Last Thread >What is Planeforger? Planeforger is a series of threads in which we roll up a Magic the Gathering plane using a hexgrid, populate it, design it, and hopefully eventually make a little set for it. It's mostly a fun worldbuilding exercise, but with tons of cool stuff.
In this third iteration of Planeforger, we made an underwater plane, flooded during a great catastrophe. The last remnants of the old world live inside a patchwork colossus, a warmachine of old repurposed as a walking ark, while the rest of the plane has adapted to its underwater environs. Here merfolk flit between columns of seaweed, hiding elven cities in giant bubbles of oxygen, while scuttling crab-people lock claws in jovial scraps over their hermit-shells. Here vampiric cephalids prowl the abyssal trenches fighting over scraps with shark-faced goblins and great eel-like ogres. Here leviathans the size of castles sail through the deep, nations in their own right and landscapes even in their death. Here below it all, there is a hollow, waterless core, a Lost World hidden beneath holding those few whom the flood never touched. This is a plane where Love flooded the world, and where Love has come again to drive on history.
This is the plane of Sirenmurl.
Last thread we made the plane, outlined the core factions and started working on some smaller ones, and thought up some possible mechanics. A google doc collating all of this is incoming.
Here's the landscape map of the plane we rolled. The Colorless areas are large ruins of the world before, often filled with danger and possibility.
Caleb Smith
And here is a quick description we made last thread, editied slightly to fit with what we added after it.
Art Nouveau Undersea plane, with some French influences. Tenative Name: Siremurl, or Sireneterr.
So current keywords so far are: Ambush (When a creature with power 3 or more/less does something, reveal card from hand and stuff happens) Morph(?) Skulk.
Tenative Mechanics: Vehicles? Operate? (Like Crew but for nonVehicle artifacts) Fortifications? Deadfall (When this creature dies, fetch land)
Humans, Vedalken, Thrulls (WUB-Residuum) Elves, Merfolk, ??? (GWU-???) Squid Vampires, Abyssals, and General Undersea nasties (UBR-Abyssals)
Dwarves, Humans, ??? (URG- Lost World of Lorteque) Merfolk, Pistolshrimp, Loyal Mool Retainers (WUR-Kingdoms of Corsto) Gorgons, Merfolk, ??? (UBG-Noble Estates of Guillimar/The Guills)
Angel Barnes
Oh yeah, one important tidbit I didn't quite mention in there: The Avatars.
So the Avatars are core functions of the world, manifestations of the plane in some way, and alternate between periods of hibernation and wakeness. A long time ago the Red and Blue Avatars were awake and the Red (or at least primarily red, possibly Grixis or maybe Jeskai) Avatar became angry at the old world and dragged up great volcanoes to burn them away (possibly at those six mountains in the center, which could resemble a great maw). However, before it could, the Blue Avatar grew to love the mortal races and could not stand by and let them die. To save them, the Blue Avatar thrust itself into an early hibernation by using its power to set in play perpetual storms that flooded the world and cooled the volcanoes of the Red Avatar, driving it back to hide in the holow center of the world. The power of the Avatars is what creates Leviathans and other such gigantic creatures, by regular creatures harmonizing and infusing themselves with the Avatar's power.
Besides those two, the only other thing of the Avatars we have so far is that the Black Avatar, who's Leviathan died and was found by the Abyssals who would turn it into a mobile battleship as Ghost Pirates. We still need more ideas on them as a whole.
Ethan Roberts
Ill start posting some of the art from the previous thread when we need bumps, courtesy of the talented Edspear.
John Garcia
I just had an idea for the GWU faction, since we were talking about basing them loosely after both eastern aesthetics and the dutch post-impressionists, specifically Van Gogh. I say we take inspiration for their costumes and aesthetic design from Betta fish in a way. Give them long, flowing garments and lots of streamers that trail beautifully in the water, cut almost like Wuxia costumes but styled in the patterns of Starry Night's swirls or more of Van Gogh's clouds. These serve both the purpose of making them seem much larger than they are, mimicking larger creatures like sea serpents or sea-krait naga in a way, as well as giving them lots of false targets they can let get attacked before retaliating.
I think if anyone should get the morph (which I forgot to mention last thread, but I think should be primarily noncreature morph. Enchantments, lands, and maybe even spells morphing) to display this, as well as help explain why their bubble-colonies are so well hidden. Not only do they live in the cold waters of the north, but they disguise their kingdoms as well with oceans of false kelp and swirling fabrics.
Ethan Smith
Nathaniel Cox
One more bump before I go to sleep, along with a question:
If you were to suggest a faction to be the main focus of the plot (or at least the lens we view the world through initially) who would it be?
Charles Parker
I would say the Residuum scientist and the Avatar would be the leading focus, with other factions helping and hindering along the way. I would say the hollow worlders would probably be the most directly allied in the very end of the block, depending on if the Avatar is Temur or not.
Dylan White
Maro please stop farming Veeky Forums for design ideas for MtG.
Owen Young
Benjamin Nguyen
Residuum seem like a good starting point, they've isolated themselves from the rest of the world, the titan itself makes for a great threshold, for our hero to leave as they embark on a journey to explore the rest of the world.
Residuum is the old world, the rest of the setting is basically a New World. Yeah the dwellers of Karoklimik (Temur Faction) seem like a good faction to have ally with the heroes eventually, especially if they seek to return the avatar to the coreworld to perhaps avert some kind of catastrophe.
Otherwise I've been thinking of some creatures or characters, or at the very least some mechanics I'd like to see stapled to creatures.
I was thinking of cycles of two colored legendaries could go on through out the set. Drawing inspiration from Metropolis I was thinking, the three characters could be themed off of the "head", "hands", and "heart". Like our Researcher hero I can see as White Blue Human (perhaps scout if he's going to be exploring the rest of the world eventually).
Here's some rules text I was thinking could work for that character >Whenever you draw a card put a Research Counter on [Card Name] >WU and Tap-Scry X where X is equal to the number of Research Counters on [Card Name].
My only worry is is that more "Mono-Blue" of an ability.
Otherwise the creature I was putting thought into last night was a UB head of government in the Residuum. Jeanneret Corbus was a name idea beased off of Courbusier, famous modernist architect, with the personality of Adolf Loos. Adolf Loos is wacky... Basically hates ornamentation of any kind, and built houses for people, and then told them what to wear so it would go with their house. One of those two did that, I might need to read up on that again.
And maybe some White-Black Thrull Foreman, a barely sentient thrull in charge of the rest.
And of course the WUB Colossus Dartan itself.
Oliver Price
Yeah, the Avatar's colors we definitely need to figure out, since I think we decided it should be the Blue Avatar, finally waking up from it's hibernation? Residuum and the Karoklimik/Lorteqians seem like good people to focus on since they're definitely the most immediately relateable, what with still being land-dwellers.
I like the research counters and I think we could do some interesting stuff with them, though I think that they should do more than just Scry. Stuff like black cards with research counters allowing you to spend them on -1/-1's or white cards letting you give things vigilance, all themed as sciencing the hell out of it. Make them a resource, but one that's interactable unlike energy.
As for the characters, I like the idea of the head, hands, and heart, and I really like the idea of a thrull foreman, since that could tie in really well with expressing all the Randian stuff the Residuum has going on from the point of view of the (almost) lowest rung in the heirarchy. The Corbusier/Adolf Loos guy sounds excellent too, though with that demanding what people do it sounds like he's also got some white in his color makeup. Maybe make him UB but with a W activated ability?
The idea of head, hands, and heart as the cycles of legendaries throughout the plane sounds really cool though, and I'm totally down.
Christian Murphy
I think that Jeskai or Naya makes a lot of sense, especially if this thing is supposed to be a benevolent, or at least passionate, god
Ryan Jackson
Yeah, I can see the conflict between the Blue and Red gods be between say Naya and Jund. Two shards that don't show up within the main groups of people, which I think could serve as the basis for the rest of the Avatars. If we do that, here are the Shards/Wedges we haven't used: >Naya >Jund >Abzan >Mardu
Seems like we could make them interesting.
Isaiah Myers
Well bringing it back to the first thread, the mana conflux core could work as both the heart of the plane and a prison for the Avatars, the unused shards and wedges could be the Avatars that haven't escaped, or want to stay.
The question is if the The Creature is a free Avatar, or one that escaped. If Free, Jeskai or Temur, the enemy of the Grixis mad demon king. If escaped, Naya makes the most sense here
William Morgan
I think escaped would work the best, at least for explaining why it isn't a fully powered avatar lording it up all over the ocean. It could only get a portion of its power manifested to slip free of its prison, leaving behind most of its might and possibly memories to slip through the bars of its cage. Maybe that could be part of the crux of the plot, that one of the Avatars escapes half-formed, and in doing so reveals that the avatars exist in some capacity. The ones that are already free begin have to deal with that while the power hungry try to hunt their way into the Core to use the power for themselves. Maybe that could just be one plot thread, I dunno.
Unrelated idea: Should higher-ranking thrulls like the foreman have have humanoid masks/faceplates/detailing on their suits, to make dealing with them less odious to the Vedalken and humans of the Residuum?
Wyatt Johnson
Well there was always the idea of it being a free Avatar, but was in stasis since expending it's power to save the plane from fire and storms.
As for Thrull, they're tools, more so than the Veldalken will ever be. Putting a face plate on a Thrull would be like scratching a smiley face on the head of a hammer, or painting your drill a new colour. At most, it's like dieing your dog's fur
Dylan Bailey
That's exactly my point though. The vast majority of thrulls aren't going to have any ornamentation, but things like foremen, who you'll have to talk to in order to relay orders and get status updates, might be the ones you make look more aesthetically pleasing. Definitely not realistic faces on them, but more suggestions of a profile to make it seem a bit less like you're talking to a diving suit filled with meat.
Ethan Sullivan
The foreman thing seems odd to me. It seems like something a low tier Vedalken would do. Thrull in the Residuum in my mind are little more than idiot R2D2s
Juan Williams
The way I see it is that there could be some "Card evolution" going on. IE we start off with our avatar, as strictly mono blue at first. Perhaps typed as a Merfolk Elemental, or Mutant, since its captured by the Residuum, and they'd be the one to name it. By Set two or three its got its other two colors back (perhaps red and green for synergy with the Dwellers of Karoklimik, since by that point a lot of conflict will be going on in and around the core).
That said I guess the question is what are our avatars gods of?
For our principle avatar, I was thinking since a big theme with them was love for the sentients, perhaps they were the Avatar of Sentience, representing Knowledge (blue) Instinct (green) and passion (red). It is the avatar of living things that think, love, hate, and survive. It was the one that ultimately paved a way for something to survive the whole mess. But yeah perhaps weird "abstract" domains might be an idea.
I like the idea of what avatars are left are or were in the two unused shards and wedges respectively. Perhaps the plan the whoever is running the residuum has is to make their Giant Colossus City of Dartan into a sort of artificial avatar, and have it take the blue avatar's place in the core to try and "Restore" things.
Another idea, for at least cutting down on avatars and/or exploring unique color combos, I had that the Avatar or entity that screwed the surface world up could have been WBRG colors, it has everything but blue (perhaps it is one avatar that has taken over two roles, like say WBR killed and ate GWB). But I guess its thing is that it is angry, lost someone it cared about, tried to bring order to the world by causing a lot of death. I like the idea of it being a sort of sympathetic creature, which again wrought massive environmental destruction and change upon the world.
Leo Clark
I'd lean towards thrulls being incredibly utilitarian, full on Adolf Loos, decorating things is a sign of a malfeasant mind. But that said, I'm not exactly against them having faces. Perhaps the way to approach them is that if they have faces, they're more like happy accidents, like certain car grills, or the sides of warehouses after a lot of wear and tear, or just the weird little patterns you see in stucco cielings. They weren't given sculpted faces to make them friendly looking, the porticulus for their little visual nerve clusters happens to be right next to a carbon dioxide exaust port, while their little headlamps on either side of its head make it look like eyes. Accidential faces. The human beings like them and are perhaps the ones to point them out, the Vedalken don't see what they see, because form begets function, they put the pieces there entirely ergonomically, any similarity to anything is entirely coincidental. So yeah there are more faceless looking ones devoid of personality as well.
Michael Morris
And thrulls themselves, might not just care anyways. What little distinguishing features they pick up be it from losing limbs being, being infested with barnacles, or being retrofitted for mining after being a furnace thrull for a while, don't matter to them. Humans care about their form, Vedalken care about their function, the thrulls ultimately may only care about simply "being".
Pic somewhat related, more early diving suits. It was a toss up between this or finding another weird "Accidental Building or Vehicle Face". But I do feel it illustrates the idea, the two eye holes are there simply for the person inside to view out of, the metal dome and pants are for protection, and the middle bit being leather is for flexibility, and pipes are for air.
Xavier Wood
I like the idea of avatars having card evolution as the plot progresses, perhaps also showing that they're growing in power as they approach the Core? Giving them abstract-ish domains sounds really good too, and seeing Sentience described as UGR is kind of hilarious to me since usually the more cerebral concepts stay out of G and R. I like it a lot though. Dartan becoming an Avatar could be a really compelling motivation for our villain actually if we're seeing this through the lens of a Residuum scientist. Your boss is so attached to fixing the world that he's going to convert you and everyone you know into a god through a process that likely will kill you, just to try and fix a world that's kind of getting along fine.
Perhaps with the idea of the multiple Avatars and cutting down on characters we could make it that the avatars are simultaneously a gestalt entity and several of them, multiple pieces that make up a whole to continue with the motif posed by the "head, hand, heart" thing. While they can disagree, when they sunk the world they were all a single WUBRG being until U rebelled to save the mortals and broke the whole balance. Sympathetic is definitely what we should be going for.
Yeah, that's perfect for thrulls. Its just enough to anthropomorphize them beyond being automatons, and is really cute in a kind of sad, existentialist way. The idea of them really only caring about "being" is cool for that.
Also have a vedalken who I colored very poorly, and a slightly more realistic sketch trying to figure out what the double noses would look like.
Gavin Hill
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The thing in his arms is a rough idea of an underwater Thopter, where it spins its tail as a little propeller. Also the beret is because that vedalken is an exploratory captain of some kind.
Carson Young
Loving this guy. So he's a captain nemo type then? I quite like the name Jeveleux. And the outfit is looking good as well. I might as well give it a shot. Sort of early line work so far. Tossed on some scientific aparatus inspired by Bauhaus lighting solutions. and messing with the hat. Colors I'm tempted to toy around with are some golds and perhaps some oxidized copper looking greens, to get a little bit of that Klimt inspired vibe going. Which speaking of Klimt, Transistor had a nice art deco art style going, especially with eye patterns.
In sad news my computer crashed while I wasn't looking, and while a lot of the sketches were saved I lost the set symbol stuff.
Gabriel King
One more thing before running off to bed. A Thrull, to sort of bounce some ideas around.
So there's a bit of the "things that look like eyes aren't really eyes"-thing going on with the little "headlamps" on the top of its helmet. Its brain and eyes and all that central nervous system stuff is all near where that blue porticulis is. I also figure this must move like some of those boston dynamics robots.
A general sense of "this is close enough to alive" but "things really shouldn't move that way.
Glad you like him! Jeveleux is just a mess of french-ish syllables I thought up, but it works well for a name. Now this guy with the spiffy hat and electrical/breathing apparatus looks absolutely fantastic! I think those colors sound good, I was mostly limited to the markers I had on hand and I think nice golds and greens, with maybe some deep blue accents to offset the lighter blue skintone would look good. Transistor's definitely a good place to look
As for the thrull, its awesome! I love the way it looks exactly how thrulls should, a strange mix between ramshackle and uncanny. Also it's adorable.
Oh no! Is there any way to recover them from the images you posted? I've got them saved if you need. Crashes are bullshit.
Jonathan Walker
Sick designs but wayy too much black. If you kept the black to the outlines, it would still look fine.
Grayson Parker
Here's a quick Ambush card idea I had. Costing Ambush effects in some cases might be a good way to keep it from being too strong or leaving the card perpetually in your hand. This one of course is kind of a junk common though.
Juan Torres
Eh, I think it looks fine, but I think the real test is seeing how the look on card as a rarity symbol or something.
Daniel Stewart
Way too vibrant. I think the Residuum should focus on cool colours, artificial and lifeless tones, and metallics. Like for his robes I would make them gold and silver, or simply grey. The colour palette should be an uncomfortable and uncompromising mix of Arte Deco and Burtalism, not Deco and Neoveau
Jaxon Baker
Yeah, I honestly agree with you and I'm the one who drew it. Just didn't have any good yellows or grays on hand really.
I definitely agree with you there being too much black on the right picture. I was going off of the amonkhet set symbol for inspiration for the trident one.
Ultimately I might just need to make them all over again. Shouldn't be too hard with the trident symbol since I've also got it sketched out elsewhere.
Yeah adding costs might be the way to go. I was figuring since the various ambush cards having specific triggers (creatures attacking, blocking, entering or leaving the battlefield) would mitigate the need for having a cost, but well considering the various breeds of 1/1 token that can be created, might be best to tie it to tapping mana. Go full "Trap" card with it. Perhaps putting the potential ambush cost next to the keyword a la Monstrosity and Forecast might be an idea to reduce space.
which speaking of monstrosity perhaps we could use it as some additional inspiration. Pic related, it has a couple of abilities before being monstrous, then does something extra when it becomes monsterous. So perhaps ambush creatures could just have their ambush ability in their rules text. The Ambush Keyword defines when they can ambush and how much it costs, then they could have something in their rules text amounting to "when this card ambushes do X". it can lead into some more flexible wording, like say, when this card blocks or ambushes do X.
>Fisher Clique 3G >Creature-Merfolk >Lifelink >Ambush GG-Whenever a creature with power 3 or less enters the battlefield, you may reveal Fisher Clique from your hand and pay the ambush cost.
>When this card/creature ambushes gain 3 life.
So it has a utility when not ambushing, IE if you treat it as a creature it accomplishes a similar life gain goal. More of an experiment in formatting than an actual card idea, we do need junk commons after all.
Kevin Ortiz
I like that idea, and treating it like monstrosity in a way makes it a bit easier to format. That rework almost reminds me of Forecast, but in this case its more like a triggered Forecast that I like a bit better.
Also here, have a really rough idea of one of the boreal elves. He ended up kind of Ainu looking, but I thought with the air bubbles the big open bubble helmets would be good for them underwater.
Leo Parker
I figured the elves would just have gills, they'd be more like Tritons than anything, but use the elf subtype to reduce clutter
Evan Garcia
Huh, I could do that. I was picturing them as still terrestrial due to the bubble cities, but significantly more adapted to the underwater world. Where the Residuum clings to the past and the Karoklimik are largely unchanged, these guys have gone with the flow of the world and become just shy of aquatic. That said, I can totally also make them more tritons.
Juan Wood
More amphibious, I should say. They can't stay in the water forever, and they can't get too try, so bubble tree houses work great for them
Nolan Taylor
How about making them kind of like Orcas? I was thinking of giving them some kind of skin patterns, like something between orcas and seahorses/seadragons, giving them cool spots and stuff. Also maybe sharper teeth.
Ryan Gomez
A way to view the bant faction elves, is that they're like a reverse version of how life came from the sea to land. Their natural and more preferred environment is dryland, or their little air bubble domes, but going beyond them affords them more opportunities to eat, and explore and grow.
They are perhaps hoping and working together as a community (white) to innovate improve themselves (blue) to fit in better with the nature of the world they're in (blue).
And yeah I can dig orca aesthetics.
Angel Anderson
I thought sea Dragon aesthetics where what we we're going for. Although there could be regional variants.
Bant Tritons/Elves could be more sea Dragon like, with drab aggressive males and diplomatic fancy females in a mostly matriarchal society.
The Coral reef could have more Porpise like Tritons and Merfolk, or even have them be like rock fish or other reef fish. They can be more teamwork oriented to fit in with the Abzan themes with Jeskai colours.
Karoklimik could have more amphibian ones to fit in with the Lost World/Disney Atlantean/Amazonian themes.
I think Merfolk and the Elves should be linked somehow, like Dwarves are like Neanderthals to Humans on the plane
Evan James
Lucas Allen
Otherwise I was contemplating "land cycles".
From the Planeforger 2, we had "Filter Deserts" dual lands that took any type of mana and fixed it into a combination of a color and colorless (RR, RC,CC).
An idea would be a sort of combination of pic related, taps for certain colors of mana, but if morphed has a bonus mana generating effect.
>Brackish Lowlands (Totally Willing to change it) >Land >Brackish Lowlands enters the battlefield tapped. >Tap and add U or B to your mana pool. >Morph 2 (does it need to be higher or lower?) >When Brackish Lowlands is turned face up add 1 mana of any color to your mana pool.
I think it needs work, but it turns these into soft "three color" lands that can be shared between various factions (Like this can be on theme for the Guills, abyssals, and the Residuum), and being morphed circumvents the entering the battlefield tapped clause.
Another application for morph on a land could be with defensive play. You declare a morphed land a blocker, but then turn it face up, you basically get two mana for a turn to spend on some kind of answer to perhaps something else you chose not to block.
Colton Campbell
The important thing with Morph is that you'll have already paid 3 to get it into play beforehand. In that particular case, the idea behding Zoetic cavern is the idea behind many morph things: You don't know what it is until you flip it. Because of that, I think you could probably get away with Morph 1 though morp 2 is also an option, as a filter on the card, and still not massively overpower it unless someone started setting up some REALLY dumb loops with Backslide.
I really like the soft 3 color land, and the point as a blocker is a really good idea that I've used much before with stuff like Whetwheel.
I run a morph-tribal commander deck, and damn is it fun. The real ways to prevent morph from getting REALLY stupid is to be careful about what cards can lower the actual cost of playing morphers, like Dream Chisel. Once you get that out you can start doing some really, really dumb shit.
Zachary Green
Hmm, thinking about it maybe we could flavor these morphing lands as hidden caches inside the colorless ruins? Stuff like sunken servitor robots or overgrown ruins filled with fish, only to inside have some small treasure or beautiful location. That way we can explain the colorless 2/2's as just general dangers of the ruins somehow?
Elijah James
I was thinking about Leviathans and how it should be that any Avatars' power can cause them, and I ended up coming to the idea that Red Leviathans get all scaley and bulky, godzilla style. Part of this is because more often than not they're products of the Jund Avatar and so gravitate to those kind of traits, but also because I think it could be a nice contrast with the largely smooth or fine-scaled creatures.
Also speaking of Avatars, any thoughts on the little concept brainstorm I did up here with that elf? I was thinking we could set up the Avatars in opposing but complementary pairs, Temur and Jund and then Abzan and Mardu. Opposites that still share colors and similar ideas with different executions.
Samuel Taylor
This one looked kind of black-mana, what with the bat face.
Carter Mitchell
Hey, I remember a while back someone was talking about hydras, and I think tying them into the leviathans somehow? Either way, I had an idea about them. We should base hydras visually off of crinoids, with lots of trailing strands of fur-looking stuff and radial symmetry. Maybe they anchor themselves onto locations and slowly grow throughout them, like gigantic predatory underwater trees. Either way, I think it could be a cool detail.
Jaxson Bell
Anthony Lewis
I thought the plane iconics where >W- Unicorns (hippocampi) >R- Helions (Bobbit Worms) >G- Hydras (Sea Serpents) >U- Leviathans >B- Nightmares/Horrors (abyssal/eldritch horror)
Xavier Cruz
Aiden Morales
Like I said, I thought they might have had something to do with the leviathans, but that's just my faulty memory. That said, I think most of those are pretty cool. I'll still stand by suggesting Crinoids as hydras though, since there could be some overlap between Leviathans and Sea Serpents in terms of good visual design, plus getting some more varied looking hydras is something Magic desperately needs. Last time they got really weird with it was Alara, or maybe that one leech-hydra from SOI.
>Coelacanth face I love it. I absolutely love it.
Connor Smith
Ian Perez
Jaxson Wright
Hey, I remember seeing that guy in the drawthread! Pretty cool looking dude, though the wings might be weird underwater.
Isaac Jenkins
I'm thinking that could be the Sultai Avatar, if each faction is going to have one. Or maybe it can be the covens patron, like a scheming Rakdos
Jayden Bell
The idea with the Avatars is that the ones that are present are the colors that aren't in the factions, but I could definitely see that as an old world demon hiding out with the Guillimar. Maybe he's part of why the Guillimar have still managed to hold on to some of their power, a big source of demonic mastery and contracts on tap, representing pieces of the Old World that were the reason it was flooded.
I kind of like that idea, that there are both good and bad portions of the Old World left.
David Watson
Leo Morales
I want to draw something for this whole thing, but I'm having trouble coming up with ideas as for what. Any suggestions?
Can do! I was going to start drawing them, but then I found out a homeless man had followed in a guest at the hotel I work at, locked himself in a bathroom, took an hour long shower followed by a bath, freebased some heroin, and in doing so caused a leak through three floors.
So yeah, those'll be coming a bit later than intended.
Aiden Campbell
Wait, what were the bags about? Did we do anything with them yet?
Yeah, those. Did we actually do anything with them? Do they just hang out with the gorgons and the other sultai, or is there anything special about how they work?
Brayden Scott
How about things like these hanging out in the Lost World area where it meets the way back to the oceans? If the Lost World is at the core, some of the intersection points are going to be close to the Abyss.
Xavier Cooper
Well I guess it depends on how we want the courts/covens to operate. They could be the aristocracy and the Gorgons just are normies, or they could be the muscle
Hudson Miller
I think muscle works. Aren't sea krait pretty damn poisonous? They'd be less muscle in a conventional sense and more in a "everything I do has deathtouch" sense.
Jordan Brooks
So more like assassins?
Cameron Harris
Assassins definitely. Possibly also just particularly dangerous thugs or extorters. The sultai bunch is pretty much bleeding pretension as they try and keep themselves vaguely in accordance with how important they see themselves as. These guys would probably get noble titles like "chevalier" or something to denote their prestige, but the reality is they're two-bit toxic muscle.
so i assume red = islands green = kelp forest white = continental self black = abyss trenches blue = anything?
Henry Jenkins
Of course.
The idea was that red would be volcanoes, green are kelp forests yeah, white was going to be coral reefs, black would be lagoons and corpse tundras, and blue is...everything else
Sebastian Morales
is there a pastpin or wiki? we should setup a 1d4chan page
Blake Fisher
We totally should set up a 1d4chan page. The previous 2 runs never got one, and there's no better time to start than now. Ive been working on trying to get a google doc together to summarize it all, but it's been really busy at work so I haven't had the time.
Kevin Cooper
so i think there should be different factions of merfolk and tehy should have different styles based on their faction. white meroflk could be tropical green merfolk can be temperate red meroflk can be river types black can be abyssal blue can be open ocean
Tyler Torres
That's not a bad idea, and its something we actually talked a little a bout in the previous thread. One of the big things of the setting is that Merfolk basically take the place of Humans as the "can be any color, shows up everywhere" kind of faction. We were talking about them having different visual styles based on different kinds of fish. White merfolk in the coral reefs would be super colorful like clownfish and the like, while abyssal merfolk would have bioluminesences, and kelp forest merfolk would look like schoolfish.
David Taylor
right on, i have a huge folder of merfolk pics if you need any for the different types.
Aaron Cox
Post em! We can use em as inspiration and ideas.
Chase Perez
There was a post in the last thread proposing a layout
Charles Ortiz
There was? I guess it wasn't immediately apparent to me, but I'll look back through it.
Ian Smith
I was thinking about Merfolk and the different varieties, and I realized we can use some pretty weird fish as bases for them. Stuff like transparent-headed barrelfish or needle-nosed swordfish, hell even some weirder shit. I don't think we've done anything with Jellyfish yet, so how about Abyssal merfolk herd them as basically living nets, letting them drift through areas to catch prey so the merfolk can eat them?
Similarly, I was thinking the anenome gorgons could keep clownfish as pets, like those fancy pidgeons. Despite their relative common nature, the gorgons treat them like they're the rarest, fancieset shit in the universe in a desperate gambit to keep face. Also, the clownfish help clean their hair.
Does anyone have any other ideas for fun things our factions do with regular sea life?