>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Trash
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Last time on /5eg/
How do you deal with firearms, /5eg/?
>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Trash
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Last time on /5eg/
How do you deal with firearms, /5eg/?
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I know it's 5eg, but is there a similar pastebin with ad&d info?
I play 2nd edition with some friends sometimes and would love to see the resources for that.
Don't exist
i'm running an early bronze age campaign. where the world is just discovering the use of copper and tin, and there have not yet been any adventurers. any ideas?
I'd refluff crossbows, add 1d4/6/8 fire damage and a chance to fail.
I'd also make them enchant-able so the damage can become magic.
Cannons and the such would be (size dependant) Xd12, with a 5ft explosive Radius with Yd6 fire damage, chance to fail, requiring a turn to fire.
Coward and faggot
I'm going to buy all non core books, probably one per month.
In which order should I buy Volo's, Xanathar's, and Yawning portal?
I use how they are in the DM's guide. Works pretty good and my players like it.
In terms of quality, Volo's, Yawning Portal, Xanathar
I just don't see the need. Not the game I am running. Sorry that upsets you so much.
Even without adventurers there's never a shortage for mercenaries and thieves.
>How do you deal with firearms, /5eg/?
DMG optional rules for the most part, but support for firearms is basically nonexistent. Players usually must loot guns and ammo off of fallen enemies. There's no other means of reliable resupply. So they serve largely as conventional limited use wands/staffs that trade power/versatility for the ability to potentially replenish uses. One faction has access to WWI level weapons tech, but they would never trade that shit away and mostly serve as encounter potential for an epic level campaign.
I would start with Volvo and Xanathar as more PC options is always best. Of the two I would pick whichever your group would prefer: more race options or more class options. Though, I would lean towards Xanathar since, depending on how often your group meets in a month, you might be able to grab Xanathar before they start picking subclasses.
true, and charater classes do exist still they're just elites in their villages/clans, rather than explorers .
Roll 1d3 to find out
XGTE has been pretty damn good. If a little overkill on "This is what you can name your character"
>I would lean towards Xanathar since
I meant Volvo. Please forgive my lapse into retardedness
Because you're a faggot. I bet you have all kinds of anachronistic shit but oh no, not guns. That ruins fantasy. Unless it's like a low medieval, iron age campaign or you're going completely off the rails in terms of technology then it just means you're a fag with no imagination
What issues did people have with Xanathar? I know it got some backlash.
Around 10 pages devoted to "Human Names"
As is we didn't already have names for people. We need names for Non-People
Everyone had already read everything the book had to offer at least six months in advance.
Not sure if this is the right place but asking anyway:
I've never played D&D or any TT roleplay. I have played CBT and watched a Shadowrun game over a decade ago. How crunchy is D&D 5th ed?
Also, is play by post still around or do most online groups do skype/discord/video-chat now days?
Finally, stipulating that a DMs/Groups run what they want, is 5e considered the mainstream ruleset now days or is it pretty mixed between older editions?
Not crunchy enough.
Whats the point of taking beast master as ranger? I feel like it would be cooler to take a hawk or something as a noncombat option so you keep your action, but if you can't communicate with it it can't be used for perception unless you burn a spell slot on speak with animals.
It just seems like the hunter subclass is better if you want to keep the ranger as a valid combat caster.
I dunno if anyone saved or this specific user is still here but can someone link me the Hippo statblock that was being balanced out yesterday? found out an interesting little sidequest that can involve the fellow and would love if someone could share the image
My only real complaint as a DM is that I felt reprinting shit from the DMG was a big waste of my time. I don't know why WotC thinks I need a dozen reminders to round down, but they really need to stop asking me to pay them to do so.
Honestly I'd just search through the dead threads. It was probably only 2-3 threads ago.
ask /osr/
Which book essentially has the beastiary in it or something that comes close to it? That said, Was it Xanathars that has like 25 different subclasses in it? Are they all setting specific classes?
Xan, Volo, Yawning IMO. Xanathar's has tons of player options, Volo's has a few more plus lots of monster blocks and neat lore, and Yawning Portal is all maps and dungeons.
Volo's has a ton of new monsters.
Xanathar's has 25 redundant subclasses, yes.
I see. You say redundent so I assume setting specific versions of subclasses already found in the PHG?
The only archetypes that are setting-specific are the SCAG ones, but they can be adapted easily anyway.
I guess I meant to say that they're all shit
>How do you deal with firearms, /5eg/?
I don't. I'm not an edgy teenagers who needs guns in every game. I'm grown up enough to realize sometimes games are better off without guns
Remember, if you play a class that doesn't have at least 5 A's across it's lifespan, you've fucked up and are hurting your party
Finally, the trove is fixed
There's still a problem though
Check that out anons, would you
Here's the actual 5E pastebin, if anyone needs it.
As an extension, cant you just take hunter and spam animal friendship using speak with animals in the same way. Hell after enough time you could probably convince the DM it'd be tame by now. It means you lose out on some combat casting but you get the significantly better fighting bonuses.
You were right my dude, thanks a million, found it.
>Not liking the renaissance and the holy roman empire
You may not be edgy, but you are a teenager.
How about you use google, or better yet check the trove.
Volo's has monsters and Xanathar's has subclasses.
>Are they all setting specific classes?
No such thing as a setting specific class, my guy.
They're hardly redundant, or ALL shit. Hexblade is broken, Celestial warlock, Cavalier fighter, and all the Barbarian/Ranger archetypes are quite good actually. Drunken Master and Samurai got shat on though.
But they're hardly redundant, at least they're all pretty different.
For example, Fighter. PHB has Eldritch Knight, Battlemaster, and Champion for magics, maneuvers, and babby's first class respectively. XGE has Cavalier, Arcane Archer, and Samurai, which are tank, shitty archer specialty, and an advantage/temp HP bot respectively.
Very different stuff. Not all terrible, but not all great either.
Variant or non variant rules?
I think both are pretty good. I'm just gathering consensus.
>Not AAA across the board
They're literally the most unbalanced class, they're wizards but they can cast spells at a ridiculous pace, on top of getting things like infinite disguise self
A lot of people didn't like the names, but I know it'll be good for a lot of tables. Opinions about the archetypes presented vary from "x is overpowered" to "x is too weak to be playable" to "why reprint x when it was in a UA 5 months ago?"
I dug it for the tool proficiency expansions , extra downtime stuff, and the archetypes. My view on them is, some are stronger than others, but the differences are minor enough to not make a real difference during gameplay.
So what you're telling me is to never play a druid, monk, or warlock.
I thought Arcane Archer was cool :
If almost every class doesn't get their class skills till 3, why is there a level 1 and 2?
Have any of our homebrewed some cool ideas to utilize hit die other than short rest healing? Probably something class based and not obviously better than just healing.
So new players can get used to rolling for shit, and their classes' basic abilities.
huh, I was actually interested in Monks and Druids as a new to D&D person.
Oh I thought the IDEA was awesome, they just did a poor job of it.
I houseruled them to have INT mod/short rest arrow uses, gave them back the level-3 magic arrows and +1 at 7 from the UA, and might buff them more if I need to.
So you have time to get a feel for your class and character before you pick a subclass. Also
>How do you deal with firearms
Took the options from the DMG and modified them.
Pistol - 1d10 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 30/120), light, misfire, reload 250gp
Arquebus - 1d12 piercing 10 lb. Ammunition (range 60/240), reload, misfire, two-handed 500gp
Blunderbuss - 1d10 piercing 12 lb. Ammunition, heavy, reload, misfire, scatter (15 ft.), two-handed 500gp
Double-barreled Pistol - 1d10 piercing 5 lb. Ammunition (range 30/120), light, misfire, reload (2 shots)
Double-barreled Arquebus - 1d12 piercing 15 lb. Ammunition (range 60/240), misfire, reload (2 shots), two-handed
Misfire: A weapon that has the misfire property becomes jammed when you roll a natural 1 or a natural 2 on the attack roll. You may not make attacks with the weapon until the jam is cleared, by spending an action to make an Intelligence ability check. Roll the damage die for the weapon and add 8 to determine the DC for this check. You may add your proficiency bonus to the check if you are proficient with Tinker's Tools.
Reload. A limited number of shots can be made with a weapon that has the reload property. A character must then reload it using an action or an attack for each shot they load. You must have a free hand to reload a firearm.
Scatter: A weapon with the scatter property potentially deals damage to all creatures within a cone equal to the indicated length. All creatures within the cone must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency bonus, if you are proficient with firearms) or take the weapon’s damage. Weapons with the scatter property use scatter shot.
>how do you deal with firearms
Made them really strong, I think the muskets are 2d10 and the handguns 2d6, but not get ability modifiers to damage and require an action to reload meaning they have a downtime between shots. Mostly because they're not intended for the players to be using them, there's a couple of custom captain NPC types I use with a "ready, aim, fire" action to skip the reload and make allies within range fire as a reaction to simulate military volley fire tactics. One PC did however ask to put together a bandolier of throwaway pistols for use at long ranges and has put them to great use
I'm being facetious. Both can be quite good. Druids especially deserve a much better rating than they got on that sheet, and to be honest the disparity in strength between classes is actually rather small in 5e. Druids are powerful, monks hit like a truck at low levels and can pump out lots more damage with stunning strike (for those sweet autocrits) at higher ones.
Both have downsides, but neither are terrible by any means. The only truly bad classes are default ranger (fixed by the UA), and artificer/mystic in playtest.
And way of the four elements monk.
But even with these, you'll likely do find if you're just casually playing a game for fun and not as an ultra-hardcore minmaxy dungeon crawl. Which is a fine way to play, but at that point the minutia of minmaxing become more important.
Ultimately though, you're almost always fine no matter what you choose.
How would you go about making a major antagonist that was a totally nonmagic humanoid?
Would they be inherently less dangerous to the party than a caster?
Don't pick a character to play based on what other people say is the best or strongest. Play something that interests you; something that you'll enjoy. None of the classes are so bad that you'll be dead weight like some would suggest.
Make them a 20th level fighter or barbarian
I can see those as solid changes. I was wondering if they had nerfed it too hard in Xanathar's, but I'm only dipping my character for 3/4 levels of Fighter so in the long run it just seems like a cool thing for my build.
Some subclasses are a load of wank though.
>*cough* Battlerager *cough*
It would depend on if your DM allows UA content or other books or not. Sun Soul Lets you be a hybrid of Jesus and Goku (It's Swords coast adventurerer's guide), Tranquility (UA) allows for utility with healing and diplomacy. The vanilla stuff is decent to varying degrees though. Kensei is pretty good for weapons, Long Death fixes the health issues monks tend to have.
>(for those sweet auto crits)
Stunned is:
Attacks have Advantage to hit
Can't move or take actions/reactions
Automatically fail dex/strength checks.
You're thinking of paralyzed. Monks aren't quite that good. They're still perfectly viable though, especially with a good/lenient Gm.
They could be an influential noble with tons of resources.
>Would they be inherently less dangerous to the party than a caster?
duh, nothing's going to become less dangerous when you give it magical abilities
>Would they be inherently less dangerous to the party than a caster?
Probably, but with legendary actions, legendary resistances, and either backup or severe power they'll likely do fine. Look up angryGM's paragon monsters for another idea of how to make this work, especially if the character's supposed to be fast as fuck.
Need some advice, /5eg/. I’m running SKT and we’re nearly at the end of the campaign. Six players, level 11 characters (they killed some extra Giant Lords for a level). I’d like some help ensuring the final fight with the dragon is sufficiently challenging without being a cakewalk, but not impossible.
There’s no way I want to send 4+ Storm Giants to help them; they can kill the dragon alone in like three rounds. But even with the potions of giant size, the players alone may not quite be enough.
To clarify, though characters have certainly been killed this campaign, there’s no holds barred in this fight. The dragon will fight to win and will put down the toughest threats hard.
Generally I don’t want to add to the defenses of the lair, I’d like to adjust the power on the players’ side. What would you advise?
>Fast as fuck
Name him Kheim Starr, watch your party groan in agony at the meme name before he shits all over them.
Battlerager is sort of a memey concept but it doesn't seem mechanically shitty to me.
Use the dragon in the 4e manual giving him stuff that's actually useful in a fight instead of just fear and fire breath.
When you guys hand out spell scrolls as loot, how do you determine what spell should be on it? just a random roll?
Since I play on roll20 and can get away with this without anyone knowing, I check my group wizards spell book and throw stuff in he hasn't got yet while making sure not to give him all the good spells and throw some of the more garbage ones in there/ones with a lot of overlap with his current spells
Bring the storm giants and fight both Iymrith and Klauth simultaneously.
This is exactly the kind of advice I'm looking for, thanks.
What is everybody's opinion of the Eldritch Knight? Seems neat but completely underpowered and lacking in a creative way to synthesize the fighter into the arcane.
If an Eldritch Knight had the ability to use evocation to empower his sword or bow, or abjuration to empower his shield, rather than just being a fighter that sometimes uses spells, it would be a cool path for a fighter.
What's the party, numbers and makeup?
Its pretty good, I think it works super well with some levels into Wizard to increase the spell casting. They also make amazing Shadow Blade users due to extra attack and War Magic.
Should have been transmutation instead of evocation.
But maybe that would have been too good.
I'm thinking of ways to buff Sorcerer in my campaign and I want feedback so it doesn't come off as OP. I've looked at a bunch of different homebrew that I've picked at and here's what I I'm debating:
Ritual casting
Origin spells or spell total equals lv. + Cha modifier
At lv.2 during a short rest you recover half your sorcery points rounded down.
You get 2 metamagic options at 6th, 10th, and 14th levels.
2 new metamagics are ripped from Lore Mastery Wizard; change the damage type for 2 points and the saving throw either a set number or tied to spell level.
Capstone is choosing 2 metamagics and subtracting the number required of them by 2. You could get free metamagics with this, which I'm debating is too strong, but it is lv.20 and I feel being strong is the point at that level.
What do you think? Tweak things more or fine as it is?
It has zero scaling. Not to mention a MASSIVE penalty to AC and stealth with the required armour.
>Bonus action to attack with armour
That's kind of cool, but only ever doing 1d4+Str Piercing trails behind FAST.
>Reckless gives me temp HP?
Actually a good ability - This was done well.
>Bonus action to dash
I'm already using my bonus action to impale my enemies on myself.
>Damage to enemies when I get hit
That's cool, but why wouldn't that just apply on spiked armour anyway?
>Hexblade is broken
Here we fucking go again..
>warlock being good
What system have you been playing because it sure as fuck ain't 5e.
I was spitballing a monk halfling character that would follow the Long death traditions. Bear in mind I'm green when it comes to the mechanics so this may be a terrible idea.
Back story was that the halfling was a child of a traveling family when the barges they lived on caught fire. Kid fell into the river, nearly drowned, and washed up in the middle of a forest. Had to spend a few years living on his own in the forest. Instead of becoming one with nature or some druidic BS he genuinely was miserable. Staying warm, killing to eat, trying not to be eaten, all rather freaked him out. The killing of woodland critters for food hit him the hardest. Finally came to terms with it, understanding that for him to live then the creature had to die, so he slowly learned to do if as quickly and cleanly as possible so there would be little suffering.
One day he came across a traveling monk who took pity on him and out of charity tried to raise him. Monk died of illness just about when the Kid was becoming an adult. On his deathbed he asked 2 things of the Kid: 1) To deliver a small wrapped package to the Monk's sister and 2) to help ease the Monk's suffering.
The Kid now travels looking for the Monk's sister but has no clue at all where she is. Along the way he tries to help those in need and stop those who make other's suffer needlessly.
>Moon Druid/Totem Barb
>War wizard
>Arcane Trickster
>Tempest cleric
>Vengeance paladin
Check out /osrg/
Just don't ask about skerples or beefboy
>>Hexblade is broken
I feel like this should always be with a large question mark, and say
>Hexblade is broken(?) with multiclassing
The subclass alone is not broken, it's just very potent with multiclassing due to a lot of their best features not requiring you level in Warlock anymore beyond 1-2.
>Eldrtich Blast (Scales to Character level)
>CHA Weapon (Based around CHA)
>Medium + Light Armor
>Martial Weapons
>Hexblade's Curse (Which scales via proficiency & CHA meaning no need for more warlock levels)
>Shield spell (If your multiclassing out of a Fullcaster)
>Hex (Stacks well with Eldritch Blast)
>Agonizing Blast (If you took 2 levels)
It's only this that, makes Hexblades very tempting multiclasses for anyone with charisma as the main stat.
Hoe the fuck is the remuz archive dtill up
It's one of the first things you see when you google D&D, it's clear and centre. How is it not shut down?
Nothing can quell my autistic rage over the fact they released the hexblade as a better EB spammer than weapon user.
Now to be fair if WotC releases some subclasses that could use INT and WIS for weapons it won't be as bad anymore due to the others getting a piece of that SAD action.
That's not bad. A Long Death monk seeks understanding of death, and as someone who grew up fast learning about death it would be a nice fit thematically. Having to adapt to all that death makes him a perfect candidate.
This desu, I wanted a dude with a magical sword whose magical powers supplement the blade.
>Eldrich Knight V2
>Druidic Circle that lets them use weapons with WIS
Primeval Thule. Look it up
>Ritual casting
Don't they already get this?
>Increased spell list
Hell yeah!
>Lv2 Half points recovery
Remember that Sorc points can also be channelled into spell-slots.
Maybe 1d4, once per short rest, increasing over the class progression.
>Extra Metamagic
Ehh, maybe force metamagic to be missing 2 by the end of progression, don't let them get EVERYTHING
>New Metamagic
So Hexblade is basically fantastic for the old 4e Paladin/Warlock multiclass stuff? Or would a paladin still prefer a greatsword?
>This desu, I wanted a dude with a magical sword whose magical powers supplement the blade.
See , which happens to be a great multiclass with Hexblade.
>>Eldrich Knight V2
I'd like to see something like that? Maybe a variant or in a UA?
>>Druidic Circle that lets them use weapons with WIS
Gish druid when?
You would need 3 levels into Hexblade for the Charisma Greatswords, but yeah they make a pretty great multiclass combo with the x2 smites.
>You would need 3 levels into Hexblade for the Charisma Greatswords, but yeah they make a pretty great multiclass combo with the x2 smites.
Right. And since 1 handed doesn't really have anything quite on par with the 2 handed weapon feats, charisma greatsword is the go.
>1 handed doesn't really have anything quite on part with the 2 handed weapon feats.
PAM with quarterstaves is pretty solid, but yeah, in general, two-handers.
Technically speaking Polearm Master with Greatweapon master is better for the Pact of the Blade Hexblade, but yeah greatswords is better than one-handed.
Running a dwarf cleric with tempest domain. any advice?
Really all I wanted was for Eldritch Smith to let me use EB+weapon attack as a standard action
where did this come from?
I'm not putting Klauth there; he has no reason to defend her.
I'm thinking *maybe* the fight with some giants there is balanced because of all the gargoyles out front, but even so.. any other ideas?
How does the fighter have less utility/skills stuff than the barbarian/more than the cleric? Fighters don't have any non-combat features by default and even the Eldtrich Knight is heavily locked into two schools of magic that are mostly combat, with limited ability to work outside them.
Right, thanks. I'd been pondering making a warlock/paladin because I really liked the Crimson Legion in 4e (The bael turath order that was for tiefling paladin/warlocks) but it sounds like it's not a good option for game balance with most groups.