Last thread was good, so let's have a new one.
Last thread was good, so let's have a new one.
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Also which card is this my eyes are bad
Ah, thank you
Posting this in advance
malicious + Peten + Reborn Tengu + Armageddon knight. Trying to make this happen for link spam. wot do bois
Pot of greed and Monster Reborn were never unlimited though.
yeah they were, the banned list didnt come about until invasion of chaos onwards with the release of the envoy of the end.
Before that yugioh only had the limited list that was in the rulebook and that just said only 1 piece of exodia per deck.
Except summoned skull beatdown was a thing when LOB first released in the states. It was La Jinn, Summoned Skull, and Swords of Revealing Light/Despell wars
either run heroes for full isolde spam or just do lightsworns with brilliant fusion engine
Also FYI, no peten doesnt float off link summon
Peten says when so it misses timing
There were limited lists since July of 2000, and Pot and Raigeki were on that list as Limited. The game came out in the west in 2002. You're thinking of a banlist, and that was just Envoy which came out later.
post em if ya got em
wouldn't it have been
Nigger, Limited/semi limited has been a thing since the beginning of the game. Unless you were playin the first 5 months that the game were out, you could not have played with more than one pot and one Monster Reborn.
For westerners yes, that was the list that our game started with.
>not running Vorse Raider and Jinzo instead
Vorse Raider wasnt even released until 2005 collectors tins, and Jinzo wasnt until PSV
Can someone tell me what's the difference between Japanese and US cardstock type? Are they really that different in feel or thickness?
I've stumbled into watching some yugioh youtube and thought a lot about what I tried to play in my younger days and how I could get something similar with new cards if my old ones have been stomped out by power creep.
I had the infernal flame emperor structure deck and I loved it. Aside from burning with all the effects my favorite part was getting all the baseball kids out with level limit, DNA transplant, getting a lava golem to their side and keeping it there, whatever to give them as hard a time as possible. It was never consistent, but it sure was fun. Is there anything that could give me a similar feel, but updated? I tried throwing in a couple xyz later down the line, but only as a response to having them thrown at me and they felt really tacked on as a result.
Froganon from last thread, been looking some more into the froggo decks. Apparently paleozoics are a thing that works with frogs? also pic related? Will a deck revolving around those work in a casual/semi serious setting? as in store tourneys at most? What's the likelihood of the cards getting banned?
Paleozoic's work with Frog's like a treat. Cheap to pick them up too.
If you're running Frogs you won't need Bahamut Shark for Toadally Awesome.
Theres basically a zero percent chance of any of the key components of paleo frogs getting banned at present
nice! Also I heard link monsters are basically obligatory now? What would be a good way to include them?
Why would they make a card that just instantly decks you out?
What’s the point of trap card monsters?
OCG feels waxy and a little thicker, but that was a long time ago and I havent seen OCG cards in the states sense.
Mastar Boy is the key Paleo Link, run 2-3.
They are treated as both a monster and a trap.
I don't like that the TCG uses different stock and printing quality for new cards. Every new card I've gotten recently is darker and the cards are tougher. A lot of the packs I open also have gritty dust in them so they're probably using cheaper printing and packing locations, too.
There were only a few trap monsters in the manga and none of them shared a theme, so the ones that Konami made up don't really have a theme either. They were Jirai Gumo, Embodiment of Apophis, Metal Reflect Slime, Zoma the Spirit and Stronghold the Moving Fortress.
Why play a shit game?
Why come into a thread about something you don’t like and complain about it?
I enjoy questioning the retarded.
I play burn in mtg.
Is there a burn deck in this tcg?
Yeah it sucks because of how fucking power creeped to shit the game is.
i think all decks are variations of summon spamming for a turn 1 or turn 2 OTK
I haven't been keeping up with the meta for the last 2 months or so, but I believe Trickstar burn is still good.
>I haven't played a game of yugioh or even watched one the post
This is why Duel Links is refreshing. The number and types of decks that you'll see in pvp is very different than on sims.
admitadly not in a long time, no. Last time i checked in was around the height of xyz before pendulums, i think? Thats when there were a shit ton of gifs of games just ending in one turn flying around.
It really bothers me how magic players see those gifs and jsut assume thats what every game of yugioh is like.
yes, OTKs are possible, but very easily preventable. Summoning 3 shooting quasar dragon turn 1 is really rare and 99% of the time is only possible in decks built for that combo that brick often, or lose flat out if the opponent has any trap cards.
Please, stop learning everything about other games through memes.
Meme OTK decks are rarely viable. The only current OTK meta deck is Plants and only in OCG.
What do you think of this card?
If you want jank that often wins through a combination of burn and sometimes windmilling an insane boss monster and quadrupling its ATK, check out Cubics. They're a lot of fun.
I dont know if something like this exists, but is there a format where people only play with the first set of released cards like the ones from the original show or something like that
Goat format is a thing.
So either you prove there are only 2 genders, or playing it decks you out and proves you're a faggot.
Its perfect!
I hate how everything has a graveyard effect now, when it used to be a 'zombies only' kind of thing But it is pretty fun to stomp as Trickstars.
Konami should stop being pussies and just devalue banishment as much as they've devalued the grave. Make banishment and returning from banishment common in every archetype for no reason, even have effects that only activate when banished for every archetype spell and trap card
A thing made worse by errata
Goat format players use the old rulings and the original effects.
I've run into a few goat players that try to shit their way to victory against players who have newer versions of cards like Sangan and TER.
Mistar boy is the best link monster for water decks, but the staples like borreload and firewall dragon are always good to have
theres like 3 meta burn decks
How hard would it be to get back into this game if I quit playing before synchro monsters were added?
If you're talking about IRL playing, you can get back in the game by buying 3 copies of the latest structure deck and a few extra deck cards. If you're just talking about playing online then you don't have to spend anything to use Percy or Dueling Book or whatever.
Either way you'll want to read the Beginner's Guide and watch videos to catch up on the new summoning mechanics.
It'd actually be a 25/12. Yugioh stats are 100 times Mtg stats
>MtG has a starting life total of 80
>not summoned skrillex
The manga started with 2000 LP, and Kaiba's house rule tournaments used 4000. The games and TCG use 8000 but that was a decision done by Konami. Bonds Beyond Time uses 8000 as well but because a second writer was hired on specifically for the duel writing, there's a good chance that it's only 8000 because NAS and Konami wanted the duels to act more in line with the licensed card game.
Darkside of Dimensions, I mean.
I hate everything that this video represents about the current state of the game, in an ideal world it should be extremely rare to pull off a win earlier than 5 turns into the game(5 turns for both players that is)
>ygo will eventually get to the point where whoever loses the coinflip scoops before anyone draws their opening hand
It pretty much was that for a while when 6 Sams were good
That's just a meme combo that needs a really specific setup.
Great that a thread is up!
I'm building a Secret Six Samurai for casual play with my little brother, are there any alternatives to Coral Dragon?
This thread lacks meme cards
Brandishing Maidens seem quite bad. Does OCG have 3 rota? Even with their own rota, there doesnt seem like nearly enough tutor to focus on literally one monster.
How come there are so many OCG exclusive cards?
Does anyone have any experience foil peeling cards, like in MTG? or is the foiling process in ygo different? I want to place a yugi card art on an MTG card frame
My testing so far has been pretty consistent but I only play tag duel so I dunno
They're a good Link engine, it's how I've been using it in Buster Blader.
A lot of OCG exclusive cards are printed by Shueisha, which holds distribution rights to them. Others are really old cards which haven't been redone in the game's newer monster card templates. Others are OCG exclusive in the same way that there are TCG cards that the OCG doesn't. The rest are just because they get printed in the OCG first because it's a Japanese game first.
Can you explain what you mean? What makes them good for link summons?
Hornet Bit gives you a Token, which you use to summon Kagari. Kagari adds Hornet Bit back to hand, then you use it again. Then you can make a Link 2 without your Normal Summon. Start-Up Engage let's you search Hornet Bit and lets you run other cards so you can deal with threats before you start your plays.
Whoa. I didnt know that player. Nice. I actually forgot how much better links made tokens in general.
Actually, I guess this is gonna sound like a dumb question, but if Hornet Bit ia a goos way to put a link 2 out without your noemal, what does that mean? Basically what can you do with that? I havent played yugioh in a bit but I'm getting back and thematically Sentoki are very cool to me.
A Link 2 monster, assuming both it's Link Markers point down, means you can summon 2 other Extra Deck monsters in your Main Monster Zones. People are still trying to figure out the best way to run Sentouki, but the deck shouldn't really need to make a lot of Links, since you need your MMZs to be empty.
So basically right now Hornet Bit is a goos engine for being able to put 2 other extra deck monsters out at once since it doesn't use your normal and is a compact engine. Okay. Is there something that can use that? I really don't know. It doesnt actually do much to advance board state, just easily enables other things.
It's an engine to allow you to make more plays, similar to Gofu or Grinder Golem. Invoked can use it because its a 1 card Aleister without your Normal Summon or running that can brick like Brilliant Fusion.
that's a good one
Already exists
Newcomer here, are HERO decks any good? I like the Kamen Rider aesthetic but the mask change spell seems pretty clunky
HEROs are pretty good, just don't play Neos unless its Rainbow Neos Turbo.