>summoners have to raise their creatures like kids before they are ready for their tasks
ITT: we try to come up with cute setting elements
Other urls found in this thread:
Monsters must be 5 to begin training.
>The race that's twice the size of everyone else is also a lot more gentle and kind. Gentle giants
>It's normal for parties to care for a small pets together
>Spellcasters all have a small familiar
>When parties meet, pets/familiars play with each other
>Children flock to your heroes and beg for stories about your adventures
>Tell them stories around a fire just outside of town as they play around and ask goofy questions
>God's enforce a universal age of retirement for adventures and warriors.
>People who make it to that age get a divine pention so long as they pass on their wisdom to the younger generation.
>The world is full of kooky but kind grandparents passing on story's and whipping the kids into shape.
Everyone is destined to meet their perfect partner.
not quite a setting thing, but it's cute
>When parties meet, pets/familiars play with each other
Man, I need to see this drawfagged.
Can one party have a psuedodragon and the other have a giant mantis?
Some fruits change the color the creature's fur.
>Inns use Magic to create what they call The Mother's Special. It's food that tastes exactly like your Mother or Mother figure's home cooking.
This one is something that's actually a thing in I believe France, but if you die in a small town with no relatives or friends near you, the town will commission someone to write a song or a poem and perform it at your funeral.
I tried to find your OP pic, but all I got was Re: Monster. You'll have to tell us the source, OP.
The tails on chimeras are actually goblins dressed as snakes.
user, that's a cute moment and a cute character, not a cute setting element. Don't make the mistake of Kenderizing Goblin is Very Strong.
For some reason I think cute setting should not have chimeras.
I beg to differ. I think they should be popular pets that have been domesticated and bred over the years, to the point where you have ones that are about as poisonous as a bee sting, or can barely light a cigarette.
>Even the most vile followers of the most evil gods exchange gifts with other religions on the Christmas equivalent without any caveats or trickery, with a smile and a hug.
GIS gave it to me right away. Didn't even have to break out Yandex or Saucenao.
>all good aligned races have deep/friendly bonds
>this leads to large cities bustling with activity
We have a problem here.
>train you like a Spartan
Insert buns and thighs joke
Now this seems to be a pretty comfy read.
Also a plus for pulling fun at the isekai cancer.
>yoga pro
Please no
The gods of the setting are giantesses who go "ara ara" and act motherly to the Paladins and Clerics.
There was once a game where a tribe of Nomadic orcs was roaming around selling trinkets that our party would meet with. The chiefs son was like a toddler and would try to imitate the tough poses of his father.
Horses can talk.
>"If you ever need help, don't be afraid to pray to me."
>"I worry about you so much when you explore those cursed dungeons."
>"Visit the temple more often, okay? I miss you when you're gone."
But they can only tell lies.
> Be cleric, chilling with party
>out of torches
>no problem, just cast light
>begin ritual
>immediately bombarded with questions about why you're somewhere dark, why you're somewhere dangerous, why you keep hanging out with this group even though the rogue is clearly NE
>get fed up and tell her to just shut up and cast light
> She looks like she's about to cry
>puts a light over your head and runs away
>have to spend all night telling her you're sorry and that you're not mad and that you still care about her.
Such is the life of a man of the cloth
somebody should post the one with Last Paladin of Entropy Goodness
* Goddess
An encounter I did some time ago, in a berserk-inspired setting:
>The party comes across a village of children. Most of them really young, under 10 years old. Only children. No adults in sight
>Children seem pretty healthy, all things considered. Seem to be eating well and all scraped knees are properly covered in coloful band-aids
>Most wear dirty clothes and there's a lot of knocked over stuff, but no worse than what you would find at a kidergarten
>Children receive everyone warmly, ask them to tell stories of the world and tell them they are heroes too, the mighty Band of the Lion
>Mostly they just swing toy swords at straw men and fight over who gets to be the boss of their army
>Kids suddenly become tense when night is coming
>Warn the party to leave before sundown, or to hide with them before the monsters come
>At this point the party is expecting the worse. They decide to stay and defend the kids
Later that night
>At midnight, hundreds of vague shapes emerge from the graveyard at the edge of town
>Party readies for a fight
>Shapes promptly ignore them. Begin sweeping the porches, preparing food, tending to the animals and doing all kinds of service
>When dawn comes near, ghosts go straight through the doors of the large room where the kids are asleep, line up and kiss them on their cheeks, before going back to the graveyard
The monsters are the ghosts of the kids' parents, slain long ago by an invading army after hiding them in a secret basement. They return every night to take care of the village so their children can have a carefree childhood in a world of war.
Please, for the love of god, tell me someone saved it.
Every time, I'm surprised someone even remembers this.
>Having your adoptive childreen fight to the death for you.
Doesn't sound very cute to me.
I love when DMs do this, except that one time when I broke her heart by falling. gave me way too much feels
>Inns use Magic to create what they call The Mother's Special. It's food that tastes exactly like your Mother
Why did I assume it was a fetish thing the moment the goblin was mentioned to be a female?
Which part though?
gotta work with that dex bonus man. dex fighter or rogue.
Because you post on Veeky Forums.
>You have to pet all three heads at the same time or the one left out becomes distressed.
I love this, didn't realise it was bigmsaxon, which makes it better
No, because its japanese
That's kinda Konosuba
Anti-Paladins redirect their focus from tyranny to efficiency and become really good manager who encourage their underlings to have healthy hobbies and side-orginization memberships
>When you're asleep your soul temporarily goes to the afterlife and you can meet people there.
Those who are particularly in tune with nature (Druids and whatnot) attract friendly animals, birds land on their shoulders, wolves and foxes act like excitable puppies around them, etc.
That's not cute so much as pleasant. The two go together really well though.
>the Afterlife Actors Guild never has a shortage of understudies as it's just too much fun putting on plays for all the temporary visitors who just think they're dreaming
What do you know.
All dogs are viable in battle.
Dogs have their own gear which can be customizable
Dogs have their own little skills they can level up with training.
Dogs can learn up to 32 words like IRL but some items can increase this number.
All dogs are good boys.
But that would mean dogs could die in battle
Ghost dogs user.
Imagine that.
Spirit doggos
Etherreal doggos
Death has a 1% to appear as a doggo.
Which do you guys think is cuter? Summoned creatures or shaped creations?
I remember a world building thread ages ago with a similar take on death.
Death appears as a kind, motherly woman of your race and instead of cutting you with a scythe she covers your mouth with a handkerchief and kisses you on the forehead, like she's putting a baby to sleep.
Crypts are manned by undead priests and covered in murals depicting death crying, because she misses her children who have decided to extend themselves through unlife. When someone passes away they're said to have "gone home to mother".
Ah, Geneforge. An example of how one could make a good story, well decent, story even with the limitations of memory, art, and mechanics.
Ever had the first Fyora you created ever die when you're almost at the end? That's not cute nor comfy.
I like this.
Worse is when you make your first one and get almost to the end an an npc shaper murders it while insulting your work. I hate that man.
In the realm of dreams you fight pillow monsters.
When you defeat them they go out of their way to fall in the most dramatic way possible for the satisfaction of victory before they fall over and go to sleep.
Naturally, you'll be exhausted by the fight so you fall on top of them because they are comfy and they tuck you in to themselves until you wake up.
Well this is delightful
That's not good.
Most people want to keep doing what they love for as long as they can.
Being forced to retire from such a career leads to depression.
These are great
It even extends to male deities somewhat
Like you can't convince me Baldur wouldn't be the proudest patron deity who gets excited every time you succeed in something