Gamefinder Discord:
>System Preferred
>Times Set (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Voice or text
>Contact Info/Discord Room Link
>Additional Notes
Gamefinder Discord:
>System Preferred
>Times Set (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Voice or text
>Contact Info/Discord Room Link
>Additional Notes
Other urls found in this thread:
>System Preferred
A simple homebrew 2d6 resolution system, with aspects drawn from Pendragon
Heavy resource management
Looking for 1-6 0-4 more players
>Times Set (with timezone!)
Saturdays or Sundays, time and start date tbd
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Voice or text
>Contact Info
DM me your House idea, approval is all that matters.
>Additional Notes
Well schucks, the King is dead and the heir is young and lacks the power to secure the throne, guess it's time for a Civil War. What a shame, it was a nice 500 years of unification in a low fantasy setting too.
You will play as the patriarch or matriarch of a House of Nobility, navigating various factions in a civil war. Maybe you want to see the rightful heir sit on the throne. Maybe you want the best ruler to sit on the throne, and you think they look kind of like you. Maybe you and your people are a sizeable minority or region that has been waiting for the chance to break off, and this is your best shot. Maybe it's time for that good old fashioned religion to be spread by the sword. Whatever the case may be, you're here now, try to survive. You do you baby. Raise armies, spend taxes, mortgage for debt, balance your budget, sabotage your rivals, make deals, expand your territory, send knights after monsters, and try to prevent the peasants from storming the castle and lopping your head off. Combat will be in the form of personal duels and battles, but you may choose to opt for non-violent(or at least, not any you're technically committing) progression to your goal.
>PVP and coorperation are both optional.
PRANKED(Bullied) players will reroll a House subservient to their annihilator(if only temporarily) whether they be NPC or player. If only your leader died, but your House lives on, the player will reroll as a relative to take their place/holdings. War is an unforgiving mistress.
Should read 0-4/up to 4 more players, didn't edit from the Discord ad where the original is striked out. Fight me.
Why is it so fucking hard to find a group of normal people ?
I'd like to read about this system, do you have a pdf I could read? Or maybe some examples of play
Normal people don't play RPGs or post on anonymous image boards.
For one youre on a website full of devients
I mean in RL too.
>System Preferred
Homebrew Undertale-themed system stolen and revamped off Reddit. Heavy fucking beta and probably an unbalanced piece of shit. Battle system is heavily similar to say turn-based Megaman Battle Network or Kingdom Heart: Chain of Memories in that players will assemble decks of actions for combat.
GMing and trying to find guinea pigs who do not mind a fairly rules-lax system that is subject to change and be tweaked that is probably going to collapse at the very seams (ideally 3-5). Also expect shitposting and the GM being an unprepared, goat-fucking piece of shit.
>Times Set
EST time, Saturdays/Sundays preferred for sessions, though a more "Post when you can" approach could be opted for.
>Method of Play
>Voice or text
>Contact Info
UHH here
>Additional Notes
Welcome to the lovely human country of Greatland, a peaceful (albeit eccentric) country set in 1980s-style times whose residents tend to have just as idyllic and optimistically hopeful of a life style as you can imagine.
Unbeknownst to (MOST) humans though, a world of dreams where monsters lie exists between the fabric of mankind's thoughts and fancies... and a tyrant has been spreading their control over this land, threatening to overtake and destroy the real world. It's up to a bunch of magic-slinging, meddling kids to set things right (probably, that's up in the air).
TLDR: Bunch of kid PCs journeying around a human world and dream world to try and save(?) da wurld. Very classic Earthbound Zero/Earthbound-esque style here.
Pendragon? Sure. DM me. STR#6958.
My 2d6 homebrew with elements pull from Pendragon? No, no pdf for that.
>Homebrew Undertale-themed system stolen and revamped off Reddit. Heavy fucking beta and probably an unbalanced piece of shit. Battle system is heavily similar to say turn-based Megaman Battle Network or Kingdom Heart: Chain of Memories in that players will assemble decks of actions for combat.
>GMing and trying to find guinea pigs who do not mind a fairly rules-lax system that is subject to change and be tweaked that is probably going to collapse at the very seams (ideally 3-5). Also expect shitposting and the GM being an unprepared, goat-fucking piece of shit.
Smack my bitch up.
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Count me in!
>System Preferred
GURPS, Dungeon Fantasy
>Times Set (with timezone!)
GMT, free most if the time
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord and Roll20
>Voice or text
>Contact Info/Discord Room Link
>Additional Notes
I really want to try vanilla magic so a setting with magic is preferred.
Sent a request.
By low fantasy do you mean no magic at all or uncommon magic?
Magic is rare and magic users are moreso. Monsters are uncommon. Humanity is the only civilized race in the setting.
>torn between running a new system, or falling back to an old one
Tell me what the systems are and I'll tell you which is objectively better.
Wanna run a game of Judges or Imperial Arbites, or some homebrewed version that is thematically the same just in different universe.
I originally considered running it in a 40k system. Likely Dark Heresy, with some Only War.
But what really lit this up that I recently discovered Traveller, and the Mongoose Judge Dredd systems.
My personal pros and cons is that I also don't have any players, and the Traveller would keep stupidly written characters mostly away, while the 40k games would probably give me more variety than the 3 Judge Dredd supplements of Traveller.
>looking for normal people on fucking Veeky Forums
what's your next trick, looking for beer at an AA meeting?
Does anyone run any Dungeon Crawl Classics?
I'm half tempted to try just running my own game through discord or something, but I've never GMed before and doing it with a system I've not had a chance to even play seems like a recipe for disaster.
DCC is built around making things as unfun as possible for the players, it's something they might put up with because it's what the GM wants to run but not something they actually want to play.
Go back to the Paizo general thread
Keep pretending it's fun to lose your character the first time anything attacks you, I'm sure someone will be impressed by how "hardcore" you are eventually.
You can be mad all you want that you've got shit GMs and shit taste, but it doesn't make you right.
expired GF link.
bamp for good luck
Wish I listened to anons warnings about discord, what a shitfeast.
It must be a really profound advice if I have to wait more than 24 hours for the answer. I can't wait!
>System Preferred
Adventures Conquerors Kings. Using the dominion at war module (Big battels and such)
>Times Available (with timezone!)
I'm PST, wanting to play on fridays but any day i can have sessions.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord, might use roll20 for birds eye view
>Contact Info
Hog Rider#0018 Contact me so we can figure out if you like it, then you can join the server
>Additional Notes
Setting takes place where teh capital city of an empire is teleported to a new land. PC's will be doing scouting jobs in spreading out a dominion for the empire.
The campagin will be based more on development of the town, so if players can't make sessions, they won't feel liek there left behind. This means that play style will be very loose, and players might be coming in and out.
help! help! my auto-win button doesn't work. waah.
Every day we stray further from the light of tabletop. Make amends today!
Speak with your GM, and your fellow players!
Clean up misunderstanding!
Stand together to kick That Guy
Think about what you could do to be This Guy
and enjoy your game!