Post the edgiest quotes and images you can think of. The cringier the better.
"To forgive evil is up to God... To send it to Him... is up to Me."
Post the edgiest quotes and images you can think of. The cringier the better.
"To forgive evil is up to God... To send it to Him... is up to Me."
Other urls found in this thread:
Bumping this because I am playing an edgy early 1990s hacker boy for a shadowrun campaign, and I need some edgy things to say every now and again. I am trying to make him a personification of shitty web culture. Like the 'Hackers' movie.
"Hell just got a little more crowded."
I have one that's not cringy and even somewhat hilarious.
> be a Malkavian
> Friend is a gangrel who owns a game club
> He invites a mortal female designer to decorate it
> She says: "I heard games like these can turn you into an antisocial monster".
>> - "Personally I first became an antisocial monster, and then started playing games".
Hiding in plain sight.
"Heh, pathetic."
Here's a quick binary lesson kid.. I'm number one.. you're just a zero
Oh my god, that is perfect! Thank you!
>In the rain, nobody can see you cry...
Very intimidating, Jahan.
Wait, what's the difference between cheesy and edgy in this thread?
Time for Storytime anons. Dungeon Seeker. You ready for the Edgiest ride of your life? Those of you who read LNs know that those are the source of the edgiest Edgelords in existence. Well, here's an Edgelord that got his LN made into a Manga. I'm 90% certain that the mangaka realized just how bad this series was, and decided to make this series it's own best parody. I'll dump like the first 3 chapters, enough to give you an idea of what you're dealing with here. Let's go.
WIthout further ado, get ready for one hell of an edgy ride.
Pre-cursor fight explaining nothing but how badass our character will become? Check.
OP stuff is OP but Edgelord can survive it? check.
And in case this didn't really trigger your autism just yet, our main character has a fairly modern revolver in a fantasy setting.
Bullied Protagonist is Bullied.
Keep an eye on Noriko.
>Edgy LNs
Arguably Overlord is pretty edgy but I just can't help liking Papa Bones.
>Just an ordinary highschooler
Holy shit, get a new demographic guys.
Oh, to be sure, but for every Overlord, there's a million Dungeon Seekers. Dungeon Seekers just happens to be the one that was made into a manga, and is also pretty goddamn hilarious when you consider just how obvious and cliche every edgy choice is in this whole goddamn series.
I mean look at this. Look at this! Our "God" in this series is every sadistic god-child from every edgy series ever.
Damn, i must read this shit
can't believe it's real
>pic is gungrave with a sword
that's actually less edgy than his usual version that uses a coffin/rocket launcher that is attached to him with chains as his melee weapon.
That's part of the charm that is Dungeon Seeker. This is THE most cliche series ever. Every choice is so formulaic it's basically a pile of TV Tropes taped together with decent art. Hats off to the Mangaka that had to write the damn thing. And yes, I've checked, this was originally a Light Novel and has a separate author and artist.
Here we see the bully get gratuitously mutilated and killed for no other reason than because he was the bully.
Oh, and to prove that Child-God is a sadistic edgelord.
Habeeb it user.
"Another World." The key words in any Edgy Isekai ever. It probably isn't even considered an isekai until someone says these words.
Jesus christ, you were not kidding.
My favorite part. Character Sheets.
Our Protagonist is severely under-powered. WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED?
Whoops, see here:
Well I don't foresee this ability getting abused anytime soon!
gonna kill kido bet all my moneys
> Implying these are mutually exclusive.
End Chapter one. Revving up chapter 2 in a bit.
>relying on Kido
>the magic warrior with 0 MP
Man, she got fucking gypped. She gets no bullshit powers to make up for shitty stats.
She also has ultra grade appraisal... but no skill slots?
Has anyone seen so far NOT had that?
This is where the series could have been good. Imagine our skill-less protagonist eking out a comfy yet arduous living as a peasant-farmer.
Incidentally, since I know you've all thought about "An Isekai where the character is underpowered and stays underpowered and lives a normal life," I'll say this actually exists in the form of Isekai Nonbiri Nouka. It's basically Terrarria fanfiction, and does eventually go full Harem, but its COMFY Harem. He gets a pack of loyal doggos before we even meet our first girl!
Anyway, back to the Edgefest.
I'm not gonna say a word, but Chapter 17 man, Chapter 17...
Keep an eye on Noriko.
holy fucking shit this is cringey edge I love it. post more. let me get it all out of my system
Ignore this for a moment will delete shortly.
Our protagonist is willing to sacrifice himself for the girl. Isn't he just so relatable and cool and doesn't afraid of anything?
At least run a fucking spellchecker, holy shit
Hey! Hey! Don't get
My bad, don't get the impression that anyone cared about this series as more than a joke.
End scene. That's it. Takeda dies in the labyrinth nobly and the series focuses on Kido and Norika for our real story. Really.
I'm preparing a maximum overedge speech for a Paladin of Conquest the party is going to meet, if anyone is insane enough to ask for his motivation.
>"After a long time considering the world, I was left to ponder. Having seen all that I have- the nature of war, the meaning of conflict. I asked myself where the meaning of battle lay, and found it was tied into the source of conflict."
>"Conflict, in nature and between people, originates from two desires that will not coexist. Perhaps two desires could coexist, but for some quirk of fate they do not, and conflict ensues. Desires naturally turn towards a particular end- an ideal world."
>"Thus, all conflict stems from people attempting to impose their ideal world on existence and finding others do not share their point of view. Acknowledging this truth, I accept conflict and the trials it brings. Destruction, subjugation, all for the sake of my ideal world."
>"War and battle, harsh law and even slavery is not some sign of a world gone wrong. It is the right of those who have the power to enforce their ideal world, and for those who have the power to overthrow a slaver's chains or king's laws to take his place. If you would stop me, prevent me. If you would reap the benefits of my world, join me. That is all."
Oh good. I was worried it would do something stupid like give him a gun.
One thing I will blame the artist for: Nobody leaves a good sword like that just laying around. The villagers would have long ago taken it an either sharpened it or melted it down for the metal.
Oh, 0%, our protagonist definitely won't overcome those odds.
THIS. This is the part I really want you all to take a long hard look at. This, this is Full GrimDerp right here.
One, she literally KEKS our protagonist, simply to cuck our protagonist. On top of that, SHE TELLS HIM THAT SHE WANTED HIM TO GO INTO THE LABYRINTH WHEN HE WILLINGLY VOLUNTEERED. She could have just let him think it was all done in good faith, let him die with that at least, but no, we go full Pantsu on Head for the sake of the edge.
I love this series.
I'm going to let this sink in for you all, then keep posting.
I played this long campaign at the university and all the good roleplayers graduated eventually but I soldiered on.
We had this boi in our campaign and he came first time wearing a fedora like a good soldier. It became more and more obvious that he is an autist as he created this character...
The setting was basically our European city in medieval era, but in Shadowrun. He made an elf magic bowman with two Japanese Katanas that he used to kill his parents (a daemon in him made him so).
He would talk in modulated voice, make stupid edgy loner choices and would end up critfailing and in critical condition every session. I wished our GM was actually more definitive with character death.
I think I left when he started to ask which skill would be relevant with scythe fighting. He had Body of 1.
To his defense, gm laughed him off and schooled him on why you don’t use farm equipment in combat.
Anime was a mistake.
I did have fun describing a pointlessly chuuni edgelord necromancer in a Dungeons The Dragoning game.
>An Eldarin girl walk through the gate. She's wearing a skull emblazoned eyepatch that's barely visible due to wearing her dark green hair long over that eye already. Her elaborate black and red frilly outfit is complete with platform heels, bandages along one of her arms and loads of upside down sigmarite hammers on her dress. She has a scythe resting over her shoulder as she walks and a bandoleer of bells over her chest.
>The scythe-wielding girl pouts. "Don't call me little girl. Call me...Mystique Noir!"
In the river, no one can see you piss
>There is no difference between dispatch and despatch. The latter is an alternative spelling that was common in the 19th century and earlier, but dispatch has gained undisputed dominance in modern English.
I'm pretty sure the saying goes underwater instead of in the river.
...what is with the random groping? I mean, doing the dicky thing? Sure. Telling him about it? I...guess? Randomly honking her tits and making awooga car horn noises in front of him and the villagers? The...fuck?
>melting it down
You'd need a pretty good furnace for that, probably not something an out of way village like that has. Not to mention it'd ruin the steel (assuming it's steel).
They could heat and hammer it into a tool, tho.
they wanted to make this guy as antagonistic as humanely possible
Or get it appraised then sell it.
I guess...I just...I'm not sure why THIS is the bit that's pushed me over the edge and not all the other stupid shit so far.
Right... Right... Kido is going to be the antagonist here... Right....
Keep an eye on Noriko.
Random mutual groping amongst antagonists is apparently another Thing in isekai or just LN in general.
It's everywhere.
I honestly can't think of a reason other than to make the reader themselves uncomfortable, and thus give them a real life reason to dislike them, or something.
What if the protag loves it?
>That face on the right
So why does he get a revolver from the skelly?
I mean it's not aimed at the protags in my theory, but hypothetically if the protag was into that i feel like it would just be straight into hentai or ecchi comedy territory fast.
These faces right here are why I'm 90% sure the artist is one of us, laughing right along at just how stupid this story is.
They literally skipped over the entire bit with her morals falling apart due to the setting. The fuck?
Oh god, her face.
Oh god, everyone's face.
This is amazing.
Right, but where did he get the gun?
My guess is somewhere between goblin rape, pointless demon bullshit and I dunno, cannibalism or something.
I will admit, I'm also lenient towards anyone who can draw a cool skelly. This may be an edgefest, and but I love me some Skelly.
Because guns are cool and Anachronisms are cool. Also You've gotta think like a Jap Edgelord. Over there they don't get guns. Gun control is absolutely insane over there. Over here we can get guns, but katanas are "cooler" because they're more rare.
Hey... There isn't any gobbo rape in this! That would be unoriginal, and this is a completely original work right here.