What would Drow be like in an urban fantasy setting?
What would Drow be like in an urban fantasy setting?
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Whores and BDSM queens.
They would probably be occupied with technology and porn and the media, but otherwise they'd just be assholes who most would agree need to be genocided.
Mean Girls, as in the movie, and gimps.
Considering that drows are incredibly shitty and poorly written race even in regular fantasy, which lets you get away with a lot more bullshit than urban fantasy does, I'd say: Not great.
That said, you could probably go the cheap-ass route and make them the night-club dwelling criminal underground types with a stake in shady SM clubs, drug trafficking, slave and sex trade in general - the type that everybody knows that you should keep your distance from, and who probably have their own little fucked-up drug-financed dictatorship regimes somewhere in South America esque developing countries.
They would probably stick to their own, live in a diaspora all over the world, have their illegal machinations everywhere, but generally stay out of public eyes.
Horrifying. Imagine SJWs, but instead motivated by pure sadism and power-greed rather than the inability to be a likeable person.
Oh, and instead of whining on the internet, they actually go out and do something in order to amass more power for themselves.
Hell, even have it in their history that some group tried to genocide them and now everyone puts up with their shit out of collective guilt.
>That said, you could probably go the cheap-ass route and make them the night-club dwelling criminal underground types with a stake in shady SM clubs, drug trafficking, slave and sex trade in general - the type that everybody knows that you should keep your distance from, and who probably have their own little fucked-up drug-financed dictatorship regimes somewhere in South America esque developing countries.
Sounds I S O L A T E D
They wouldn`t? I bet you actually don't know what drow are, considering your choice of pic, but take drow out of Faerun and their association with Lolth and they basically stop being drow.
>ywn eat a homecooked meal made by your drow bf
Vid also related:
So...Veeky Forums users?
>implying Forgotten Realms is the source of Drow
Let me guess, your first edition was 3.5?
Are you cool with other women fucking him for money? Cause slut is the only job male drow can get unless they go full edge
Like Japanese basically
>implying mai waifu (male) needs his own career
Yeah, I suppose Japan is a subterranean matriarchy that worships the evil god of spiders and betrayal
That depends heavily on whether or not Lolth and the Matriarchy is involved in their background.
>kept husband
Better not ever hire a Gardner or pool clean
So Chinese then
Doesn't matter, that is important for their background, lore and their very society.
They're probably discussing how best to bully their human stepbrother
Chinese living in diaspora are not actually such a bad frame of reference. More precisely more criminally inclined and anti-social side of the Chinese diaspora.
why do you save images like this
>Chinese diaspora
Is just a ploy to subvert other nations with Chinese nationals
Why not?
delet this!
elf bf is pure!
It makes small pee-pee turn into large pee-pee.
What is this?
1080p version
I want a drow boipucci
They would become the new black people (literally) except people would like them. They would also call our black people niggers too.
Most would outwardly pretend to be mostly normal, well adjusted individuals in public while probably having their own harem of subs in private, with a number of them pushing their way up the corporate ladder because they love that kind of shit, but most finding it too tedious, especially since they don't necessarily have to engage in cutthroat tactics on the surface.
Applesponge, leave this thread
What adaptable advantage would Drow have being sadistic, treacherous, and all-around immoral social species?
What I always hate about "evil" races is that they are also stupid and impractical. When they have other sapient races running around, they're going to at some point gang up on them.
> except people would like them.
I don' know man. Your mom and dad like 'em plenty.
>What adaptable advantage would Drow have being sadistic, treacherous, and all-around immoral social species?
Well, in most fantasy settings evolution just flat out does not (and probably should not) be a concern. Evil races in fantasy represent EVILNESS, they don't need to be ecologically or evolutionary sound.
Of course, when you start creating urban fantasy, things generally start to be a lot harder, as the contrasts between modern scientifically based society (which in western case cannot be imagined without such scientific basis as evolutionary theory, really) and clearly symbolic, scientifically implausible creatures becomes more and more jarring.
Evolution is irrelevant. Natural selection would still exist even if somehow species never evolved. An "evil" race would bring too much conflict for other sapient species to tolerate.
I have a personal problem with an "evil" race because in my view all fantasy races should have some sort of virtue to give that species a reason to exist, even if those virtues are things like shrewdness or being brutally pragmatic.
>oh my god S'trezz, you can't just ask people why they're high.
>Evolution is irrelevant. Natural selection would still exist even if somehow species never evolved.
There is so much wrong with this I don't really know where to start with it. You are a moron.
Like how? What I'm saying is that survival of the fittest applies even in the most deranged creationist's quack theory.
If drow were the only sapient species, then I think they would be able to exist, but otherwise I think they would get fucked up real hard.
>Evil races in fantasy represent EVILNESS, they don't need to be ecologically or evolutionary sound.
The drow, despite being an evil race, still have to compete with other races in the Underdark, mostly evil as well. So despite their origins, their simply not just exist because they are evil. They are fighting for survival like anyone else.
>Like how? What I'm saying is that survival of the fittest applies even in the most deranged creationist's quack theory.
No, it does not. Period. Do you literally know NOTHING about pre-darwinistic views of nature? This is like that fucking prosthetic limb thread bullshit all over. It's fucking sad how insanely narrow-minded and utterly uneducated you people are.
No. In a world where darwinistic laws are not driving biology, survival of the fittest does not apply. Survival of the fittest and natural selection are both ideas EXCLUSIVE to Darwinian views of the world, and through out most of history, that is not how people thought nature works. AT. ALL.
Unless you are an idiot and for some utterly retarded reason you insist that Darwinian laws must apply to a world that already clearly ignores all established laws of physics, logic or any other scientific causality, survival of the fittest does not have to apply at fucking all.
So famines and diseases that weaken or kill those who aren't hardy or healthy enough don't exist in fantasy?
There's no need for the all-caps. It's not like we're talking about religion or politics.
>So famines and diseases that weaken or kill those who aren't hardy or healthy enough don't exist in fantasy?
Are you aware that the Stellar's sea cow, first discovered by Europeans in 1741 and completely extinct by 1768, was not considered threatened at any point during that time, because the people hunting them assumed that there was an infinite supply and God would just create some more if they temporarily ran out?
While true, in the Forgotten Realms the drow only went underground some 10,000 years ago, not long enough for much adaptation to take place - especially considering that they are technologically and magically able, which would necessarily inhibit biological evolution due to environmental pressure being responded to with technological or magical solutions.
what is this applesponge meme? I gather it means pol user but I don't get why
Mean Girls: the Musical
An applesponge is the opposite of a soyboy.
It's making fun of /pol/tards and their increasingly ridiculous insults like "soyboy". Somebody posted it a week or two ago and people thought it was funny.
I wans't even speaking of adaptation. If Illithids outcompete the drow, then there is natural selection going on, without a Darwin needing to exist.
I don't get the logic behind this post. Is there any logic? The sea cow still went extinct.
I'm going out on a limb and assume that their dickass nature got them virtually exterminated somewhere during the late industrial era as humans figured that dropping literally all the chlorine gas down the underdark was in pretty much everyone's best interest
dwarves were warned beforehand to close off their tunnels and even the elves were surprisingly accommodating for this crime against nature
A masculine woman? I thought those were called dyke.
I think what user, the guy disagreeing with me, is saying is that fantasy is about whatever the hell you want it to be, not how the world actually works. In fantasy you can have retarded backstabbers exist because some wizard actively enables them to or something.
>So famines and diseases that weaken or kill those who aren't hardy or healthy enough don't exist in fantasy?
That is completely irrelevant, you moron. This guy sums it up pretty well:
Most societies did not think of animals being part of a large zero-sum game of ecosystem. In Christianity, it was thought that animals were made by god to serve people, and would exist for as long as god deemed them to be necessary - if they went extinct, it was because god simply had no need for them anymore. In the same mythological views, it was also thought that many animals are self-creating: for an example it was commonly thought that mice are spontaneously born from wet straws and flies from rotting meat - a belief that can actually be traced all the way to ancient greeks.
In some societies in New Guinei it was believed that every single animal is just a concrete manifestation of close presence of some of the many forest spirits and gods, meaning there was of course an inexhaustible supplies of them, while in some Buddhist societies, all animals are just a reincarnation of souls that were punished for bad karma, meaning they can't stop existing unless people stop doing bad things.
And so fucking on.
And since fantasy fiction is actually an attempt to recreate these kinds of mythological views of the world, it's completely fucking possible to envision a world where some or all animals exist not because they are part of a complex system of self-regulating ecological niches, but rather exist because gods or demons will it, because metaphysical properties of matter necessitate their existence or for any number of other possible metaphysical reasons in no way reflecting modern ecological view of nature.
Drows may exist because their goddess wills it. Orks may exist because they represent the corruption that is unavoidable part of human psyche. Dragons exist because they represent chaos, or human vices. And so on.
Male sexual empowerment is surprisingly hard to find these days without it being labelled as rapey.
We are talking about symbolic, fictional worlds based on human mythological and supernatural thinking you idiot.
There is nothing wrong with it other than phrasing. It doesn't matter if a population of organisms was created intentionally by an intelligence or not, if they need to survive their environment and reproduce in order to sustain their population they are subject to natural selection.
Life being created by an intelligence doesn't negate natural selection.
Aha, now I understand. Though this makes it seem like people are getting something wrong about drow. They are not really redarded evil and would totally get killed off without Lolth. Lolth does some stupid shit, but it's more about how she shapes their society. Despite that, drow are a race that can compete with the other races in the underdark and hold their own. In a way their backstabby nature is actually highly competetive.
There is everything wrong with it and you are an idiot. Two different people just explained at great detail why is it moronic. Now fuck off.
>I don't get the logic behind this post.
In a fantasy world an animal species wouldn't go extinct because the gods would be real and they could magic up some more of them.
The fictional worlds that we are talking about, those in TTRPGs, almost never actually present races or animals in this way and instead present them with a modern view of ecology. For reference please see actual D&D monster manuals (since that's the subject matter of this thread) which typically include an ecology section.
First of all, that is absolute dogshit, and second of all even if it was true, which it isn't, that does not change anything: those worlds are just moronic and poorly written to begin with. Just because a lot of incompetent writers do the same stupid shit does not mean it's OK to replicate them. Most importantly it changes nothing about the principle of things, which was at the heart of your claim: that natural selection HAS TO APPLY EVERY TIME, even in fictional worlds where evolution is not necessarily the only or main form of emergence of life.
One could also argue that natural selection could be irrelevant. Worthless cultural values proliferate all the time without causing social extinction. You could justify why drow who are isolated from their kind aren't total dicks because they are polluted by their awful culture.
Unfortunately those posts are just patently wrong because they assume that fantasy ecosystems are necessarily based on real world mythologies, which they just aren't. Drow aren't magically produced on demand by Lolth, they have a reproductive cycle, biological needs and they die as the result of illness, violence and old age.
And the svirfneblin and desmodu?
Whats this from and is it porn?
The night shift.
Lots of male Drow turn up in countries far removed from the main power hubs of Drow society who are eager to get away from all that shit and not be second class citizens.
Something similar to persecuted religious minorities fleeing the influence of persecuting religions.
Drowtales: Daydream
>Are you cool with other women fucking him for money?
Yes actually
As a fellow guy who'd love a drow twink BF that's pretty hot actually
Cursory research shows this is Drowtales: Daydream, one of the porn comics the Drowtales artist does on the side but it seems it's behind a paywall. Yes it's full porn.
>What would Drow be like in an urban fantasy setting?
Their cities would be underground for starters.
>Drows form an alliance with humans and both jointly build their city
>Some buildings even extend deep into the drow portion of the city and vice versa
I ain't really opposed to it, but it reeks to high heaven of a forced meme.
God damn paywall who still pays for lorn these days?
That's a pretty cool idea
What is it about exactly? Is it good?
Dark elves fucking
Better art than most western drawn porn
No clue, there's a lot of comics behind that wall, no idea what specific one this is.
In general his art is good if you like the style, I never cared for the writing and I'm not paying for something that heavy on lesbianism which isn't my style.
It sounds more like something some one would shout back at some one that just insulted them like "poopyhead". Soyboy rolls off the tongue well applesponge doesn't. Why not just go back to the old standby of pol/ack and just leave it at that?
Males are just seen as rapey nowadays. Read about crossing guards not being able to high five kids as that is "grooming" them if it was a dude doing it.
My problem with the word "soyboy" is that 1) it doesn't have an obvious negative meaning unlike "cuck", which makes it easier to appropriate and use against, and 2) like "cuck", it's used ad nauseam as a poor substitute for a counterargument to the point of making the stereotypical /pol/ack a mindless noisemaking bird.
Id fuck one on the left so hard
Right's more my speed
I am not twink enough to be a cute drowboi though
I'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks of some fat autistic chicken whenever I hear the word cuck being uttered
It also sounds really sounds like something Tumblr would come up with.
/pol/ is tumblr for polisci edgelords.
I dunno, I'm a bit partial to "soyboy" myself to be honest. Sure repeating it ad nauseam like you said is retarded, but fuck me if it isn't a perfect descriptor for some people.
But as an insult it fucking sucks. You're pretty much saying "I want to insult your masculinity, but as a flabby, unemployed virgin who never leaves the house the only thing I can hold over you is that I eat meat."
You're reading a bunch into the word that ain't really there because of your associations, mate.
Slavs. Specifically, Vory.
>Highly educated, completely ruthless and callous, wealthy
>Smuggle slaves, guns, drugs
>Kill anyone in their way
But that's literally what it means. It came out of Veeky Forums after they found a study claiming eating soy increases estrogen production.
Imagine if everything pol thought about black people were true.
But they also thought they were really smart and into bdsm.