Paizo Games General /pgg/
What do you like most about your character? Hate most?
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Paizo Games General /pgg/
What do you like most about your character? Hate most?
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If a Juggler Bard takes Shield Proficiency, would he get an AC bonus from a shield he's juggling?
What feats/ spells should I take as a 1st level human generalist wizard? I've got sleep and improved initiative. Anything paizo published is allowed.
Why do people get pissy if i want to dual weild shields?
They get war flashbacks to when they played Dark Souls and ran into THE WALL.
Sauce on picture?
>Whats the worst mistake you've made in your campaigns?
Mishandling a knowledge check and having one of my players flip out at me over it for (supposedly) trying to deny him his class features. It honestly kind of shook me up as a GM, especially when he said he'd never be able to trust me as a GM again. The fact that it was my first time running a campaign didn't help. We still play together though so maybe he did get over it eventually.
I'd allow it. I'm not sure if it works RAW though, the wording is pretty vague.
For a level 5 character, I"m looking to pick up a +2 stat, a +1 weapon, +1 armor, and some odds and ends, right?
>I'm not sure if it works RAW though, the wording is pretty vague.
Yeah, I can only assume that's why they removed the proficiency. Then again it doesn't specify that you count as "wielding" a weapon but that you can use it in a full attack, so one could argue that you're not "wielding" the shield and thus not juggling it. You could still wield it in your off-hand long as you don't juggle the max, but that's not the point.
That's the generalized approach, yes, but if you find yourself looking for something specific and you don't really think you'll need, say, the +1 armor since you're always in the back and almost never get targeted, mix it up a little and get that oddball item you were looking for.
>a +2 stat
4,000 GP
>a +1 weapon
2,000 GP (plus weapon price)
>a +1 armor
1,000 GP (plus armor price)
>and some odds and ends
WBL for a 5th level character is 10,500 GP so after taking out 7,000 for the above you've in the ballpark to grab a few cheap potions/scrolls and a wondrous item or two. Alternatively, make your weapon or armor out of a special material like mithral or adamantine. Don't forget to drop 10 GP on a pair of stiletto boots.
Also don't forget that you got +1 to a stat of your choice for free when you hit level 4... Not that that affects how expensive your belt or headband of +2 stat is.
>Girls are too dumb to understand rules, according to 5e lead designer.
The fuck kind of mental gymnastics do you have to jump to get to that conclusion? Mike Mearls is clearly talking about the types of people that interrogate others who express interest in their "secret club," and often enough those people are the hardest on women.
You know exactly what kind of person I'm talking about. The asshole who thinks, "I like Pathfinder" is an excuse to pop quiz that person on switch builds and SoM.
Assuming "odds and ends" includes a cloak of resistance +1, yes.
After talking about Hunga Mungas and Chakrams last thread I kinda want to make a Chakram focused build. What'd be best for that? Juggler Bard? Peltast Fighter? Maybe Vigilante for free Returning at level 2?
We rolled stats and I got a super weird array
19 (17+2 from half-elf)
16 (15+1 from level 4)
Trying to push a bow paladin, so it'll be a magic compound bow, a headband of charisma, magic chain shirt, and then other stuff?
Are there metamagic items for spheres of power?
Why is /pfg/ kill nowadays?
Angry spiteful people
No new content worth talking about
>No new content worth talking about
What about DSP's Voyager?
No thanks.
Honestly not that cool or exciting and this coming from a huge Psionics fanboy.
What do you think we should talk about? We've hit the singularity with this game, it's a solved equation. Anything new released by Paizo is consumed, dismantled, memed and otherwise processed in days until there's nothing left.
Pretty much. Everyone knows what they like and how they like it for the most part and trying to convince people otherwise just leads to pointless argument. There's no real point in home brewing, since no one is actually going to play it.
What would you think as both a player and a DM of allowing an alchemist with the Alchemical Simulacrum discoveries to do the following:
>Gain Sculpt Simulacrum either as a formula or an additional discovery.
>Use the Race Builder rules to create a whole new race from other sampled humanoids/monsters.
For the game we're going off the interpretation for alchemical simulacrum that its a full creature not a spell effect.
Only as an endgame/epilogue thing, because fuck giving the player a fucking army/entire goddamn race.
During play, I'd let that work once or twice or only when the current simulacrum conveniently meets an untimely end.,
Has DSP been losing its touch? The new books bring nothing new, they're all either meh or power creep (look at that new BF: Infusions release...), nothing interesting.
>nothing new, they're all either meh or power creep
Are you sure you aren't confusing DSP's recent releases with... every release they've ever had?
Psionics was pretty balanced, but that was literally a copy pasta of 3.5 Psionics.
Amateur homebrewer here, I asked this a few threads ago. What does /pfg/ think about burn points? Is there a "right" way to implement burn, or is it better to simply avoid using health as a resource altogether? Would it be taboo to have a mechanic to heal a limited number of burn points other than with the standard 8-hour rest?
With what I'm doing right now, you can recover a number of burn points each day equal to 1 + your class level. Some features or talents will also produce an effect when you recover burn points, and my thought is to encourage risky play that you hope pays off when you "cash in" accumulated burn.
>Is there a "right" way to implement burn, or is it better to simply avoid using health as a resource altogether?
In Pathfinder, yes. There is no way to do a health based mechanic in a way that is satisfying, meaningful, and not fucking crippling at the same time.
You mean the class 2hu ruined with way too much feedback from playtest games that aren't at all what PF is balanced around?
How do you convince the party cleric to suck dick?
Asking for a friend.
The real way to fix burn IMO is to simultaneously remove any burn-lowering abilities but have them basically recharge so that you get them back at the start of every new combat, so say 10 minutes or an hour of rest.
The class was basically Paizo's attempt at mixing anime into system, but if that's the intent then we need to restructure it to be more like PoW so people can knock themselves out multiple times a day through sheer effort like a true Shonen protagonist.
Their god wills it.
Is the Party Cleric open to the idea of sucking dick, or are they wholly opposed to the suggestion.
2hu didn't ruin it, they didn't listen to 2hu.
2hu BTFO.
Is Skill Focus spellcraft a decent level 1 choice a humaan wizard if I'm gonna be learning lots of spells from scrolls? I picked improved initiative for my other feat.
How big is too big?
Ah, it's not in the troves yet so I had no idea.
When it becomes stupidly enormous
Isn't that dependent on the observer? I'm sure a half-giant wouldn't seem too enormous to a Centauress, while that same half-giant would send a half-elven maid screaming.
We were saved by Wist, who warned the developer not to listen to 2hu.
I know Elocator has issues but for once I want to build a Voyager-Elocator. Have all the psionic movement bullshit and go Parkour Jedi on people. Call him Christopher "Moon" Walken and was he jumps from place to place.
How do you convince the vampire to fuck you. Coincidentally, What would make a vampire mate with a mortal? I got sort of a blood fetish.
Vampires are rampant sluts who admire beauty, sophistication and a rare catch. All you need to do to bed a vampire is be a reputable adventurer and take them out on a nice, upper-class date.
Wist is the hero we all deserve.
Wist told DSP not to listen to 2hu and they indeed didn't listen to 2hu.
If it wasn't for Wist, 2hu would've shit all over the Voyager.
Fuck OFF Masha, no one wants to catch whatever horrible disease is slowly killing you.
Do you let them drink your blood?
How worth it is a two level dip in Vigilante for a Far Strike Monk? Considering they get Returning with a chosen weapon with just two levels.
2hu is the only one who pointed out the problems with Voyager. Leave it a woman to ruin a man's hard work.
No "disease" is killing me, fuck off SSD
literal garbage
Vampires are numb to conventional pain and pleasure, the "Kiss" is the only thing that really gets them off. So yes, you give them your blood and they'll give you their body.
Was skies a bamboozle?
Not really. The DC to copy a spell from a scroll (or spellbook) into your spellbook is 15 + spell level. You should easily be able to make that while taking 10, which you can do on that check. I recommend instead taking Combat Advice or Spell Focus instead, if you're going for a typical Wizard.
>"problems" with Voyager
All I see is autism, it's a good thing this shit didn't make it into the final book.
Of course it was, everything's a bamboozle around here.
You smell like smegma.
If skies was a bamboozle, So was skyfall. Which is to say, nope.
Making maps that look nice in Roll20 is hard and frustrating.
Skyfall was a bamboozle too. Don't believe me? Tell me what happened last session.
As a completely new DM and new to Pathfinder in general, would you recommend some dumb fun one shot like We Be Goblins?
How do you know it was an obvious "Bamboozle" Post some logs or a story. Other wise what you say is jack shit.
>Not making best president as the class is built on using parallel versions of yourself to fuck with people in 4-D.
Didn't DSP make a psychic summoner or something? It's probably Charisma or Wisdom based so you'd be MAD trying to build it.
Now that Voyager properly settled into a final stage I gave it a look and it actually seems pretty fun.
Three layers of complicated right from the get go, but by level 3 it has a unique combat style that you don't see in many other places, and while weaker in damage is engaging to play in the same way a good initiator is.
It gives your turns a lot of depth.
Finalists were never announced and nobody has even discussed what the first session was about. If that's not a bamboozle to me, than I don't know a lot about bamboozles.
It would help if this place cared about anything other than anime meme games.
I assume it was like that Iron Gods game he ran where he didn't like most of the apps
All the games that weren't anime memes recruited months ago, all that's left are the bug-eyed girls and impractical armor.
So the class doesn't have any ordinary burn mitigation features that actually lower burn cost, but the expectation is to manage your daily pool of burn recovery, and the special effects and buffs from recovering burn mean you gain extra momentum in later encounters. This class is probably at its best in the second or third encounter of a day.
The difficulty is each feature that utilizes burn is doing something extra special, but biggest gun fallacy dictates if you aren't taking the talents that use burn and constantly blowing through your health to do big special attacks, you're not doing it right. To which I would say, if you want to nova every single encounter, knock yourself out.
There's the Avant Garde Kineticist which isn't a summoner at all, but it's the most accurate class if you want to RP a Stand User with a Punch Ghost type stand.
The first complaint I can understand, but the second? Dude, if you've got a problem with impractical armor of all things you're playing the wrong game system
What about stupid anime plots and personalities?
This general has a frightening amount of overlap with /a/. It can't really be helped.
Is there any way to build an Arcane Trickster for sneak attack damage that isn't totally outclassed by a Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist? I'd love to walk around hitting people for 10000d6 under Greater Invisibility while also having the Wizard spell list.
Granblue Fantasy campaign when?
What if you could play as the canon characters?
too hard to proximate as GBF functions on a level that far exceeds even PoW narratively
It doesn't help that dumb boob armor is canon
Armor that looks like ripped abs is Real Life canon, boob armor like that in comparison really isn't that bad.
Doesn't tat just mean you need to bring in full casters?
In art, yes. In combat? Not so much, it usually was a show of wealth.
And if DSP is allowed, boob plate armor that jiggles is optimal.
while vancians can replicate the level of the bullshit GBF's casters can you'd be hard limited in staying power compared to what GBF's characters can do on top of what some of the 'high' tier GBF characters are capable of
Then everyone and their mother would make draphs and erunes.
And so is armor worn by PCs and prominent characters, it's like having a sword with a wavy edge, you only bust one of those out to show how big your dick is as well as your pocketbook.
>not making a tall strong human to bed all the cute draphs and erunes
And be like Sleep, Slow, or Succ? No thank you.
could make them a young stud instead of a grizzeled old man and NOT be like them
Why not have everyone play narratively weaker GBF canon characters?
could sort of work. I could with enough setting tweaking but the gulf between the weak and the strong is absolutely massive
Are you kidding? They've made young studs and grizzled old men. The end result is the same old trash.
That's either a failure to make a proper pitch and attract the desired type of apps, or impossibly high standards. The character submissions you get from here are heavily tailored and refined.
This is an akhana aeon, a manifestation of the duality of life and death. An akhana aeon grapples people and then sucks out their souls using its tail.
How would you feel if your GM made you fight a fluffy-tailed akhana who sucked out souls by smothering people with its fluffy tail?
An akhana is overCRed at 12.
Given what some people call "bad apps" I think it's less high standards and more "I didn't attract the e-celeb I wanted to typefuck because they're all already busy". Like fuck man, given some of the shit I see on reg roll20 games, mythweavers, actual plays, and IRL /pfg/ shits out fucking godsends time after time.
Also, /pfg/ seems to only be interested in a fairly narrow set of character/personality types both in terms of what people app to games with and what is ultimately accepted. I'm not sure if this is just because so many games take on a vaguely sexual aspect or what though.
You forgot the part where akhana have four arms and a eye-looking central core.
>An akhana is overCRed at 12
>slay living 3/day
>1d4 negative levels touch attack at will
Is there any way to teleport as a swift action? I'm trying to find a way to boost Warp sphere that extra bit so I can use it mid combat
That's a cool monster
>slay living 3/day
DC 19, pretty mediocre for CR 12.
>1d4 negative levels touch attack at will
Fort negates, makes you immune for 24 hours, needs a grapple.