>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Trash
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Last time on /5eg/
Has your party ever gone into the Fey?
>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Trash
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Last time on /5eg/
Has your party ever gone into the Fey?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm going to be running the White Well for a party of four level 1s and two level 2s and the last encounter is a fight against a black pudding + three minotaur skeletons. The adventure suggests this encounter is fair but I feel that it might be too difficult and should go with the weak encounter instead. Am I wrong or is this too difficult?
pic related: it's the suggested adjustments for the encounter
Check the trove link.
AH SON OF A BITCH! I Copied it from last thread damn
I'm going to be running Sunless Citadel from Tales from the Yawning Portal. I was thinking about drawing out the dungeon maps and then filling in the details as the players go through it. I'm a novice DM and I love making dungeon maps and dungeon crawling. How do you guys handle dungeon maps, do you have the players draw it out or does the GM do it?
Does anyone have an alchemy/herbalism homebrew that isn't broken and overcomplicated?
>Has your party ever gone into the Fey?
Yes. They are just now returning in fact. The son of the local human city/town had wondered in the they Fey. A local hero (PC Barbarian) was asked to bring the child back quietly.
It was actually the PC Barbarians intro to the rest of the party.
They still have to return the child and they have (I believe) completely forgotten about the whole keep it quite part. About to walk through the cities front gates in fact.
For a complicated map like Sunless Citadel I would draw out the full map with details, but then cover the whole thing woth construction paper or similar. Then, expose portions of the map as the PCs see them.
For simpler, less crowded dungeons like White Plume Mountain from the same book, you can expect players to be able to map it themselves without catastrophically screwing up.
Any pointers/advice for making homebrew classes/subclasses? I'm adapting Tactics Ogre stuff and I'd like to use some of the classes along with the races.
I seem to remember there having something in the pastebin, but my dumbass ISP blocked the site.
You can always rip the rules you want out of another version of D&D, like: d20pfsrd.com
Gold values might need adjustment and so on, but it's been done, tested, played by thousands already.
Also check out XGtE if you haven't, it has guides for what tool proficiencies can do.
How would you go about making a Good Whisper Bard?
>tfw making homebrew subclasses and then never letting them see the light of day
It’s an abstract kind of fun
Whatcha made?
I actually plan to brew up Alchemist and Gunsmith. The idea is, Alchemist focus on creating variety of bombs (including ALCHEMIST's fire).
Gunsmith focus more about customizing his gun with firing mode, stock, scope, barrel etc..
To balance things up, Alchemist bomb is an item, so he have to recreate it every time and Gunsmith have to maintain his rifle regularly.
How does that sound?
Yes, i totally rip the idea from weeb game.
Guys I have players who are absolute loot fiends. They're level 2 so obviously the things they encounter aren't exactly going to be dropping dope stuff.
One also complains that he doesn't have any bonus actions but I've explained that already.
Anyhow, any suggestions for some good, low level magic items to sprinkle on them?
>Has your party ever gone into the Fey?
We fought a Sea Hag once, DM only let us roll against being frightened once and it almost ended in a TPK and my character died
>DM only throws an average of 3 fights a day
>Literally no short rests
>Social encounters are "roll persuasion"
>Literally no exploration pillar
Best class for this kind of game? I'm thinking of trying a Wizard or a Paladin
You're DMing a new campaign when suddenly a player tells you
>I want to play a Kender Wizard from the School on Invention
Wat do?
Some villainous themed subclasses for Bard and Barbarian so far.
The Bard one can use bardic inspiration to heal unconscious allies and give them a disengage. They can also capture a number of hostages like Glamor bards can enthrall people and then command them for free similarly, having hostages nearby also gives allies ability check boosts and a very little bit of damage reduction. The capstone lets you intimidate a lower CR creature into fighting and dying for you.
The Barbarian gives a little bit of a passive damage boost to allies by you and lets you reroll a DM’s roll to see who is randomly targeted by a creature, maybe making it hit you instead. The next skill any nearby enemies have to make a saving throw or be pseudo-stunned until the end of their next turn if you slay a creature in full sight, with the DC matching the overkill damage. They also get an adamantine weapon that deals even more damage to objects and their capstone gives them a few good combat buffs at critical health.
Yeah no way they’re balanced but it’s fun to make them. Maybe my friends and I will whip them out in a oneshot one day for funsies.
>Has your party ever gone into the Fey?
I take Sylvan on nearly every character I can just in case, because I adore Fey.
We never see any Fey.
>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Trash
roll a divination wiz and use scry--->teleport for some really quick boss fight engagements.
How tall is he? He might be just the right height to skull fuck to death.
Just dump a Deck of Many Things on them and let them learn why low levels don't get powerful magic items
Either a manlet or a lanklet, there is no inbetween
Thanks for the advice.
Sounds like has the right idea.
What's the justification for bonus actions not being able to be used as actions? In the book, bonus actions are described as being swift. I'm guessing it's an action economy issue.
Kenders aren't a thing in my setting dude, roll a regular halfling instead
Has anyone seen/made a good character sheet (maybe A5?) for followers/henchmen?
The DM is ex Adventurers League?
>The DM is ex Adventurers League?
DM is my friend but he won't listen
If you read between the lines, a bonus action is really an action economy lock that stops you from using all your outside-your-action abilities stuff at once. It's less about, "here's an extra part of your turn you can use," and more "here's a limiting factor to stop you from using Second Wind, Polearm Master's extra attack, any of the Smite spells, et cetera all on one turn." So think of it less as another action you're being denied and more an extra that you can dip into if you pick the right feats or abilities.
>Use milestone levelling
>End of a session tell players they level up
>Tell them to level up themselves before next session
>The next session is them levelling up because they didn't do it in their own time
Every fucking time!
Literally don't get why players like this even play. Before I found a group I had created 5 characters, planned all of them to level 3 and one of them to level 5
That's a good explanation. I'm playing a campaign with a few friends and I've tried to make this clear a few times (since one guy has the tendency of calling everything that's not necessarily part of an action a 'bonus action', including, say, drawing a second weapon), but I always feel like I come across as someone who's too much of a stickler for the rules and no-one remembers it anyways.
And I'm aware that DnD should include some flexibility, but the fundamental distinction between actions, bonus actions , move actions and reactions is in my eyes really something that ought to be respected. It's not even tremendously complicated, it just requires you to read the rules.
>want to DM a campaign, friends want to play and make their own characters
>know that my friends are beginners who haven't played it before at all
>they've played a one-shot with pre-made characters before, though, so they've got an idea of how the game works in general terms
>take the time to e-mail them a nice list of resources as well as specific references to what they should read when creating a character
>tell them not to over-think it since most classes work in any campaign, to contact me if they have questions, and to communicate what kind of class they want to play so that the party isn't just 4 Fighters or something
Anyways when the day came we spent 4 hours on character creation because no-one had bothered to do or read anything and afterwards they complained that DnD is too tedious.
Those minotaurs will 1hit KO a level 1 character. If they're new players, id definitely nerf that damage. Maybe halve the on hit damage and give them multiattack?
He stats an ordinary Halfling but roleplays a Kender
I had a ton of time to prep, so I printed out a hi res image of the map and laid it over cardboard, cutting out each room individually. Only a few rooms fit on the table at a time, which acted as their short term memory. If they wanted to remember what was back at the beginning, they had to draw their own map
>He steals shit and goes to jail
>"But you can't do this, I'm just a loveable little halfling, everyone loves me."
>after 8 or so weeks of cancelling games and finding excuses to not run finally sit down and run something
>cancel it 30 minutes in because you just aren't feeling the DM spark anymore
>you just wanna play some 5e for once rather than running it
>nobody you know will run a 5e game
>don't want to join stranger's games
well this is it for me I guess
time to just theorycraft builds in here until I die
Yeah well your character just got mega executed, new forms of killing criminals were invented to kill you, they hired a necromancer to continually bring your ass back so that they can KICK IT TO THE GODDAMN CURB. Roll a new character, no halflings, no rogues.
>time to just theorycraft builds in here until I die
That's all Veeky Forums does user, we shall hold u
now am I right in understanding that cleric/druid spellcasting allows me to pick spells for ANY slot as long as I have it, including ones I get due to multiclassing?
I've honestly had consistently good luck joining up with randoms.
Thanks dude I'm fairly new at DMing and getting a second opinion is hard when everyone else is playing as a PC.
I was thinking of giving them the very weak encounter to start with then have three skeletons raise from the ground if it's too easy.
>pick spells for a sloy
Nigga this ain't 3.5e
I'm reffering to this part
"You prepare the list of druid spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the druid spell list. When you do so, choose a number of druid spells equal to your Wisdom modifier + your druid level (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots."
If I'm understanding it right it means that I can just dip 1 level into druid as a wizard and gain any druid spells I want to use with my wizzy levels
Read multiclassing rules, idiot.
Multiclassing pg 164
The SPELL SLOTS you have are a sum of your classes levels when multiclassing, by the table
The SPELLS KNOWN are obtained separately, class by class
So if you have a Wizard 3/ Cleric 2, you have access to 3rd level spell slots but you know no spell of that level;
aight, thanks
Are there any homebrews or official materials for using material gained from monsters to craft? Like gorgon hide armor and weapons or dragon scales or teeth?
Correct. A Cleric 1/Druid 1/Bard 1/Sorcerer 1/Wizard 16 can cast every spell in the game
Ghost Warlock is the new meta
>cloak of flies
>armor of agathys
>gaseous form
>maddening hex
>dash action
>voice of chain familiar
>giving vocal commands to specter
>using help action on allies
>soul cage to heal if health gets low
>finally get to play
>realize in the first session that I enjoy DMing far, far more than playing
>have to sit through three more months of sessions because my friend is DMing
It was torture.
You prepare the list of druid spells that are available for you to cast
choosing from the druid spell list
choose a number of druid spells
>>>>druid spells
I didn't enjoy DMing at all, it was rather having a giggle at what players were doing rather than anything else, and I can get that from just playing anyway
lol flying rogues
It's the reason Cleric 1 /Wizard X is so popular
You can just cast Cure Wounds as any spell slot you have available and get a decent cure going
Plus healing word.
>Ghost warlock
Is this some UA shit?
>Using 2 spell slots for one combat
Talk about blowing your load early.
almost certainly.
not besides the racial stuff for lizardfolk in Volos, but I don't imagine it's hard to brew.
>proficiency with leatherworking or carpentry or smith's tools or all three
>X amount of hide or bone
>Y amount of time invested
>obviously can't make (a weapon to surpass) Metal Gear out of bone and hide
Bows & arrows, javelins/spears, daggers, leather armors, axes; basically anything you can feasibly make with Stone Age tech.
That seems like a lot of work to not do anything terribly strong.
i think he's talking about the hexblade warlock
That's the warlock class in a nutshell
I'd just change their Pact Thingy with the Sorcerer spell list/slots
So, make them worse?
Currently designing a weapon for a fairly high level character (11, battlemaster 3 swashbuckler 8) as a part of the reward for killing a blue dragon. He's a very flashy, showoff type character. Currently what I have is:
+2 Weapon
1d6 lightning damage.
3 charges, can cast lightning bolt on hit. Might have something else that might cost 2 charges or something.
Does this sound too strong, or boring or something?
>Not ending Tomb of Ahnilation by creating a magical object that captures Acerak's soul crafted by the tricker god and divides it into 9 tokens so that he can never manifest until all 9 are destroyed, but while he's trapped in each token the god labeled on the token is able to torture him
>Not punishing arrogant lichs who try and rally against the gods like that, but instead having them scooby doo away like a fucking retard
It's a build that focuses on gaseous form
Do you even understand how a warlock works?
Three damage resistances, fly speed, advantage on three saving throws, temporary hp, free counter damage, radius damage, advantage to intimidation checks, bonus action AoE damage with a rarely resisted damage type, two minons, the ability to aid the party and attack various targets in on round. Sounds worth two slots.
>Oh boy that encounter wrnt great but I'm outta slots now, I gotta rest
>A bulette attacks, roll initiative.
I want to play a character that, as far as I can tell, would be jammy but not OP.
>Variant Human
>Eldritch Knight
>Polearm Master
>Spell Sniper
>Booming Blade
It comes online at level 6 and outside of its silly purpose it should still be solid, right? Is there anything that could make it better? Would a DM punch me for using this?
Yeah, you're assuming your DM will let you rest after every encounter.
I'd tell you to get fucked and to roll initiative because goblins ambushed you.
Sounds a bit similar to the lightning javelin in the DMG, but there's nothing wrong with it. I'd be happy to find it as loot if I wasn't perma-DM.
Acererak can overcome your gods with a flick of his hand and a tip of his fedora.
Having the enemies come in waves is a good plan. You'll be able to adjust the difficulty during the encounter. With early levels, more enemies are easier to manage than stronger/heavier-hitting ones. Being able to survive a hit allows the PCs a chance to change tactics.
Black pudding is way too strong, also, unless they know it's there and understand how strong it is, so they can kite it. It averages 24 damage per round while melting AC. That's instant death for most lvl 1 characters.
>Thank goodness I still have eldritch blast to fall on, a specter, a pumped up familiar, and a soul in my soul cage.
>Sure hope my DM won't be such an asshole that he throws two consecutive combats together without an hour between next time. That really screws with the abilities of most of the party's classes.
Glad you aren't my DM. If you're trying to fuck over your players, then you come off as a real asshole. It's a game, not a contest, Chief
>giving a shit about not having spell slots
Taking Variant Human to grab a high-power feat at 1st level is the only remotely scummy thing here, and it's not like you're the only person doing that. Otherwise it's a pretty solid character with a consistent, believable theme.
>I like blowing all my spell slots in one combat
>Any DM that doesn't reward me for doing this is an asshole
Yeah, I feel bad about that first feat but fighter only get spells at level 3 so it was the only way it would work.
>Using proper encounter numbers between rests and not letting players wal over you is being sn asshole.
Good luck getting a specter and cage constantly, since they both require humanoids, which I can just decide to not have you encounter.
I might up the charges to 4, and allow to spend 1 charge to cast Thunder Step, and possibly 3 to cast Steel Wind Strike, though that feels like it might be a bit too strong.
Then I know what I'm gonna do today
>I go back to town
>N-no! You can't! You're not allowed.
>But I want to go kill someone and shove them in my little box
>Glad you aren't my DM, I should be able to run whatever meme build I like and never be forced to think of alternate solutions.
Hey friend, I seem to have struck a chord with you. I hope you understand that your group probably plays differently from my group. My group tends to be able to squeeze in short rests between combats fairly successfully, so the build I am referring to is a very feasible one. Your games probably take a different style than mine, and that's a-ok. My table isn't trying to prove anything to anyone. We're just playing to have fun. I hope your day turns around and your mood lightens, friend-o.
>Soul cage
Did your level 11 warlock just spent his mystic arcanum for 2d8 recovery per long rest?
>I want to go back to town
>I want to kill someone for meme fuel
Aaaaand you're being attacked by guards, roll initiative.
>Town's a day's/week travel away, good luck.
>you have found a magical longsword embedded between the dragon's scales, a relic from a long-ago fight ... which the dragon won.
>This weapon is +1 and deals an extra 1d6 lightning damage on successful hits.
>Charged with magical lightning from its long exposure and close proximity to the dragon, this weapon has X number of charges. You can spend one to cast Lightning Bolt; beware, however - this magic will eventually run out. These charges do not replenish, and when the last one is spent, this weapon becomes a simple +1 sword, with no extra lightning damage.
>You can recharge it by casting lightning-damage spells on it, restoring a number of charges equal to the slot level.
>Sounds worth two slots.
Not particularly since you're not really doing anything. Whoopdie doo, a bunch of resistances that don't matter because enemies are just going to ignore you. And since you're in Gaseous Form you can't help with actual spells or cantrips. So really you're mostly likely just going to be hugging a single enemy until they die while doing pitiful damage and not really keeping them from doing anything themselves.
Well now I feel like an asshole. You have a good one too, user, and sorry for shitting on your good times.
Not to mention you can't switch targets with hexblades curse until very late into your class.
>5eg complains about warlock eldritch blast spam
>user mentions an alternative to eldritch blast spam for warlock
>5eg claims that it will never work because every DM will put it into a situation that shuts it down
>sorry user go back to spamming eldritch blast
Never change 5eg