How did we go from this...
How did we go from this
Better question: Why do you care?
A hack artist? Or is the subtle darkening of Gideon's features a thing across multiple arts of him?
He doesn't have any real friends or companions, so making pointless threads and watching the post count increase is the closest he can get to genuine human interaction.
He looks different in every one of his planeswalker cards. He has the least consistent art of just about any character in magic.
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
the decline of western civilization
Not him but this shit is fucking unacceptable for a game known for having fantastic art.
You missed the five or so other times the look of Gideon changed.
lmao is that official? looks like some deviantart tier shit some furfag would make in his downtime
he looks constipated
la creatura...
>completely human, if ugly, man
>lol the work of furfags
t. WOTC Internet Defense force
Unfortunately the actor for Gideon died after the first card illustration, and they've just been using endless stunt doubles in his place ever since.
All wotc art is shit tho
Big planeswalker card they push like crazy
Trash common
Same reason they had to give Tarmogoyf new art when they made it mythic, if you're expecting people to buy it for the highest prices of the format, it has to look nice. Meanwhile, jank commons just get whatever art can be shat out fast enough, because when we get jank with beautiful art it's fucking depressing.
them SUCC lips though
Diversity hires.
Jace cock
>this is what YGO and FoW players ACTUALLY believe
WotC made a bunch of PW and then retconned them to come from "exotic" places. Unfortunately, those PW are white and white people are often a minority in those places.
Officially Chandra comes from Kaladesh and Kaladesh is supposed to be Steampunk India.
Maybe it's just me, but Chandra doesn't seem at all Indian to me.
Then it's what I thought: more coddled "artists" who aren't even professional enough to remain on model and a company without the balls to take them to task.
fierce lion
Ravioli ravioli
That's a fucking dudeioli
did you forget india had a large white population after it was invaded and occupied by britain for decades?
Is everyone just going to ignore those fucking eyes?
>Mage-ring Bully
But old goyf is worth way more.
Fatman and Littleboy.
>Exile any number of target spells.
>Trash common
Commons usually have the better art these days because WotC is so concerned about micromanaging their mythics, for the exact logic that you're talking about here. It ironically produces commons that are much worse.
OG Gideon Jura is far better looking, and more important he's got more personality to his art than modern Gideon does. 'Greasy old-looking dude who is too busy tirelessly being a moralefag' is a lot more interesting than a Captain America wannabe. Gideon used to be hands-down my absolute favourite walker, and they've completely changed him. He's straight up not the same dude anymore.
>It ironically produces *mythics that are much worse.
I mean, they're both the same terrible character.
Shame about that cleft palate.
Pretty sure there's no Britain in Kaladesh. Being as nuMagic planes are almost always a single continent and often a single city.
> He's straight up not the same dude anymore.
The same with Nissa. She was better as elf-Hitler.
I remember pre-origins lore discussions. Nissa was far and away the least popular planeswalker in the game as an elf-supremacist. People didn't like her back then, they only claim to now to be contrarian because they don't like the newer characterization either.
Although even ignoring Origins sidestepping Nissa's bigotry from Zendikar block worldwaker had her undergo character development away from that anyway.
As far as Gideon goes, it's mostly inconsistent art styles. People seem to know, more or less, how Jace and Chandra look but Gideon's look is still something that varies greatly from one artist to another. Hopefully at some point they'll sit down and hammer out precisely how they want him depicted, but it's not a uniquely Gideon problem. There have been plenty of depictions of Jace that don't exactly look like the same guy. Gideon is just a little worse off and he hasn't had a block really focus on him yet.
>I remember pre-origins lore discussions. Nissa was far and away the least popular planeswalker in the game as an elf-supremacist. People didn't like her back then, they only claim to now to be contrarian because they don't like the newer characterization either.
Well, to be fair, back then we didn't know how much worse things would get. Though all post-Lorwyn lore is bad, there is a certain gradient.
Shouldn't romanticize the past too much, user. There was plenty of shit writing long before Lorwyn. People that bag on the Gatewatch often forget how much they didn't like Gerard back when HE was the hero of the story. People are always complaining about what's going on right now and looking back more fondly on things they were still complaining about back then. Such is life.
>Shouldn't romanticize the past too much, user. There was plenty of shit writing long before Lorwyn.
Oh, yes, but it wasn't exclusively bad, unlike everything up from Alara. I've actually been going back and buying up the pre-revision novels for want of decently written Magic content, and it's amazing how even the less competent stories are infinitely more engaging than Jace & Pals just by virtue of the characters being allowed to develop, die, and be phased out for new ones. Ironically, despite what you're suggesting, going back to the old content only gives one a better understanding of just how bad the writing's been for the last decade plus.
I never read any of the mtg material before they started putting them on the mothership, what was Gids like?
Not that guy, but basically, he was a boring person that made for an interesting character. If that makes sense.
the only thing wrong with this is the fucked up nose and mouth
I've been trying to ignore them for years.
But he still fucked Chandra in her 18 year old autistic ADHD vagina right
No, but originally that was the intention.
Cloud Strife Jace will always be hilarious to me.
It used to be worse, Gerrard was in every other card during Stronghold and Invasion and he always looked different.
Oh hey, another magic troll thread.
You can tell because they decided to shitpost about magic publically instead of talking on the general, and it's the same thread they've been spamming for weeks.
>on the general
I'm not seeing a mtg lore general
why is that man dressed like a girl?
la abominiacion....