The last few have been great. Let's keep it going. Mutants and Masterminds, FASERIP, Wild Talents, Icons; if you play it, share your experiences.
Thread topic: would anyone be interested in creating a Veeky Forums supers setting? I've seen some really cool ideas posted in these threads and I think it's a shame to relegate them to the archive. I'm more familiar with M&M, so I'm using that as a reference.
Where would the best place for starting heroes be? A city? A group of cities? A small town?
Statblock for Stuntman. I went with a lower PL 8 base and added from that point onwards. Guy's a mook masher, but I threw in some Investigation to make him more interesting in roleplay.
Matthew Turner
Another question: I've experienced some difficulties making M&M combat exciting. What have you tried in combat to mix things up?
Gavin King
Supers settings are typically separated into spheres of influence. That would probably be the best place to start.
Town Level: Teenaged heroes or low-powered protectors. Folk heroes and occult investigators.
City Level: More experienced, powerful, or skilled heroes. Probably not powerful enough to handle planetary threats singularly.
Planetary Level: World protectors. These heroes are either so powerful or so financially/socially/politically well-off that they can protect continents by themselves.
The Galaxy: From the Silver Age on, the concept of a larger galactic community within superhero universes has become more or less a staple. Heroes from the verse are not necessarily more powerful, but they do have connections, technology, and knowledge that typically dwarfs their earthbound peers.
So a small town, suburb, or borough would be a good place to start. Might make it a part of the larger city setting.
Isaiah White
I miss Project Rooftop.
Cooper Jones
>Veeky Forums supers M&M is a terrible choice for this, its far too mechanically difficult. Use something like Marvel Heroic Roleplaying instead.
Ayden Cook
Yo soy la justicia. Yo soy la luz ¡Soy El Dorado!
I don't know Spanish, but I know that 'la' is feminine; am I doing this incorrectly?
Ryder Allen
What about it is mechanically difficult?
Bogged down by memery, I'm afraid.
Dylan King
>Thread topic: would anyone be interested in creating a Veeky Forums supers setting? I've seen some really cool ideas posted in these threads and I think it's a shame to relegate them to the archive. I'm more familiar with M&M, so I'm using that as a reference.
It already happened once. It was called CapeWorld and included The Statesmen, a group of heroes from each state. Then a few anons really took to it and dominated the threads to the annoyance of others. Then those anons went off on their own and now they're making their own comics.
Any fun power ideas that aren't just direct rips of comic characters? Or any good power combos?
Justin Russell
That's fucking awesome. I was looking to make more of a database, like a shared setting.
Brandon Jones
Nah nouns are gendered they way they are no matter what. Jobs and shit are the ones that change e.g. el profesor vs la profesora.
Andrew Brown
>I miss Project Rooftop. Me, too! What happened to them?
Joseph Wood
For all I know, they just stopped updating.
Thanks for the tip!
Would it sound better if he was saying "Soy justicia. Soy la luz. ¡Yo soy El Dorado!"
For some reason, having that extra syllable on the final statement makes it more impacting.
Carter Gonzalez
>The Fabrica de Herois website is down and the project's been cancelled.
Damn shame.
Connor Brown
Honestly I'm not really the right person to be answering that since I'm just pulling faint memories of high school Spanish. That being said, "soy justicia" sounds better than "yo soy la justicia" since the second means "I am the justice" vs "I am justice."
Kayden Edwards
>EL DORADOOOO >Dynamic Entry amid sunlight and doves I dig it mang
Wyatt Brown
Well, you could certainly start by checking out the sup/tg/ archives for CapeWorld. There were tons of hero ideas there.
Liam Lee
Sure, will do. Doesn't mean it's the end all be all, though.
Ayden Miller
Hell yes, man. He's Captain Marvel if Captain Marvel got his powers from a mask enchanted by Tonatiuh, God of the Fifth Sun.
So, basically, he's a solar-powered Mexican wrestling Superman.
Tyler Howard
I mean, "superpowers" is a broad category. I don't think it's fair to say you're ripping from something that has a history beyond comics. It's not like Superman was the first character written with super strength, you know?
A lot of the fun with powers, at least in gameplay, come from complications arising from their use. A character whose super strength, for example, operates as a function of his metabolism. He'd look relatively normal until he binges on some cheeseburgers, and then *poof* fucking Adonis. Just have fun with it.
Dominic Wright
In M&M do I want to just put points into skilling close combat directly or into fighting in general?
Andrew Reed
>too mechanically difficult
Jordan Green
Whats the difference between immunity 5 and immunity 10 with the damage descriptor immunity?
Ryan Young
So there are three ways to buy a melee attack bonus. Fighting costs 2 PP and will increase your parry defense plus your melee attack bonus by 1. The close attack advantage costs 1 PP for a +1 melee attack bonus The close combat skills costs 1/2 PP for a +1 bonus, but only with one specific attack. (There's also the accurate power extra, but it's pretty much the same as the close combat skill)
If you want to be good at melee in general buy fighting since you probably need parry defense anyway, and then buy the advantage if you want more attack bonus than parry.
If you're only going to be using one kind of melee attack - you exclusively fight unarmed for example - then it's cheaper to buy the skill and put points into your parry defense directly.
Wyatt Brown
Bit of a shame they dropped Arthur
Hudson Butler
Any one-shot recommendations? Ideally something with a tiny bit of intrigue (maybe even a supers-themed murder mystery, that'd be fantastic), but I'm not picky.
Christian Powell
The villains have come together to form a conspiracy and want to replace a political figure with a body double for their own gain, the heroes know because a low rank traitor within the conspiracy has come forward.
The party is a brand new group of heroes never before seen by the public that is tasked with joining the conspiracy at recommendations of the traitor and finding out what the exact plans are and how to stop them, possibly having to commit villainous deeds to gain their trust.
The political figure in question can be anything from the US president to just a local small town mayor, adjust according to the scale you want the one-shot to be.
Optional plot twist: the leaders of the conspiracy are all superheroes that know about the new recruits being moles, the villains at the bottom rank that didn't know this were supposed to be wiped out alongside the party after they outlived their usefulness.
honestly this is an idea i originally had for a Metal Gear Solid campaign but it's easy to adjust for a superhero game since MGS is essentially a militarized superhero story already
Nathan Richardson
>For all I know, they just stopped updating.
I wasn't sure if there was some behind-the-scenes reason I didn't know about.
Jose Young
Sounds good to me. Replace the figures with a single entity, maybe a duplicator or a master of disguise like Fantomas for an added twist.
Colton Fisher
I asked in a previous thread as to what to use to stat this guy out.
Bonus points for HERO System
Landon Rogers
I've seen it done two ways.
A.) Make him a skill monkey. Dump every point into Ranged skills, dexterity, and various investigation, contacts, and inventor skills for booby traps to give him a wide range of options when tracking a target. Makes his stat sheet a bit dense but it gets the job done.
B.) Stat his skills up as actual powers. Wick's skillset is so advanced it basically qualifies as an actual set of superhuman abilities. Make his gunfighting a perception ranged damage effect - if he can see you and you're within the range of the weapon he's using, he can hit you. Give him minor postcognition for crime scene investigation, limit it to while he's in contact with his various underworld handlers.
Julian Bennett
>Dump every point into Ranged skills, dexterity, and various investigation, contacts, and inventor skills for booby traps John Wick isn't Gun Batman, he is a martial arts hero; he's got people to do all those other things for him. The John Wick movies are quintessentially martial arts movies, the martial art on display just happens to be shooting rather than kung fu.
So he'd be a subclass of whatever the martial arts-themed class in a system is, but able to integrate firearms with his regular abilities. He isn't actually a supernaturally good marksman; he's a very good shot but he's no Clint Eastwood character shooting hangmen's ropes, he only pulls so many headshots because he's firing at very close range. He wins by being faster, more aware and better trained than his opponents, accuracy is helpful but incidental.
Also would need buffed up Constitution/Body/whatever because he has superhuman willpower; he's not able to dodge bullets, he just thought to bring body armor and fights through the pain when he gets shot.
Mason Powell
For HERO, having a stupid high speed means more actions, more dodges and high dex means he's moving first and multiple times.
Martial arts can be easily implmented and probably Combat skill levels in gun fighting to offset calling shots at people's faces for higher damage.
Wick would probably be a high end Heroic character, but you can easily build a super-hero level wick by adding weaponmaster to firearms, increasing damage dice.
Eli Jackson
Regardless of system, he would need to almost always move first and be able to attack multiple times with a firearm (as the chest + face double-tap is practically his signature move.)
Although personally I wouldn't consider John Wick a character all that suited to any superhero setting to begin with. He only works in a (relatively) high realism setting.
Jaxson Allen
You could Dark Champions it. everyones a gimmicky murder-hobo in that.
William Smith
>Thread Topic I've always wanted to be in a Veeky Forums involved game of supers but I lack the DM know how, just another idea man.
As for your second question, have them meetup in town near the city while having missions in the city/cities near it.
Austin Johnson
I don't know about HERO but for M&M I would give him, Ranged Multi-Attack 5 with a flaw that it requires a weapon, all the Grab based feats, improved initiative, either up his toughness or give him some minor regeneration to show how he just keeps coming, and probably enhanced will
After that you give him some stealth, athletics and streetwise then probably vehicles, contacts and maybe some levels of wealth, throw in some languages if you want and equip him with a gun or guns of your choosing and a bulletproof suit with a few ranks of Protection and you're golden
John would probably be PL8, above a normal action hero guy at PL6 but not quite a superhero at PL10
Jonathan Clark
you're doing it right, luz and justicia are feminine nouns, and dorado a masculine adjective.
It would make sense and everyone would understand it, but soy la justicia just sounds more catchy, it has that thundercats feeling. Thunder, thunder, THUNDERCATS! Soy la justicia, soy la luz. SOY EL DORADO!
the added "Yo" in Soy el dorado doesn't convince me that much, but if you feel its more impacting (it is in a way, it makes the sentence put a lot of strength into the word Yo). The phrase is definitely better without the "yo soy" + justicia and luz. Dorado, that's more depending on your preference. It sounds great with and without it. Good character.
Dylan Williams
Thanks so much! I appreciate your input!
Luis Hernandez
Shapeshifters, mind controllers, that kind of stuff.
Basically a regular crime or murder where the criminal has powers that make them hard to find, instead of hard to fight.
Jace Cruz
>Basically a regular crime or murder where the criminal has powers that make them hard to find, instead of hard to fight. Optionally, drop potential non-crime hooks to be followed like in a detective story, e.g. the death of an important scientist that police ruled an accident, that way anybody who does get paranoid ends up feeling like Batman if it turns out to be something shady that got overlooked.