are there any games where you can team up with cute guys and fight demons?
Are there any games where you can team up with cute guys and fight demons?
Is this OP conclusive proof that there Are Girls On The Internet?
I mean, most settings have both demons and cute guys.
What about settings where the demons are the cute guys?
No, but there are plenty where you team up with neckbeards to do that.
No, OP is just gay.
It's 2018, we're all a little gay now.
Slow down there, user.
You don't want to get bombarded by slash fics now do ya?
Monster Hearts. You want Monster Hearts user.
Actually this
Supernatural RPG?
Monster of the Week, Hunter: The Reckoning/Vigil, Night's Black Agents, Delta Green could work, and yeah, Monsterhearts if you want something that can range from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to paranormal romance novels.
I forgot that exists. Isn't that from Margaret Weiss Productions? I'm not giving them any more money after that Serenity RPG/Firefly RPG business.
>Monster Hearts
Isn't that just about sex?
>I'm not giving them any more money after that Serenity RPG/Firefly RPG business.
what happened?
Less so than Apocalypse World.
It's largely about romance and teen angst and being a monster and shit.
Apocalypse World's not about sex, though. Is that your point?
There are more sex moves in AW than MH. You're not wrong, but the point stands.
Warhammer 40k
They released Serenity, a broken, half-finished, unplayable piece of shit, and sold it for a while, and many people (someone from my group included) bought it because Firefly.
It was so bad we went on the internet and found people trying to fix it. Like some folks were trying to reverse engineer the character creation -- there were some pregens of the show's characters, but no rules explaining how to make your own. It eventually got to where it mostly worked, but we had given up on playing it, and the group broke up later.
MWP was pretty silent about Serenity's problems, but they were watching, it seems. A couple of years later, they released the Firefly RPG, which appears to incorporate some of the fixes people came up with on the internet to fix their shitty Serenity work. They never issued any errata or anything, just kinda pretended Serenity never happened and sold people their own fixes back to them.
It's pretty much corporate shittiness as usual, but it pissed me off.
This is nice until end of season 5.
After that it's Sponsored by Catholic Church The Show™
Not even gay but Dean is cute as fuck.
Season 5's finale was Kripke's planned end for the show, but as it came closer and closer, the network, the writers, the actors, everybody was saying they'd like to keep going, so Kripke put that bit in at the end with Sam showing up outside, and left it to them to figure out what to do next.
That's kinda why the show flailed about for the next two seasons. They basically had no direction on where to go and what to do with the Winchesters.
Thankfully they eventually figured out somewhere to go with it, and after the bland Leviathan arc finished it started to pick up again.
dean is zaddy af tbqh
I'm a guy guy and I would so annoyed by the (other) players if they describe how cute their characters are all the time.
What's the point of a setting where every character is above-average cute?!
Isn't that show basically just a game of Hunter: the Vigil gone too far?
>Apocalypse World's not about sex, though. Is that your point?
It kinda is though. In forgite games every rule is there for a reason.
i dropped during the leviatan arc, mite go back to it
I'm in a CofD game, and somehow it was decided that we all find a picture for our characters.
Well, I tracked down a picture of an average, slightly scruffy guy and everyone else is apparently playing as a supermodel. No joke, one of them is a black/white photo of a shirtless guy with a hundred abs that cuts off the top half of his head.
Having rules for intimacy doesn't mean the game is about sex, that's silly.
Yeah season 8 begins to pick up a bit, and I thought season 9 was good. I haven't felt any of that season 6-7 boredom since.
The answer to both questions is white wolf. Hunter, Demon, etc
that's a stupid decision
not that you can't play a supermodel hunter, but it's a roleplaying game
if you want to play a supermodel you should have to describe him and without sounding ridiculous
that would be a barrier most (straight) guys wouldn't take
that's like natural selection...
Because there are no disadvantages in looking good?
All the while, looking good reaps all the advantages as far as looks can get you.
tbqh as long as there's a cost and advantages to having your character look really good, I don't see the problem.
At least it's not one of the older editions where appearance is an actual stat.
Then again there's a striking looks merit, so I wonder how many of them took that. I'm willing to bet that no one did.
With all that said, it hasn't been a problem and we haven't had an issue yet. It's just an odd thing to have happen.
why was APP bad? we only play wod no cofd and we're pretty okay with that
It had like two applications; the first impressions rule where the social dice pool you could use on initially meeting a character was limited by your Appearance rating, and the one level of one power in each game that keyed off of it. Appearance was a sink stat for people for whom pretty was a power fantasy, everything more articulate than waving at someone to get them to come over used Charisma or Manipulation.
but there are non-verbal social interactions were you can't use cha or man
If your ST was charitable. Staring people down was still Charisma+Intimidation.
ew no