ITT: cringy Veeky Forums related behavior you've seen
>"X works like Y in MY game (for example, kobolds are civilized, the greatest warrior is a teenage girl, elves are cannibals) therefore I'll LARP on Veeky Forums as if that's the norm"
ITT: cringy Veeky Forums related behavior you've seen
>"X works like Y in MY game (for example, kobolds are civilized, the greatest warrior is a teenage girl, elves are cannibals) therefore I'll LARP on Veeky Forums as if that's the norm"
>Complaining on Veeky Forums about imaginary behavior patterns based on confirmation bias
Probably the cringiest thing on this board.
>t. A cringemeister
>posting one of probably hundreds (if not thousands) of little girl anime images you likely have on your computer to start a shitty thread
Ooh, there’s some more cringe.
The part where Veeky Forums is actually a steaming pile of Shit perpetuated by the worship of the same questionable ideals that we uphold as being noteworthy, yet in reality is the same behaviors we reprimand others on the board for, and are principally the exact reason why most of us fail to interact normally with other people.
We're in a purgatory of our own making, and the only thing stopping us from leaving is the worship of our own horrible behaviors.
>"Your game has any kind of politics going at all? You're a communist/nazi/leftist/alt-right (Or whatever else it is I have a personal animus against.), and you need to leave!"
Shit guys, come on. Not everything is about political faction boogeymen, Jesus. If I want to portray not!Rome in a positive light it DOESN'T make me a /pol/tard and if I show the wood elves trying to establish a utopia it doesn't make me a fucking communist.
It often seems like it's impossible to talk about anything other than the most generic concepts without some fat witch hunting jackass registering me as some kind of political enemy and shit flinging over it.
>he doesn't have hundreds (if not thousands) of smug anime girls images
I now that feeling, I just like Roman aesthetics fucking sue me.
great ideas, thanks user.
>the greatest warrior is a teenage girl
Why not?
Ding dong, we have a winner!
...that is the best filename for that image I have ever seen. I physically recoiled. Bravo.
woop woop
Bumping because OP is gonna bump his own thread anyway
fucking filename genies
I love when the newfags out themselves.
That's right, feminism demands it! Smash the glass level cap! YASSSS QUEEN SLAAAAY!
So basically you just want to whine about politics at literally all times because you don't have a personality. Neato.
>I love when the newfags out themselves.
When they post screencaps from facebook and twitter.
Applesponge please kill yourself, thank you!
>Everyone who doesn't like my shitpost is a librul
I didn't think you could outdo yourself, OP, but you did you wonderful, autistic bastard
So basically you just want to whine about politics at literally all times because you don't have a personality. Neato.
That Guy threads are the shitiest threads on Veeky Forums
90% of the stories are shit that never happened.txt and they're always full of the most ridiculous internet tough guys who insist that the only way to deal with any irritation no matter how minor is to confront and kick the player immediately because they forgot to use a coaster or whatever. On top of that you can provoke /r9k/ and white knights into frothing rages simply by mentioning a woman, it doesn't matter how obviously fake your story or how minor a role your femme fictional plays, they'll still fight for 100s of replies. But that's not all because you've also got spergs who desperately want to be real boys and parrot "just talk to them" regardless of whether taking someone aside is actually an appropriate response or not
>People don't tell self-aggrandizing lies that are ultimately pointless
>People don't have bravado
>People don't have principals and ideologies that are kinda stupid in certain situations
>People don't want interaction and discussion from an interactive medium built explicitly for discussion
>People aren't gonna be spergs in regards to certain hobbies
...Like, man, you're describing the entirety of humanity, and everywhere on the internet with your bitching there. The only times you see anything different are when the lies/bravado/ideology/principals all line up, and the enforcement mechanisms to make that happen are always phrased as "promoting discussion" and "removing the spergs."
>LARP on Veeky Forums
> live action on Internet.
where do you think you are?
A place that basically only exists anymore because of normies arguing about politics and spergatrons posting cringe.
Fpbp all other posts are irrelevant from this point forward. All of you below my post are faggots, just so you know.