Alright /co/, your party is about to be suddenly transported to another reality...

Alright /co/, your party is about to be suddenly transported to another reality, but they are being given the chance to choose where they end up. Their two choices are either the Cthulhu Mythos or the SCP Foundationverse. Which one are they most likely to choose, and which is less dangerous for life and sanity overall?

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Does it matter since my party are avatars of Elder Gods?

Nobilis campaign or Exalted campaign? I mean either way shit's gonna get weird.

>Nobilis campaign or Exalted campaign?
Either one works, though Nobilis has more potential for utter insanity on both ends.

>Excrucians encounter Nyarlathotep or one of the various evil SCP deities.

Definitely the SCP foundation universe. At least there's a foundation that can contain the eldritch abominations there

SCP Foundationverse is (more or less) contained and under control. As such, I demand that we be sent to the Cthulhu Mythos, instead! My character's a punch-drunk Elven swordmage with a hard-on for severe danger, so containment duty is anathema to him. If possible, he'd like to land in the Pagan British Isles, he'd be a god-king in no time.

I mean, a lot of the greatest threats in the SCPverse really can't be stopped, and the vast majority of those threats actively HATE the Multiverse and wish to see it unmade, and will tirelessly work to achieve this goal. At least in the Mythos, most of the major entities and powers just don't give two shits about most things and you can pass beneath their gaze relatively safely and not risk getting your are unwound from all possibilities and timelines (unless you're an utter retard, that is).


Honestly I'd rather go to the Mythos universe. At least my chances of running into a random world ending object is objectively less then the SCP universe

>making SCP threads
ooh boy
get ready for a storm of faggots posting whats basically their OCs and yelling that SCP is the greatest, most powerful setting ever
These cunts make the 40k losers seem reasonable in their wankering.

>your party is about to be suddenly transported to another reality
>Alright /co/
I think we're already in another reality, OP.

But co is for cooperative tabletop, and a correct board name. What are you talking about?

We are in Bizarro Veeky Forums. Where /co/ is Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums is /co/.
And The entire site is better for it

Board-tan thread?

Skip threads are perfectly fine when it's just discussion of SCP lore instead of powerlevel contests. I have more fun discussing how SPHESS MAHREENS would react to something like "Laugh Is Fun!" than I do comparing the overall power of such entities to other things.





Mythos because the horrors are mostly just indifferent to humanity rather than actively hostile.

Can we use this as a mythos thread since I can't find any?

Is there a source for lore on Carcosa in mythos?

Robert W. Chambers' collection 'The King In Yellow' is the basis for pretty much all the Carcosa stuff. It's old enough that you can probably find it in public domain.

I specifically encountered in a CoC game a few years ago the idea that you can only leave Carcossa by suicide. The party wound up there by ~plot~ and had to find a way to escape. (It was a oneshot.)

I wanted to know if that was substantiated in any fluff or rules, or entirely homebrew by the GM.

I don't know about that, but Carcosa itself is explicitly on a different planet. There's mention of twin suns and multiple moons in Cassilda's Song. Could be that suicide's the only way you're ever escaping the place.

Yeah, I got that. However, fluff-wise, we wound up there by accident/haunted house (as one sometimes does in dreamlands/mythos related ventures) and suicide was effectively the ritual for waking back up in 'our world' whereas if you just let the rising water of Lake Hali kill you, you died for good.

In this thread

12 year olds pretend the SCP verse is somehow more terrible than the Cthulhu mythos even though the Cthulhu mythos is so beyond horrifying you can't comprehend 99% of it

The SCP-verse without question. The lovecraft universe is a no-win scenario regardless of how good the party is at what they do, which is the entire point of that universe. The SCP foundation make a living by containing horrible things. Sure in some cases it's only to buy a few more moments on the clock for mankind, but iirc the world has ended multiple times and the foundation has protocols and backup copies to set everything right again if the cluttered mess that is the canon of that universe is to be believed. Once the big boys of the lovecraft mythos get going we're fucked wholly and without question. You can fight off something like 682 or 096 with enough time effort and supplies, you couldn't fight off a pissed off and fully emerged and awake Cthulhu even with all the time, effort, and supplies the universe has to offer you, and he's not even one of the big boys. Just a popular one.

I thought the Cthulu mythos could mostly be boiled down to: We live inside Azathoth's dream

Cthulhu Mythos was horrifying in the 1920s when the idea that humans were insignificant and the universe was inconceivably vast and uncaring was new, but today everyone already believes this so it's time to stop pretending it's scary.

In the present day governments would know about Cthulhu and have ships waiting around R'Lyeh to ram him every time he wakes up.

And if the situation permits him to come all the way through wide awake what then? The ship that rammed him the first time only rammed a still half asleep piece of him. It's like a father waking up early on his off day to do shit around the house and stepping on the sharp ass plastic dinosaur toy his kid left out. It's annoying enough for him to consider beating the kid's ass for it, but he didn't want to get out of bed anyway so fuck it, back to dream land for a few more hours. If he comes out completely awake and ready and that shit happens then there'll be asswhoopings abound.

>And if the situation permits him to come all the way through wide awake what then?
Two ships

In the Cthulhu Mythos, the whole point of it is that the universe doesn't care for you. It doesn't give a damn about oyur existence, and you will die and fade form it's memory without it ever noticing your existence. Nothing in the Mythos that is of notable power will ever take notice of mankind, and if they do, they'll likely just annihilate humanity to prove some inconceivable point to one of their peers, not even out o malice. Just to prove a simple matter to one of their fellows, likely as a test or experiment, not even truly noting the lifeforms squabbling and shrieking beneath their gaze. That's the horror of the Mythos, the simply coldness of it all.

But in the Foundationverse? The horrors there, the Dark Powers that lay claim over all space and time? They are aware of humans and the mortal races, they are oh so painfully aware of us, and they -hate- us. With every fiber of their terrible being, they Hate and Hate and Hate. They will purposefully go out of their way to destroy and reduce everything back down to nothing,solely motivated by their single-minded Hate for all Creation. The SCP-verse is set in a reality that actively hates and fully desires to see all life and light destroyed. The horror of this verse is in the fact that the great things dancing in the darkness between the stars know of us, and they actively wish to see us brought down to nothing. The two are two entirely different kinds of horror, and you can't really compare them because of that. It's the same problem you get if you try to compare the Mythos, and something like say, Night Land.


>Groggily, you lean out of bed to get up
>Somebody slaps you
>Don't want to deal with this yet, go back to sleep

>Half hour later, decide to get up properly now
>Person slaps you again
>You destroy him and his entire civilization in response.

Cthulhu, because SCP is fucking trash.


Look man I just like sharing stuff I like to read. I couldnt care less about how powerful something is. My favorite skip is the vending machine for crying out loud.

>Their minor vessels had Hastur chanting on response
>Your autistic ADHD half-brother manifests in realspace and starts sperging out like the 'unspeakable' embarrassment he is, clawing at your face with his virgin scrawny tentacles screaming at you to release Cthylla, spitting in the face of your glorious masters, which is why he ended up this way getting metasized across multilple echelons of the gates expanse into all that is unknown in the first place, and he's still wearing that one stupid fucking mask you got him for his first eon of existence as a present to hide the fact he let a lesser servitor species put some stupid mark of 'justice' on his face so he can live out his stupid love for Kamen Rider plays
>When this fuckhead tried to steal the biotemplates for Dagon's Deep Ones that one time, and only made furry Barnacle people
>Immediately shut brain off from the physical realm and fuck off home until that robed shit collapses on himself from being in realspace too long without having killed the summoner
>Dream of Space Jyhad, fuck daughter in a wet dream and watch her give birth to me over and over


Personally I'd rather my race be wiped by the entities that actually hate me over the ones that don't even acknowledge me and mine as an actual thing. There's a strange comfort in knowing you were actually worth the effort to be despised rather than just another blip that got wiped out by some unknowable cosmic horror playing nth dimensional pool with its brethren.

I mean, sure, it's comforting to know that you're notable enough to be actually hated by something, but given that something intends to erase you and everything else in Creation, that "comfort" can quickly give way to genuine terror. The Outer Gods and Great Old Ones may not give a damn about mortal life whatsoever, but they do care enough to preserve the Multiverse, even if it's just for themselves in the long run.

That's what makes the SCP-verse more horrifying to me in all honesty, and it's for the same reasons as to why the Night Land terrifies me more than most of the Mythos. The fact that true Evil exists, and it has every intention of unmaking all of Creation for the simple crime of existing. That stuff, to me, is possessed of more existential dread than anything ol' Cthulhu and pals might have in store for us, simply as an accidental result of their existence.

>the Cthulhu mythos is so beyond horrifying you can't comprehend 99% of it
'lol u can't grasp' isn't horrifying at all, it's just shitty. Not to mention that isn't where the horror of the mythos comes from. And like said, some of those horrors barely scare us any longer.

The stuff from the Antimemetics Division hub are pretty great desu