In this thread, we post classic fantasy art

I want muscular dudes, scantily clad women, and lots of glistening skin.


















>Paladin AFK and late to the party
>Necro ran into the melee
>Barb already dead
>Amazon and Sorc completely useless
Checks out.



anyone got the one of the buff ass wizard?




>classic fantasy set in Africa
Has it been done?

Also this thread is dope and I'll be monitoring it for some time, this is the only image I have which is not really old school.


More then likely.









He’s buff and he’s an ass wizard?

Top tier thread OP, I wish I could contribute.
I love this art style, I'm amazed at how many of these became art for spellfire cards.

Have a bump. Ill be back when i wake up for sure

That's just depressing




based image

>Necro ran into the melee
This is Diablo 2. Necro had melee builds iirc. Even had special edgelord shields designed for them.



























This is fucking beautiful.

Ass wizards are a dangerous lot, moreso than butt pirates.

"Am I really that fat?" The mason fucked up. Those striped scales make me look fat."

Just watched this for the first time last weekend. Pretty cool and Teegra is fine as hell




they're both bad in their own way but the new one is way worse


Too bad this was reused in the most repetitive gold box game.




Also big ups to the other El Mercenario fans in the thread. It's a beautiful series.

Milton Davis has written a number of books like that, of varying quality. I enjoyed Changa’s Safari, which is deliberately very Conan-esque.

My girl Alias.

And can't forget best girl (RIP).



A Caldwell pic with a woman wearing full pantaloons?


This one?

Frazetta was a fucking god. I wish I was a tenth of an artist he was.


I mean I guess it can be "classic fantasy" while also being set "in africa" or do you just mean "fantasy with black people".


>bitch wtf is you doin?


>Monk has a lot of junk in the trunk