EDH/Commander General

"Gimme yer shit" edition

Previously: >Latest News:


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Unofficial and new, but has GOAT search interface and updates on time.

>Thread Question
What's the dumbest, most off-the-wall deck you've ever made?

Other urls found in this thread:


Regarding ratios, is there a standard? I just looked at some primers and tried to establish some ranges. Like 36-41 mana, 12-19 draw power, 9-16 mana effects, etc. Seems like tentpole decks are the most common so not sure if they require significant alterations.

lul there are actually fat ugly manchildren on this board that get triggered by Alesha

Just fill your deck with infinite combos and you should be good.

I play Torpor orb AND Tocatli honor guard.

Alesha is actually the fat ugly tranny. I lose respect and actively target anyone who actually plays that. Same with the fag kings of meletis players.

Man I really want to build that guy, but I know deep down Chainer is better all-around. He's less flexible but way less-mana intensive, and can hit every graveyard.


retarded amerifat southerner confirmed lul

how's that double digit IQ feel?

Hi Eric

What's your excuse for spending so much money on this game when you could win with a $70 deck and put all that money to way better things like a nice guitar, a stand up paddleboard, a nice road bike, months worth of martial arts training... I mean fuck, most of you idiots could sell off 10% of your gay collections and fund a top of the line cruise entirely with money gained from selling cards to other idiots.

But you don't. Why? Because you're boring and lame, anti social and out of shape. A bunch of uninspired, unmotivated dweebs who use this game as a way to compensate for your complete and total lack of life skills & basic hygiene. You for whatever reason believe that winning a casual game in a casual format will bring you some newfound happiness, even though you're playing in a situation where nothing is on the line and the difference between winning and losing is simply the amount of time it takes to start another game up.

You pop pills for your "depression" and blame a chemical imbalance even though the true source of your depression is a lack of exercise and clean air. You eat hot pockets at the LGS with the other losers, some of whom you call "friends" even though you only ever see each other at FNM and have nothing in common beyond your mutual inability to wash yourselves.

You're afraid to sell off these cards because you'd have to come to the realization that without them, you suck at this game, and if you suck at this game, then you're literally not good at anything in this world. And that's too much to handle for someone like you, isn't it? You'd end up going on a killing spree once you realized that the only thing you found solace in is actually just a lack of skill covered up by the fact that this game is pay to win and the makers of this game have one intention in mind when making these cards; The money of fools like you.

Stop trying to stir shit up
You're pathetic

My friend is running Atraxa, should I be that guy and put a Cytoplast Manipulator into my deck?

They gave me the impression this was sort of a friendlier format. Though I wasn't aware of how common they were until reading the thread for ideas, I really want the deck to be as close to an incarnation of flavor as it can be while still playable. Also, I wouldn't feel very comfortable making people sit around while I solitaire.
I'm not Eric, but if he has made a similar deck and posted his results online I'd appreciate a link. Was this person a former wowtcg player? Most of my build is trying to emulate the feel as players are exceedingly rare in my area.

>trying to change my Karador deck to Kresh so it doesn't get targeted so hard by my playgroup
>have 11 cards to cut


The ones that are hard to see are sheoldred and rune-scarred demon.

Solid capitalization there champ. Nice reddit spacing too! Drink your soy latte and pipe down.

And the foreign one is puppeteer clique.

i dont have to sacrifice anything i want to play magic how i want

btw post your $70 deck that wins

Post like these relax me. I don't know why but they make me feel better in general. Please, post some more.

Any tips on building a casual EDH deck for next week? Something with power and fun but not infinite or oppressive enough to ruin the game?

The game is a way I connected to some of my best friends in college.

Nice projections btw lmfao

just cut all the red cards and make it a golgari deck.

Make a red chaos deck.

Play stuff like Grip of Chaos and Warp World or have Dragon Mage wheel everyone's hands each turn.
Anybody else got any ideas on how to make a game any more crazy?

how dare you

I don't even what you're trying to do with this deck.

How about some new sleeves, that shit's fugly and looks damaged on things like kokusho.

ITT: Post your most intimidating commander

Put a pile of cards together and make it work around Kresh and be resilient enough to have a backup plan. It's not meant to be competitive, just fun.

Who the fuck cares? I'll get new sleeves when I need new sleeves.

My dragon is more intimidating than ur-dragon

This is going to be an absolutely garbage deck, but I don't care.

I got a foil of her.


Nothing is more intimidating that a man who actively seeks out pain.
Opponents will just stop attacking you once he is out.

>Zero-creature Chainer
Can it be done? Can I just play everyone else's critters?


Captain Smashfucker all day

There's literally a million decks someone could post that are sub $70 that can win regularly in EDH. It's a casual format, most decks SHOULD BE around that much, albeit $70 is on the low end. $70-$150, anything more than that and you're just throwing money away to over compensate for some self esteem issues.

How many creatures should I run for cards like Lurking Predators and Primordial Sage to be worth it?

>tfw you bought a bunch of EDH staples when they were significantly less in value and it's inflated the value of your decks

>anything more than that and you're just throwing money away to over compensate for some self esteem issues.
:^) I throw money away on shiny promo cards if that counts.

>What's the dumbest, most off-the-wall deck you've ever made?

Nothing feels better then completing Helix Pinnacle in one turn in mono green. Nothing. Also swinging in with hundreds of ants from Ant Queen is a trip.

>playing a dindu

what are you, a cuck?

Depends on the deck, but I'd say like ~35

Etali is a fun commander to have if you can get them out

eldrazi conscription, ophiomancer, nightmare lash, essence harvest, bloodsoaked champion, bow of nylea, mage slayer, viridian emissary, flametongue kavu, fling, and krosan grip would be my cuts

>not having a fetish for athletic black chicks with male pattern baldness
what are you, a normie?

Poorfags gonna poorfag; this pasta is stale my friend


Is there room for the likes of Death Cloud and Pox in EDH? Which deck would be best for these?

These do help a bit thanks. Probably keeping the mage slayer, fling and essense harvest though because a big Kresh/Lord of Extinction just kills someone with any of those cards.

I run Death Cloud in my Tasigur deck. Never considered pox though.

>Is there room for the likes of Death Cloud and Pox in EDH?
Fuck no, as in literally everybody groans every single time they are played.

Big Dick OG Rakdos, if you've got the stones for it

>What's the dumbest, most off-the-wall deck you've ever made?

Bear Tribal

>Bear Tribal
>Features any creatures that are anything other than 1G 2/2s
Shame on you.

Post your favorite wizard

Eh, except they don't do anything by themselves and i figure if you have a biglargehuge kresh you're already winning. Jarad at least does stuff by himself.

>tfw magus of the wheel in Inalla
>tfw double wheeling

Beseech the queen
Disciple of Griselbrand (There are way better sac outlets)
Nightmare Lash
As a start

Either Arjun or Nin.

How does this thing even win?

Find their Niv-Mizzet or Locust God.

>Digging through six+ cards every time you cast a spell
>How does it win?

Do you like cheese, user?

How do I make her good in multiplayer?

Goblin Game.


By putting her in the 99 of a hatebears deck

I think It trying to communicate

Find her a scabbard that actually fits her sword.

fuck forgot pic

Lol, walked right into that one I guess. But is she horrible as a commander though?

>What's the dumbest, most off-the-wall deck you've ever made?
Mono blue Dinosaur Tribal
Yeah sure it's only got one creature but it's still tribal if 100% of those creatures are dinos right?

I actually have

I actually gave you good advice on how to improve this pasta last time
I'm very disappointed you didn't take any of it to heart

Jori En, ruin diver or keranos? I want to try spellcaster.

Texasfag here and I resent that. We'll take our queers over any yankie or commiefornian.

As a dedicated Jori player I'll be the first to admit that she's not explosive enough. Go with Keranos.


>What's the dumbest, most off-the-wall deck you've ever made?

I made a deck that had Doran the Siege Tower as the technical commander, but the real commander was Evershrike. It was all about getting Evershrike in the graveyard as quickly as possible then jamming it out with auras. It was stupid, but a lot of fun. I unfortunately never built it with paper cards and lost the decklist when my computer bricked, but I've been thinking of putting it back together just for the hell of it.

Mail Call



Post beach balls



>"Texan" identifies himself first as southern instead of Texan or even southwestern

Where are you really from, fag?

>a difference between fags and commiefornians


Texan born and raised nigger. Harvey was a hoot living on the fourth floor.
>muh steers

Am I retarded for wanting to run this as a general

Well, it can't be dealt with too easily without wipe.
The -1/-1 can kill off a few things- and will make hapatra and the rare x/1 general sad.

You could be playing lazav or dralnu!

How many basic lands do people normally use? I've got things like land tax and Thawing glaciers in my deck, so i figured i should have at least double digits of basic lands. Is 14 enough?

Unanswerable without context

Post list

>haven't played a good game of Commander in a year
>still have some old decks
>have a group of friends
Should I go for it? I know EDH is a terrible way to teach Magic, but my only other option is a Cube.

>Thread question
A Kydele + Vial Smasher Wheels Deck I made. Shit was cruel, it was worse than Storm.

Depends on colors and if you wanna GO FAST. What is your commander?

Ideally, you run all relevant fetches and duals, some City of Brass type lands if you're in 3 or more colors, maybe a couple utility lands, and the rest basics. People always overload their decks with utility lands that either come into play tapped or don't produce colors.

Basics are better than most nonbasics.

if they're willing to learn, go for it. give them other things to learn from, like some youtube tutorials and articles as well. if they're really interested, they're going to have to do some learning in their own time

of course, the best way to join a new playgroup is to just go to a lgs. check the ones close to you, see if they have dedicated edh nights (they probably do) if not, leave a comment on one of them asking if anyone wants to play sometime

wb user

Why isn't this played more

because everybody thinks that the only thing you can do with it is fetch EVERY land.

I have a list online, but it hasn't been updated since 2015, so i'm not sure it would be too helpful.

Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter and Aurelia, the Warleader.

There is only like one our two cards that come into play tapped in either of my decks, but there are several that produce colorless. Others are fetches and duals, then about 14 basics.

If your enchantment gets nuked, your lands stay in exile.
Also this

I've played it and even if you only put a few plains under it, it draws an unproportional amount of removal for what it does.

too tempting to blow up for people who are bad at assessing threats. as said, you don't want to fetch every land, but even getting 5 lands exiled forever kinda sucks. the card is good tho, at least when it works. work on your begging voice before sleeving it up

"oh come on guys, seriously, the U player is just going to drop mystic remora next turn, just let me make my land drops, it that too op to you?? is this card just too fucking nuts to let me have?? making sure i play a land for the next few turns, shit you're right, gotta keep me in check, i understand :/"