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First for Communism!

Oh shit. I actually did get first.

morathi big form

AH! Didn't notice it, thank you very much m'dude.

Where is the book scans my negros

epub of legion of nagash ;)

How good are all the shadespire bands in AoS, I know they have their own warscrolls, but are any of them good in normal play?

Momma morathi looks great.


Following up last thread's last posts:
Gotrek can literally not die because muh axe of grimnir so his plot armour is as thick as it gets.
Don't get me wrong. I love the guy to no end. Hands down him and Felix were my favourites from fantasy. I don't think it is a bad idea to bring the good ones back although it will pain me greatly if the stormcuck Felix when he should be with the free guilds fucking vampire bitches before vanishing them off. I don't think this stays in the way of new character development, either from the already known and established names or from the new named characters. For example I think that the relationship they are introducing between horticulus and rotigus establishes good footground to develop both characters in different ways although they fall under the same "nurgle daemon" umbrella.
Just my two cents

Snek tiddies


Why don't these guys get any recognition?
They're the equivalent for blightkings, aren't they? but it's all blood warriors and more blood warriors when it comes to khorne.

>only 5 (five) snakes for hair
why not more?

>The Realms are ours, we need but take them!

Fuck Chaos, fuck Nagash, fuck Sigmar. Time for best girl to show them all how it's done.

They’re kind of redundant and wrath mongers are better

I think the ironjawz one has a purpose because it's the only non hero unit you can get that costs under 100 points.

The rest seem very situational.

they look awkward

blood warriors and blood crushers are peak aesthetic as far as khorne soldiers go


>These guys are "Order"?


Lawful Evil

They're not dead, they're not orcs, and they don't worship Chaos. They're Order, but that doesn't mean they're Good.


Maybe someday.

If that's a dual kit with Daemon Fulgrim I will not be surprised

It won't be, but I can definitely see more than one conversion arising from it.

>elf bitches
>snek elf bitches
>winged elf bitches
>snek haired snek elf bitches
>snek haired winged snek elf bitch

we're missing snek haired elf bitches, winged snek elf bitches and snek haired winged elf bitches

But they drink blood and want to kill everyone. How are they different to vampires, really? How is their will to murder anyone different to Orruks wanting to fight anyone? Makes no fucking sense. They don't seem to be for civilization so much as murdering everyone and them being the only ones. These guys are working with Sigmar?

>If this is that thing GW never ever do I will not be surprised.

How many times this have to be posted?

>These guys are working with Sigmar?






They live in cities, have an advanced (for the setting) civilization, and are both alive and opposed to Chaos. They're Order.

But user, there's mortal Nagash followers that live in cities, are they Order?

We need a fifth grand alliance for all those knife ears

No, they're Death-affiliated infiltrators. There are Sigmarites towns and cities in Shysh that don't worship Nagash, which are aligned with Order.

They're fans of being dead. They just haven't achieved their dream yet.

user, no, there's whole cities of Nagash aligned mortals. Not infiltrators into Sigmar cities.

>Murder everyone
>Lawful evil
Pick one.

>living cities and towers
Ah yes, the anglos and their childish fear of woods are at it again.

>murdering everyone and them being the only ones
Nah. It's not indescriminate slaughter or fighting for fighting's sake a la destruction. To the extent its not used militarily, they're using murder and the corresponding intimidation to support their power structure. Standard Evil Empire stuff.

guess I'll have to greenstuff some bigger snek tiddies on her


I'll still make my elf bitches being good Order guys. Sneks can be friendly too!

>they don't worship Chaos

I can see the Daughters of Khaine establishing more moderate temples and embassies in Sigmar's cities, to draw in new recruits and present a friendlier face to their 'allies' against Chaos.

Order is not "good". Order is civilization, rules, and reign of laws, and the ability to grow..even if its growing into even more evil bitches. Kharadrons are Order even though they stood by as Chaos murdered the land-dwellers, and now still mostly care only for trade.

But you can't field them in Death armies, can you?

Finished one!

>want to take the realms for them
>commit great slaughters and sacrifices for their god
>are twisted in forms and intentions
>name of faction is "[noun] of [god's name]"


anyone got a PDF of Malign Portents?

>name of faction is "[noun] of [god's name]"
So? The Sisters of Sigmar were battle nuns.


It's in the Mega link up in the resources pastebin.

And yet, Khaine isn't a Chaos God, so...

all I saw was am EPUB file

do you perhaps see them physically mutated?

fool! all gods are chaos gods!

They cost more and aren't in the starter sets.

>don't worship Chaos

I miss Morathi: Slut Queen of Slaanesh.

>If that's a dual kit with Daemon Fulgrim I will not be surprised

Everyone else will be since it's a fucking retarded idea.

>not a fan of being dead
so why are stormcast in order

>slaughtering innocent communities of hard working families aspiring for nicer lives

Yes its retarded. The whole grand alliance thing is retarded. Its embarassing for the game desu.

I miss the "I fuck my own son" Morathi. Can someone remain why this was a thing? Like they stated why this happened in the old game, older lore or it was just for shit and giggles.

Sry, I meant remind me*

Well the Bitch Queen is coming. Is gonna be fun


morathi was the head of the cult of pleasure back before the sundering of the elves.
incest is one of the promiscuities and depravationa such a cult, embodying everything self indulgent and decadent there could be, is likely to have.
furthermore it emphasises the egocentrism and elitism of the dark elves, while mirroring the practice in history of noble lines falling into inbreeding do preserve their blood deemed superior.
finally morathi loves aenarion, and shows to love him so much she falls for everyone reminding her of him, including, if not especially, his descendants such as malekith or tyrion.

Because she's fucked up and also secret follower of Slaanesh? I mean, not anymore, since he went and ate her.

So an obsessed bitch who would bed anyone who reminds her of her husband. Sounds Slaaneshy enough

she also does it for social powers, bedding warlords for alliance or to advance requests
but that's implicit as far as women go

They’re shit models.

What actually was Tyrion to Malekith?

>EPUB file

I bet she has a harem of men who she has her way with in her snake form

sisters of the thorn box
witch elves box
sisters of the watch box
SC griffon box

thats one hell of an expensive conversion you've got there

Great times X grand nephew

>I miss the "I fuck my own son" Morathi.

in spite of everyones degenerate fantasies that was never actually canon.

some kind of step nephew? I don't know.

Tyrion and Teclis is descendant of Malekith's half-brother Morelion. Allariel is also a descendant of Yvrain who is with her brother Morelion the first children Aenarion had with his first wife, who was though death along with her children after a daemon raid on Ulthuan. They both reappear (or were found I don't remember that part actually) after all the fuck fest that was the Great Catastrophe. Yvrain was crown Everqueen and Morelion decides to be her bodyguard. So Malekith was some sick kings votes from having to marry his sister and have children with her.

Well. Yes. I'm using the other parts though.

It was implied on the OLD cannon but, true it was never stated clearly that Malekith was an actual motherfucker

>looks for a princess
>proposes to a queen

>named the wise
>listens to a jew in the realm of subterfuge

>slays monsters, warriors and daemons
>can't recognise a peril in front of him

what was the moral of the story of this prynce?

The nickname is ironic. Happened a lot.

Is there any good reason to not play a mixed great alliance army, or is the guys spamming about soup just full of shit?

Is Prynce the trademarked name?

Don't put your dick in snek

Full of shit.

>flesh and souls of entire fleets and towns stolen to an unknown realm in an almost untraceable manner
>the chaos gods have no reason to be subtle in this
>the forces of destruction have no capability of being subtle
>it isn't sigmar because nagash knows when that dumb barbarian does shit

Either the elves are stealing souls to stuff in slaanesh belly in order to get out the ones they want from xir or warpstone is made of people now.

Order through a brutal display of force.

GW is a British company. They enjoy irony because developing an ironic sense of humour is a requirement for life to not become miserable if living in the UK.

>no hair
>only 5 snakes
I never asked for this.

Learn to green stuff.

It's not my job to fix shitty design decisions.

Warpstone is just realmstone brought to the Skaven city sub-realm.

What the fuck is it

>elves are feeding souls to Slaanesh

it literally says Tyrion and Malekith are extracting the elf souls from Slaanesh...

where are you getting that the elves are feeding it?

I think the idea is that it works like a pipe. Must push new souls in to get old souls out, and haha, fuck nonelves.

Whoops replied to the wrong thing.