Could goblins use goats as mounts?

Could goblins use goats as mounts?


no, but gnomes can

goblins can ride hogs

depends if trolls are a kind of goblinoid in your setting, if they are, nope.

Yes, but considering how willful they arr, it would be a baa-aaad idea.

Also who could ride this doggo?

Depends on the goat setting

Can a goat use a manticore as a mount?


Goats are for dwarves.

I never understood the use of the goat head on the chimera's back. The only piece of fiction that kinda makes sense is god of war 3 and even thats a stretch

What about rams?

>Goblins are a parasitic ''male'' only race that uses mamal woombs to breed their young.
>Thus the frequently capture farm animals

Goats are a symbol of fecundity and rape.

So it's only ornamental? That's fucking wack

>They apply selective breeding to raise aggresive, bloodthirsty goats that they ride to battle

Goats are too powerful to be used as mounts by lowly creatures.
It's more likely that the goats will mount the goblins instead.

Same thing.

It's mythical creature nigga, of course it's mostly ornemental. Monsters aren't supposed to make sense

No. Goats aren't rideable period their spines aren't supportive enough for that.
Humans lucked out with horses there's not much else smaller raced could feasibly ride or domestic other than smaller horses, mules, or donkeys.

You're looking at it wrong.
Look how the goats positioned. It's mounting the lion. It's position is in relation to it's symbolism.

>you can't put something in a fantasy setting because the real world doesn't work like that

With that logic anything is rideable which makes asking the question moot.


The goats bleating can lull a man to sleep!!!

No they're way too horny for that

So were horses before generations of selective breeding. There is a reason chariots were a thing, and then stopped being a thing.

Sort of. If it can be domesticated, which typically requires the animals being communal and having a hierarchy system that the herder can hijack.

I'd have to find it again but horses had spines that could be selectively bred to bear the weight of riding and so it eventually happened once people picked up on it. Cows similarly could not be bred for this despite being similarly domesticateable and donkeys and mules barely make the mark in this area as well.
Something to do with musculature, ligament placements, stride, and some other shit that basically add up to it handling the spikes in pressure as well as bearing the weight without damaging the vertebrae or discs.
Funnily enough for these same reasons humans will probably never be perfectly adapted to upright posture only adapted enough to pull it off relatively well.

They probably could. But should they?


Fuck no, goats deserve better.

That thing looks horrifically inbred to the point of infertility.

I'm first time GM'ing and one of my first time players is a gnome. He made a rule for himself that he must sacrifice a goat each day he does combat. So now he has a small herd of goats with him and he uses them as mounts or to carry his gear.