Can we talk about the Squats?
Can we talk about the Squats?
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sure, where would you like to start?
They are great
From a time before WH40k started to take itself serious
Demiurg can't possibly replace them and the fact that Orks, Ogryn, Ratlings, Eldar and so on are part of 40k makes it pretty retarded taht fucking Dwarves/Squats were retconned or at least was on the list of removals.
Boy you sure are behind the times huh?
Where are the Squat/Ratling/Ogryn Space Marines?
Primaris suck. Miniature sale be damned.
>letting abhumans be marines
Fuck off Bill, you're not as fabulous as you think you are
Squats have been back in the lore since 6e.
I don't very much like the 2nd ed "quilted" flak armor squat look. It was the norm for the Imp Guard and so got ported to squats, but I liked the 1st ed mesh(chain) look more or the plated flak IG jackets.
What esthetic you'd prefer for Squats?
Lets list different takes found on the net, eh?
Here's a straight up fantasy dwarf in SPAAACE
This is pretty neat
there is no escape from Chaos
I don't really like the forge fathers, but i feel that would be the most similar thing we have to how they would look today if GW kept squats in.
What do you mean it was the norm for ig? In rogue trader perhaps? The oldest I know about IG is 2nd edition and i saw none of that flak stuff.
Yes, because they're back, in "this used to be the height of the human models" form for Necromunda.
Here's a more modern looking version, but still using fantasy mixed with 40k bits
>What do you mean it was the norm for ig? In rogue trader perhaps?
You are right, it the original 1st ed. rogue trader. Here's how space orks looked like back then, with the same quilted armor look.
What if Space Marines did not sell anymore and Squats sold as much as they do, what would the game look like now?
You could just as well write it in All Capital Letters you know, so Jaden Smith it sounds
> When you can just wrap your entire fist around your rifle like it's fuck all.
Does he have shovels for hands or something?
Most boring look is the tiny Space Wolves look.
Is good blyat. Keep ass off dirty ground while drinking and playing hardbass, da?
Are there any interesting Kharadron squat conversions yet?
I kind of liked how standardized the technology was across the board in rogue trader. But i guess differentiation is cool.
""""Fantasy"""'' mixed with 40k.
The manager of my FLGS created an awesome Squat force and uses them as Counts-As SMs, he even made their bases a little taller to prevent claims of LoS shenanigans.
Can squats be space marines?
Only humans get marinned, abhumans are ugly and stink.
I don't really like the coccon guysi imagine are termies, but all in all pretty nice.
A mix of wild west gunslingers and biker gangs.
True, but it's hard to replicate the old egg exo-armors with only GW bits.
Heat Axes or Tomahawks. They need sci-fi super heated blades.
I prefer Forge Fathers
Damn Squats look good in those two armors
Why aren't people making a bigger deal out of this?
necromunda was never very serious. It had mutant santa wendigo, and people finding a cure to nurgle rot just so they could torture afflicted undead, for example.
Sounds like Rouge Trader level
I love the look of the Necromunder mini, I'd love a squad or a Genestealer Cult size force of Squats following this aesthetic.
What would be the best codex and cheapest miniatures to use for a dark mechanicus squat themed army?
are there female squats and are they thicc?
Because we never doubted them.
That sound interesting...
They suck so bad
My benchpress is better, but sure.
But they're bros
Same, at least for most of them. The biker gang thing doesn't really hold up across more than a few units
>best codex
Admech Codex is the obvious choice
>cheapest miniatures
Mantic Forge Fathers, probably. They're pretty low-quality, but they're cheap space dwarfs
Thank you. Seems incredibly obvious now
>tfw they’ve returned
Do you think if Forge World sells enough squat mini's they'll release some more resin models akin to chaos dwarfs? I wouldn't mind having a limited selection of squats to have as allies.
What's some good lore on them. I only know the basics. Did they fight along the IG. Were they like the mechanicus in that they were autonomous. WHAT did they think of big E. WHAT did the Primarch and the Astarties think of them.
What colours are you going with Veeky Forums?
They were an abhuman strain that left Earth way before the Great Crusade. They settled on some gravity heavy worlds leading to shorter height and surprisingly non-burdening armor. They also didn't lose as much technology post DAoT and were able to grind the Great Crusade to a halt. Eventually the Emperor decided to ally instead of conquering.
Those look pretty very neat.
I keep seeing this squat mini. Where can I find it?
Who was more advanced them or admech? Did the Squats have something unique to add or were they only generic Dwarves in space?
You can't anymore
Maybe it's a very thin gun
until we get their train of doom and retardedly powerful tanks I dun wanna talk squat bout squats
>That armless squat
Abbadon's origins confirmed?
If Squats were, hypothetically, to get a full reboot and army list on the scale of one of the smaller codices like Skitarii or Harlequins, what would you want to see them get as far as models go?
Why are people making such a big deal over this? It's just a single pity mini to suck some money out of nostalgic people. It really means nothing.
I just want as many kinds of sci fi dwarf infantry as possible.
By that point, we had Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau, space marines breeding with Eldar & more. They just had loads of tech like
Squat pride world wide
Are Squats Veeky Forums?
>Veeky Forums
Yes actually. Most of Veeky Forums are over compensating manlets.
So they are!
Operator dwarfs
>squat driving inside a termie armor
I tried to find the pic, but I must have deleted it.
I'd be happy to start with rebooting the their old stuff. Bikes, tarantulas, mole mortars, thudd guns, exo-armor, c-beamers, etc.
Maybe it's a gun that isnt the width of a fucking oven. 'Heroic' scale, my arse.
So I heard squats got reintroduced.
Is this the truth or are you people just delusional?
Old Veeky Forums anons. What were squat players like?
Exo armor and land trains.
Trains, ridiculously oversized tanks, and clearly compensatory artillery cannons at LEAST
They were removed because they were ridiculous, they wanted to do the counterpart of the fantasy for 40k, but it did not work, instead of being stubborn and honored, they turned into clowns
This. I think most would be happy to see them come back as they were. Guard but with flavourful twist or two.
Pre-internet (or widespread use of it) no one had any idea of what they should be like.
People just played whatever army or armies they wanted to play, the game was what you and your opponent wanted it to be - with the addition of a GM. But I'm just speaking of RT and early 2nd ed experience.
Can't say anything after that because I stopped playing for sixteen years and missed when they were eaten.
>tfw Squats are back before plastic sisters
I was one. 40k and Epic. They were never amazing in 40k, the main thing about them that was cool was being able to take lots of heavy weapons in an environment where that wasn't so common. It's Epic where they really shined, with the massive amount of war machines they could take: Overlord Zeppelins, Land Trains, Goliath Mega Cannons, the whole range of super-heavy vehicles based on the Leviathan; and then, unlike the Imperial Guard, you also had whole companies of Bikers and other mobile-but-tough units occupying the front line.
gotta love the GMC, the ultimate in compensating cannon technologies
Those are all really cool, despite also looking goofy as fuck. Though reminding me heavily of the shitfit someone threw about airships not fitting 40k that came up in a thread a long while ago.
St Celestine and her 2 followers came out within the last year. That's sooner and more models than a single squat for Necromunda.
How would they think of AoS’ Kharadon?
I'm pretty sure that's what set them off (The topic was hypothetical SOB units and someone had an idea for a napalm bomb dropping airship), since AoS had them.
I really hope that if Squats make a comeback, they take a few leafs from the Kharadon. The Kharadon are basically Gas-Giant miner Squats with slightly lesser technology anyway.
>gas giant miner squats
How many type of squats are there?
>Gas-Giant miner
There's Rocky-planet Miner Squats, which are the OC Squats. So Squats who live on floating platforms in Gas-Giants is a new step for them.
I don't play 40k but I like the lore, what's all these new minis I'm seeing? Is a Squat army coming back?