i painted a space marine but he's lonely because he doesn't have a chapter to call his own
lets roll one up for him
starting with a d10 for why the chapter was founded
Lonely space marine
Other urls found in this thread:
Rolled 6 (1d10)
I like his colors.
5–6 Counter - "There are Orks over here! Found a Chapter!" "But it'll take 50 ye-" "Do it!"
now we know why it was founded it's time to roll for when d100
Ah shit yeah lets do this
Rolled 11 (1d100)
The green is now officially for Ork. The yellow is for them painting on themselves with Ork blood.
Rolled 84 (1d100)
11–20 34th Millennium
now we know when but by who
never mind
76-80 Traitor Legion or unknown
roll a d100 less then 50 traitor legion more then 50 unknown
Rolled 64 (1d100)
Shit just got interesting.
unless we wan't them to be loyalist remnants of a traitor legion.
I would say either loyalist remnants or some weird totally-not-heresy-I-swear-guys kind of thing, but I say we roll the other stuff first to see which remnant/weird fuckup works best for them.
works for me
next up
Gene-seed purity d10
Rolled 8 (1d10)
8–9 Altered Stock - Gene-seed is altered and some implants are deficient - roll on Gene-Seed Deficiencies table
the plot thickens
next up a d10 for Chapter Demeanour
I nominate that they have screwed up teeth, like the Orks.
don't worry we will roll for that deficiency when we get to it
Rolled 10 (1d10)
10 Uphold the Honour of the Emperor - Performing unheroic acts? *BLAM* No.
Honorable marine with a murky past i like it
next up the mutation what is it? d10
Rolled 8 (1d10)
6-8 Lost zygote - If you don't understand this one, why are you even trying to make a Chapter?
i don't actually know what a zygote is sorry
seriously someone tell me
Essentially, their gene-seed has been lost. No more of them can be made. There are a static number of these marine snow.
A zygote is a fertilized ovum, and thus the starting point for life.
In space marine terms, it means they don't actually have the proper functioning reproductive qualities in their gene-seed. They don't got the seed!
isn't that Progenoids?
Inaccurate. The original blueprint has been lost. Progenoid glands can still be recovered and implanted in new hosts. However the origins and inner machenations of the Gene's in question are unknown and in replicable because the zygote is unknown.
oh ok thanks
so we have proud marines with a murky past and their zygote has been lost perhaps on purpose?
any way we need a figure of legend roll a d100
Rolled 96 (1d100)
Rolled 24 (1d100)
It might have to deal with the weird nature of their origin. The Zygote might have never had a proper blueprint in the first place.
very helpful thank you
21-50 Chapter Master
90-99 Battle-Brother (roll d10 twice to determine company and squad)
maybe a battle brother that was promoted for his actions
roll a 2d10 for company and squad
Rolled 6, 10 = 16 (2d10)
6th company
10th squad
now what did he do? d100
Rolled 63 (1d100)
Lets hope it's awesome.
51-70 The hero led a glorious campaign against a rebel army, defeating the foe and bringing an entire sector back into the light of the Emperor.
maybe that was all it was
or maybe there was something else whatever happend it's time to roll for home-world
Rolled 43 (1d100)
31-60 Feral World
but what KIND of feral world?
d100 for home-world terrain
Rolled 14 (1d100)
1–25 Jungle
feral jungle fascinating
but how do they rule it? d10
also here another marine
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Rolled 10 (1d10)
5-10 Distant rule - "You see that castle up there? It's inhabited by the mighty sky-warriors of Emp-rar. Sometimes they come and steal our children."
makes sense for a feral world
now how is this chapter organised? d10
Can their mantle be camo? especially if they jungle boys
Rolled 8 (1d10)
Non-codex would be fitting
So the chapter name is the Jungle Bunnies right?
never mind
9-10 Unique organisation
fits with the air of misery we've been building up
it would so i'm going with the first one
anyway d10 for their combat doctrine
i'm not saying i will be
i'm also not saying it won't be
i'm also not saying it will be
Rolled 7 (1d10)
7 Thunderhawk Assault
but they have their restrictions roll a d100 to see what they can't use
Rolled 69 (1d100)
61-80 Techmarine
no tech marines but they like their thunderhawks
anyway the restriction is a trade of roll a d100 for special equipment
I too wish to be included in any said screenshot that were to happen.
I got it lads.
That's going on the wiki page! Oh, and, can I make the wiki page when we're done here?
feel free
Good man
>orks in my ork hating bunnies thread
Do somethin about it Humie
Rolled 4 (1d100)
01-10 Traditional Weapon: The Chapter favours one specific weapon over all others. Choose one specific weapon to serve as the Chapter’s traditional weapon. Examples: Power Sword, Bolt Pistol, Melta Gun
cool next up 2 thing roll a d100 to see what form the Chapters' beliefs take
and also what is our chapters traditional weapon
Rolled 88, 63 = 151 (2d100)
A'ight that's it, you got a second chance because i didn't feel like drawing the bolter, but that's enough.
Power sword!
i meant suggest a weapon not roll on i guess it's my bad for not specifying
86-90 Purity of Man - "Flesh is better than bionics!"
41-65 The Emperor Above All - "Screw your spiritual liege. The big E is where it's at."
we could do one or we could do both it's up to you
cool power swords it is
Purity, because the Orks are always improving themselves with, "random junk".
Maybe they hate the other marines for some reason and just mind their business in their far away jungle planet while still believeing in the empire and being part of it in a way?
And that's why they oppress tech marines!
that makes a lot of sense lets do that
next up chapter strength d10
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Please don't be dead.
5-9 Nominal: The Chapter can field ten full companies, each with ten squads. In all likelihood most every squad consist of ten brethren and some specialised appointments may be empty, but the Chapter is regarded as fully fit for battle.
this is good but remember the chapter can't make zygotes
but at least they have their allies but who? d100
Rolled 85 (1d100)
Rolled 29 (1d100)
80-85 Inquisition
16-30 Another Chapter (choose one)
considering the no zygotes thing they could do with more then one Allie but personaly i like the inquisition it fits with there mysterious past maybe thats how they look after their thunder-hawks
maybe even though the chapter lost their zygotes the inquisition hasn't and the only way the chapter can grow new progenoids is by doing the inquisitions bidding.
They serve an Inquisition branch who specifically fight against Gork and Mork.
it also fits with the chapter crushing a rebellion
and a rank and file battle brother being promoted to chapter master during the campaign
also roll for enemy d100
>inb4 that branch exists entirely because a freebooter stole an inquisitors hat centuries ago.
How about the battle brother fought off an entire small Waaag with nothing but a power sword, the blood of the orks painting parts of his armor yellow, segmenting that as their third color, and explains why they covet the power sword?
it ALSO fits with the chapter demeanour
that kinda sounds like they've got something to prove or hide or both
Rolled 5 (1d100)
Isn't their enemy the orks?
3-31 The Orks (alternatively, you may select a particular Waaagh! or Warboss)
holy shit i guess they are
maybe it's an inqusitor of the Ordos Xenos
maybe the orks looted something and the chapter can't have their zygotes back untill it's reclaimed
Alright, lets get the fluff going. So, who's the primarch, who's the chapter master, and what's their name?
Considering their unknown origin and weird fucky geneseed alongside the Orks and the propensity for close combat, I almost want to say that they're an almost-heretical experiment. Like a biologis trying to splice in Ork genetics into space marines or something.
Maybe some ork boy slipped in the mixer as they were making the geneseed and he got his genes mixed up?
their origins are unknown except maybe to there inquisitorial allies
the chapter master was a rank and file battle brother who was promoted to the position after the chapter crushed a rebellion
the only name we got so far was 'jungle bunnies' but i'm open to suggestions
more fluff on it's way
Ork raid on the facility. spores corrupted the geneseed batch.
my idea is that at some point the chapter lost a very important mcguffin to some orks and the inquisition is holding their zygotes ransom until they get it back
The jungle Bunnies favored weapon is the lascannon.