Well Veeky Forums, I heard you are all about tabletops about purging unbelievers and xeno scum....
/pol/ meets Veeky Forums
Escape from Colditz is a fucking awesome board game about the POW camp in Colditz Castle during WW2. You should play it. You get to be Nazi guards.
Trying too hard.
Begone, applesponge!
Such a warm friendly company
Did literal actual 1933-1945 nazis design board games? I'm curious to see what it'd look like.
No, they considered board games to be "Jew fun" and their design was forbidden.
I would say that OP is probably an applesponge, but his creation of this thread doesn't make him an applesponge. If he had entered a baseline Monopoly thread to start shitposting about social politics and didn't post that image, that would be applesponge behavior.
In this particular case, he's just an user who made a thread about a Nazi-themed board game.
I think he meant what the fuck is an applesponge.
Lookup "Wir fahren geben Engeland" and
"Adler Luftkampfspiel"
It's not a game made by Nazis (afaik) but 4th Reich was made by Avalon Hill back in the 70s
That's what I'd like to know. Fucking applesponge? What is this? The explanation had better be good.
But he obviously already knows what it means because he used it correctly.
Its a forced meme... supposedly a counter to soyboy. Its fucking retarded
The OP game isn't made by actual 3rd-Reich-Nazis, but Neonazi Terrorists and sold on meetings.
>A anti-semitic variant of Monopoly, self-published in 1997 in Germany by the neo-Nazis Beate Zschäpe, Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt, who later formed the underground terrorist group "NSU". Several copies were discovered in Zschäpe's garage in the course of a razzia against neo-Nazi activists in the city of Jena on January 28, 1998. According to newspaper articles referring to an official secret service report, it was sold by André Kapke to fellow neo-Nazis as a solidary fundraising for 100 German Marks after the trio's disappearance into illegality. Kapke, however, diverted those funds. In the framework of the NSU trial, the game is used by the prosecution as proof for Zschäpe's political committment and her alleged active involvement in the murder of 9 immigrants and 1 police officer, as well as other capital crimes supposedly carried out by the NSU.
The aim of the game is to "clean" cities (the "streets" in Monopoly) of Jews. Instead of 4 railroads, there are 4 different concentration camps. There are fields for SS and SA (chance and community chest), gasworks (waterworks), and a field depicting Hitler. A couple of dozens of copies are said to exist.
Still not getting the "logic" behind it.
There's no logic behind it. A couple of weeks ago someone who had never seen the term 'soyboy' laughed at the /pol/tard who posted it and said "what's next, applesponge?" Some other people thought that was funny. The fact that /pol/tards can't stand being made fun of with such an innocent-sounding insult is just icing on the cake.
I'm ok with this existing. If anything could make people stop being Neonazis it's having to play monopoly for hours with people arguing that they landed on hitler so they should get all the money that was taken away by events.
Thank you for explaining.
>The fact that /pol/tards can't stand being made fun of with such an innocent-sounding insult
I've never seen any reaction to it beyond confusion. Insults need to have some grounding in reality to have impact.
Thank you for the explanation.
>Some other people thought that was funny. The fact that /pol/tards can't stand being made fun of with such an innocent-sounding insult is just icing on the cake.
That is as sound as logic behind memes go, imho.
Also isn't Monopoly not the most jewish board game ever? Especially from a rightwing-POV?
The game is kinda ironic.
Hey look it's the shittiest boardgame and the shittiest ideology in one place. All Nazis should make like Hitler and cowardly commit suicide.
>Well Veeky Forums, I heard you are all about tabletops about purging unbelievers and xeno scum....
How can anyone not see the irony in OPs post?
I think I have seen a game with a similar layout about evading the police/being a bank robber or something. Can't remember the game.
>all these newfriends don't know bout RaHoWa
>newfag doesn't know that RaHoWa is unplayable because the designer forgot to include rules for combat
>newfag doesn't know that white people in RaHoWa are mechanically the weakest race
>newfag doesn't know that RaHoWa doesn't get mentioned because it's a shitty half-finished game
That doesnt even rhyme you soyboy
I don't think anyone has gotten upset about that, was curious about its origin and meaning but thanks for clarifying lol
>women with 12 inch cocks
stopped reading there
Anyone got a better pic of OP's game board. It might be hilarious to actually be able to read it?
Nazis, no matter how vile their views, were people. They did people things, user.
We think of Nazis as these faceless enemies in our video games and as a modern day political boogeyman, but they still did people things
Sadly no, the copy that made it known to public was found (and photographed) in 1999. Thus the potato quality.
But you get the gist of it here:
The streets are German cities with little stars of David, you "build" on them to drive out the jews from your city. Train stations are concentration camps. Jail is the jew, and the action cards are shitty propaganda.
Could translate a slightly more in-depth article about it if you want to know more.
Which is of course much, much worse. They went home and kissed their wives and ruffled their kids' hair and helped them with their homework after a long day gassing people.
It's much easier to portray them as inhuman monsters when that's not true at all.
Exactly. Duhumanizing the enemy is a dangerous process because eventually the public forget that evil has a human face.
>Could translate a slightly more in-depth article about it if you want to know more.
Thanks, but I wouldn't waste your time on it. Mostly I just kinda wanted a bit better eye on what they passed off as art and such for it, and to try my limited german out on it.
For what it's worth, this link describes it somewhat.
And in German:
Bild has about the same "quality" as Dailymail though.
Apparently the game was found in my home town. Small world....
99.9% of Nazis weren’t directly personally responsible for gassing Jews, but I get your point you’re making. Like a Nazi mechanic would come home, kiss his wife, rustle his kid’s hair after a long day of fixing cars. Granted that car was apart of the Nazi war machine
Story told to me when I was little was that every time the allies liberated a town they asked about where the Nazis were and every time the town folk thanked them and pointed to the next town further in.
t. woman with 10 inch cock
Short chicken she's got there.
That is, in part, of the English language here. We like to use "Nazi" equivalent to "German in Nazi Germany". Most people there wouldn't necessarily identify as "Nazi". For them "Nazi" referred to active party members or people involved with the system in any active capacity.
But I guess even then your figure would still apply.
Nice example is the archetype of "Nazi Soldier" popular in media. While the real deal would probably rather stayed home, working, studying, being with family or out drinking with his friends.
(Isn't there a famous quote about the rank-and-file of warring armies having more in common with each other than with their on elite?)
40K was supposed to be grimdark satire, not something to want in real life.
Start this thread in /pol/, not on Veeky Forums.
Am I the only one who thinks bait threads would be a lot less fun if this board had user IDs?
Same thing, really. One person who posts as a spooky librul who is stupid and hates x, then he phone posts to attack the strawman and get replies.
no bulli pls
I do not, user. Which is why I enquired about Nazi board games.
I just thought they might have not had the time, and that it was I think, before a bunch of board games became real popular and there started being more and more.
And then you get another mechanic, his job was to fix plumbing at a camp, he just did his plumbing job and nothing special as far as he knew. There was a very long chain of people involved in this all at all levels, it wasn't just Hitler and a couple of his ministers and generals pressing red buttons all day long.
Do you post in /dfg/ by any chance? You seem familiar.
So wrong!