years, way more money than I can count, Ive bound lobotmized angels to myself
>fucking warlocks now... 2 apophi this time, random fire dragon and water dragon, death cult has more iron giants now
>light elf bitch jealous that she’s not hot shit anymore,convinces desth priest and murderlizard to fight. Priest loses, death giant wakes up, smites some dirty atheist dwarves
>now at war with nearby atheist dwarf kingdom because they now just learned of duke leaving and the recent smiting
>ex-duke back with dragon hoe, now mid-high death shaman
>rage god worshipping goblin baron couches for him, says he’ll leave after he investigates priests death
>reanimate priest to get this fucker out of my hair, half of his skull is missing, replace it with some metal, memory gone though
>death cult grappling with the fact that having a zombie as a priest is kind of unholy
>ex-duke discovers that the local religious dwarves have made their own cult dedicated to him, thinks it’s funny inspires them “to rebuild holy lands”
>freeze time and literally give him a cease and desist order out of thin air
>ED decides to leave town again, gets stopped and drafted into war
>light elf gets exiled for helping cause a war, no one dares charge me with anything
>ED somehow became a master smith, arms and armors the entire army before war, goes along as an advisor, his child cult comes with him too as medics and repairmen, and dragon hoe loves murder even more than the lizard
>i pray for each and every one of their deaths every night
Dark dreams of godhood drive him ever away from his humanity. Once seeking to break the chains of slavery, will he only serve to craft chains stronger still?
>The child of luxury, made boreish by his own insolent nature. Crawling, screaming to a truth too great for his tiny mind to grasp. I feel nostalgic in a way...
>Twisted and maimed within and without, a mockery of a man and a knight - his body should have given in long ago. Yet some merciless ambition holds him together.
>How horrifying what depths those in the darkness will fall to, to ensure survival.
>Though he dreams of honor, justice, and the ideals of the kingdom that spawned him, he knows his new charge allows for none of the life he once knew.
>Perhaps honor, in tireless redemption. Perhaps glory, earned only after a second felling.
>Perhaps he could break the willing chains of the Bone Spider... but his fetters are dark, and darker still.
>An opulent opresser, born too high too fast, till mundane excess could no longer sait his unending hunger for gothic morbidity.
>He teases damnation, treating grotesque gods like his sister's Dolls.
>I finally understand what it is to gaze apon a shadow of yourself... Kill it, before the fool repeats my sins.
>Ruin has come to our party.
Unity is nongendered, Hellion is masculine, Casandalee is female, and together they are more than the sum of their parts.
Is your villain just "that guy"?
>war drags on, dragon slaying everything in front of her. Somehow ED invented a healing spell using a death AoE, and has started taking PoWs.
>Hundreds of dwarves occupying EDs castle. Decide to turn them into a labor source, they repair and upgrade all of our infrastructure out of sheer boredom
>dwarves losing badly, hire half-elf mercenaries, warlocks, and necromancers and hide in their city
>backup dies and retreats, for some reason goblin baron returns with 200 more goblins
>Despite being larger, better equipped, funded,and trained,dwarves surrender because of ToS given by ED. Dwarf city to become a colony
>Dwarf city had a strangle on underground trade, which means I now have a stranglehold on underground trade
>goblin’s deer assistant coup’s Spider/gargoyles because of coup attempt and jihad
>spider also tried killing ED, ending with a warlock executing her publicly
>death cult now establishes itself as a court due to loss of gargoyles, exiles deer lady to surface
>deer lady rebuilds surface, taking all the fey and her evil dragon/demon/warlock children with her
>declares herself queen
>ED is allowed to return as a reward for his war effort, becomes guildmaster for blacksmiths
>ED and murderlizard go and convince a bunch of smaller towns to “join our empire”
>ED and murderlizard slay 6,000 humans and cats because racism, leaving shrines to death god, destruction god, torture god, and lizard god
>now have a small country, have established large scale trade with not!carthage
>my bed is just a mound of gold coins
>ED’s dragon hoe gets into a turf war with deer queens dragon kid, loses bc I shot her during the fight, deer queens apophis daughter can now come and go as she chooses
>ED and dragon hoe get married, dragon hoe knocked up
>like we need more dragon kids running around
>deer lady gets married to half elf baron
>find out she has even more illegitimate children with an exiled dark elf prince
>one time his mother came to town and all of our satyrs and sprites mysteriously vanished
>two daughters a dark elf (biologically impossible for deer women) and a nymph (an actual sign of the end times)
>If the world ends, all of my superpowers and money don’t mean shit.
>Currently planning on offing these crazy bastards once and for all so I can finally enjoy my life
>> The noble notions of his order but a mask he uses to cover his inhuman ambitions - this...thing is no better than the monstrous abominations he professes to slay.
>> but a single sin away from maddnes....and a single night away from murder
>> Decadence is but one of the many nefarious tools in her repertoire - and they all serve but to bend the wills of men to the ways of her twisted deity - IT - demands devotion...and sacrifice
We asked for a description and a tl;dr not your fucking life story
well sed brutha
>>abomination of procrastination
what the actual fuck man....? really?
>A spectral pallor hangs about him like the burial shroud. He has become the embodiment of the phrase "Memento Mori."
>Life is all around her, but within is only dead heartwood.
>His body is grey with the dust of ages and his face a death mask of mummified skin and protruding bone. Empty eyeholes look back, and you realize it’s not you he truly sees, but the old enemies that put him here in the first place. This creature is from an age past, his mind still trapped there.
I think he means, that the monster exists because the people hunting it got lazy
>The ancient baron holds himself with the lowest regard.
>Beneath the layer of glamour lies a heart with intentions even the monster has forgotten.
>His kingdom of the forlorn will stop at nothing to defend their only purpose.
>There is no hatred in this genocide. And what he does, he does it for them.
>What has already been done, can never be undone. But what has yet to come, must be avoided at all costs.
The world is constantly walking the line between two seriously gruesome apocalypses, and the only way to keep it balanced enough to barely stay afloat is to cull a ridiculous portion of the world's life-force. So the current god emperor of the continent- and the only one who knows about it-chose the furthest kingdom from his own and invented some shitty reason to go to war with them and wipe them off the face of the planet.
>The atrocities and blasphemies she has committed have twisted her mind and body. Her hundred eyes turn to you with a cold desperation and her black wings unfurl.
>Her son will live again. You will not stop her.
>What was once twisted is made right, what was now ugly has been made beautiful- and it is more horrid than ever in its perfect form. This sneering, superior creature bears a terrible message- the Formorians are made complete again, and woe betide those that would stand against them!
>A man once at the height of society, now descending into madness. His oaths broken, estate abandoned, hunting...... Otherworldly relics thinking to turn them against their masters. Is he a hero or merely a pawn?
>He never venerated a god without wanting something in return before this. But the promise of love and eternal rewards sway even the most stoic celibate.
"Take it, the box was yours from the start." He said, and you foolishly took it.
>A phantom whisper stirs the deepest pool of your psyche, plucking away at dreams of nights long past like fruits most succulent.
Yes. Using an Eldet Scroll to send it to the fourth era because they could not properly slay Alduin.
Mehrunes Dagon
Behold, the Merethic vessel of struggle, conspiracy and revolution. He stands before you as the Dunmer's false savior!
Well if Unity absorbed both Hellion and Casandalee then you fucked up royally somewhere between books 5 and 6 if that is what you are implying
>A wretched supplicant, clamoring for the favour of their serpent god. Exulting in cruelty, they are blind to the relentless hunger of their more ambitious lieutenant.
>A vainglorious exile, he abuses the hierarchy of his kin to usher forth the ruin of his family.
Hers was the anger of a beaten dog
His was the malice of a killer born and bred
Tfw that describes you perfectly.
this nigga's a fairy from boston
>Created by your unforgiving nature, he turned to the invading beings of unfathomable nature for power.
> Undying and relentless, death is but a brief halt on his path of madness and revenge.
Ah, so the DM
>She claws against inconsequence, afraid that the only ones who will remember her dark deeds are those who will one day slay her. And then, only in passing.
>Baka baka baka, baka baka baka
If we're doing it like boss mission startups
>A thousand years of learning, and yet he still lusts for knowledge, destroy his work before we are all undone!
I'd do flavor but i know one of my players reads these
Terrible constructs! Guided to fruition by cruel, and decidedly inhuman hands. Remove the poor souls from these fickle containers and grant our noble house a modicum of decorum.
This place reeks of uncanny normality. This is a facade and one performed poorly. Do not allow them to deceive you lest your mundanity be confirmed and replaced with...other things.
It is painfully clear you are outmatched. Arm and armor beyond wealth or craft is shouldered against you as easily as the crow lifts a discarded ring.
Victory can be achieved against what was once flesh and is now only tepid moving irons. It will involve sacrifice, in unequal measure to their own to be sure.
>Though the demon-flames have burnt his form and twisted his power, he still holds the Light in his heart.
>All around you, people look upon it and rejoice, for it is the prophet against the gods. But even it doesn't know the horror it beckons forth.
>It sits, nestled, in the heart of the world, a cacophony of flesh and teeth. One day, it will hatch from its egg of earth and stone.
>He knows his quest is futile, yet he has nothing else to live for.
>He awaits, silent and unmoving.
>He will not flee. He will not surrender.
>He will not leave her.
Ya, I got the meaning it, I just think the form is ....hideous, to say the least
Endlessly he toils, seeking to bait you back into the trap you escaped from.
> For all the research journals she filled to brim with notes, she would forever exist in vulgarity.
> When the just blade is drawn, there will be blood. Never cross the path of one who is both righteous and foolish.
> To kill is never a necessity, yet it so often becomes a habit.
> An eternal prey, always cornered, always ferocious, and never to be trusted.
> This scar in creation will not be anyone's tool, but it can be somebody's weapon.
> An enemy of all of you, all who serve it, all that is, and even itself.
>A man puppeteered and driven to insanity. Once he aspired to unite the land, now his only reason to live is to see it destroyed.
>It is an unfeeling automaton, speaking words it does not comprehend, carrying out a will it does not understand. Wearing the face of a man centuries dead.
>A head bloated with wisdom and knowledge doesn't mean one can avoid mistakes. When one erases all life from the land, no apology is ever enough.
>Even the best, most holy system can fail. What would become of the land when the heavenly mandate chooses one so vile and brutal?
>Everyone is the hero of his own story. And you, you are the villain of his.
wants to use alaya as a stick with which to kill the rest of the worlds, hates mages but doesn't mind magic, idolizes heroes to an impossible degree even though he knows that he cant be one himself
>Be they clad in platinum or colors, all Dragons bend to His will. An Allfather reborn, He conquers without thought, only need.