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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
Gingaman is done. Let me know what you think. Next is GoGo Five.
user, if you actually went on a jumpchain, how long do you think you'd survive?
I think I'd do pretty well, but I'd also take fewer risks and be far less interesting.
Considering the sort of jumps I tend to take first, either maybe five minutes or an eternity.
I'd probably make it out of pokemon at the very least. After that I'd say it's a crapshoot.
If I actually had that chance I would spend 100 years in all the low power stuff before even touching a place with firearms.
I would go back in time to kill my past self, before my future self became infinite. Trust no one, not even yourself.
I mean, THEORETICALLY, every jump is supposed to give you enough to survive. So THEORETICALLY, your survival should depend in large part based on your own actions.
I guess it comes down to whether you really do have untapped potential way down inside, shit like courage you never knew you had, and what you'd really do in a high-stakes situation.
Pretty sure this was the wrong link, but im putting it there anyway. The whole premise was that if Rin starts out as 7 in the beginning of the film and Shelter takes place at least 7 years after not receiving any messages (and is 17) it stands to say that she was in the ship for at least three years, receiving messages. I'd write more, but this I find is something that's best explained by reading it yourself.
As long as the Jump coordinator wasn't a major dick and trying to mess with me?
Probably all the way until spark, or close to it, because I'd be careful as hell with what I'd pick each jump. I'd slowly build up my power before chancing any jump that is remotely dangerous, and avoid most drawbacks until I had various ways to cheat death.
Probably not very long. My reaction to being in a chain would probably be to find the biggest, scariest, creatures I can, and get into the magical equivalent of fistfights with them.
Okay, so dark skin and white hair was mentioned last thread. That got me curious, so I did some digging and found out that many Melanesians, who are a dark skinned people, are born with naturally blonde hair.
Do what you wish with this information
Sooo...does this mean we don't want the Queen's Blade gif shopped?
I mean, either way we need to get that titty button mashing gif.
If I was the one picking everything? I would probably survive everything since I would be even more careful then before when it was just a game.
May I just ask: Why?
All my early jumps are designed to be easy and forgiving and to help gradually ramp up the power.
I'd say I'd survive at least 4-5 Jumps
It is possible to get literally infinite mana and thus infinite magical power within a single Jump with just the provided options. No rules lawyering, wanking, or any of that stuff. I'm not telling, but if you know, you know. I could become omnipotent in either seconds or two jumps.
The answer is, "yes".
I honestly have no idea. On one hand most of my early jumps aren't exactly hard jumps to survive in, especially with a background rather than drop-in, on the other I'm a socially awkward NEET.
Because at the end of a giant multiversal journey, I want to be able to say, "Let me tell you about the time, I once punched [that] in the face."
Depends on the conditions of the Chain, selection of Jumps, order of said Jumps, etc.
For my chain, if I don't die in the first/second Jump then odds are I'm not going to chain-fail at all.
Any final confrontation with Darkseid's true self being an exception to the above statement.
Depends on whether on I'm going with the original Jumpchain rules, or my modified merge-only street-level roll-chain.
The former, I'd survive until several hundred jumps in, probably.
The latter... I might die my first jump in.
Depends on where I start and if I get to pick what my Jumps are. If I get to pick, then I'm confidant that I could survive indefinitely. I'm also pretty sure that I could survive Pokemon, or Generic Universal Monsters which is the other starter Jump that I like.
In my current chain? In all honesty, my build for my first Jump (Resident Evil) is a crapshoot that wouldn't be in my favor if I was on the chain for real. Most of that is due to my build being more oriented towards the story I want to tell, though, and the extra rules I added to make it more interesting (max drawbacks for one). If I went on the chain for real I'd probably have a much higher chance of success, since I'd be much more cautious in real life.
A man comes up to you and asks if you want to buy some death sticks.
Your response?
Fuck yeah death sticks
Offer to sell him some Super Death Sticks, and talk about how Death Sticks are lame and "so last year".
It's just licorice
Why don't you try to sell me some, and see what happens?
Violence happens.
Say I have plenty.
This kind of question is always difficult for me because the little details of like. What a jumpchain is/entails of. How many of the rules from the thread pastebin are active in that case?
That's the kinda thing that usually means I have to do off base rules just cause it's the only way to make sense. If we're just gonna ignore the details and assume "default" jumpchain though it's pretty clear that most chains would definitely end before 100 unless you were REAL careful about your escalation choices or managed to find a good combination of drawbacks due to the unspoken "Entertainment of benefactor" aspect of it
It'd make - style solutions actually pretty likely to backfire since you'd end up boring your benefactor before you get that far unless you took great pains to do interesting shit even in low power jumps.
Honestly? I'd be shooting for like 5-10 jumps max, but I'd be damn selective with where I went. My life is such that even just having what you could get from pokemon or slice of life would probably vastly improve it.
So..approximately 5 jumps, and if I felt like I was hitting the end of what I could do without being boring I'd probably do a suicide build in a high risk/high reward jump where lots of power yet lots of danger is possible, and just bank on either somehow surviving(and thus getting another shot) or going home with the big bucks from 1600 or more points in drawbacks.
tl;dr Aim for the stars, at the very least you'll hit the moon if you miss.
>Why don't you try to sell me some, and see what happens?
He just did. That's why he walked up to you. Now you've lost all your cool points. You are no longer cool.
Perhaps. But in that case one would probably be able to get by for a good long while just by sticking to the settings they really know and being genre-savvy until they've taken enough jumps that they can tell the multiverse to fuck off.
How is Imperial Knights coming? Can I haz Atrapos?
Oh, no, you get dozens on screen at once. It's just that they're all fodder that die in a few hits and all your combos usually hit multiple at once and come out really fast. There's lots of stronger/bigger varieties of monsters but the basic zombie mobs are never dangerous.
Long as I want I guess. I'm not the type to take that big risks. I mean like if we're talking the ordinary chain it's already got a lot more than what my attempts at making a chain give me so I doubt it'd be too hard.
Yeah but curly hair is gross.
"You don't want to sell me death sticks."
>His embarrassing insult was put on holotube and gets over a billion hits
>user is so embarrassed he has to hide his face and hi companions hide theirs from being around him
>user fall to the darkside out of shear hurt
>It'd make # - style solutions actually pretty likely to backfire since you'd end up boring your benefactor before you get that far unless you took great pains to do interesting shit even in low power jumps.
Which is honestly a pretty retarded position when this is an omnipotent being who's lived for (presumably) eons and is vastly beyond your comprehension, doing whatever the fuck they do. As well as allowing ten years periods of such jumps in the first place, and such things as 9-5. Without even taking into account that even the most boring jumps involve vast amounts of "boring" down-time, generally at least 1/3 of all of them, assuming you don't pick up a perk to mitigate the need for sleep. You're clearly a retard with a short attention-span, however, as you interpret "high danger" to mean "interesting". Of course, the hipster faggot's attempts at profundity nearly always fall flat.
See, I didn't say that it was GUARANTEED to backfire, just more likely than playing a little fast and loose. I agree that sticking with settings you know well enough to be on top of incoming threads in is probably the ideal solution. Let you play off of settings in an interesting thing too.
That does limit the amount of ideal jumps for a lot of people though.
I dunno about that. Even 40k imperium might be relatively survivable for 10 years.
I mean, 1000 CP lets you become a full tactical marine with the works, and then some. Much weaker people have survived in there for much longer. So long as you stick to following orders and applying common sense, odds of survival seem at least acceptable.
It's my stalker! Here, I got ya something for valentine's.
Actually, on a similar note:
Jumpers, if you actually got to go on a chain, how close would you stick to 'canon', and how much would you try and see what's outside of the borders of the story that got told, or poke at those loose plot or setting threads?
If I take DBZ as a first Jump, do you think the Gravity Chamber or Hyperbolic Time Chamber would be better for training?
I was at the store yesterday and saw a heart shaped box full of choc-covered strawberries. They were out when I went back today, so I made my own. They came out surprisingly well, and were well received to boot.
...also, have you ever looked back over something you wrote and were utterly horrified to see how many mistakes you apparently made?
My memory tends to suck on the best of days, so I'd probably just end up not changing too much on purpose, besides whatever gets butterflied by my mere presence.
Poke? I would smash the borders and learn everything I could. My curiosity is much too strong.
What about a Hyperbolic Time Gravity Chamber?
Gravity Chamber for early training if you're on a budget. Hyperbolic for the long-term, but might take longer to use since as far as I know, its gravity settings can't really be adjusted. So you might destroy your bones walking inside if you aren't ready.
Unless I put in an adjustment dial in the purchase version and forgot about it. Then you're probably fine.
Well, I just mean like. I'unno about you but I don't know jack about settings like Shadows of the Limelight or most of the final fantasies. I'm not even saying that you'd fail cause you die, in many cases, just cause there's some threshold for what constitutes interesting and it's easier to be a pipe bomb for the setting early on if you know how to play with the plot. If there wasn't a minimum threshold for adventure then there'd be no reason for the entertainment clause at all.
Try to get both, but if you can only get one then get hyperbolic
I'm not sure if I'd call that curly hair. More like some teddy bear stuffing that went through the drier too many times.
Dammit did nobody remind the Warriors of Chaos jumpmaker to put in some models?
What do you mean? Do you mean how much I'd try to keep things on rails, or how much "canon" is true to the world? As for your other question, all the time. I rarely ever care to involve myself with the canon plots or characters unless we're dealing with potential apocalypses, even when I enjoy the setting. After all, their stories have already been told, I know them, but I don't have to follow them when there's an entire world out there. And they've demonstrated they can handle their problems, anyway. Like, I wouldn't want to follow a character in a historical drama most of the time, why should that change when magic's involved?
Most of the plots I'm familiar with are only pieces of a larger world to explore anyways. If there isn't, then by god I'm gonna make sure there is. one of my pet peeves about kamen rider as a whole and especially in neo-heisei is that almost every deviation from "our" reality is bad and wrong and needs to either be destroyed or sealed away by the end of the season. This was super fucking egregious in Drive since the entire thing was that the tech was originally for good before getting subverted by one absolute crazy person, but that was enough to seal away data-to-matter conversion tech. God DAMMIT, guys, you're going to end the plot with the season too - can't you just even imply that the world will benefit from one or two of the cool toys you spent the season pimping?
I think I would honestly do all right, but it depends on all the different factors. If it's a default Jumpchain, I think I would manage to get all the way to Spark. Most Jumps give you enough to survive unless you're an absolute idiot and my tendency to grab Companions early would certainly help my odds.
I'd have a /lot/ more Companions to deal with though. Especially because I'd hit Pokemon first and bring my team of six with me. There would also be far more harem perks. It would be a lot more along the lines of Indulgence Chain than any of my other ones.
I /would/ hit D&D almost as soon as I thought I could handle it though. I doubt a real Forgotten Realms Jump would be as utterly broken as the one we currently have, but if it was, I'd cheat with it like there was no tomorrow.
Other than the settings and characters I truly care about meeting? You're darned right I would see what else there is to do in the world. I mean, if the world was in danger I'd lend a hand with the cast, but after that? Road Trip City baby.
>Pic Related.
Piggybacking off all these questions: Jumpers! If you had to design a Chain for you, yourself, to go on, assuming standard rules, which ten would you lead things off with?
You can just, you know, buy them.
Well, to start with I'd pick low-danger jumps, and slowly work my way up while taking things like super-toughness and regeneration perks - anything that reduces the number of things that can hurt me and improves chances of surviving the high-danger jumps.
Get some willpower perks, train my ass off, and don't do anything stupid...I'd probably get a good ways in before meeting something way over my level or a colossal screw-up finally ends me.
You can get other time dilation things later, some that are even better. But the gravity chamber, if I recall, has no limit and will be far, far better than any weight set you find. Remember, it's not just making you heavier in general, but is increasing the pull on each individual cell entirely. The potential gains is enormous.
However, be careful. If you have no chi and aren't an alien from DBZ, the gravity chamber could be lethal. Increasing the gravity by just a tiny bit would cause some serious damage to a human.
One, you're not some kind of authority on what constitutes"entertaining" or "interesting". Stop acting like something can only be entertaining if it confirms to your tastes. Two, people regularly watch things like Alaskan Bush People and JK+8, there's a lot of leeway for what can be considered entertaining, especially for someone who's not limited to a human lifespan or frame of reference. Lastly, the "entertainment clause" isn't actually something that exists unless you take Pokemon as a first jump, which not everyone does.
>Piggybacking off all these questions: Jumpers! If you had to design a Chain for you, yourself, to go on, assuming standard rules, which ten would you lead things off with?
Does this include the entertainment clause?
>New Shelter jump
>Pretty much required to buy the Shelter item if you don't have out of jump stuff
>It only seats one
>Using it for yourself means you have to leave your free companion to die
fuck you.
I didn't need this.
I mean, I guess you could also buy Genius and Workshop and try to save both of you, but that's a crapshoot.
Youjo Senki Magician perks!
100 cp - Fine Control
Magic here is a rather simple matter. Either you have it or you dont, and however much you have is how much you're stuck with. As a result, it's better to work smarter than harder. It's not much, but you now have a modicum of skill at doing just that - using less power to do the same as someone else, either through self control or modifying your Orb.
200 cp - War In Three Dimensions
Most fights consist only of forwards, back, left and right - two dimensional. But, in the sky? Up and down can, and should, possibly even must, be considered. And somehow, people always forget to look up. Simply put, you might as well have been born in the air for all your skill at flight. And even better, your skill at aiming a -comparatively - poorly made gun and shooting someone down mid-dogfight. A completely nonsensical concept, but you could pull a good sniper impersonation.
400 cp - Growing Up
Magical Reserves do not grow, but that doesn't mean they can't be increased. Granted, that's something... Rare, at best. But, your magic now grows on it's own, albeit at a terribly slow rate. It might take months to realize you'd grown at all, and years for it to be noticable, let alone useful. But, even if you do nothing, it will slowly increase.
600 cp - Von Twelve
The officers school in berun offers the title 'von' to it's twelve most accomplished students each year. It's a minor title of nobility, something you can make a small amount of use of, but not the point. Instead, you are now, at minimum, the twelfth strongest - or perhaps smartest? - mage in your homeland. And possibly minor nobility, either through a reward for your efforts or just via background
I'm not sure at all about the 400, but thats somehow what I wrote. Tell me it sucks and I'll replace it.
Nah. Fuck the entertainment clause. If the Coordinator doesn't like what's on, they've got a infinite amount of other channels to switch to.
I give myself eleven minutes.
Heavens floated the idea of buying the Afterlife Gateway and getting secret training from dead people, and I love the idea.
Practically though, how tough can they be if they died? They weren't even strong enough to beat up the concept of death.
Well, assuming I start out in pokemon, I'd probably stay the fuck away from the plot.
I once spent three hours in a patch of grass looking for a ralt, I am not afraid to spawncamp my way to metaphorical equivalent of lv100.
If I start anywhere BUT pokemon, i'd probably be in a real world setting for a few jumps - 9 to 5, musician, career model, for example, before jumping to PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER and either dying in two more jump, or living forever.
How much you're willing to do stuff other than follow around the protagonists, yeah. Like going to the Harry Potter world, and then instead of attending Hogwarts, going to Antarctica to see what sorts of magical creatures hang around there, or whatever.
Oh that sort of thing annoys me so much as well!
>Piggybacking off all these questions: Jumpers! If you had to design a Chain for you, yourself, to go on, assuming standard rules, which ten would you lead things off with?
In order: Neptunia, Nanoha, RWBY, Valkyrie Crusade, Touhou, Kubera, Anima Beyond Fantasy, Practical Guide to Evil, Exalted - Infernals, Worm.
I predict I'd be some kind of brainwashed by the end of my first Jump (no time to explain), so I can't really say.
Yes. I find it hard to jump my own stuff sometimes because of it. All it does it make me want to push out an update.
I said this in my first post, I was assuming "default jumpchain" which includes pokemon.
My answer completely changes depending on the situation. Also Nothing I'm saying is making me an authority, and I'm not implying I am except by just saying how I think it would go without cringing whenever someone goes "no u faggot" - I also didn't imply that the threshold is even A-Team or dumb anime(that's projection), what you said could be the threshold too, or even lower if you count ASMR or white noise. I said all the way at the beginning of this that without any baseline to work off of that I gotta make some assumptions. If any of y'all take exception with it, that's fine, I don't care, but I'm not saying this stuff because I'm an asshole or because I'm stupid. I'm working with what I got, which is the pokemon document and the pastebin.
If you have a better baseline, Please tell me. Because it's not like I don't want to have this conversation
I just want to make sure I'm on the same page with anyone who's gonna actually talk about this
>assuming standard rules
Digger they can barely write a toy commercial when they are based on modern japan. It would be a headache to try to make some sort of connected universe outside of movies for something that kids new to kamen rider won't understand since they didn't watch the other seasons.
I know, I read that wrong.
UQ Holder for Divine Curse, Castlevania for soul protection, Umineko for the red and blue thruth and detective autorithy and all the Kamen Rider jumps to get those sweet belts.
>Instead, you are now, at minimum, the twelfth strongest - or perhaps smartest? - mage in your homeland.
This tells me nothing, as it's relative to something from the setting you don't describe.
They don’t have attractive facial features, plus their hair is all wiry & curly. Not straight & smooth.
>No canon companion option
>Can't save Rin from loneliness without a free pod
Interesting. Could just mean that Rin's ship was launched at least three years before final impact, to ensure the craft wasn't hit by any ejecta, or that the other messages were from other ships (odd that none would rescue her). Thankyou for the link, I didn't know where to look for the other vides.
That's kind of my point, outside of their seasons they're basically standalone. Like They like to float around the idea "oooh they could be in the same world" but it becomes VERY CLEAR that they are not
I don't want them to make a connected universe, I just hate the general trend of "and that's why being a normal productive member of the status quo is even better than being a superhero especially when there's no actual side effects or monstrousness to using it in comparison to the old time!"
again - Drive.
It's, like I said, a pet peeve more than a complaint. I get that the way it works means that the status quo modern japan is The Ideal to work towards.
...point. Will rewrite.
Presumably it makes you similar in strength to Tanya.
>Becoming a superhero? That would interfere with your dreams of studying in america and becoming a graphic designer.
What's up with that fluff? Does a team member try to bail halfway through the show?
>Beast Racehorse
>these rangers go into battle on horseback
>Jumper Forest
I like this.
>Always Go Full Psycho
I have no idea what this could possibly be, but the name alone already entices me to go Villain again. Why do you make being the hero so difficult?
Has anybody here actually tried, you know, building their Jumper's own theme song even if just the lyrics? Instead of using other character's theme music, or other music in general?
Or have we not hit that level of autism yet?
>t. Faggots who cannot appreciate soft and floofy afro hair
Seriously, it's like you bitches ain't ever rubbed your face into a poodle's fur before.
The Twelve Knights are supposed to be the top twelve in a military university for training officers - tactics, strategy, logistics and command are among the courses. Possibly include those along with the minor nobility (which the Twelve Knights acquire.)
>A Useless Thing
Mega Blue begins with no interest on being a superhero or working with Mega Red who was not a good student.
>Horse and Forest
I love the Gingamen
>Always Go Full Psycho
It is a reference to the NeziRangers, evil counterparts to the Megarangers. The perk will grant the powers/form of a NeziRanger.
MegaSilver went undercover as NeziSilver to undermine them. Hence the "Never Go Full Psycho" perk.
1. Pokemon (Pokeglot mode)
2. Zootopia (Disney Magic time!)
3. Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (Gonna touch me some tails)
4. League of Legend (w/ Skin Boost)
5. Shaman King (Pretty harmless place for the most part)
6. Teen Titans (Best Girl)
7. Adventure Time (Also Best Girl)
8. Sen to Chihiro No Kamikakushi (Hot Springs Hotel scenario)
9. Undertale (Full Pacivist Run)
10. TES: Oblivion (Another Best Girl)
Man, that's a pretty sweet list.
Isn't that place like D&D on steroid magic?
Well I certainly agree with the sweet, sweet belts part.
While I write some lyrics for my Dual!Chain, I'm nowhere near good enough to make anything I'd want someone to set to music.
That guy really wasn't very bright. "Hey, that person's dressed up as a Jedi Knight, let's go offer illegal narcotics and see what happens."
I would, but I'm a shit lyricist, I don't know music writing or theory, and I don't know how to play any instrument proficiently other than my throat, basic snare drum, and the tubular chimes
>Von Twelve
Eh. Doesn’t really seem like a 600cp capstone. Honestly I’d redo 400cp, move up the Grown Up to 600cp & boost the magic reserve growth. Maybe have the magic reserve increase by the average mage’s reserve every month? While offering an already large reserve? Like numerically average Mage is 1u you’re a 5u. It’ll take 5 months to doubles to a 10u. 10 months to double again...etc. It’s a steady growth but eventually you’ll be waiting decades for your magic to grow in significant way. Don’t use number though it’s just for show.
On the other hand -
"Dude's wearing the clothes of a jedi knight in a place like this? Must be out of his mind, easy sell!"
Most people never seen a Jedi. So can’t blame him.
Nah, dogs with curly hair are almost as bad.
I'd more call it D&D where martials live up to the hype, but the magic gets pretty over-the-top as well, yeah. So do the psionics. It's pretty fun.
Short haired dogs are the best.
That... Actually sounds like it would work a lot better.
Yeah, but poodles don't shed either, and they stay soft and cuddly even when their hair is cut short
>Piggybacking off all these questions: Jumpers! If you had to design a Chain for you, yourself, to go on, assuming standard rules, which ten would you lead things off with?
Samurai Deeper Kyo for True Mibu and its super mode.
Hero BBS for the BBS and harem perks.
Arifureta as it has great stuff for growth and collecting all the ancient magics to become a planeswalker pretty much.
Killer Instinct if only for Dojo Mode.
Waltruate's Marriage for Dragon Eater, the Casanova perk, and a few others.
Bleach so I can train my soul.
Castlevania for the Power of Domination.
The Gamer for the Gamer abilities, mainly the Party system.
Overlord (The Series) for the World Item and I could use some good friends.
Worm as I like the Drop-In tree and Iterative Improvement.
Just thought about it but with the Sublimation magic I have from Arifureta I could upgrade Iterative Improvement much faster then if it were to go on its own.
Huh. Well, I can't argue with that. D&D where martials can compete with mages sounds pretty awesome.