Stat him
Stat him
that would imply he can be killed
Deathly allergic to peanuts
Farmer Maggot?
just a poor 5th level commoner who wants to not have his crops eaten.
Mr McGregor is not mortal. he is a TPK event
Shit, was it peter, roger, or some really fucking annoying to remember british name for the fucking rabbit?
Peter, though he had friends and family iirc
Stat pic related, Veeky Forums
Limitless Respawns/10
what kind of name for a hobbit is maggot
A hobbit name changed from Old Hobbit to the nearest English sounding equivalent.
Dread farmer.
it's old mr mcgregor, no doubt on his way around the cucumber stands.
i had peter rabbit on my mug when i was little, from the image of him running away.
Farmer McGregor did nothing wrong. Those rabbits were thieving degenerates.
Against their mother's wishes, and she's responsible enough to tell them off and punish them for their thievery when they get back. Yes, she left them alone to run off in the first place, but she's got, what, 7 kids? There's no way she can concentrate on all of them at once.
Favored Enemy: All Rabbit-like Creatures.
Wow, all that gardening lost GRRM some weight.
I don't know how old Peter is supposed to be in human years, but when that book was written, wasn't it still common to let kids play outside unsupervised?
The word you're looking for is lagomorph.
Something like this, I would imagine.