Sword of Kings, Book One: The Coming Storm
Most Generic Possible Fantasy Title
Age of magic, volume seventy: land of darkness.
Exagerrated Prose and Insanity: the City of Carporosa
My favorite is the Dragonscale series, especially Book Six: Fire and Fang.
A Time to Spell: Murder at the Magister's Estate
War of the Kings: The Last Knight
Adjective: the Verb of Noun
I'm like 90% sure that's a real book.
The Winter Saga Book IV: Queen of Songs
Book 1
The Awakening
The and the
The Seer and the Sword was fucking amazing despite being YA trash and I'll fight anyone who disagrees with me.
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age: Origins—Awakening
The King's Swordtime: Dragon War Inbound 2; Resurrection
Dragon's Breath: Book 1 of the Squire Knight series
Book 1
The Dragonblade
Book of Dragonsblade: The First Awakening
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Vampire hunter: meduca's werewolf
Blade of Honour: Reckoning
The Dragon Demon Chronicles: The First Burning
AngelWrath: Souls of the Stone Keeper's Demon
guise why wont Veeky Forums take us seriously?
Not pictures: The endless lawsuits between these three.
Serious Literature: Guise of Want
Fire and Ice: Uncomfortable Times
Now that I think about it, it is generic as fuck.
Their heads are too far up their own asses
Age of Heroes: Heroes Awaken
Shield of Gaia: the Secret Oracle
Phantom of Shadow City: Forebodinging
Vent of Frustracia: Sonia Puresparrow
Throne of The Porcelain King: Beauty in the Eye of the Cyclone
Heroes of Age: Awaken, Heroes!
MYthic FAntasy ROleplaying Game
This cracked me up
This to be honest. Sad because the game looks cool and original.
Dragon Age was literally made as a successor to Baldur’s Gate, and most of its initial publicity was trying to remind people that BG existed. It’s incredible that even Origins was anywhere as popular as it was, because it was honestly one of the most generic, derivative settings out there.
>guise why wont Veeky Forums take us seriously?
Veeky Forums unironically likes Endless Jest.
Nothing they say about anything could possibly be relevant.
Veeky Forums is currently sucking off jordan peterson last i checked so what are their opinions even worth
What's wrong with Daddy Kermit?
Dragons of the Kingdom: Knight's Last Flight
I don't think anyone likes dragon age because of the setting (or the bland combat for that matter). The appeal is all in the characters.
t.massive origins fanboy
I like Shale.
Secrets of Mana: Kraxik's Doom
shale is bro-tier
The Tower Chronicles: Shadow of the Necromancer
no i want fugg
Dystopia YA Sci Fin Edition:
>Book One--Autumn Lost
>Book Two--Tyrant Shock
>Book Three--Rebel Burn
Rise of Darkness: Flames of the King
Because those types are also fond of one word titles
A game of Thrones
>The Return of the King
>Sword of Kings, Book One: The Coming Storm
Duke of Guns, Prologue: The Rain of Bullets
>Sword of Kings, Book One: The Coming Storm
>Duke of Guns, Prologue: The Rain of Bullets
Don of Spears, Chapter Zero: The Typhoon Cometh
Viscount of Daggers: The Impending Drizzle
Aw, I was beaten to the punch. Well met.
Thedas is literally an acronym for "The Dragon Age Setting"
>Throne of The Porcelain King
Could actually make a decent renaissance adventure story about Marco Polo with this one.
>Sword of Kings, Book One: The Coming Storm
>Duke of Guns, Prologue: The Rain of Bullets
>Don of Spears, Chapter Zero: The Typhoon Cometh
>Viscount of Daggers: The Impending Drizzle
>Lord of Bows, First Tale: Approaching Gale
Soul of the Dragon: Moon-Blade Chronicles
>Sword of Kings, Book One: The Coming Storm
>Duke of Guns, Prologue: The Rain of Bullets
>Don of Spears, Chapter Zero: The Typhoon Cometh
>Viscount of Daggers: The Impending Drizzle
>Lord of Bows, First Tale: Approaching Gale
Shield of Kaiser, Introduction: Heavy Rain
They're filthy pseudointellectual socialists and Veeky Forums in my experience tends to lean in the same "government leave me alone so I can smoke pot, fuck traps, shoot guns, and play elfgames" direction that /k/ does, probably because we both have hobbies with a high initial financial investment we're a bit autistic about.
Pic related, my gat.
>a bit
Dramatic understatement, compadre.
The Way of Kings: Book One of the Stormlight Archive
I love you, Brandy. But c'mon.
In my opinion, nothing much although I disagree with him on stuff. It's just kind of shameful to be obsessed with e-celebs instead of making up your own mind about things.
how can you make up your own mind about things without listening to at least a few people smarter than you first? I agree blindly following one person is retarded but you won't learn shit jerking yourself off
The Alchemist’s Chronicles: Book 3: The Crimson Castle
a song of ice and fire: a game of thrones
Breathtaking Asian: Singles Want to Date!
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Sword of Dragons: The Staff of the Magus
Sword of Dragons: Ascension
Sword of Dragons: Nerethe Dragonslayer
Sword of Dragons: The Darkness
The Doctors' Hatred: The Tale of One Man
From what I've read; the individual quests are pretty unique, if buggy. however, the overall plot and characters are boring as shit.
Freeman of Flails: The Flailing
Nah it's all about Sten.
Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers
I always liked the LotR titles because they refer to actual things in the books.
>Sword of Kings, Book One: The Coming Storm
>Duke of Guns, Prologue: The Rain of Bullets
>Don of Spears, Chapter Zero: The Typhoon Cometh
>Viscount of Daggers: The Impending Drizzle
>Lord of Bows, First Tale: Approaching Gale
>Shield of Kaiser, Introduction: Heavy Rain
Queen's Butterknife: Chapter I - British Summer
Magic: The Gathering
You know, I can't tell if I think the inclusion of "Stormlight" makes it more or less generic.
I thought less at first, but thinking about it, [made-up compound word meant to imply mystery] has had a heyday of late.
Stormlight, Kingkiller, Mockingjay,
Book 1: Wasn't Me
Book 2: Should've Been Me
Book 3: All Me
>It’s incredible that even Origins was anywhere as popular as it was, because it was honestly one of the most generic, derivative settings out there.
That's most likely the reason it was such a success. Also the fact that the story -- especially the human path -- steals directly from Jon Snow's arc before ASoIaF had become a household name and you get a setting that's familiar enough that everyone could get into it with enough things new to them that they aren't just gonna call it a LotR rip off. Remember, people crave familiarity. A new franchise that reminds them of something they already like is way more likely to succeed than one that promises to give them something they've never seen before.
Brandon is notorious for this.
And so on.
World of Magic Darkness: The Sword
You're alright user.
How did those people make up their minds without listening to someone else first?
Here's a secret: it's knee jerk reactions all the way down.
Yeah, I thought about that, but I didn't want to bring it up in the moment, since we'd already used him as an example.
Also, as someone working through his books atm, I'm a little concerned at some of the names you dropped there. I assume Skybreaker and Nightblood are from his one about Gods?
>Series Title
Chronicles of Carpathia: A Kingdom's Tale
Book 1: The Knight's Nephew
Book 2: The Ranger's Return
Book 3: The Oracle's Origin
Book 4: The Servant's Secret
Book 5: The Dragon's Deception
Book 6: The Alchemist's Ally
Book 7: The Jester's Jeopardy
Book 8: The Friar's Faith
Book 9: The Witch's Woe
Book 10: The Queen's Quest
Book the Last: The End's Envoy
My alliteration brain is tired now
Skybreakers are the other Knights Radiant that can fly, Szeth and Nale are among their ranks.
Nightblood is the talking sword that obliterates anything it touches.
If you're curious for further details, read either the Coppermind wiki or read the books.
He's one of the few modern fantasy writers worth a damn.
I'm Feel free to add
Ah, I see.
My exposure to Sanderson's work has been very weirdly structured: I got Way of Kings and Mistborn on a random lark about a year and a half ago. (It was some "Buy X paperbacks, get Y discount", and I was like "you know, I keep SEEING these two everywhere, let's check them out." )
Since then, I've read all the Mistborn trilogy, the Wax and Wayne trilogy, Steelheart, and Way of Kings.
I hit a wall with Words of Radiance, and keep meaning to go back, and I've started Elantris.
So what I know and what it relates to can be wonky.
>Marco Polo
I see you, Mason
Needs to include the word chronicle somewhere.
As in Chronicle of Sword Kings, Book One: The Kingsword.
Darkness, Volume 1: My Old Friend
The Hello Chronicles. Chapter 1: Is it me you're looking for?
Eternal Rivers of the Axiomatic Cosmos. Volume One: Jupiter Death Cry, Fellblade's Reneger.
Star Wars
Monarch of Weapons, Part One: Approaching Precipitation
The Chronicles of Bill: Book 1, Redneck in Deep Space