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In this video Rian said that he was watching dailies from TFA and kept writing based on that so I don't know how people get the first draft thing from.

Clips and a desire to have an easy scapegoat

Well I can see this is already going to be a shit show

Oh boy, here we go again.

Hell with TLJ shitflinging, consider a little babby firespray TIE.

>Not taking the AT-RC or even the AT-ARC
For shame /swg/, for shame.

>wants to eliminate complaints about canon
>points out how fun Legends was

It won't work, man. There's just too much bitterness.

Lol what? They do say it was the first draft. It's the first thing they say.

Fucking shills thinking we won't watch the video

I don't care about canon or not-canon, but everyone needs to take their opinion about TLJ and just stick it up their ass. Like it, hate it, whatever. Talk about literally anything else in this fantastically large and open setting.

I like this thing, even if it's a fan made design

I watched the video, I saw it, Rian is an empty shell of a human that Kathleen is puppeting because she doesn't think star wars actually needs a story, she just thinks she can strong together action scenes and set pieces together without a real script because she as as much respect for star wars fans as Michel Bay has for transformers fans

In what Star system would I do what you say

We can't because it's fucking ruined, people are going to stay mad about this until it gets better

That's bullshit. TLJ is the least action packed Star Wars yet.

Metal gear!

The guy in blue literally says the script they were delivered was the first draft.

You mean string together long waiting, pointless arguments and set pieces together. 2 and a half hours. The actions only in the first twenty and last thirty. TLJ is the most boring one, that's for sure


My point is that it doesn't have a story, it's just a string of... things that happened, with stuff that "looked" importaint but had no substance, which is essentially like a transformers movie.

I'd kill for a TF movie by anyone but Michele bay

Let's talk RPGs, for Christ's Sakes
What's everybody's favorite WEG adventure?, saga adventure?, FFG adventure?

Kathleen Kennedy is an excellent producer. Her track record is phenomenal and there's absolutely nothing to indicate she is trying to pander to idiots, rednecks, or foreign markets in anything even resembling the way Transformers does. Every movie chases profits, but that doesn't make them the same.

But she's not an overbearing producer, so the director just does whatever they want. That's really good - but also really risky. So JJ made a shitty, generic movie whose fan hype was built entirely on his dumb mystery box writing style; and RJ made a polarizing subversive drama wearing an action movie costume. In other words, the exact same things as their previous movies.

And she's not a visionary or franchise producer, like her equivalent at Marvel. She doesn't have an eye for the distinction between crafting a series of standalone films and crafting a franchise, and even if she did Star Wars has a much more tightly involved narrative tradition than Disney's mostly-standalone Marvel films. Moreover, she hasn't hired people that *do* have those things - JJ's handling of Cloverfield or Star Trek shows it.

I can't believe there are people who hold these guys as an authority on anything.

I have a beef with the ffg adventures since they rely on players making very specific kinds of mistakes

You put way too much of the credit in KK's hands. She doesn't tell them what to do. She just hires them and lets them do it. TLJ is all Contrarian Johnson's fault. He was given complete control over the writing and design of his movie. It's his fault he squandered it on a broken, inconsistent mess. The only think you can blame KK for is NOT trying to force anything on them. For making sure the fucking first draft isn't what's used. For not making sure everything that Rian was doing was reigned in.

She doesn't care about controlling the films, she just lets the directors do whatever they do and do not want. Rian's fuck up is all Rian. KK's only to blame for her lack of oversight.

Tough one, because I'm not big on prewritten adventures. I think WEG's DarkStryder series is a really excellent resource for creating a campaign of your own based on it's concepts, but in of themselves they are extreme railroad messes that was transparently a rejected novel reheated into adventures. I'm not familiar with the SAGA/d20 adventures so I can't comment on them, and FFG is a bit too fond of 'failure is the only option' and expecting all players to do certain things for my tastes

I like this one, looks like a mix between an AT-ST and an ED-209.

We need scenes like youtube.com/watch?v=Y3OiIjIvN0A

Why did Kennedy choose these two? Was Martin not willing?


What's the over under on them adapting some EU book?

Tramp Freighters has so many good campaign ideas, although it is more of a splatbook.

>Tramp Freighters has so many good campaign ideas, although it is more of a splatbook.
Yeah. If we're including splatbooks, then definitely Tramp Freighters and Pirates And Privateers are top-grade

>What's the over under on them adapting some EU book?
You don't hire D&D unless it's to adapt something. They both almost exclusively write screenplays of adaptations

Benioff's career looks like this:

25th hour - adaptation of his own novel
Troy - adaptation of the Iliad
Stay - Original film. It also bombed.
When the Nines Roll Over - adaptation of his own novel
The Kite Runner - adaptation of a novel
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Frakensteining of comics (he co-wrote this one)
Brothers - adaptation of a novel

Then Game of Thrones.

Weiss is even worse.
He wrote a novel, worked on various scripts that were never put to film - almost all of them adaptations of something such as Enders Game (in 2003), that Halo movie that could never keep a director and a prequel to I am Legend

Then Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones is technically Weiss' first work that was ever put to television. Every else never got adapted. Although to be fair it was probably never because of him. It was almost always because of development hell or early projections.

They've also guest written (not directed) an episode of It's always sunny in Philadelphia. It was Flowers for Charlie. Y'know the one that was the plot of Flowers for Algernon. The Book.

So these two don't really do "original" screenplays. They do adaptations.

My favourite Ship is the N1. I wish it got more love.

I am glad it doesn't. I have never liked that lame piece of shit.


>It's an X-Wing but black
NuCanon is the laziest canon

It's more like

>It's an X-wing, but it's based on concept art for ANH

It's my favorite of all the prequel designs for sure.

I like the Naboo vehicles they were all pretty stylish

I'm going to make all my A wings in X wing N1's with 3d prints

at least it was new and unique, not just T65, but with different engines and S-foils

You mean

>Nuwing is an even lazier "design" than you first thought

I'm trying to say that it's lazier, since it isn't even their evolution of the X-Wing

>It's an X-wing, but it's based on concept art for ANH
Sweetie was the first X-wing not?

I said it better

I guess you forgot what EU post t65 Xwings looked like.

>Stealth X-Wing
I mean they weren't going to paint it another colour

Imagine making Space Cop and thinking you have the right to criticize anything in film ever again.

Hated this art then, hate it now. The Stealth-X with B-2 styling is way cooler looking.

You're a piece of shit

Naboo had a really good aesthetic on all their vehicles. Although I did wonder why a "Security" force had such massive bombers

And the XJ series look just like T65s as well. Don't shit on the T70 without admitting the EU did it worse.

Nope. T70 isn't a Stealth ship. It's just painted black for the meme factor. Meanwhile literally every Stealth craft in history is in black. EU at least put thought into it. Nucanon did it worse.

I kinda like this SR-71-esque interpretation.

>it's just painted black for the meme factor
Or because Poe is Poe.
The others are all standard whites and stripes.

Poe did it for the meme factor. He isn't Black Leader

>hotshot pilot paints ship off-the-wall colors
>this is somehow surprising or negative
Are you new to the Sphere of Incandescent Plasma Conflicts multimedia series?

Only Poe's is black dumbass. I am talking about how the Stealth X and XJ series is shaped identically to the Xwing with supposedly better stats.

>Poe did it for the meme factor. He isn't Black Leader

>Poe Dameron leads both squadrons under the call sign Black Leader.

Actually the coating on Black One is stealthed.


I see TLJ really did a number on you

When do they use that?

And I'm talking about how lazy the T70 is. It's Laaaaaaazy. Just like the rest of NuCanon

He was in the comics, at least.

My inner classicist is now very angry.

But holy shit, between that and X-Men Origins I'm starting to think they write nothing but crap. Are any of the others you mentioned any good?

>Not picking the chad A-Wing.

Dude, come on.

That's some incredibly shitty fanart. Doesn't look like the ROTJ A-wings at all. Please stop drawing.

It's black and orange because it's the pilot's own color scheme, no other reason. Beyond the pedantic argument of 'black=stealth', the original point was that T70s are somehow a 'lazy design', when nearly every single EU X-wing released prior to nucanon have been copy-pasted T65s with different paint jobs. And the few obscure attempts to 'improve' the iconic design in the EU all look like vomit, which is why no one talks about them.

I wanna vent.

The one thing that makes me angry about SW in general is that there are no main alien characters. Sure we had Chewie, Ackbar, Nien Nunb and Raddus but they were supporting characters.(Sans Chewie, but his character was still supporting contrasted with the main trio.)

I hope that the new movies will include at least some alien main characters. (And give Chewie an arc in the Solo movie.)

It surprises me that there are people who went to see a new Star Wars movie set post-OT and expected anything other than Rebels in X-wings. Like, that's what the franchise is. It's like going to see a new Star Trek movie and thinking that the Enterprise being a big pizza cutter is lazy design because it was already that way in the 60's.

If you want Star Wars but without "I know what that is" pandering then you just want another franchise entirely.

(Best ship pictured.)

Not that user but I feel they’ve fucked up hard enough with the later seasons of GoT where they can’t read the books and adapt thanks to being ahead. I wouldn’t trust these clowns to do original content that’s good.

What if we agree both designs are lazy

That's for the films. Plenty of expanded material has alien main characters - KotOR has plenty of aliens in it's cast (unless you count them as side characters to Revan/Bastilla/Carth and Exile/Kreia/Atton), Jedi Academy can have an alien as it's protagonist, Clone Wars has Ashoka as one of it's main... trio? Quartet? And plenty of episodes where the focus was on aliens. Rebels too, Hera's a main character.

The reason it happens in the movies is because it is WAY cheaper to just have humans as the main cast, and frankly that's unlikely to change because of sheer production value.
Besides, do you really want another beady-eyed grey blob that makes up the ST aliens as a main character, I'd get bored just from having it on-screen, like it's an aura of uninspired creativity.

Not that user but I really miss the costumes, even the ones only show up for a few seconds.

The Enterprise is a single ship and Federation designs have changed over the years far more between then and now than the nu-trilogy and the OT, that's really not an apt comparison.

I was referring to the movies, but I see what you mean. I like some of the ST aliens, but it would be nice if a prequel alien would be a MC in a movie. Or something like the pic related from my post.

Always Sunny in Philadelphia is pretty good. It at least tries to be unique. The earliar seasons (I.e. the faithful seasons) are the better ones. The films are all around Troy in writing.

Seeing as the parts where they go off the fucking rails do their own thing are the bad parts of Game of Thrones, the conclusion I am drawing is that he/they are absolutely shit at coming up with things on their own. But they want to be the guys who are good at coming at with things on their own.

So... given Kathleen Kennedy's complete lack of any kind of direction or intervention in the franchise so far... they're going to take the Thrawn trilogy or something comparably loved and bastardise it their way.

I say "bastardise" because these two fucks will outright tank well loved characters just because they "know" they don't win in the end. Stannis being their worst example, but basically, if they don't like a character in whatever they decide to adapt, don't expect that character to be treated fairly.

>Ralph McQuarrie

Did you not see the signature?

>The earlier seasons (I.e. the faithful seasons) are the better ones.
Of Game of Thrones I mean. Always Sunny in Philadelphia isn't an adaptation and is good all the way through

Then is wrong. Canon is following Legends beat.

I actually kind of like the costumes for the ST. I like Rey's wardrobe, I like both of Luke's looks, I like Finn's look, etc.

Anything relating to the aliens though? It's just as god damn bland as they are.

You're so autistic

Enterprise did change designs though, both the sovreign and NX-01, later designs from the 90s-2000s are significantly different from TOS

The non-enterprise star trek shows, DS9 and Voyager, also have starfleet designs that aren't hull/neck/tube but are clearly starfleet.

I do agree that B-wing is best though, shame it's dial in X-wing is pretty bad

Fuck me there's a blue one

>tfw no Shaak Ti gf

Star Wars has always been lazy, wake up.

It's the EUtists constantly whining about canon only to get proven that EU was either the same or worse that keep shitting up these threads, user.

Why aren't there B-wings in the ST?

Why aren't there Y-Wings or B-Wings in TLJ?

That includes you doesn't it?


Is there any romance in your campaigns, user?

Because WORLD WAR TWO IN SPAAAAACE!!! First draft, best draft!

I was hoping we'd acknowledge the X83 TwinTail

Cool PT aliens yet everyone always ends up playing some humans or rodians/twi'leks, so who gives a shit anymore.

Shaak Ti what are you wearing?!

If you fucking have to

She decided to show some skin after the Clone Wars

It's based on her Force Unleashed outfit


I distinctly remember Grevious murdering her

I'd totally play a Kel Dor, a Neimoidian or a Zabrak.