You will take the character you're currently playing or the last character you're playing and you will write what they would say if they were a unit in a mobage.
Bond Lvl 1: Bond Lvl 2: Bond Lvl 3: Bond Lvl 4: Bond Lvl 5: Special Dialogue 1: Special Dialogue 2: Special Dialogue 3: Special Dialogue 4: Special Dialogue 5: Something you Like: Something you Hate: During an Event: Birthday:
Add more voice lines as you see fit. Special dialogue can be treated as special dialogue that only happens if you have another unit in your party or just rare dialogue that you'd have to tap on the character a lot of times to get. As for Event lines, it can be holiday lines or special lines for game events in this made up Veeky Forums mobile game. Then either you voice the lines or someone else in the thread voices them for you.
Hunter Ross
>Here's how the thread will work. No here’s how the thread will work: go fuck yourself and post Fate porn.
Camden Price
Julian Adams
I don’t see no titties, faggot. Start posting or fuck off.
Zachary Howard
No fuck off. If you want porn, go to a red board.
Luis Nelson
Fine then, how about some SFW smut. You tease.
Nathaniel Cruz
Only because you asked nicely
Dylan Richardson
The fuck is a mobage?
Jonathan Carter
Mobile games. Usually Japanese ones where you roll a gacha for characters to battle enemies with.
Dylan Gomez
A skinner box + loot crates, but with anime titties
Christian Nguyen
Such a great thread
Josiah Morgan
>no one posting any of their characters Almost makes me think that no one on Veeky Forums actually plays Veeky Forums games.
Gabriel Gomez
Sorry, I'm finishing up the event
Owen Bell
>he didn't finish it already Not gonna make it
Alexander Watson
I'm five missions off and they're all tedious ones like "do this floor a million times". I already cleared the shop of everything of value
Samuel Clark
Robert Cooper
No, its because mobage doesnt belong here. Dont you have a thread on Veeky Forums to contain your shitposting?
Juan Williams
>write what your character would say if they were a unit in a game >WAAAAAH TALKING ABOUT YOUR CHARACTERS DOESN'T BELONG ON Veeky Forums (You)
Carter Sanders
No, you’re just a faggot and no one cares about your shitty mobile game bullshit.
Asher Ramirez
Unironically kill yourself.
Jace Collins
You bitching at me doesn't make this thread any less a thinly veiled attempt to talk about a subject that is not Veeky Forums related. Exactly like any thinly veiled fetish thread.
Kayden Richardson
This thread needs less bitching and more sexualized historical figure tiddies.