Most people only seem to focus on monstergirl interactions with males. Have you considered how they might interact with/affect the female population of your setting?
Joshua Sullivan
Yuri is justice.
Christopher Hughes
Writing it off as just yuri is too easy. Monsters are stealing men, that's gotta mean something.
Ayden Ortiz
Oh hey look, it's another TOTALLY NOT COMPLETELY FUCKING EVIL AND SIMPLY JUST MISUNDERSTOOD U GAIZ monster that digests a woman's innards and puppets her corpse around.
Benjamin Lopez
Ropers do not harm their hosts. Technically they do very much the opposite.
James Nelson
The same could be said of Toxoplasmia Gondii
Brandon Collins
Thank you OP for showing us that the Red Order like it or not has the right of it
Joseph Brooks
The red order is deluded desu
Bentley Wright
t.Scared corrupted monster
Ayden Butler
You wish
Jaxson Campbell
>cat parasite >analogous to a roper
Reeeeeally reaching
Brandon Cruz
>hijacks the mind and fucks with the host's threat response Not so different, you and I
Gavin Miller
I'd say a roper is closer to cordyceps, since it takes over the host and completely changes it
Easton Hernandez
The host’s mind is preserved in the roper’s case
Oliver Garcia
Jesus, are some of these mythologies just bizzare.
Hudson Morales
>The host’s mind is preserved in the roper’s case
More like overwritten and fused
William Garcia
More like sharing a room with a nympho
Oliver Bennett
>More like sharing a room with a nympho You mean forcibly sharing a body with a body snatching parasite.
Jayden Wright
You are just a negative nelly
Eli Howard
Loss of liberty and bodily autonomy is very much harm.
Aaron Carter
>You are just a negative nelly >Ignoring that it is the second most dangerous monster in terms of infection rates next to mushroom spores
Sebastian Kelly
They can still move, and are free to move. They just do so in a more... enticing manner.
Owen Martin
People should really stop paininting demon lord as straight up evil. So cliche.
Nicholas Young
And can they choose to not do so?
Austin Hill
Ropers definitely deserve their spot on the kill list.
Leo Thomas
They’re innocent and mostly harmless
Hudson Ross
In the event that an individual possessed of such a capability, who we shall for the sake of this exercise assume to be myself, were to violently sever the bonds between this female of inhuman persuasion and the numerous phlegmatic appendages extending from the various apses belonging to her, would the priorly described act of assault cause within the female of inhuman persuasion an immediate cessation of all vital biological processes?
Liam Walker
>They’re innocent Only in the sense that malaria is "innocent". They're near-mindless parasites.
>mostly harmless What the fuck?
Jacob Anderson
Just saiyan, there’s a lot worse
Bentley Baker
That's not the same as harmless. That's just a case of 'This is horrible and it's not the bottom of the barrel'.
Christopher Lewis
Ethan Green
What monsters, aside from the actual terror that is matangos, are worse than ropers?
Brody Walker
Ryan Gonzalez
>there’s a lot worse Not really.
in cannon MGE, most monsters have "but they really love you!" painted on somewhere. In whatever it is we've been making, most of the horrible behavior can be separated out from monsters as corruption influencing/controlling their behavior. Ropers are just parasitic rape machines. Not only do they have no redeeming features, but I honestly cant see any reasonable way to add any. In any MG RPG a roper could only server as an dangerous threat or a weapon.
Chase Baker
Yeah, they should simply stick to harassing that loser Chief God who got bodied by a succubus.
Jace Ortiz
These kinds of entries are just too much and I end up agreeing with the paladin fags, something like this (or a roper) is straight up evil, you can't really justifiy literal mindrape with "but they love you afterwards" and then think it's OK in any way whatsoever.
Colton Sanders
>People should really stop paininting demon lord as straight up evil. Why? She's powerful, and has used that power to feed her own desires at the cost of those belonging to other people.
>So cliche. Having an evil antagonist is not cliche.
Henry Diaz
yes, well, don't try to fuck Cthulhu next time
Christian Adams
You call that a Deep One waifu?
Jaxon Bennett
so, since the threads have somewhat fleshed out countries and communities, why don't we get the ball rolling and talk about factions or NPCs? I mean, someone's gotta pay the players for whatever they do or give them something to do, right?
Logan Jenkins
They can go and fight corruption and be paid the Order's coin for their service, the same as every other man and woman who takes up arms against demonic forces.
Or, if you're Miscean, then you will be rewarded for your efforts should you return with social status and the connections such a thing affords. No doubt a wealthy noble will be willing to take you on after hearing of your exploits - doubly so if you fought shoulder to shoulder with her.
Colton Ross
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong board. The /jp/ thread's three blocks down.
Christopher Morales
And that pic right there is why Illias/Chief God sucks.
Hail the Demon Lord, hail her succubi/lilim daughters! Monster Girls are love, monster girls are life.
Jonathan Cox
>Yay let's support the monster who wants all of us to turn into mindless animals who think nothing else but their lust and have no problems with incest and everything
Are you fucking kidding me?
Aiden Barnes
>Hail the Demon Lord, hail her succubi/lilim daughters! Monster Girls are love, monster girls are life. Disgusting. Would you rather not face the Demon Lord and her servants on your feet? How is your kung-fu? It's probably shit if you would genuflect this easily. I bet you don't even have any precautions in case you were jumped by a monster girl you didn't want.
Logan Perry
>Hail the Demon Lord, hail her succubi/lilim daughters! Your identity is the most valuable thing you'll ever have. Do you really think it's so worthless you'd give it up for pleasure?
Austin Phillips
Well it's a goo thing we don't go by MGE cannon no matter what that fag OP tries but either way I would rather die than be corrupted by demons so called "love"
Aaron Morales
Also MGQ was a terrible game that had a terrible story and I can't count the good parts one hand like killing Alice and the cucking alice with the elementals scenes even though I hated most of the elementals.
Alexander Anderson
You sound driven by spite and hatred
Landon Sanders
Paradox is better though,as now you can actually side with Ilias and tell alice to fuck off
Kayden Bailey
I think they need a taste of their own medicine, we need a god that can empower paladins to dick the purity right into them, hell, they could lay themselves out as demon honey traps
Elijah Johnson
Doesn't Illias just end up sending her angels to rape all humanity as "punishment for their sins"?
Ethan Kelly
Turning succubi into loyal and faithful wives
Asher Davis
Paradox is a different game though,i would tell you more but it would spoil you.
Now you can side with either Ilias or alice....
here is a tip,Ilias's route is considered by far the superior choice,even among Alice fans
Caleb Phillips
>You sound driven by spite and hatred
It only turned that way after I played MGQ and was forced to be with Alice and be such a beta as Luka. My absolute least favorite part in that game is even though they Alice said most MG" don't kill humans" most of the MG in the game tries to kill humans and then luka almost snaps the neck of a guy who said he killed 100 MGs but won't even think of killing an MG. I played the game without getting a single failure since I hated most of the MGs with a few I liked but I stood strong. And Illias ending was the best for me but after that I had to struggle going through part 3 since I I could care less about any of these people and hated how they made Illias just plain evil even if she was crazy and lonely.
>Paradox is better though,as now you can actually side with Ilias and tell alice to fuck off
I'm just waiting for it to be fully translated now and I can finally get rid of worst girl Alice and vorecubuss
Luke Sanchez
So basically you feel like the game is lying to you?
Elijah Anderson
Having never played it, why is alice so terrible? From what I've heard she's literally the only one that gives a shit about your character
Joseph Cruz
Wow I’m surprised we are back to this. Like not that it came up, but that it was so quick, and that’s all there is.
Xavier Sullivan
>So basically you feel like the game is lying to you?
Yes. I signed up for something good and got something bad and wished they let me be with best girl or rather almost anyone else.
To me it was she was such a whiny and annoying person and it felt really forced plus she wasn't nearly as good as any of the other characters and the only person who was secondly worse than her was vorecubuss Elma.
I blame the OP.
Juan Peterson
Merchant states funding expeditions to far off lands.
Some order of scholars going on learning expeditions seeking to better the world through learning.
Chivalric Knight Companies seeking to spread the ways of justice and right.
Ryan Ross
So basically she’s an annoying tsundere.
Nathaniel Butler
>I could care less So you do care
Adrian Myers
Yes and it doesn't help that she forces herself on you in both sense of the words.
>So you do care
Only about the few MGs I do like.
Luis Gomez
Tsunderes are very often worse girl, partly because authors love that easy route to interpersonal conflict, but lack the nuance to back it and make the tsundere likable, not helped that she's often "main girl" in a harem set up or at least a runner up, assuring she will take major focus from better girls.
This is partly a result of most mangaka and other Japanese writers being very "beta" for lack of a better term, beaten down by the system, they fantasize about deliverance from their stress rather then dream of changing it for real, but we can't all be Americans where individualism is fetishized (not in the sexual way)
Jordan Sanchez
She is annoying to say the least. >she's literally the only one that gives a shit about your character
She kills you on the first meeting if you choose to leave her despite her being 100%,and she eats you alive other times as well.
That constant Idiot calling you...despite her plan being the most idiot plan in existance
Despite being "Co-existance" she has no problems to let that Succubus bitch queen Alma go on a killing spree hell she doesn't even stop her or even tell her to stop...she is a big hypocrite herself.
And that's just the start of it
Luis Parker
I agree, tsunderes are the worst. Though I think classic tsunderes as a trend are dieing down, being replaced by more complex, nuanced, and much less violent ones who I do think can be rather good.
I don’t think it’s related though to collectivist culture or anything like that, I think it was just a trend.
David Smith
From a fetishbait perspective the fact that Alice forces herself on Luka even though he doesn't want her to, and watches in disgust and indifference as he lets himself be raped by other monster girls is nice, but the moment you take the worldbuilding of the mgq universe seriously it basically amounts to 'the monster lord, just like 99% of her subjects, really doesn't give a shit about human freedom. She thinks that monsters grooming humans into personal sex toys is alright as long as they don't kill them'.
Adam Brooks
>Though I think classic tsunderes as a trend are dieing down, being replaced by more complex, nuanced, and much less violent ones who I do think can be rather good The nuanced and less violent ones are possibly the more classical take, and why I love the trope when and only when it's done well.
Well-written Tsunderes, who act out (dragging out a romantic arc, admittedly) because they have complex and interesting hang-ups and both need to and get the chance to explore their feelings through the journey of the story are shoe-ins for best girl. Sloppily done tsunderes who are randomly angry for no reason and never develop through or beyond their violent tendencies are the fucking worst.
This applies outside Japanese media too: the term may come from japan, but the type is far older and more widespread than its use in anime.
Brayden Miller
Ahh so it's more a case of the writers not thinking through the implications of their sex games lore and world building, and we as Veeky Forums taking it seriously instead of just admitting it's a plot hole
Camden Martinez
Agreed. I think the big factor for me is how much ‘de-escalation’ of the tsundere there is once she’s gotten the affection of her paramour.
It shows character progression for one which is a good thing.
Bentley Morris
Which honestly is true of most porn settings- terrifying and disgusting once you stop to think about it.
From the discussion it sounds then MGE is better off, since all monsters prioritize the wellbeing of their husbands, and the Demon Lord wants to fix the rape problem.
Ryder Fisher
Not sure what you mean by plot hole. The characterization is perfectly plausible and consistent, if you consider that most monster girls are hormone-driven animalistic creatures. Imo the fact that the characters are unaware of the moral implications of the world they're living in actually makes for a pretty cool setting, in the vein of what is saying. I've been thinking about writing a story in this kind of setting that starts off as fetish fuel and then drifts off into psychological horror and a portrayals of fucked up power dynamics and relationships of dependence.
Michael Wood
It's the sad fact of people writing with their dick and not their hands, we here can write with out dicks, hands and brains, granting us thrice the mental capacity of pornographic world building, as the enlightened perverts that we are.
Jaxson Lewis
To be fair, I don’t think KC is writing to have a fully realized world. He’s writing to sell copies.
Most of us here though are of the ‘needs a complicated narrative to get off’ type though.
Carson Walker
Indeed, on a more basic line of thought I think most of his designs are solid, if leaning heavily on the vanilla side much of the time, which designs would you tweak the most in your own take on the settings/custom setting
Joseph James
I'm into latex bdsm so this is fucking top tier
Caleb Davis
I wouldn’t mind if some of his designs were even more monstrous. Particularly succubi.
John Hill
But in this senario you're the latex
Christopher Ross
We talking doom girls or just more integration with the classic devil bits? For me a bit of both is always nice, for example the dragons having more scaly skin all over would be nice, but otherwise are fine, what I really want is a proper multi headed chimera, and the same with say an orthrus or a cerberus
Nicholas Young
Nature is meant to be a series of impartial systems, user. Systems which cycle the geology, foliage, fauna, water, and atmosphere of the world, as well as countless other conditions. It is not meant to care whether its workings harm the living, or even the dead.
A "natural" world that bends over backwards to preserve the beings that disrupt its cycles most... what sort of horror must that be? What chaos must come if snow, rain, sun, hurricanes, all of these come when asked and only when asked? Such corruption upsets the balance set over billions of years. Surely everything must go wrong.
Matthew Ortiz
Nah I enjoy picking Ilias just to NTR that retarded sack of shit with hundreds of monster girls.
Also she's pro-coexistence and fully encourages and enjoys watching monster sex so she's a nice cuckquean now.
Paradox really is best, just because that worst piece of shit can't do anything anymore.
Eli Cox
Sp apparently getting graped by an Apophis gives you a nice tan.
Brayden Evans
I’m not sure how I feel about multiple heads. I like the multiple personality take, though I feel Chimera Chan’s are too similar to each-other.
For me skin color is a big one. Why would a Succubus or dragon have typical skin colors?
I like the idea of the lesser Succubus being a transitional monster, but the regular Succubus seems too vanilla. The Demon does it better, but she’s her own thing, and I’m not a fan of the switching between sub and dom theme.
Traits I might add, as power levels go up would be more varied horns, different types of eyes, different types of hooves, especially ones shaped like high heels, multiple wings, multiple tails. And stuff like extra height, muscles and even extra arms promote an aura of power to me.
Hudson Clark
I can get behind this.
Oliver Cox
>really doesn't give a shit about human freedom Angels use humans as literal slaves for labor.
Noah Clark
>Why would a Succubus or dragon have typical skin colors? A succubus, honestly because they were the original tempting sex demons. Some of them are going to be more exotic in a demonic sense but since their raison d'être is, even in universe, to be sexually attractive to human males, most of them would naturally fall into bands that most human males will find attractive.
Other monstergirls have far less of an excuse. You could say it's the influence of the Succubus Demon Lord pushing monsters to be like her, but it doesn't just succubize everything so clearly it only goes so far. I'm just saying that one of your picks of example creature was a little unfortunate.
Aiden Phillips
Just posting cuties, don't mind me.
Wyatt White
Aaron Brooks
Jaxon Green
I don't know what your saying has to do with my post but that still doesn't stop Alice from being worst girl.
Ryan Long
You like shitlias despite her being fine with murdering you in both games, see why you're objectively wrong?
Julian Sullivan
I don’t know. At that point why wouldn’t a Succubus just get rid of all demonic features?
I’m otherwise fine with most other designs, outside of some girls having giant Pom-Pom hands.
Although I think the werewolf should be redesigned.
Josiah Morales
>You like shitlias despite her being fine with murdering you in both games, see why you're objectively wrong?
I haven't played paradox yet so I can't say much about that yet, But I have played MGQ and Alice will kill you in the first 5 seconds of the game if you decide to just ignore her on the ground and Illias only tries to kill you after betray her and even after all of that she still saves luka in the end. Alice will always be worst girl user and you should accept your waifu is awful.
Lincoln Jenkins
>I haven't played paradox yet That explains why you're a retarded shitposter, because unlike you I've actually played the game.
>Illias only tries to kill you after betray her She kills you three times at the beginning of the VN.
But it doesn't matter, I'm glad in Paradox she's a weak shit who can't do anything anymore and a lot of characters are vastly more powerful than that piece of shit.
Kayden Thomas
>That explains why you're a retarded shitposter, because unlike you I've actually played the game.
Wow you Alice fags sure are defensive and I even said in the post you first responded too that I didn't play paradox yet and was waiting for it's full translation but I have played MGQ. Your butthurt won't stop Alice from being worst girl user
>But it doesn't matter, I'm glad in Paradox she's a weak shit who can't do anything anymore and a lot of characters are vastly more powerful than that piece of shit.
Eh, Her strength won't matter to me, she will still be best girl.
Christian Jenkins
When does Ilias kill you in paradox?
And really Alice in paradox is without a doubt the most boring character there is,she is in paradox what Ilias was in the Visual Novel,a Side character at best,Sonya is more important than her
You could play the Alice route without her and it wouldn't even matter,She doesn't matter in her own bloody route.
Brody Ortiz
I think he even knows that user since even he admits he doesn't pick Alice in Paradox and tries justifying it with saying he's only doing it to cuckquean Illias
Anthony Adams
>When does Ilias kill you in paradox Right when you meet her she tries to turn you into a pile of ashes.
>And really Alice in paradox is without a doubt the most boring character there is Better boring than a soulless sack of shit who kills all humans.
Andrew Bell
Okay back to world-building-
What do we do about the lack of delicious brown monstergirls?
I say there’s a region of the desert contiment host to Savanna and Jungle.
Potential Powers-
Twin Empires on a pair of parallel rivers, the Empire of Salt and the Empire of Gold. Very rich.
A mighty highlands kingdom, with a great army.
A reclusive jungle tribe beset by monsters.
They are nominally aligned to the order, but thanks to the isolation and distance they have a greater emphasis on folk religion.
Theres a lot of wealth to be had in the region, including exotic pelts (which are all the rage amongst monster fashion) and exotic monstergirl slaves.
Colton Torres
Exactly. Plus the cool monster possibilities a harem represents are very interesting.
Since you're producing your own mucus and it's implied to can use it to do what your Night Gaunt did to you which means, as your power grows, you can add more and more monsters to your gelatinous being. As you spread the mucous over them, the points where one girl ends and another begins all but impossible to distinguish. You could build your "body" into an incomprehensible beast of lust. Focus your minds on pleasuring each other and yourselves. tens, hundreds, possibly a thousand wives with gentle limbs caressing, tugging, and teasing you. A dozen heads that take in their surroundings and distracted only when their neighbors pull each other into deep and amorous kisses. Tentacles of black lust that pull this thing forward, plunge into itself to pleasure some hidden orifice, and lash out to take any soft female flesh that falls before it into ourselves. Hidden bodies seen traveling beneath the corrupt skin of this monstrosity as each girl tries to make her way to the top of this thing that was once an individual but is now a collective mind. Why? For there at the top is your own original body, an embodiment of man corrupted but in control. To be beside you is to receive the personal attention of a being that satisfies the desires of a small army, a mind shattering experience.